Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hear it in the Wind

Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

She sat there and listened to her with a grin while sitting back in her seat. Taking it in as the woman went off to get cleaned up and changed... coming back in. "Well we will just have to remedy that now won't we.... though I have done much the same I was given the grace of a master who taught a few other lessons." She turned to set the course as well as handle the important things... like getting out fo the atmosphere for them. "Training though is important it looks to have worked for you and you kill so beautifully... it was exciting even. Tell me, the sensation of squeezing them between your hands." She said it and looked at her as the smaller frame but was grinning.

"Was it worth it?" She said it rising up and moving quietly on her feet for a moment but came close enough to look up. Her lips curling up to smile and from appearances she was disarmed but her hands behind her slipped with the cord as it laid on the floor and she could pull her saber to her quickly with the force. "All this power in your frame.. all that rage and enjoyment of the fight.. the thrill of the kill in some ways." She moved around to the side. "All of this muscle, rippling with the strain when you crushed the bando... if I didn't know better I would say you were showing off.... but unlike others I have seen you weren't using it for other reasons it was more raw more pure."

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne had to be honest with herself she hadn't smiled this much in her whole life, or been somewhat adored in this way. She didnt know what she was feeling at the moment.

"I certainly hope so, unlike myself you seem to know how to 'have fun" with a wide grin

"Well yes, and no but I have missed out on certain things." She said with a chuckle.

Adilynne spent her whole life training to have have her physique, she enjoyed being bigger and stronger than her prey so to speak. In some twisted way nothing gave her more enjoyment than squeezing their neck watching them die as they realized she was stronger than them.

"Its a thrill of mine feeling the life of them being squeezed from them, watching the fear in their eyes as they realized I am bigger and stronger than them. Using the force in such a way is exhilarating, my former master taught me to use it for pain and suffering, and to have fun with it."

This was the first time anyone had took any sort of interest in her. And she was enjoying the moment. She had never had anyone complimenting her on her muscle before, she had never really felt nervous before either. As Azlyn looked up at her walking around her complimenting her. As a nervous action she adjusted her pony tail once again and subconsciously flexed her arms. Then with another wide grin

"Mabe I was showing off just a little, getting a little carried away in all the fun. I do enjoy the rage and the power the force give me."

"I do wonder, how some one so fast, and acrobatic can deal so much carnage, it was enjoyable to watch you kill so many." Still keeping the wide grin, she placed her hands on her hips showing off once again.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

"I am a zeltron, fun is ingrained in our bodies and we have the double jointed limbs to prove it." She said it while moving and stopped craning her neck to look up. "And there is much chaos in the slaughter. Hali is about causing it among other things... as one of the few crusaders in the galaxy who has survived I work to maintain as many of their traditions as I can even if there are no more followers coming." She said it and there was a little sadness, the times of revelry and parties was mostly over so she just applied her skills... "Plus by master taught me what she knew after two thousand years of refining her killing methods... helps a lot."

Crystal had shown her plenty of skills but not all and then retreated to her temple to be sealed an await the time the crusade would come back... servants of gods and all that. "There is also the fun that comes when you slice through another or crush someones head between your legs." She moved but allowed her pheromones to flood the area.. soothing... relaxing and extended her neck to let them out more. "It can be a thrilling experience to take the lives of others... more fun when indulging in such things leads to benefits like new acquaintances or copious amounts of credits... makes it much better always."

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne felt her sadness, Although she never knew her god, she hoped she did. Perhaps she would follow him some day. She was sad there wasn't going to be any parties. Or any crusades so she could flex her muscles in front of her god and prove her strength and power. She was curious about her masters killing techniques.

"I may have to try that one day,..I havent really thought about squeezing some ones head between my legs. I could imagine it would be thrilling squashing it like a melon." She gave a wide smirk at the thought.

Her master disappeared without a trace once she became a knight. He had taught her how to use her strength crushing her opponents with the use of the force. Also to dominate their minds and make them bend to her wishes.

"Before my master disappeared he taught me to channel my strength and power to crush my enemies. Also how to dominate there minds to bend to my wishes."

She felt her pheromones, and she couldn't help, but tense her muscles giving the effect of flexing.

"How would your god, feel about me becoming a follower, I would love crush crush my enemies in his name." Still smirking
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

That made her eyebrow raise up for a moment. "Serve Hali?" The tug at her lips wasn't something she needed to hide with that.. no this was wonderful in many ways when she thought about it. "You could, there is no ritual, no plan, no doctrine... just do what feels good." And more... oh so much more as it could be hard to pull back from that feeling of enjoyment if you were not careful. "Hali is about fun, chaos and indulgences... doing what you want and making a party of it." A blood soaked party after all. She smiled leaning back a little and finding a place she could sit and raise herself up... "But new followers are always welcome my sweet Adilynne."

The zeltron remained there with a look for a moment. "I'll have to find something to celebrate this occasion... a party is in order perhaps... on Spira we might find something far more interesting to do." She said it and finding something to do well... "Plus getting to see all those muscles in a swimsuit should be wonderful. You can carry me on one shoulder most likely." Her laugh was there briefly before hopping down and going back over. "Or is there something fun you would like to try? Something that you want to indulge aside from just murderous intention... imagine what gets you excited... maybe food or men... women... wookiees?"

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne was usually an introvert, and kept to herself. But being around her made herself feel the need to let loose and have fun...indulgence.

Another thing she wasn't one to act on Impulse. Almost like a switch turned off, and decided it was time to just let loose and see what happens.

"Well my dear, that can be arranged." With a grin she couldn't resist. Adilynne flexed her arm. Smiling as she looked at her arm and back at her."Quite easily I would imagine. You could sit right here" As she gave a chuckle. Judging by her height she she knew she lifted weights as heavy as Azlyn if not more. She could easily carry her around with her sitting on her arm.

It has been a long time since she had worn a bathing suit, or tried one one on."I guess I'm going to need a bathing suit too"

Azlyn was straight to the point, she didn't desire one over the other being male or female. Difinananlty not a wookie. Actually this was the first time she well had this type of interaction with a women. This was excitement for her. She really wanted a drink of wine that packs a punch. She wanted to get the party started.

With a smile, she left for a few minutes only to return with two long stem glasses, and a bottle of red wine

"A toast to our slaughter, and our fun fulfilled adventures. This is exciting for me, let's have some wine and see where it takes us" taking only a sip, with a smile.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

The flex was impressive and she was debating it only slightly... she wasn't heavy... like most atrisians she was smaller in statue... like most zeltrons she was highly graceful and their metabolism well she could eat more than most and even drink with two livers more than most... and not show anything. Adilynne heading off to find alcohol well worth it while the albino found a place to sit and lounge a little. She could be on one of the counters for trinkets and display... perfect for her when the woman returned with glasses and a bottle well. "Oh well, lets see where it goes then." She laid there and offered a hand for the glass and to pour it.

"Wonderful." She stayed there though and looked at the woman.. wondering a few things about it. She had training, she had a master a god from the sounds... it developed a few things... she was not squeamish at least and seemed more interested in the thrill of it then going for the credits since she gave them up so easily. "So tell me." She said it when she had the glass and swirled the wine for a moment. "If it wasn't credits hat brought you to the bando, what was it?" HEr eyes were looking and searching while she felt with her empathy more then the force... harder to almost impossible since she wasn't invading the mind but most looked at zeltrons because they used it to manipulate.

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne sat across from Azlyn, pouring a glass of wine, sitting cross-legged, swirling her glass, raising an eye brow. Credits meant little to her, she didnt come here for the money but a contract. The sith empire wanted the the leader dead, and if she so decided to kill all his followers. They wanted him dead so the sith could search for relics and artifacts Her job was to make sure he didnt survive, it was test to see if she was worthy of being a Knight. Little did they know she found found something more chaotic and fun.

What first seemed like a regular job turned out to be something entirely different.
Instead she met a Zeltron who was just as chaotic as she was. Having fun just mutilating the Bando, she never thought she would meet someone who followed Hali and enjoyed chaos, only to reqtroot her to follow Hali, and for that matter allowed her to indulge on impulse.

Swirling her glass of wine, she shifted crossing her leg over the other. "A contract, I was to kill the Bando leader and thos followers were mine to do with what I pleaded." With a pause and a brief grin. "Instead I found something more enjoyable" pouring another smirking she topped up Azlyn's."If you weren't killing Bando what would you be doing right now for fun"
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

Hmm what would she be doing right now without the job.... she tapped her chin in thought. "Hmmm I would likely be looking for something.... or sleeping. Wonderful thing about roaming around the galaxy is that you don't have a set plan or schedule and much like this ship if I need something I'll take it.... whether the person who has it survives well that is up to them." Sitting there as she drank a little more she shrugged for a moment. "Or best case scenario I would have indulged a few times... there is always someone in the galaxy who will agree to anything for a chance at." She left the end clear looking at herself but smirked.

"You though taking it as a mission is interesting enough, a chance to prove yourself... to show your power isn't just on the surface... so intriguing." SHe was looking at her more with some interest. "IT is always fun to find darksiders who are not solely about the killing and trying to preach their ideals of being the strongest. How many times have I heard that line in my demon days? "I'm so rotten, they don't even have a word for it. I'm bad. Baddy bad bad bad. Does it make you horny?" She looked at Adilynne and shrugged. "Or terrified. Whatever." The grin was there though when she sipped and the idea of more sith was always fun but they needed new material.

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Licking her lips as she swirled her glass of wine. "I would believe you would tease them with a choice before squeezing them with your legs...I would be inclined to think that would be more fun dont you think." Giving her a seductive wink.

"Power comes from within, i strive for that power through that power I decided to train, as you can see I became this." With a motion of her hands towards her."I know because I am muscular most look at me as being powerful.I desire to show them my power comes from within. Mind you its exciting to see their fear when they see a muscular women lift them in thin air crushing them."swirling her glass with a seductive wink."horny you ask I'm not terrified if your wondering?"taking a another sip."I do love rotten, I've seen you fight, your rotten just like me." Adilynne was pondering the same question."I loved to dominate their mind, without the choice, Its more fun that way"smirking"If they resist I'll kill them anyway"her fingers traced the hilt of her new vibro whip." Plus I found a new weapon to play with"
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

She laughed at that and nodded. "To the core." Being called rotten was one of those context things and she could joke with it.. she preferred it in many ways. "I do get it though wanting to show that you are more... zeltrons are regarded by the galaxy in many ways... usually not the more kind but that is a mixture of choice and capability. I stopped caring about the opinion but it is always fun to play with their expectations and well choking one out with a leg around their throat is quite fun.. that look they get just before their eyes close... when they realize what you have done." She said it and gave a little shudder though while looking at her.

Her eyes drifted to the whip and she moved off the area she was lounging... almost bonelessly so she could moveto come around close but not to close to look at it. "Oh yes, a new toy to try out... well likely not in combat.. we are doubtful to find targets on spira that are dangerous.. ones who haven't managed to pay their debts sure.. it is more pay for less work... well less fun work but it does make for quick jobs. There is always that chance.. or if you ask nicely." SHe said it with a small wink and held the glass for another pour when she was moving to be around the larger woman and breathe in letting her body relax.

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne leanned in closer, pouring Azlyn more wine. She was right, she cared to much about what other people thought of her. She realized the sooner she let it the better off she would be.

"That would be exciting to see. I mean the one leg wrapped around the throat" Adilynne was tempted to try herself.

"My purpose was to seek power, a life of seclusion. I had all this rage while I massacring them. Only to find enjoyment and having fu while I let my rage bloom. That has never happened before." Sipping her wine.

Ofcourse it would fun to be a dept collector, smirking thinking about her toy.
"We could ask them nicely, I mean the ones who dont pay..or we could play with them" swirling her glass.

But first she wanted to experience Spira, a place where she could be mischievous and indulge.

But this outfit is not going to work." She said with a smile."plus I'm just starting to have fun."
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

That was what she wanted to hear.. oh the chance for fun.. the chance to shop and well she could show a few things of squeezing a head between her legs. "Well we'll have to do that then... the shopping and head squeezing... depending on how you act never know." She smiled moving back up and towards the cockpit to check as they were still going through hyperspace. THey were clean, drinking and traveling. She got a reply to the message she had sent from a contact and told him where to go to meet her for payment. He was scared enough to do as she asked though so it was better for her. SHe could handle that... there was also some messages that would let her sell the haul of things they had.

"Hmm looks like we'll have plenty of spending credits when we get there, there are fences who can take all of the merchandise and equipment... my contact for the bounties will meet me since he doesn't want to lose out and well he knows it is better to come to me then to have me come to him... last time he got really upset that I made him a table full of heads for the bounties of his business rivals." She shrugged from the seat while she was looking at more of it and checked her nails.... "and of course there is the chance that all of my seduction skills are working and you are enthralled with me... maybe.... never know I might have to get you really drunk."

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne took another sip of her wine, licking her lips. Perhaps she fell under her Zeltron spell of seduction. Soaring he grin. Adilynne herself was trying to seduce the petit Zeltron with her feats of strength while killing the Bando. She purposely hoisted one of them in the air while choking him as she choke slammed him to the ground. Perhaps she should have crushed his neck with her leg when she wrapped it around his throat instead of slicing his head off with her light saber.

"It would be more fun, let's say every purchase..instead of paying with credits, we repay our gratitude by....well having there head freshly squeezed. I can't guarantee it won't be squished like a melon."

Perhaps she was enthralled, she never had the opportunity to let loose and indulge, drinking, shopping, and the possibility of head squashing. Everything seemed so surreal.

"And I thought I was seducing you with some wine, during the fight, when I saw you watching, I may have showed off a little...a flex here and there."standing behind her as she sat in the cock pit."mabe just a little." As she smiled as she commented on her being enthralled to her. Of course the Zetron knew she was.
"If they dont pay, we both know the outcome of that." She gave a chuckle. She leaned in close enough to whisper in her ear. "I dont need to get get drunk, but it would be more fun" she smiled. As she sat in the pilot's chair next to her.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

Oh so mutual then.... she moved from the seat and went over to look at her. The head looking up while she brought her hands out and place the glass on a small counter. Watching with her eyes where she could check it out. Fingers flexing and slowly squeezing some of the muscle. "Oh and what a flex it was... so much muscle... so much power and drive... well worth it and I noticed a few things but smirked as she moved closer and looked up fully. Then climbed... gently enough but to look in the face while she moved her head around. "Such beautiful eyes you have and look you can support me much better then we could think."

She said it while remaining there with a look deeper. "So close... you have all the physical power here my sweet girl... you could easily toss me aside if you want.... or you could do anything you want. I will not deny there is a certain enjoyment to be had in playing with others.... but I wouldn't presume to force it... I would prefer it sure..... but I am not sith like the empire... I do not need to manipulate you into doing things to advance my posiiton... I care little for such organizations... but if it can help you advance, gain the power needed... why not take a little something for your fun to clear your mind."

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne was drawn to her, she followed her her gaze as she complimented her eyes. Mesmerized by her she would be the first one who would be attracted to her. She didn't resist her advances but encouraged it. She made sure she flexed as Azlyn squeezed her arm. Seductively licking her lips as she felt her muscles. She could have tossed her aside instead she continued to flex her arms as she Azlyn seductively spoke to her. Adilynne embraced her, pulling her close, she did in fact support her, she was so petit. Picking her up was easy. Making her sit on the table behind her. Continuing to whisper in her ear, placing her hands on Azyn's hips, drawing her close to her.

"Let's not talk about organizations.I'm more mesmerized by the look in your eyes" running her fingers through Azlyn's hair, she gave her arm another flex."I couldn't resist the indulgement. I could easily toss you aside, but that would be the end to our fun. Wouldn't it?.what did you have in mind for fun?
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

Hmmm she was moved and sitting there so close she looked at the womans eyes with a grin remaining on her face. She brought her arms around and looked at the flexing muscles as she dipped her head. "Hmmm I might be able to think of a thing or three." She nuzzled a little to kiss along the muscle and use the pads of her thumb to trace the definition. She didn't mind being carried around as she stayed there tracing with her small movements to go to the curve of the neck while interlacing her fingers with the one hand. She could feel heat and the hardness of the muscle with a grin appearing on her face going for the crook of the neck and tilting to go up under the chin. "We can do a whole lot of things, we have some time or we can wait... let the anticipation simmer and boil as we shop and relax and when the time comes... well I caan show you where more power is."

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Just having her close was intoxicating, she found her very sexy and attractive. By her touch alone gave her shivers using her thumb tracing her muscles. She was the first Adelynne allowed to get this close, or even touch her. Lifting her chin to look at her. Caressing the swell of her back, pulling Ayzlin towards her pressing her body against her. A wisp of hair fell down above her brow, with a grin she gently twirled aside, kissing her neck. Interlocking her hands in Azlyn's. Alowing her to rest test her arms on her shoulders, while she began caressing the side of her thigh placing them them around her waist. The coms begain to beep, and she heard the proximity sensor relay the were very close to their destination.

Licking her lips as now all they had was anticipation.

"Well my dear, I suppose we will have to continue this later.." she was already simmering in the heat of the moment."I definently need something sexy to wear, the beach, dinner and wine. And then you can show this power I have been missing out on" smiling as Azlyn teased her with showing her more po
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

THe sensor alert... was evil more so than they were... like puppy kicking evil as she unwound herself from the woman and nodded her head in anticipation and understanding. There was a whole lot to it though as she blew out a long breath and started back towards the pilot seat slipping into it and looking at the computer. "Next time computer... I'll cut you." She said it and pulled her cord bringing the saber to her hand while she looked at the screen and set the course to one fo the public ports. Where she could set the ship in and meet the contact. She sent another message for him to meet her and was being led into the port.

She set the ship down and moved out of her seat as she waited and her comlink chimed a while later. She looked at it and moved towards the doors of the airlock and opening them as a twi'lek came through with two guards and she clasped her hands behind her back. "This way this way." She moved and led the way as the man was taking it all in. "We have plenty here to fence at least and all fo the heads are here." She opened the cooler and the bags were filled as one of the guards went to go and start checking them. Each one getting a small stack of credit chits on a table when it was confirmed and the other guard was inventorying the equipment that could be taken and traded for.

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Within a matter of minutes the ship landed and their espapde had ended. Which she had hoped would be continued. For the time being all she had was anticipation. Moments later they were escorting a twilek to inspect Azylins winninins. Bando heads, along with armour,weapons and equipment. Appearing as though the price was right, Adilynne circled each o e her fingers never left the hilt of her light saber. The other was waiting for the opportunity to test her new whip. She wasn't about to let Azlyn get the shady end of the deal, making sure she got top dollar.

She was about to speak, but this was Azlins deal, she just portrayed herself in such a matter so they would second guess themselves in a double cross."Take your time e verything is in order" it wasnt a request but a statement.

The deal would be done soon and the both of them could continue with their 'fun' for the day.or they could decide to short change the two of them and that would end badly for the Twilek and her two guards.

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