Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Healers life for me

Coruscant-Jedi Temple

To say he was nervous was quite the understatement of the year. The Padawan knew that this time was coming. He had been preparing for it for the longest time. Just only a few weeks after his sister had left Aiden too, felt his time to leave was coming. His mother was a Jedi,pilot and diplomat for a time. And his father was a well seasoned, veteran Jedi Master. Aiden had a lot to live up too. And to be quite honest, he felt somewhat scared that he wouldn't be able to live up to his family's expectations. His family they were the three people he wanted to make the most proud of him. Aiden had gone off with his sister on missions and such before, this was much different though. He was ready for it, but there was always that lingering doubt, fear perhaps. It wasn't until right before he was about to leave that he finally talked to his father about his concerns.


"I'm not a fighter, not like you father. I'm not a pilot, not like mom. I see my future as a healer, even a diplomat. I'm just concerned that my path is much different than yours and moms. I guess I'm just worried that I won't live up to your expectations."
Aiden slightly shrugged his shoulders as he spoke with his father, trying to get across his point.

Kahne on the hand already knew this, while he was getting old. He was still wise, not too wise. But enough for a father to sense what his son is feeling.

"Aiden, I will be proud of you no matter what. If there is fear or doubt in your heart. To quote a very wise and powerful Jedi. Confronting fear is the destiny of the Jedi. It is your destiny. Your sisters, as it was mine and your mothers." Kahne leaned forward and embraced his son in a hug, before backing up and placing his hands on his shoulders. "You are all I ever need you to be, and that is my son."


As he thought back to this, he couldn't help but smile. He knew things were going to be okay. What he wasn't expecting, was to run into his twin sister here at the Temple as he was soon to figure out. He was always able to tell right away if she was nearby and perhaps it was the nerves that were getting in the way. But as the transport landed in the Temple Hangar and Aiden disembarked. It was evident, his sister was here. And to that he couldn't help but smile this biggest smile ever.

Addison Porte Addison Porte Samara Raine Samara Raine

Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Hangar Bay - Arrivals
Aiden Porte Aiden Porte


Addison had tried to mediate as a good little padawan should, but she was just too excited to see her twin again. It had only been a few weeks since she left Kattada to join up with Revenant Squadron and Aiden stayed behind at the Jedi academy to finish up his studies for the term, then went home to Naboo for a quick visit. But now, he would join her on Coruscant so they both could start their paths together.

Watch out, NJO. The Porte Twins are in the house! That amusing thought busted into her mind, then left just as quickly. It made the young brunette laugh out loud in the turbolift she was riding in with two unknown master Jedi that gave her a quizzical look. Addison was forever thankful the lift reached her destination and the doors opened. A quick cant of her dark head and out the door she went.

Long legs carried the starfighter pilot across the hangar deck like she owned the place to the bay where a transport had just shut down its engines and the boarding ramp was in the process of lowering. Addison could sense her twin's excitement too, though there was a mix of trepidation as well.

"Hey, Petey... Long time no see," Addy smiled brightly, giving the taller young man a big hug, then she ruffled Aiden's dark hair; a shade lighter than hers.

"I thought you were going to get a haircut or are you going for the emo look these days?" she teased while reaching for one of his bags, then turned on her booted heel and started back towards the turbolift dressed in a jumpsuit with her squadron jacket over the top.

"Let's get you settled into your quarters first, 'kay, then we can talk more. So much to tell you, but I want to hear about what Dad said when you told him you wanted to take the Counselor path."

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Jedi Temple
Addison Porte Addison Porte

He wasn't sure, but at the sight of his twin all doubts and even nervousness just eased away into nothing. The feeling that when you are with a friend or loved one that you both could take on the world and nobody could stop you. They weren't all powerful, but that's the way it felt. It empowered him to be better and to do better. Not just for himself but for his family so that nothing and no one could hurt them. Aiden was indeed kind and warm, perhaps shy at times. But his love was strong for those important to him. And when he left Naboo, what his father told him just amplified his strength ten fold. There was much to be done in his life, it was just getting started.

Aiden laughed and wrapped his arms around his sister and twirled her around. "Hush yourself jerkface." He giggled slightly as he pulled his sister in for another big hug. "It's so good to see you." He ran his hand through his hair and laughed before speaking again. "Yea well I'm thinking about letting it grow out. See if I can match your length."

She reached for one of his bags. "Thanks sis!" Aiden spoke as he slung the strap to the other bag over his shoulder. And he followed along right beside her as the Porte Twins marched through the hangar.

She spoke of their father, Aiden nodded approvingly. "It was really good. I think I half expected him to be upset, which he wasn't. He was very understanding. I'm just not a fighter like he is you know. You and dad always had that about you guys. Granted when push comes to shove I can hold my own, but I'm just not like dad. I hoped he wouldn't be upset or disappointed. And I was happy to hear that he wasn't. He was proud of who we were becoming. Of who I was becoming. It was a great thing to hear from him."

Aiden gave her a small nudge with his shoulder. "What about you, how has your time been here?" The padawan asked curiously, eager to know and learn everything that he could.

Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Padawan Dorm
Aiden Porte Aiden Porte


Her twin brother's smile and laughter were infectious and the big twirling bear hug, well it all lifted Addison's spirits. But the jerkface comment... She just answered by sticking her tongue out at him.

"I told you, Ad... Dad would understand. He's a sage after all. I'm sure Mom is just as proud of your decision as well. I mean both of us in the cockpit would probably turn her chestnut locks gray faster and you know how that upsets her," she smirked. "But you know I'm pretty proud of you too so there," she added with a sisterly punch to his upper arm as they stepped onto the turbolift.

It was one thing for their father to have pepper-pot colored hair because it made the Jedi Master 'thexy' in their mother's words, meaning thoughtful and sexy at the same time. Eww...Just eww. The thought of the elder Portes... Well, they were still very much in love with one another and they showed it every day. It did make Addison wonder though if ever she would feel the same way about another... Time would only tell. She was just getting started on her life goals. No need to rush such things of the heart when there were more important achievements to master, right?

Addison pushed the button for the padawan dorm level, then leaned back onto the railing that went around the inside of the lift. "It's a balance alright, trying to be a Jedi and a pilot with an elite Alliance squadron at the same time. I feel a bit torn in two sometimes, but it's all good. I've met a couple of really nice padawans here, Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo , now she has the coolest samurai sword for her Jedi weapon, and then there's Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn . She's from Naboo and as sweet as they come. I'll introduce you sometime. They're both very pretty... " the young brunette flashed a lopsided grin Aiden's way just as the ding of the lift arriving at their designation left that thought hanging in the air between the twin siblings.

Long legs carried the chestnut beauty out the door and to the right. "Your dorm room is just down the hall. It's the usual double accommodations I'm afraid for our rank but new... The temple actually just reopened after extensive remodeling. I attended the celebration gala with my squadron looking all official in my dress blues. It was quite the shindig. There was even a love-triangle spat between some Jedi that led to fists flying but at least it was entertaining. Otherwise, I would have been bored to death, especially without my bestie around," she smiled warmly up at her twin as they walked side by side towards his room.

"It's just not the same without my other half, but I suppose that is something as we take the journey on our separate paths we'll have to get used to, hmm?"

The reality was that this would probably be the case more often than not as the two Portes made their place in the galaxy for themselves. Addison sighed internally, then let that fleeting emotion flow away into the Force.

There is no emotion, there is only peace.

"Well, here it is, bro... Home sweet home. My room is just three doors down the hall. Oh, and don't forget it's Dad's big 50rh today and their expecting a call from us around noon their time. Mom was planning some sort of special night out... I think it is a romantic dinner cruise on Lake Varykino."

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Jedi Temple
Padawan Home
Addison Porte Addison Porte

To hear his sister say she was proud of him just as well it brought such joy and filled his heart with a silent radiant energy. While he majority of the time knew how his sister was feeling it was nice for the words to be vocalized. And just like her, he too was incredibly proud of who she was becoming. Just flying with Revenant Squadron was a huge honor. It was perfect for her and her continued journey.

"Ouch." Aiden said as he rubbed his arm in jest. "You are getting pretty strong." He teased his sister as they took the turbolift. Aiden found his eyes wandering as every since he got there. Definitely the new environment to be around had him in awe of sorts. Taking in everything since he first touched down. To actually see the architectural landscape of the Temple thus far was truly amazing and even intimidating. Maybe he was just overexcited but, who could blame him. He finally stood at the pillar of Jedi strength. For thousands of years Jedi trained here and he knew it had gone through its fare share of exchanges due to the many wars between good and evil.

She spoke of those whom she had met already and Aiden was quite excited. It would be good to make some new friends, although he just chuckled and shook his head when she mentioned they were both really pretty. And that grin she flashed him. As nice as it would be, he honestly didn't have time to be thinking about girls and dating and all that jazz right now. If he wanted to excel, he would need to focus, the rest would come later and in time. Should fate and the force grant him such a emotion.

"Drama, already?!" Aiden said with a laugh as she mentioned the fight at the celebration gala. "I'm sure it was a complete misunderstanding." Aiden walked into his dorm room and set his bag down on the bed. His hands rested on his bag for a moment as he closed his eyes and took a deep relaxing breath.

"I'm always with you Addison." Aiden said as he turned around to face her. "When we are apart I feel like a piece of myself is missing. But I know you are okay and stuff."

"Romantic dinner....."
Aiden couldn't help but chuckle, those two. "Two peas in a pod our parents' are, ain't they?" Aiden glanced over to his sister, this was the way though. In the long run, they both knew they would always be able to count on each other.

Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Padawan Dorm
Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Samara Raine Samara Raine


Aiden always knew exactly what to say. She wasn't the best with words as actions were more her forte. Their opposite qualities made them a more perfect circle.

Addison looked up at her brother, his eyes like their fathers, and nodded in understanding. "I know. Just saying is all, Aid. I feel the very same way about you, " she smiled tenderly, then smirked flicking his chest with her finger. " ... but don't let that go to your head, Mister Wiseman.

The younger Porte twin turned her attention to the bag she'd carried, then paused for a moment and giggled.

"Oh, you so totally hit the nail there. Mom and Dad are definitely two peas in a pod. To be honest, I think they are rather enjoying their empty nesting, maybe a little too much... Eww," Addy made a face at that thought, and began to take his stuff out of the bag.

"Whoa... Didn't anyone ever show you how to pack properly? Your clothes are all wrinkled. Definitely wouldn't pass an expectation by the master sergeant at boot camp. And what pray tell are these?" she asked incredulously as it was plain to see the packets with a single-use protective item inside were for something neither were supposed to be doing, yet.

A sienna brown eyebrow quirked upwards just like her mother's with questioning eyes.
"I thought you didn't have a girlfriend, hmm?"


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Jedi Temple
Padawan Home
Addison Porte Addison Porte Samara Raine Samara Raine

Truth be told, Aiden wasn't the greatest at packing. And it showed clearly as his twin pointed out. He opened the other bag and it was just the same, minus the item she found in his bag. Aiden had a small whimsical look on his face when she pointed out the protective items. He honestly had no idea how those made it in his bag.

Aiden chuckled slightly at the sight of the item and he reached for them. "I have no idea how these got in my bag." Aiden couldn't help but laugh as he tossed them to the side. "Maybe, Dad placed them there as a joke maybe. Meh...." He laughed, while they were both eighteen years old and fairly mature for that talk. And they would both be out in the world doing their own adventures. However for Aiden, that was something else....

"That's actually the last thing on my mind. I don't see myself having those sorts of relations any time soon" Aiden chuckled as he started to put his things away on his side of the room.

"Too much going on, and I just don't want it to complicate things. You know?" Aiden placed one of his bags in the closet as he chuckled. "Those can probably go in the trash. Unless you and your boyfriend need one?" The padawan jested and a laugh followed.

Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Padawan Dorm
Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Samara Raine Samara Raine


"Uh huh, Dad, right?! That's a good one," Addy scoffed with a big playful roll of her hazel brown eyes, then she grabbed a couple of hangars from the closet and hung up one of his traditional Jedi robe sets, which was hardly worn these days as jumpsuits were all the rage. Hopefully, with time those wrinkles would release. One could hope anyways, or he'd be looking pretty lame.

"I know, Aid... I feel the same. I'm already burning the candle at both ends being a Jedi and a pilot," the brunette sighed, then pulled off her boots and sat down on his bed, scooting back and pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms loosely around them.

"Pfft, I gotta get a life first so I won't need those either... Want to hear a funny story though? Well, from a certain point of view," the Jedi pilot clarified.

"You know my squadron was at Ilum, right? We were assigned to fly CAS for the ground troops... To make a long story short, my snowspeeder got hit with some crossfire and I almost splat myself on a glacier face. I know, I know... not funny, but the story does get better, I promise," she implored not to worry, then continued on.

"I was able to maneuver the controls enough with the help of the Force and crashed instead into a big snow drift on the icy tundra. I got a little banged up but nothing serious. I started to make my trek back towards our front lines when my wingman came by and picked me up... Now, this is the funny part," she grinned widely. The thought of the whole situation almost made her laugh out loud delightfully.

"The javelins you see are a one-seat cockpit so I had to sit on his lap while he flew and it was quite cozy. Let's just say I wasn't cold anymore," Addy made a fanning gesture.

"Well anyhoo, after we landed back in the hangar bay of the temple there, we popped the canopy and untangled ourselves from each other. The look on everyone's face standing there was priceless... So no boyfriend, but it is a target-rich environment I will concede," the younger Porte twin by only a mere few minutes ended with a wink.

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Jedi Temple
Padawan Home
Addison Porte Addison Porte Samara Raine Samara Raine

"So then you totally get what I'm saying." Aiden said with a small as he watched his sister sit on the bed. He tossed the items of a delicate nature in the trash bin. He joined his sister in sitting on the bed, Indian style. "We need to make a small promise to each other that we can still do stuff like this, even with everything we have going." Aiden wasn't trying to get too serious right now but he just wanted it to be said. Family was incredibly important to him as he sure it was to his twin. She was his closest friend, and aside from his parents she was his greatest ally.

Aiden listen to her funny story, and his reaction was a mixture of slight worry and then eventually laughter towards the end of it. While anytime his sister was in trouble or came to harm it always bothered him and he didn't like it. He was just glad to hear that she was okay, but the face that she had to sit on some boys lap for a duration of time was funny.

Especially considering the grief she was giving him about the mystery of the delicate misplaced items in his bag. "Well first off Sis, I'm extremely glad you are okay! On another part that must have been pretty exhilarating and just adrenaline pumping to go through all that."

"And, I'm calling Dad....."
Aiden added in jest as he playfully reached for his datapad like he was going get in touch with him.

Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Padawan Dorm
Aiden Porte Aiden Porte


Addison so missed this. Just the two of them, sitting together and talking like they were. It would be something in short order moving forward as life was starting to spin faster and faster for each would be Jedi Knight.

The twin siblings used to do it all the time when they were younger. Never separated they were... until Kattada, then the two started to seek out their individual interesting more. Her's was flying. His was... well everything else. He was always thirsting for more knowledge. All she wanted to do was get the highest score in the SIM and excel in her lightsaber skills.

It was a scary thought, not having him by her side all the time now or each other's back at a beck & call, but she did know Aiden would always be her other half and with her through their strong Force bond developed in the womb of their mother.

The brunette nodded, then stuck her baby finger out to Aiden with her left hand. "I pinky swear," then she crossed her heart with the other hand. "You and I forever as one, hmm?"

Then when Aiden commented on her most recent experience, Addy waved it off. "I admit it got a bit gnarly there for a moment, but in the end, it was pretty kickass, oh yeah," she answered with a knowing wink.

"Nooo!" the young Porte woman threatened with a mischievous glare swatting playfully at the datapad in his hand. "I wouldn't if I were you, brother dearest. I still have blackmail on you regarding that little incident on Kattada... so there," she added sticking out her tongue, then giggled hard.

"Erm... Now how do you become a healer? I mean, I think it's great that's what you want to do I just don't have a clue as to what it takes. Should you ever want to become a starfighter pilot for reals like me, I definitely know how to work the system."


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Jedi Temple
Padawan Home
Addison Porte Addison Porte Samara Raine Samara Raine

"Always, sis." Aiden held out his pinky and in turn crossed his heart with his other hand. Aide knew they would always be together not matter what, their separate journeys would obviously take them from each other. But she would always be in his heart, there was nothing that was going to change that.

He laughed and the datapad fell from his hands to the bed. "Yea, I suppose we both have dirt on each other don't we. Let's just agree not to piss each other off." Aiden chuckled again and shook his head as he leaned back against the headboard. "Just promise me you will be careful. You know as dad always says he's not all powerful. We aren't either"

But what's life without a few broken bones,cuts and bruises. And at that though couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure. It just came to me, it turns out that its something I enjoy. I just...chose to do it."
It was strange, it seemed to be just natural, just like breathing was natural. "You could be a healer if you wanted, but that's not you though. Your passion is for flying, just like mom's is."

"I know that a fight is unavoidable, but if I can mend and heal some people first. Didn't seem like a bad tradeoff."
Aiden showed his twin a small smile.

"I'd take you up on those flying lessons sometime. Maybe...." He giggled slightly and sighed happily.

Was there anything greater in the world right now....

Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Padawan Dorm
Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Samara Raine Samara Raine

"Always brother, you be careful too," Addison replied with a nod, then she became thoughtful for a moment, musing over their father's pearl of wisdom.

The Jedi Master always had something to share in that department. Sometimes though the younger Porte twin was too stubborn to listen until later when it dawned on her he was totally right. Usually when it was too late though!

Addy sighed, then took out a zipped bag of gold fish crackers from a pocket in her flight jacket and opened it up, offering some to mister healer.

"Pfft, right. Me A healer?! Aint going to happen. I can't concentrate that long to get the Force to obey in that way. Short bursts yes. I think I tend to be a bit ADD as they say. You're the brain in this pairing. I'm the bronze," the brunette chuckled softly, then added with a more serious tone.

"But, you have an open offer if you ever want to improve your piloting skills... saber as well," she accented with a sisterly knuckle tap to Aiden's arm when there was a knock at the door...

"Are you expecting anyone? Maybe that girlfriend you don't have?" Addison giggled, then dropped a few of those gold fish into her mouth and chewed.

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When it raines, it pours.

Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Padawan Dorm
Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Addison Porte Addison Porte

Samara stepped off the turbolift onto the padawan dorm level and turned right as the room she was looking for was just down the hall. She hadn't been up here yet since her arrival at the temple a few weeks prior, really only sticking to the knight's dorm, mess hall, one of the smaller training rooms, and of course the medical wing. That was where her life was nowadays after what happened on Ilum.

The Jedi doc was now the supervising healer on the night shift relieving the chief healer who had been burning the candle at both ends until the Liann took the locum tenens position. Sam didn't mind the late shift as it meant there were few big wigs to deal with and more or less just handling patient care as that was her preferred job rather than having all the headaches of red tape. She was more a worker bee than a queen bee, or so the honey blonde liked to believe.

Standing in front of Padawan Porte's quarters, Samara paused a moment sensing two familiar Force Signatures not just the one she was expecting. A smile grew upon her tired face... Addison was with her brother, Aiden. It was a pleasant surprise but not unanticipated as the twin siblings had always been together as long as she had known them; Sam was considered extended family as Kahne Porte Kahne Porte and Alexandra Porte Alexandra Porte were both like a father and an older sister respectively to her.

She knocked, then a yawn came and went as Samara waited at the door for someone to answer. The Jedi doc hadn't been to bed yet.
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Jedi Temple
Padawan Home
Addison Porte Addison Porte Samara Raine Samara Raine

"Nah, I"m sure you would be fine. And I will think about it in the future. But for now I"m gonna keep my two feet on the ground."

There was a knock at the door and Aiden turned his head towrds the door curiosly and chuckled.

"Are you expecting anyone? Maybe that girlfriend you don't have?"
"No, I"m not expect-" The smile that was on his face got bigger as he looked towards Addison.

"It's Samara!" Aiden said as he quickly got up off the bed he opened the door. The Padawan wasted no time in going forward and give her a big hug, picking her up off her feet slightly. It had been too long since he had seen her. Addison was here before her so he wasn't sure if she had since she had been here. Aiden didn't want to just go find her in a rush in case she was busy, there paths would've crossed eventually.

"I've missed you so much!" Aiden put her down and he laughed. "Sorry about that." The padawan stated with a grin on his face. "Addison is here too!"

It was clear as day to anyone that could see, was that Aiden was extremely big on his family. He loved them with every fiber in his being. His friends that he was close with as well. He would do anything to make sure they were always okay. That part he inherited from his father was as strong as it could ever be.

Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Padawan Dorm
Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Samara Raine Samara Raine

Addison had faintly picked up on the Jedi doc's aura right as her brother jumped up to open the door. She pushed herself off the bed and stood up to greet the woman who I guess was kinda like an aunt to them.

"Hey, Samara," Addy greeted flashing the honey blonde a sweet smile before giving her a warm embrace, though not as overzealous as Aiden's. Sometimes her twin was almost too enthusiastic but he was naturally just kind and friendly towards all. Addison was more conservative in that regard, though cared just as much about family and those close to them in a private way.

The Jedi pilot looked at her wrist chrono, then flicked her dark gaze at the two. "I hate to cut and run, guys, but I need to get a sim in before 1200 hours so I'll let you two catch up," the brunette nodded, then started to walk towards the still open door stuffing the bag of goldfish crackers back into her jacket pocket.

"It was really good to see you again, Sam... and Aid. I'll be back after I'm done so we can call Mom and Dad. They are expecting us to do so now that you've arrived. Tootles!" she waved, then strolled out into the hallway, and turned left to head back towards the turbolift with a lopsided grin on her face.

When it raines, it pours.

Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Padawan Dorm
Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Addison Porte Addison Porte

Samara was nearly bowled over by Aiden's enthusiastic hug when he answered the door, then Addison offered her a much gentler one to follow after stepping inside the dorm room.

"Welcome to Coruscant, and I have indeed missed you two squirts, though that is just that. You are not little anymore, but all grown up and full padawans now. Where does the time fly, hmm?" the honey blonde beamed at the Porte twins as they stood side by side.

The Jedi doc had last seen them when they were departing from Silver Rest to go train at the Kattada Jedi Academy. And then she too left to go serve with an NGO doing humanitarian medical work in the Scar Worlds. A Jedi's journey took them anywhere and everywhere they were needed or the Force willed them to be. Perhaps this is why she had felt a nudge that it was important to come to the Core.

"Well okay then, have a good simulator practice, Addison," she smiled as the young Jedi pilot announced her need to leave immediately after checking the time. Always in a rush, Addy was to get the air beneath her wings so to speak. Some things never change.

Samara just shook her golden head with a soft yet tired chuckle, then pulled out a chair from under the desk at the end of the bed and sat down.

"I won't keep you too long, Aiden, as I know you've just arrived and all but your mother told me recently you were considering becoming a healer. If you'd like to shadow me in the medical wing to get a feel for the reality of it, I'm very open to that. Though I have to warn you, I'm supervising the night shift currently... Do you have any questions for me regarding that or in general?"

Jedi Temple
Padawan Home

It was good to be hear and even more so be here with people that he knew and loved dearly. Samara had known his father for a long time, and growing up she was always there for comfort and to lend advice when she could.

She was loved more than she knew by the Porte Twins.

Aiden waved at Addison as she said goodbye. "Later Sis, I'll talk to you later." He smiled as he watched her leave and then his focus drifted back to Samara Raine Samara Raine

He listened as she spoke, his knack for laser focusing on an individual when they were talking was always a talent and actually rare gift of his. While others could drift off to sleep at the sound of a one hour lecture from a Senator who was rambling or anything of that nature. Aiden would be wide awake and dead set on hearing every word that was said. He wanted to be precise and did not want to miss anything.

"That sounds perfect to me Samara. I'm ready to start learning." He would push back unpacking and go right now if he could. But Aiden sensed that she was tired, or maybe it was weary. Which led him to believe that she may have worked the previous night.

"It's really good to see you Samara, I've missed you." Aiden said with a smile. "Anytime you need me, I will be there."
When it raines, it pours.

Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Padawan Dorm
Aiden Porte Aiden Porte
Aiden was one special kid. Both Porte twins were, but he was just so conscientious, warm, and friendly. She only hoped that over time working in the field of medicine it didn't kill that part of him. Sam had found that each and every patient she lost, took a piece of her soul with them. But the ones you could save and give them back a meaningful life... well it made all the anguish and guilt felt worth the pain. Course there were the wounded that you just could not, and knowing you gave them comfort until their passing, well that was something as well.

"I can tell that you are very eager to start on your healing path, but remember slow and steady is best. You don't want to rush through your training. Building upon each foundational skill is the key here until you become proficient in each, then mastering it is the goal. But to be honest, there is always more to learn," Samara nodded sagely, then the honey blonde stood up from the chair wearily and scooted it back under the desk; her sea green eyes flicking back to the Padawan, who had a lot of his father in him from the way he spoke to his mannerisms and looks to a degree.

"Well, Aiden... I just got off and really need to get some sleep. How about you meet me in the medical wing for my next shift, which is tonight, hmm? It starts at 2000 hours. Report a half hour before and I'll get you all squared away... Sound good?" she smiled, then turned towards the door, then paused gazing back over her shoulder.

"Oh, and I'd suggest you get used to taking power naps or resting trances. Using the Force to heal takes a lot of energy, not to mention getting your sleep schedule out of wack working nights or extended shifts which happens more often than not in the field... So I'll see you then, 'kay? Say hi to your parents for me."

And with that, the Jedi doc waved farewell and exited the room, hoping upon hope she didn't fall asleep in the turbolift on the way to her own quarters on the Knight floor.

Jedi Temple
Padawan Home

Aiden listened to what Samara was saying with an open mind and completely open heart. He knew this was where his path was taking him currently. He was ready, while he was eager, he knew this was going to be a slow and steady race. He would need to be careful and precise. "I completely understand, Master." Aiden said with a small smile. He knew the decorum of addressing his peers and those above him. Even though he was family, he would keep the tradition and always show her that respect, perhaps even if she were to tell him to just call her Samara.

"Yes, you look incredibly tired." Aiden said with a small smile. "Have good sleep and I will see you later this evening." Aiden said as he waved at her as she left the room. "Sweet dreams!" He called out with a small laugh, he was sure she was so tired she might not even dream. He glanced around the room after she left and he couldn't help but hold a big smile on his face. He was so happy to be here, he had quite the busy day today. He had to get in contact with his family and also take at least an hour or two nap before tonight's training in the Medical wing.

He was also going to take his time and explore the Temple, he knew he couldn't just not do that. He was incredibly excited and he would do his best to not let anyone down.


Jedi Temple
En Route to Medical Wing

Aiden's first day was pretty exciting, he was only able to sleep for about an hour. He was to busy thinking about this evening and he was dressed in his typical Jedi Jumpsuit. It became the standard in his clothing, it allowed for greater movement than the Jedi robes, and well many people were moving away from the robes. Aiden was about thirty minutes early which was good, he would be arriving there around that time as often as he could. Punctuality was something that was a good suit with him.

Samara Raine Samara Raine
When it raines, it pours.

Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Medical Wing

Aiden Porte Aiden Porte
Samara rummaged around her belongings until she found a small black velvet bag with its string tied. The honey blonde peaked inside, then retied it and slipped the bag into her pocket before leaving the knight dorm for the medical wing.

The Jedi doc had changed out of her jumpsuit worn there upon arrival into a pair of scrubs and a white lab jacket worn over the top with a purple stethoscope wrapped around her neck; her golden hair pulled back into a ponytail to keep out of the way.

The Liann poured herself a black caf, then headed out of the doctor's lounge to the main desk area where the patient charts were located for those hospitalized, which they were just observations and most likely would be discharged by the chief healer in the morning.

Finally the last of the many wounded from the Battle of Ilum were well enough to return to light duty if not full depending on the severity of their case. Which made the two poor souls still there great for a beginning healer to practice on like getting vitals and assessments down as well as the use of medical equipment and other tools of their trade.

And with those thoughts, the young Porte walked through the doors right on time...

"Hey, Aiden!" Sam greeted with a refreshed smile, then stood from a chair behind the desk where she had been looking at a datapad and put the caf mug in hand down next to it.

"I'm so glad you're here. Hope you're ready to jump in though. If you want, there are scrubs available for you to wear in the lounge or you can stick to what you are wearing. It tends to get messy at times so be forewarned," she chuckled softly only knowing too well, then motioned for the young Porte to come around the edge of the counter. "But first of all, I want to give you something... "

Samara pulled out the black velvet bag from her jacket pocket and handed it to the Padawan. "This was my first healing crystal... I want you to have it. Like it is said generally of Jedi and their lightsabers, this is a Healer's life. Don't lose it, hmm?"

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