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He Did the Mash! [TSE Doctors, others welcome]

Irajah Ven

Doctor Doctor, Gimme the News

If someone could see beneath the plague doctor mask that Dr. Vain Jar'He wore as a constant, they would see a pair of rolling hazel eyes. Rolling, in this case, because once again the naming conventions of the Empire had failed them. Who had thought 'SIRD' was a good choice? Oh yes, it stood for Sith-Imperial Research and Development, but really.


That's what they were going with?

It was, Vain would admit privately, an impressive facility. Commissioned nearly a year ago, it was only now complete. Vain and Jain had consulted on it, but the facility went beyond merely the biological and medical, and there were entire wings that even they didn't know what filled them. Well, Vain didn't care but that was beside the point.

The facility had been opened up- not to the general public, that would be lunacy. But to researchers, to those with ties to the Legion and Armada, to the Saaraishash ( and to the Assassins as well but not that anyone knew that).

Jain and Vain? Along with several other doctors and scientists had their own access of course. Not merely as visitors but as researchers. Lab space to do their work as well as the funding to pursue it. While the pair of doctors were accustomed to any and all access they needed through the Zambranos, this was different. This was a facility meant to do great things in conjunction with other researchers in the Empire.

Vain had her doubts. She barely tolerated Jain (that she would admit) so the idea of sharing lab space with strangers?


Still. Even her curiosity on the facilities and those who would also have access to work there was piqued.

Really, she couldn't help it.

[member="Dr. Jain Ve'Rah"] [member="Farah"] [member="Doctor Agnusdei"]
It hadn't had a proper laboratory in quite a while. Ages, in fact. Always operating on some backwater world. Always moving perhaps a year or two after settling. Nothing was more annoying, and more of a hindrance to research, than a nomadic lifestyle. It had left the One Sith at their height, not out of necessity, but of desire. Their wants had lain in an entirely different direction than its plans, something that had caused friction with its own, personal studies. They had shown interest at first and, admittedly, throughout its tenure within their halls, but interest quickly turned to demand and frequent demand was... irritating, at best, to the figure that stood there now.

It was tall and thin, wrapped in midnight black with a broad-brimmed hat to match. Gloves the color of ink covered its hands and a darkened cane of seemingly ivory rested within them. Where a face should be, a beaked mask of bleached bone rested, its lenses mirrored and reflecting the light. The figure looked less like a person and more akin to a carrion-bird in humanoid form. It slowly gazed at the tools and machines around the room and nodded slightly, ever so slightly to itself.

"... Yes... Yes, this shall do nicely..." it muttered, the tone crisp and clipped.

No one had offered a position to be taken. No one had recruited the carrion-figure. It had simply appeared. Rumors and hearsay had drawn its attention and the Sith's need had brought an invitation that it had simply asked for. Once again, there could be a chance to further research and experimentation. Perhaps even finish old plans left in dust decades ago...

[member="Dr. Vain Jar'He"]
SIRD? Sword? Was that it? Something like that. The big research place on Bastion, the one where she’d attended lectures and eventually began the more hands-on lab work. As a newly minted clone, Farah had dived head first into the sciences. Her social skills began to fill out later, much to the chagrin of her coworkers on Coruscant.

Coruscant, though, that was another story. The city planet was her escape from the unnerving Sith facilities, a life she carved out for herself as a civilian doctor. It was a cover for her more sinister operations as much as it was something she genuinely enjoyed.

Hands busy with datapads and half of a chocolate chip muffin shoved into her mouth, Farah elbowed the button outside of the lab and waited for the door to slide open before slipping inside the work space. Electronic devices were stacked on the nearest counter so that she could quickly gobble the rest of the pastry before she could be chided over sterility measures. At least this was a dry work space, whereas the parts of the lab that truly needed to be kept free of muffin crumbs were sealed off from the main room.

She glanced around at the equipment, the high tech looking machinery and illuminated screens. “Nice.”

“Nice to see you again, Dr. Vain.” Was it? Not really, and Farah’s tone told no lies. Vain was a good scientist and that was about all Farah could say for the woman. Still, the Zeltron did not give compliments easily. The other figure though, that was certainly not Dr. Jain at second glance—a different being, taller and willowy.

“Guess I didn’t get the creepy plague doctor mask memo.” She shrugged while meandering her way over to the sink to was her hands. “I’m Farah. Nice to meet you.”

Was it?

[member="Doctor Agnusdei"] [member="Dr. Vain Jar'He"] [member="Dr. Jain Ve'Rah"]
[member="Dr. Vain Jar'He"] | [member="Farah"] | [member="Doctor Agnusdei"]

Once more the figure of Doctor Jain revealed itself as she rose up from under the table.

Almost as if it was a favorite move of hers.

Perhaps it was.

"Ah, Farah, my dear. I am glad you could make it!" A glance over towards Agnusdei... now that one was a tough nut to crack, but then again Jain had cracked tougher nuts in the past and didn't believe it would take much longer. "Have you met the good Doctor Agnusdei yet? They have positively interesting research." Jain cooed further as she put the little scalpel on the metal plate.

Jain leaned in to Vain, the tip of her beak almost brushing textile and more.

"I believe Farah has done something with her hair, no?"
The creature nodded once to itself in satisfaction and gave a quiet command over the commlink mounted within the mask it wore. Almost immediately, a pair of Twi'leks entered the laboratory, each carrying items in their arms.

"Arruna, place the samples within the refrigeration unit," it ordered calmly as they passed. The mirrored lenses turned slightly to catch the other woman, Siena's, attention. "Once you've placed that parcel of extraction tools into storage, place a build order for the rear of the building. I require a pen, of sorts. Enclosed. It must be very strong for the specimens within to be contained. Once done, continue with your normal duties."

The figure didn't wait for a response, nor did it care to receive one. Instead, it turned and approached the trio of individuals also occupying the facility. Two appeared similar in garb to itself, the beaked masks and clothing akin to its own. The third was clearly a Zeltron, though her tone as she introduced herself left much to be... desired, for lack of a better term.

"Doctor Etorre Agnusdei," it stated simply to the trio. The Zeltron's presence implied she was a scientist in her own right, much like the presence of the other two in masks. Their caliber alongside itself, however, was yet to be seen. "I've taken the liberty of... adding to the facility. My experiments require a rather precise set of parameters to complete."

[member="Dr. Jain Ve'Rah"] @Farah [member="Dr. Vain Jar'He"]

Irajah Ven

Doctor Doctor, Gimme the News
"It's a ridiculous trend," came the muttered response as Vain peered over a console to inspect it. Despite that comment, the doctor did not remove the mask.

While Vain had created Farah (amoung others, including her own counterpart, the cheerful and friendly Jain), there was no 'affection' there. She tolerated the other woman. Which to be fair was as close to affection as one could get. Really it was high praise when Vain scooched over half a step to give Farah a better view of what she was looking at.

"Farah has hair?"

It was delivered with such deadpan tone, even through the vocoder distortion, that it wasn't at all clear if Vain was joking or not.

As it happened, she was. But it was such a rare thing that it would be understandable if one missed it.

Beneath the mask, Vain's eyes narrowed slightly at the figure she much considered an interloper here. To be fair, Vain considered almost everyone to be an interloper. Logically, she knew that these facilities were not hers. But not unlike a cat that was prone to pissing on things to claim them, right or no, Vain was debating the spiritual equivalent of such an act.

"You. Who are you? Not your name," a gloved hand waved as if it didn't matter at all. Mostly because to Vain it did not. "Where did you come from. WHO gave you permission?"

Really, Vain was just being grumpy and territorial. She wasn't privy to everyone with access to this facility. She just thought she should. It wasn't personal.

[member="Doctor Agnusdei"] [member="Farah"] [member="Dr. Jain Ve'Rah"]
Right when Farah was wondering where Vain’s twin was, Jain rose up from beneath the workbench.

Farah blinked, startled for a moment by the sudden appearance of the third plague doctor mask when really, by now she shouldn’t be.

“I haven’t, no.” She eyed the new face (uh, mask) for a few moments, not shy about hiding her wariness. “And I haven’t, no.” She raised her voice a bit to interject in the conversation between Jain and Vain. “It’s the same as always.” At least she figured it was. Now that made her wonder if she’d done anything different recently. Had she? No, of course not. Aside from that one hair appointment, but that was just a trim.

By now she probably should have cut or dyed it, something to separate her from the original. But much like her template, Farah liked her hair.

She gave Vain a look, a pair of raised eyebrows with a mix of concern and vague amusement because she wasn’t exactly sure what the other woman was getting at in regards to her hair. Was it a joke? No, Vain didn’t joke. Vain didn’t have a sense of humor. But…she knew that Farah had hair. She’d overseen her cloning process and…yeah that was enough.

Shifting closer to their workspace, she tilted her head to get a better view of Vain’s project. Wasn’t particularly hard to see over the twins given how petite they were. A chime on her datapad pulled her attention away from the experimental setup and over to the device. Removing it from her lab coat pocket, she silenced the alert and unlocked the device to reveal a series patient charts. “Consults.” She mumbled, swiping through patient info and potential HIPAA violations. “Never end.”

Right now she was content to see how this Doctor Agnusdei and Vain handled eachother.

[member="Dr. Vain Jar'He"] [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] [member="Dr. Jain Ve'Rah"]

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