Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Haven't Been Active in Years; Looking to be

It is good to see the site is still around. Several of the other sites I had joined in the time I was on here, all somehow managed to collapse.

If anyone is looking for an RP partner, let me know. I tend to be able to work something in, in most set ups.

- Chaos' Residential Purple Centaur XD
Well, honestly I am trying to just get back to writing, so literally anything my partners are seeking. I have been trying to write a book when I have the time recently, but keep suffering from consistent writers block. I am figuring doing some avid writing will set that straight like it used to be back when, when I was known to write thousand word posts frequently. So, I reverse the question, anything I can help you with?

[member="Ignis Imura"]
Imura, seems like I juuuuust might have some memory of you as well. Thanks for the welcome!
[member="Ignis Imura"]
I know I was joking my man. Cool to see that youre still around! If you ever wanna play lemme know!

If Darren is still around, maybe he and Zaiden can meet up again. Been years IC. Last they met he was battling him and Ashin lol

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Whoa!... :eek: ...back it up a few posts there. All I read were a thousand word post, and then everything else was chatter.
Ok, I do admit to chattering a lot myself. Guilty on that, this account rather...
But hey, welcome back writer. :D

:laugh: Just j/k about the chatter.
Everyone here is awesome. :)

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