Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Have Work, Need Contractors


I'm Sexy and I Know It
As the title states, I have some jobs, but I need contractors to hire out to have them completed.

Basic requirements for hiring are as follows:

  • Combat or combat support skills
  • Must provide own equipment
  • Must be experienced
  • Must be discreet
  • Must have personal transport or able to acquire transport easily and discreetly.

Also, these jobs may or may not be Legal, so if you have a preference, let me know when you sign up.

Lastly, I'd prefer groups of 2+ people so that things keep rolling and don't stall out and so it's not just one dude in the thread. This means I'd prefer groups to sign up as a group rather than individuals, but if I get enough individuals looking for the same work (legal or not legal, I mean) then I'll group folks up.

Payment is either credits or material goods (You'll get a choice within reason. Not paying someone a cruiser for stealing a speeder or something like that.) plus you can keep anything you happen to come into possession of in any job short of anything that's supposed to be returned.

Right now, I have two jobs, one legal, one not so legal.

Any takers?


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Grudge The Grutt"] [member="Boo Chiyo"] [member="Glavo Pahro"] [member="Suravi Teigra"]

The two jobs are as follows...


A pirate group has set up a mobile base over a gas giant in an uncharted system. The system itself is obscure and noted to be of little value, yet the pirates seem to have enough funds to field a formidable, though small, fleet. It is believed that the pirates have found an untapped tibanna gas reservoir or perhaps a prime Corusca gem fishing point, or both.

A direct fleet assault would set the pirates running with their mobile base in tow, therefore a clandestine infiltration is needed. Infiltrate the pirate base, discover the source of their revenue, and disable the mobile base's reactor. Once done, take over the comm center to send the appropriate signal to Tenloss ships waiting nearby tasked with destroying the Pirate fleet and capturing the base.

Mission failure occurs if the base is destroyed or flees with the pirate fleet.

OOC Note: if you need me to post as the NPCs or whatnot, lemme know and I can.


Certain assets are being moved into place for sale on the market. Unfortunately, recent crackdowns and a high alert status means the regular avenues of transportation are out of the picture, meaning subcontracting is now a viable option.

If you have a ship, take a shipment of goods to Yutan while bypassing, eluding, or otherwise avoiding capture by local law enforcement. Lack an appropriate vessel to smuggle with? Congratulations, you're on board one that does, so help the assigned pilot get planet-side in one piece without getting arrested. Once on the ground, keep an eye out for possible threats or law enforcement until the shipment is transferred and gone.

If you get caught, you're on your own.

Mission failure is getting caught, showing up without the cargo, or opening the boxes (that last one is an IC thing. Consider them sealed up and locked tight, but if someone blows something up and poodoo happens, well... poodoo happens. It'd take IC verification to fail anything with this one.)

OOC Note: This is the Republic's territory and their capital planet to boot. You're gonna want to make this an open thread in case they want to hop in and see what's what. Conversely, you can hit up their FO and see if they're okay with a quiet thread or setting up a set number of opponents. Again, if you need me to step in and NPC, just lemme know.

Spying is more my gig. Put me down for the first one.

I'm not opposed to the second either, but there's probably better smugglers in this thread for that job.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Bryanjar Aulfmaor"]
I don't have a cortosis knife, but if you want to take a look at the Tenloss page you can get an idea on what items you'd have a crack at.

As for the mission, I think you're the only one looking at the illegal one. If you've got another person or two you know of who'd be interested, have em sign up. Otherwise, just give it a bit and I'm sure another person or two will sign up so y'all can roll out as a group.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Bryanjar Aulfmaor"]
Also, sorry for the double post (on my phone) but you may wanna read the thread again. The two missions are listed, just not in the original post.


[member="Bryanjar Aulfmaor"]

Alright, let's do this. I assume [member="Popo"] has no objections to me joining.

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