Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hard Times Vol.1

Coruscant the shining jewel. Planet of lights. You know what lights do, dont ya? They cast shadows.

Ragos Terrek sat down at a table in a smoke filled room wearing the finest tux from last season. He of course did not know it was from last season and no one here bothered to tell him, No one here knew him. He was a stranger on a new world sent to forge his own destiny and grow.

A serving droid whirled by carefully and set down his drink. Corellian Whiskey aged ten years served over ice. It was maybe the most expensive drink he’d ever bought. Hell it may have been the most expensive thing he ever bought. But this was it, this was the life now, fitted suits and expensive liquor. He weren’t no hit boy no more. He was bout to be king.

He sipped his drink and lit a cigar. He took a long drag and added his smoke to the rest. The room was…tiny. No, it was something bigger than that, if not in size than in spirit. It was intimate. He knew there were others here besides himself but with the smoke and the dim lighting he could see nothing around him unless it was right in his face. Nothing but a small stage situated near him. On that stage was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. A twi’lek woman with dark red skin and lekku then went down to her backside.

He stared at her gobsmacked. Nearly the same way he had looked at that Jedi on Ossus.

And then she sang

and he saw her in a whole new way. He saw the galaxy in a whole new way. It was unbelievable. He would spend the next couple of hours spending obscene amounts of credits on obscenely small amounts of booze just to watch and listen to her.

Then the night was over and he was far too light on credits as he tried to remember how to walk back to his apartment from here. The air had cooled and he swayed a little in place as he tried to shake off his drinks.

A scream broke through the chill in the night air like a pebble in a still pond.

Ignore it. The voice in his head was right. He had no business getting tangled up in that funny business and still he was walking closer to the scream than away from it. There it was again louder…because he was closer…it was a woman’s voice, it sounded familiar.

Get out of here. He knew he should. One kriffing night on Coruscant and he was going to stick his nose in some chit that was almost certainly going to be way above his pay grade.

The woman’s voice called out again this time he could make out words. She only said one word “help.” other voices said things like “shut up.” and “bi-” well let’s just say it weren’t very nice some of the things that were said.

In an alley Ragos could see four figures. Three were almost certainly men with nasty attitudes and the fourth looked feminine enough but it was hard to say with the sack stuffed over her head.

Leave it be. The very wise voice in his head told him as he continued to do the exact opposite.

“Hey are ya’ll the taxi I called for?” The kriffing idiot Ragos Terrek called out to the very menacing men.

As he got closer he could see that they were all humans. A shaggy haired blonde in a blue jacket was closest to him as he walked down the alley. There was also a redhead and a bald dude who were holding on to the sack headed person.

“Who the kark are you?!” Blondie asked in a very shaky voice.

“I’m the one who called for a taxi. You better not be giving my ride away.” Ragos said moving closer to the men.

“We ain’t no taxi.” Redhead chimed in

“Yo-yo-you nee-need to go. Right now.” Blonde guy stammered as he pulled a blaster pistol and pointed it as Ragos to make sure his point was good and clear.

Ragos Terrek you karking idiot. No lies there.

“Listen friend, I need a lift. Isn't safe out on the streets at night.” Ragos put his hands up making it clear that he didn’t have anything threatening on him but he kept walking toward blond guy all the same.

“Kriffing shoot him.” Bald guy said. Kark bald guy.

“I-I-I’ll do it!” blondie says. He won’t karking do it. If he was gonna do the chit, it would have been done already. Ragos was close to him now, close enough to smell the stink of spice and cheap liquor all over him. No wonder he is shaking. Why the kriff would they give this backside a gun?

“Do it!” redhead yelled.


A right roundhouse kick that moved quicker than a hiccup sent Ragos shin bone colliding into blonde guy’s neck at a violent velocity. He crumpled in a heap, asleep before he hit the ground. The other two hoods dropped their would be victim with a thud, not careful at all where they set her.

“Ow” said a voice he could swear was familiar from under the sack.

They advanced and he met them headlong. Left hook from red. Blocked. Right cross from bald guy. Dodged. Red punches again. Ragos moves and the man hits his own partner in the eye. Bald guy reels back from getting popped by his own friend. Ragos nails him with a push kick to the chest, he trips over the body of his prospective victim and hits his head on the back of the speeder. He doesn’t get up.

Him and red now. Ragos, left jab, right uppercut. No more red.

The driver door to the speeder flys open and before Ragos can even thing he uses The Force to call blondie’s blaster to his hand and opens up two new holes in the drivers chest.

The woman with the bag over her head screams. Again. Ragos walks over and picks her up in his arms. She fights and squirms the whole time until he breaks the zip ties on her hands and pulls the bag from her head.

No kriffing way.

She is twi’lek. The same twi’lek from the club. No wonder her voice sounded familiar.

They locked eyes for a moment and then she jumped into his arms again this time in an embrace,

“Thank you for saving me!” She said

“Ain’t no thing.” He told her trying to be as casual as possible when one was surrounded by broken bodies and corpses.

“Maybe. Maybe you can help me.” She said. “I’ve been to see that detective but you…well look at you!” She made a weird little gesture toward all the karked up guys when she said that last bit.

“Listen…” she began “I’ve hit some hard times.”

Hit music cue

Marcus Carter Marcus Carter
Tags: Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek


Not far from the Jazz Club, lies a an underground Sabacc gambling den hidden from plain sight where only those who are invited knows about it let alone enter. It is situated under a antique store, a perfect cover up from the watchful gazes of those who would bring trouble towards the den. This gambling den has all kind of players coming in and out, from politician, bounty hunter, mafias, and even Jedi. Within the gambling den there are 5 gambling tables, where it is spread out around the room but one table. There is one table place within the center of the den which is considered to be the main game as they called it, where the top gamblers play each other at a high buy in.

Tonight main game has been quite one intense, as only 2 players left, with the two been trying to outplay each other all night long. On one side of the table is a female Mandalorian with a mean look as she has the cards on her left hand and seemed to be annoyed at the man across of her. Across the Mandalorian is a man smiling and laughing as if he's watching a comedy show, Private Detective Marcus Carter. With a bright light hovering their table, gazes from the audience, all around the den, as the two player hold their cards which may sealed the game for tonight.

Usually during a Sabacc game, everyone is quiet and barely had any conversation with each other other than small talk or taunting. But not this game, not with Carter at the table, as always he's been talking non stop even if the other players don't care what he has to say. From telling stories to over the top reaction and even singing his favorite songs, which really annoyed the other players especially the Mandalorian.

"Tell you what girl, since I'm a bit late to meet with a client...." he paused whilst he push all his chip into the pot before continuing to say "Imma go all in so we all can go home" Carter gave a huge smile towards the Mandalorian waiting for her move, to which the Mandalorian grunts and replied "Bad move there loudmouth" as she push all her chips to go all in also. Moments later, they both are about to start to reveal the cards they are holding right now, with the Mandalorian showed hers first, which was 21. "I'm going to enjoy seeing you shut up once I win" the Mandalorian said as she felt confident with her cards, taunting Carter to show his.

"DAMN!" Carter shouted, to which made the Mandalorian smiled as she thought she had just won the game based on his reaction. But Carter then said "I just can't seem to lose!" as he showed his cards, 23, a pure Sabacc, and sealed the whole pot for himself, beating the Mandalorian. Carter immediately stood up from his chair as soon as he placed his cards to celebrate with a dance, happy he won probably the most credits in his entire gambling days. The Mandalorian was in complete disbelief as she place her hands on her head and was cursing in Mando'a.

After the Sabacc game was over and Carter was transferred all his winnings into his account, he went upstairs and exited the Antique store. "I should play again Mandalorian more often, they're not as good at Sabacc as they are in bounty hunting" Carted said with a big smile on his face, standing just outside the store. Carter looked at the time as he knew he was quite late to meet the client he was supposed to meet at the Jazz Club. Carter was supposed to be there during her closing performance but he got invited to play a game of Sabacc 2 hours before they supposed to meet. Initially he wasn't going to join, but he was told the players tonight had was from off world, which mean deep pockets.

Carter started to head towards their rendezvous point which is inside the Jazz Club so they can head to Carter office together. At first Carter suggested he'll wait at his office for her, but she was adamant to meet at the Jazz Club first , to which Carter agreed at the end. Thankfully the Jazz Club isn't far from the Sabacc den, so it doesn't take long to get there. "I hope she doesn't get pissed at me for being late, I've seen Twi'leks get mad and it wasn't a fun experience" he said to himself before adding "I guess I should give her a 5% discount for my services if she does get mad", Carter joked a bit.

As Carter about to arrived, he suddenly heard a few blaster shot directly from the Jazz Club which startled him. "Damn it!" he exclaimed, "That better not be related to the Twi'lek I'm about to meet" Carter continued to add whilst drawing his Blaster Pistol from his holster. He moved quickly towards where the blaster shots was heard, as he looks around his surrounding to make sure he's clear to move ahead. "I haven't even been told what the job was or even agreed on the payment and I'm already being put to work" he said whilst moving, "This is definitely going towards the bill" as Carter continued to complain.

Now in front of the Jazz Club, he doesn't see anything remotely close to a fight. Carter then decides to moves towards the alleyway as it was the only place out of sight and less open than the rest of the area near the Jazz Club, perfect to cause problems. Carter move tactically towards the alleyway as he stopped to take a peek inside the alleyway. He sees a bunch of bodies laying on the ground, and two figures left standing, which upon closer observation is a Twi'lek based on the head-tails. Carter knew that should be the client he was supposed to meet, and she's next to an unknown person. Since Carter does not know whether the other person is an enemy or not, he still need to be cautious. as he may be armed.

"All right freeze!, hands where I can see them" Carter yelled as he entered the alleyway and points his blaster at the unknown person next to the client. As he drew closer towards the two, he sees the person has a gun, which cause Carter to yelled "Drop the gun!" and then said "Don't do anything stupid now". Carter stopped at his tracks as he continued to point his blaster and waited for the person in front of him to respond to Carter demands.
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"All right freeze!, hands where I can see them"

"Drop the gun!"

"Don't do anything stupid now".

Kriffing perfect.

Ragos raised his blaster at the newcomer. His first fraking night here and he had a pile of bodies around him and was now in a standoff with…well with someone. They talked like they was five-oh but they hadn’t said as much. He really should just shoot the sleemo and get out of this damned alley quick fast and in a hurry.

His finger was tightening around the trigger of the blaster but before he could blast this fool and be done with it the twi’lek ran forward. Ragos tried to catch her arm but was not quick enough.

“Marcus?!” The twi’lek called out to the man with the blaster.

“You know this karking guy?” Ragos asked.

“He is helping me.” She responded to Ragos “Marcus! It is me, leylanna!.”

“He’s helping you?” Ragos asked as he looked around at all the broken men that this other guy had nothing at all to do with.

“Yes.” She snapped “You boys put your blasters down now. We are all on the same side. Marcus come over here”

Somehow he wasn’t exactly sure about that.

If Marcus lowered his blaster Ragos would lower his too.

As Marcus got closer to Ragos and Leylanna, the two men would get a chance to size each other up, which duh of course they would but back at the mouth of the alley where Marcus had come from, a speeder would come and block the opening to the street and a group of men would start shooting down the alley at the three of them!

Blaster bolts flew at them and without thinking Ragos shoved the singer into the back of the speeder just as he would be kidnappers had tried to do.

“Time to go.” he told Marcus and went over to the drivers side of the speeder tossing the dead bad guy out of his way and climbing behind the wheel. He would wait only a moment for Marucs to get in the other seat before taking off down the alley away from the shooters.

Marcus Carter Marcus Carter
He looked at Leylanna with doubt over the man next to him, "You sure this guy safe?" he asked her before adding "Cause it looks like he wants to shoot me" to which Leylanna glared are Carter as a sign of telling him to drop his weapon. But it didn't take to long before more trouble came from where Carter came as he began dodging blaster fire. Ragos and Leylanna entered the speeder first before Carter then followed suit as he shot down 2 of the thugs before doing so.

Ragos began driving away as fast as he could with the the unknown assailant also giving chase, which consisted of a driver and 2 passengers who began shooting at the trios.

"What in the hell kind of messed up situation you bringing me into girl?" Carter shouted as he started firing back towards their pursuers, but to no avail due to the speeder swaying to much. Carter look at Ragos as he is driving the speeder which Carter then gave him the stink eyes as he said "Keep it steady!, it's hard enough to shoot in a moving vehicle, you swerving isn't helping" and then he exclaimed continuing his annoyance "God damn!".

Their pursuer continued to barrage the three with blaster fire, but thankfully they're not having much luck either to hit their target. Carter once again tried to shoot behind them, aiming for either the driver or vulnerable parts of the vehicle that would stop them. But his blaster barely connect, only hitting the front part which didn't do anything.

Carter knew he had to think of something fast as his blaster isn't cutting it right now, as moments later he thought of an idea that might work if done properly. Once again Carter shouted at Ragos as he suddenly asked for something from him, "Give me your tuxedo jacket" he said to man next to him. At first his reaction was confused and annoyed at Carter request, but eventually caved in, as Carter held the speeder steering wheel while Ragos is taking off his jacket. As moments later he handed Carter the jacket and resume control of the wheel and continued to make evasive movement.

"Speed it up a bit more, there's going to be an three-way junction up ahead, so be ready to make a sharp turn to the left" Carter said to him,

"This is a risky gamble" Carter said with a worried look before adding "But gambling is my specialty" as he smiled a bit. He plan to released the jacket just before the junction to threw the pursuer off course, and make a break for it. Moments later, Carter sees the junction up ahead of them, as he holds the jacket away from the pursuer sight to surprised them whilst trying to get an angle at the driver of the pursuer behind them. Carter began counting down from 5, as he then quickly released the jacket once he counted down to one and the jacket flew towards the speeder behind them.

The jacket flew fast as when it reached the speeder behind them it barely missed the windshield and hit the driver. This made the pursuing driver panicked and trying to get rid of the jacket, not noticing the three-way junction up ahead. But his friends saw the junction up ahead and tried to warn their driver but to no avail. When he finally got rid of the jacket, it was to late for the driver to slow down to make a turn or stop, as they were going way to fast to do any of it which resulted with them crashing into a building and made quite a huge explosion.

Carter and the rest gave a long sigh of relief, as they are in the clear for now. Carter sat back down on the speeder, as he looked at the two of them "All right, coast is clear for now, now we need to get to a safe place". He began telling the man next to him direction as Carter suggested for them to lay low at his office and have a talk about what just happen and what's exactly going on. At first Carter didn't want to risk going to his office and bringing heat there, but all the other safe place are too far to reach, so with not much choice Carter made the decision to head towards his office.​
"Keep it steady!, it's hard enough to shoot in a moving vehicle, you swerving isn't helping"

"God damn!".

The stranger shouted at Ragos while he was doing his very best to fly this frakking speeder and keep them from being shot or crash into the side of a building. Which honestly crashing into a flaming ball of charred flesh and wrecked metal may not be so bad if it got this guy to be quiet for even a moment. Somehow Ragos didn’t think even that would do the trick.

“Can you shoot these guys or what?” Ragos asked.

"Give me your tuxedo jacket" the man next to him demanded.

Ragos didn’t bother to argue, he just released and annoyed sigh and began removing the jacket while Carter kept them flying straight.

"Speed it up a bit more, there's going to be an three-way junction up ahead, so be ready to make a sharp turn to the left" Carter said to him.

“Crazy schutta!” Ragos said as he realized what Marcus had in mind.

"This is a risky gamble" Carter said with a worried look before adding "But gambling is my specialty.”

Ragos looked at the smirking detective with disbelief. Ragos yanked the control of the speeder hard and the car made a turn that was almost too sharp. The back end swung back and forth and Ragos’ muscles strained as he kept hold on the control before the vehicle settled down and they kept going straight down their turn while the pursuing vehicle went up in a fiery explosion.

Kark. CorSec was gonna bear down on them no doubt about it. He was so fracked.

After getting the directions from Carter they pulled into the back of a run down building in an absolute dump part of town. If they got shot at out by that fancy club with all the rich folks, they were certain to die down here.

Ragos opened the door of the speeder for Leylanna and then the door to the office building letting her go up ahead of him. When Marcus tried to follow after Ragos put a stiff hand on the man’s chest to get him to stop. They had to talk.

“Okay, who the frell are you?” Ragos asked.

Something smart was sure to come out of the other man’s mouth before they started to walk up the stairs when Ragos would tell him:

“You owe me five-hundred credits for that jacket.”

Marcus Carter Marcus Carter
Finally arrived at Carter Office building, they all disembarked as Leylanna head inside first. Though the building wasn't exactly glamorous but it was the best he could afford at a reasonable price, especially in Coruscant. When Carter was about to followed suit, he was stop by the other guy, to which Carter said "What?!". Carter shakes off his hand off his brand new and expensive clothing, he doesn't not appreciate him or his clothes being touched.

Carter was asked about who he is, but Carter "I'll be asking the question" he said to Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek as he glared whilst standing in front of him, ignoring his question about Carter identity. "So how is it you were so conveniently be around the Jazz Club to saved her" he said as he emphasize the word saved, he then continued to questioned the man involvement "if you really came to save her that is". Carter isn't buying the savior story just yet, not until he can clarify and know every detail on what's happening and whether if the man is really just someone who came to help out of good will.

Carter then turn around to head inside as he heard the man ask for Carter to pay for the jacket, which he then replied with a scoff "You should be thanking me that I threw that old piece of rag you called a tuxedo". He looked at the man clothing once before before he ended with saying "Even my grandpa wear better clothes than that" and he laugh a he insulted the man choice of clothing. Carter always got his hands with the newest line of clothing since he has a cousin who works at one of the most popular retailer on Coruscant, so he can get first in line always. Since he always go gambling or to clubs, he always needs new set of tuxedo, preferably pure silk or animal based suit that compliment his features.

"Enough talking" Carter exclaimed, "We need to get inside to avoid being spotted" he told the man as he heads inside fist and went to his Office floor. Carter office is located at the 3rd floor of the building and at the end of the hallway, and at the door you can see a plaque which was engraved saying Private Detective Carter. Most of the building rooms are empty, as most are filled by people living here other small businesses. Not long after, the two are at the 3rd floor and now about to enter Carter's office, as when they entered they saw an standard working office which can noticed to be cleaned regularly. Across the door is Carter desk and on the left is a set of table and chairs, which Leylanna is currently sitting and was waiting for the two. Carter heads towards his desk to take a seat, but he did not offer Ragos to take a seat as he didn't care enough to do so.

Carter then took a seat at his desk, as he then open his drawer to take out his personal DRK-1 Dark Eye probe droid. He activated the droid as he then commanded it to go outside the building as survey the area and notified him if anyone suspicious are near. The droid then made a robotic noise, as it then follow Carter orders and went outside through the window, which Carter opened for it.

With area surveillance being secured by Carter droid, he looked at the two people as he then said "All right, start talking". Carter stared at Ragos before he said "Starting with you", he then added "Tell me exactly how you are involved in this and why I should trust you". He does not want to take chances even if he saved her out of goodwill, as the man may be connected to the attacker or knows about why Leylanna is being targeted and now simply just playing the waiting game.​
“Listen here you son of a-” Ragos began after Carter insulted his style choices so disrespectfully. It had been a long time since anyone had dared speak to Ragos Terrek that way without getting an eye swollen shut or some teeth knocked out.

Before Ragos could put this loud mouth in his place however Carter was already heading up the stairs to the office of one: Private Detective Carter. That must be loudmouth. The office was far better put together than anyone who saw the outside of the building would’ve thought possible. Sparsely furnished but clean. Leylanna sat at one of the tables, fidgeting the whole time. Every few moments she would cross or uncross her legs, tap on the table, scratch her arm or flick her lekku off her shoulder or back onto her shoulder.

"All right, start talking". Carter stared at Ragos before he said "Starting with you", he then added "Tell me exactly how you are involved in this and why I should trust you".

So he wanted to talk like a cop huh? Ragos knew how to talk to cops.

“First of all Kark you.” Ragos said.

“Second of all I aint telling you chit and third of all mother kriffer, I saved you. Without me you’d be another body left in that alley.”

“Enough!” Leylanna stood from her chair abruptly. “Marcus! Zis man, he save me! He risk hes own life and to stop dem terrible men from doing harm to me. I vaws only in dat alley because I was looking for you!”

Marcus Carter Marcus Carter
A loud sarcastic laugh filled the room, as when Carter heard how he was told he got saved by Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek . "You must be feel really mighty right now huh, still feeling the adrenaline after beating those gangster on the alley who most likely some of them didn't put up much a fight" he told the man with a really sarcastic tone and bits of knowledge of gangster especially when they try to kidnap a unarmed civilian.

"And if you didn't noticed I drop 2 of those gangster at the alleyway when more came and the fact I took care of that speeder that chased us" he said to Ragos before finishing what he had to said with "So I don't really see me being saved there just because you got on that speeder and drove". Carter shakes his head as he thought to himself, why do I keep meeting people with this kind of personality, I already met them alot back in my days on Coruscant Security, can't I at least meet a beautiful woman with nice manners that I can take her out for a dinner and movie.

Carter then sigh as he thought enough of that, as Leylanna told Carter again that the man saved her. He can only concede and let this go, as there are far pressing matters in regards of the Twi'lek who's being targeted and kidnapped.

"All right all right, let just get to the main problem at hand" he said to the two, "So tell me what exactly is going on Ley'lanna, since when you contacted me you didn't give me an detailed explanation and just said you needed my help", he said as he looked at the Twi'lek. "Who are those people and why did they tried to kidnap you off?, the only reason something like that would happen if you tick someone off or owe something to them" he continue to inquire about the situation as he then wait for her to explain.
"You must be feel really mighty right now huh, still feeling the adrenaline after beating those gangster on the alley who most likely some of them didn't put up much a fight"

“Why don’t you kriffing find out?” Ragos was getting real sick of this big mouth kriffer talking head when he had no idea what had went down or who he was talking too.

"And if you didn't noticed I drop 2 of those gangster at the alleyway when more came and the fact I took care of that speeder that chased us" he said to Ragos before finishing what he had to said with "So I don't really see me being saved there just because you got on that speeder and drove". The man just blustered on ignoring Ragos’ challenge.

“Motha karker. So you shot two drug fiends, good for you and that kriffing speeder, I had that covered until you decided to lose my jacket, blow up half the level and probably get CorSec all up in our backsides. If I would have left you there, which Gods know I should have, you’d be dead and I would have some peace.” Ragos unloaded on the P.I.

Finally the twi’lek woman stepped in to answer Marcus’ questions and to keep Ragos’ from pulling out that blaster again.

“I don’t know who zey are, Marcus.” She said while starting to play with one of her Lekku.

“I tried to contact you before because Saero, my ‘usband had gone missing. That is not unusual, entirely vut then I got a note saying, ‘we better pay up.’ but I don’t know from who or what they mean.`` She said sounding defeated and scared.

“She's kriffing lying!” Ragos said.

Leylanna turned around to face him with a fury. “Excuse me?” She asked full of venom.

“She’s a karking spice head.” Ragos said. “And those weren’t no kriffing gangsters that tried to take her, they were kriffing spice heads too. What you and your little husband get behind on some payments? To who?” Ragos asked her.

She stammered a protest for a minute trying to say she had never done drugs in her life, that she had no idea what he was talking about, that he was a liar but she gave that up quick enough.

“Gunda.” He is a Weequay. He sells to my husband.

“And your hubby shares with you. Got it.” Ragos finished for her. “Hey Detective. You ever heard of this Gunda?”

Marcus Carter Marcus Carter
Carter raised his eyebrow when Leylanna told them she didn't knew who they were, as the then continued to say her husband was kidnap and the kidnapper left a ransom not saying they need to pay up. But Leylanna said she didn't know who left the notes or what they meant by telling her to pay up, claiming this is some sort of mistakes and she just got roped into the middle of this, which made Carter raised his eyebrow even more.

"You really don't know anything and that this was all some sort of mistake by the kidnappers is what you're saying to us?" he said calmly to Ley'lanna as he then heard Ragos yelling that she was a liar, which made her angry. Ragos then accused her of being a spice head and the kidnapper are a spice syndicate.

When Ley'lanna couldn't refute what Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek was accusing her, Carter calmy said "Thought so" as he then continued "I've seen this kind of M-O a thousand times back when i was at Coruscant Security Force". Carter was quite impressed that Ragos knew it was about spice which impressed Carter but that's not something Carter should tell him. Of all the task and investigation he did as a Detective with the Coruscant Security, dealing spice dealer is something Carter didn't enjoy due how he hated spices and the people who sells them are not the type of people he would or could get along with.

Carter then said to her "We can do anything much less help if we don't know what's going exactly", as moments later Ley'lanna finally open her name revealing a name. "Gunda?" he sigh and scratch his head when he heard his name "Why does it has to be him", visible annoyance can be seen from his tone and face. "Yeah i know him from way back when i was still on the force" Carter told them, "He became quite a big player on spice when i was a detective, one of the ruthless spice dealer I've dealt with". Carter then said in a solemn tone "And what's is...." he went silent for a moment before he exclaimed in a high pitch voice "He's a damn CHEAT!, that damn Weequay cheated on Sabacc and costed me a lot of credits I tell ya" as he then continued to add with pure annoyance "There's nothing I hate more than gambling cheats, they have no respect for the game".

Carter calmed down before he started thinking on what to do next, as they need to find clues on where he could find Ley'lanna husband and Gunda. He spins on his chair before he thought of someone who might help us get some intel. "There's a guy who works at a speeder shop that i once arrested for illegal ship imports, he was Gunda mechanic and if he still is, he should have valuable information" Carter told the two of them before he look at Ley'lanna and said "You need stay here, it should be safe for you, i can ask a favor from a few guys in the building who owes me credits". He then looked at Ragos as he stood up to head to the door, "And you'll be coming with me" he said to Ragos. Carter may not know the guy well, heck he doesn't even know him at all, but he did saved his client and Ragos may also become a target for getting involved. So it's better for him to come along, as Carter knew how much men Gunda has, and the ones he sent are most likely the new hires, as he won't stop till either he get his money or Ley'lanna and her husband is dead on the floor.​
“Yeah alright but you drive.” Ragos said.

Did Ragos love the idea of spending more time with Detective Carter? No, no he did not. The man was so full of himself it was a surprise he hadn’t burst and that kriffing mouth of his never stopped going but Ragos had left Nar Shaddaa for a reason. He had be given the trust and faith that he was the one for this job and he would damned if he wasn’t.
Besides it would pay to tag along with someone who knew the underlevel, and Carter seemed like he knew more about the undercity than just where to find an all night diner. He knew who this Gunda was and about his operation at least in part and knowing who the players were was a huge part of the game.

If chit went right, Ragos would be able to stomp out some competition in this spice game already and if Gunda was as big as Carter claimed that would open up a sweet power vacuum that Ragos would be there to fill.

“I ain’t your got damn couffer.”

Marcus Carter Marcus Carter
Carter then lead Ragos to the building parking lot, as they head over to Carter speeder. Not long after, Carter got on the driver seat as Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek took the passenger seat upfront, as he then drove out of the building and head towards speeder shop. Carter haven't been to that area since he got fired from Coruscant Security, as that place is filled with criminals who would loved to gang up on anyone who look at them funny. Carter almost got jumped there, but managed to thwart of the attack and arrested the person. He even got his wallet stolen from him there, so Carter don't exactly have fond memories there.

Whilst Carter continue to drive, he started to talk, "So where you from?" he asked Ragos since he knew his not exactly from around here. Not a tourist, probably went here to stay, Carter thought to himself as he need to know what kind of person he is and if he can trust him. He can guess that he's not here for some honest work, probably trying to make a name for himself here from his attitude and personality. "So how exactly you got into this mess?" he asked another question before adding "Just passing by? or perhaps you we're at the club she was in?". For now Carter knows he's not one of Gunda men trying to play hero and gain her trust, and that's good enough for now to trust him. Gunda has a lot of men, and his trusted guys aren't exactly push over like the ones before, as most of them are seasoned mercenaries he hired. Knowing Gunda, he won't rest till he has the Twi'lek and what they owed him, so Carter needs all the help he can get with this.

Soon they are about to reach the speeder shop to find the guy his looking for, as the shop was a small building with around 2 to 3 employee including the guy they are looking. Once they are near the shop, Carter park the speeder not far from the shop so they won't know they are coming and have a chance to look around first. After Carter park the speeder, he looked at Ragos as he said "All right, the guy's name is Ratu, an ugly and nasty little Ugnaught, he should be either be fixing speeder at the garage or at his office to the left of the garage". "He knows me so I shouldn't go through the front, so that's where you come in" he told Ragos as he then added "Go through the front and talk to him, act like you're Gunda new hire and get some info about Ley'lanna husband whereabouts". Carter then exit the speeder before he said "I'll be going from the back in case the little guy tries to run when he realize why you're here". As the two about the set off, Carter stop Ragos by putting his hand on his shoulder, saying "Right, I almost forgot, he likes to hand out low blow attack, so be careful". They then finally head off to the shop from different direction, as Carter will go around to get to the back of the shop and Ragos through the front.
"So where you from?"

“Man, I already told you. I ain’t saying chit.” Ragos did not know whether or not Carter would take the time to look into his past but he wouldn’t put it past the man, he seemed stubbornly dedicated to being a good guy. Like a kath hound with a bone, Ragos did not want to be that bone. He had no use at all for someone like Detective Carter seeing any of his exploits on Nar Shaddaa. It was true he had virtually no record beyond what he had done as a minor and the one big crime that had him looking at the walls of a cell for eight-hundred days, but after he got out he never shied away from doing the dirt but he had not been arrested again. That didn’t mean he wanted someone poking around though.

"So how exactly you got into this mess?"

“My man, I don’t karking know. I tried to have a nice night out, enjoy a way too expensive steak and that corellian whiskey. Someone starts screaming, these three dudes are out back of that club trying to snatch up that woman. Kriff am I supposed to do? Kriff would you do?”

After circling the block a few times they parked the speeder close by Ratu’s radical restorations. For all the world it looked like a normal speeder shop except for the two dowutin standing outside in their coveralls smoking. Ragos was certain the only times those two had picked up a hydrospanner it wasn’t to fix a speeder.

"All right, the guy's name is Ratu, an ugly and nasty little Ugnaught, he should be either be fixing speeder at the garage or at his office to the left of the garage". "He knows me so I shouldn't go through the front, so that's where you come in" he told Ragos as he then added "Go through the front and talk to him, act like you're Gunda new hire and get some info about Ley'lanna husband whereabouts". Carter then exit the speeder before he said "I'll be going from the back in case the little guy tries to run when he realize why you're here".

Ragos left the speeder and walked up the street and walked through the front of the speeder shop, one of the dowutins followed him inside. It did not take him long to spot the Ugnaught on a step ladder bent over, head in the hood of a speeder.

“You Ratu?” Ragos called to the little pig man.

“Who wants to know?” The alien responded in a gruff voice head still in the engine block.

“Yo man I got some chit Gunda wants to know.”

That got the ugnaught’s full attention. He looked up from the speeder at Ragos.

“Who did you say you were?” The ugnaught asked with a snort.

“I didn’t. They call me Ghost. I’m an outside hire, kna’mean? He put me on that chit with that dope fiend and that singer wife of his.”

The second dowutin had joined his pal inside blocking the entrance he used to come in.
Ratu just grunted.

“Listen man.” Ragos continued. “We gotta move the motha kriffer. His girl went to this Detective…Carter or some chit. So now I’m coming to you so you can tell me where to go.”

The ugnaught snorted again this time it might have even been a laugh. “Boy. I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about but you coming in here saying his name out loud. I know he didn’t hire you. So tell me again…who are you?”

The dowutins were now right behind Ragos ready to take him in hand.

“Nice suit by the way.” Ratu laughed as Ragos was grabbed forcefully, drug over to an empty workbench and slammed down hard onto its surface.

“Shame its going to get all messy.”

Ragos couldn’t see it but he sure could hear the whirring of a hydrospanner.

Marcus Carter Marcus Carter
Now at the back of the building, carter slowly move up to get close to the shop back entrance, as he look around the back area before going to the side of the door. Carter hoped that Ratu will buy Ragos story, so things won't go down to violence. Since the last time he went there, he got throwed around by his muscle, was only able to take him down after shoving an electric baton to his head to knocked him out. At the door he began to hear talking, he could Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek and Ratu voice as they are speaking to each other. Moments later one of the voice began to become tensed, heard heavy steps and moving was also heard not long after. This does not sound good, Carter thought to himself, as Carter then open the back entrance and entered the shop, creeping slowly towards where Ragos is, so he could get the drop on them since it seems he would need to. Carter then saw Ragos being held by some dowutins. He looked at the dowutins and thought to himself, damn that is one big ugly of a being.

Knowing he need to move fast and help Ragos, he began to think of a quick plan to at least get him away from the dowutins. Knowing even if Carter had them at gun point, that would not ensure Ragos safety as he won't know if they will released him or not. It's a good thing there were a lot of noises inside, from Ratu speaking to the whirring of a hydrospanner, so it would make the dowutin to less likely heard Carter since they have really good hearing. Carter then took out his flash grenade and readied it to be thrown to the crowd. Carter looked to check if they're still focusing on Ragos, before he then throw his flash grenade. Once the flash grenade was thrown, moments before it went off, Carter shouted to Ragos, "Eyes closed!!!". Carter then drew his gun and shot the dowutins hand who was holding the hydrospanner, knocking it away from his reach momentarily. The dowutin then regained his senses, as he then look toward Carter and began to charged at him. Carter noticed this as he exclaimed, "Ohhh hell nahh!!!", as he then tried to maneuver to get avoid the charged. But when Carter moved away in a panicked, he dropped his blaster on the floor. Carter then tried to get it back, but the dowutin saw this and kicked the gun far away. The dowutin then walked towards Carter to grab him, as Carter then took out his stun baton to engage in a melee combat with the dowutin. Carter dodges the dowutin attacks as he counter by zapping him with the stun baton, trying to wear him down and do as much damage as he could. The dowutin then managed to hit Carter by the shoulder, knocking him back towards a shelf. As Carter back laid on the shelf, the dowutin then tried to swing down his hand to Carter, which Carter barely able to dodged. Carter looked at the shelf which was bent to the ground, "Damn that was close" he said with relieved, as the two continued to fight and try to get the upper hand before Carter taunted the dowutin by saying "Come you big ugly, you gotta move faster than that".​
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As soon as the flash grenade went off Ragos had rolled off the table hitting the oil stained floor of the garage with a thud. He could hear the sounds of a scuffle behind him and wondered why he wasn’t hearing more of Carter’s blaster going off. Before his vision could even clear he was again being hoisted bodily and thrown on the worktable. Carter may have occupied one dowutin but the other one had not forgotten about Ragos.

His eyes bulged and his feet kicked against the metal table as big meaty fingers wrapped around his throat and squeezed. Purple and blue shapes danced in front of his eyes as capillaries began to burst and his brain started shutting down from the lack of oxygen.
He tried slamming his arms down hard on wrists as thick paint cans. The shapes were gone ,swallowed by encroaching darkness. He could hear a snorting laugh from far away. He slammed his arms down again and again, each successive strike weaker than the last.

His hands fell to the side as he no longer had the strength to hold them up. A high pitched whistle came from between his lips and his face turned a dark unnatural shade of purple. His fingers twitched. Once. twice. A third time and suddenly the hydrospanner skittered across the garage floor and into Ragos’ hand.

The dying koruni man swung the hydrospanner hard, much harder than he should have been able to considering just how close he was to brain damage from lack of oxygen. He swung again, and again, the hands were no longer around his neck and he took a big grateful breath.
He swung the hydrospanner one more time and felt warm purple blood spray onto his face before the dowutin crashed to the floor.

Ragos used The Force again, this time to call Carter’s discard pistol into his hand as he ran over and shoved the barrel into the dowutin’s back who was attacking the detective.

“Game’s up sucka.” Ragos said as the dowutin raised his hands in submission.

“I don’t think so.” Ratu snorted from behind him pointing the pistol Ragos had picked up earlier at him.

“Now put that blaster down.” The ugnaught said.

Ragos used The Force and yanked the blaster away from Ratu and into his other empty hand. The little pig man yelped in fear and tried to run. Ragos shot at his feet, stopping him cold.

“I think the detective has some questions.” Ragos said, tossing Marcus Carter Marcus Carter his blaster back.
Carter and the dowutin were at the at a stand off, since they been trying to get one over the other for few minutes. The Dowutin was swinging his arms at Carter, whilst Carter kept dodging and hit him with the stun baton. The two stared and has not made a move for a few secoonds, before Carter suddenly signaled a time out towards the Dowutin and yelled, 'Stop stop stop". Carter then continued to say, "Let me take a few breath, all that chasing is making me nauseous", the Dowutin just looked at at him with confusion and shocked at what Carter just asked for, as the Dowutin then said "Are you out of you mind, I'm not gonna wait". Carter then replied, "Yeah thought so, at least I gave my guy enough time to point a gun at you", he said with a big smiled of triumph on his face. Then Ratu tried to control the situation by pointing his own blaster to Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek to which what comes next shocked Carter, as he saw Ragos used the force to snatched Ratu blaster and then aimed it at him. Carter left in disbelief asked a dumb question to the Dowutin, "Did you know he could do that?", as the dowutin just shook his head and replied 'No?, is he a Jedi?. he doesn't even remotely look close to be a Jedi though". Carter and The Dowutin who was just moments before were at each other throat, is now casually talking with each other at the shocking revelation they just saw, as Ragos then threw Carter back his gun.

"Ok then....., I think you should sit down now big guy" Carter said to the Dowutin as he nodded and replied "Yeah i think you're right", as the dowutin proceed to sit down and watched in awe. Carter looked at Ragos as he then said "You got some explaining to do, and don't say your nothing saying anything, I don't want to hear it". Carter then focused his attention at Ratu, "You know why we're here, just tell us fast so I can get this over with", Carter said whilst aiming his blaster at him. "I'm not saying a thing to you bastards, he'll kill me if I do" Ratu said nervously to Carter, to which Carter replied with a threat "Well good news for you, Gunda isn't here to kill you, but bad news for you, I'm here with a gun and lots of toys that you so kindly provided so I could make you talk' . The best thing about not being a Detective for the Coruscant Security, is that you don't have to follow strict rules, and this is one of the privileges. "C'mon not Ratu, i ain't go not time to be playing with your ugly ass, just tell me what I want and I let you get a chance to run away." he told Ratu, as Ratu stayed silent for a bit before he finally relents, "Fine fine, I'll talk". Carter with a big smile asked, "Good, knew you'll come around Ratu, so spill, where's the Twi'lek husband.", Ratu then answered "He's at Gunda safehouse near the shipment where they smuggled items in, they brought him in few hours ago". "How many men is at the safe house?" Carter asked, as Ratu then replied "At least a dozen, now I told you everything, you said you'll let me go". Carter smiled at him, as he fixed the Ugnaught clothing and said "Hey, I promised I won't do anything to you if you told me what i want, and you delivered". Followed by a few seconds of silence as Carter then point at Ragos and said "But I didn't say about the guy next to me who you tried to tortured with a hydrospanner and pointed a gun at", as Carter walked past Rago, patting his back as if telling him he can have him if he wants. He let Ragos do what he want with Ratu as a thanks for helping him with the Dowutin, and also for getting him that messed, which Carter may or may not knew might happen.

Carter then walked over to The Dowutin, he said "No hard feeling all right big guy" he smiled before giving his Private Detective business card and continuing to say "If you need some work, call me, I could use some muscle at my office". The Dowutin took Carter card, as Carter then exited the shop first and waited outside at the speeder for Ragos.​
"Hey, I promised I won't do anything to you if you told me what i want, and you delivered". Followed by a few seconds of silence as Carter then point at Ragos and said "But I didn't say about the guy next to me who you tried to tortured with a hydrospanner and pointed a gun at"

The Ugnaught looked at Ragos his eyes wide with fear as Carter left the garage.

“Carter! Wait! CARTER!!” The ugnaught snorted in fear as Ragos walked over and invaded the short alien’s personal space.

“Now listen here little man.” Ragos snarled at Ratu

“Sit the frakk down!” Ragos yelled rounding on dowutin with the business card, pointing the blaster pistol at the alien who was half way out of his seat. The dowutin complied with a snarl.

“Now…”Ragos turned back to Ratu “ I was saying, me and you are gonna have a long talk after I visit your boss. Oh and you owe me a new suit.” He waved hand over his clothes which were covered in dowutin blood.

“When he wakes up, tell him if he wants round two…I’ll be back round.” He said indicating the still knocked out dowutin as Ragos left the speeder shop.

Ragos tucked the blaster in the waistband of his pants and climbed into the speeder next to Carter, closing the door knowing he was probably going to have to answer some questions.

Marcus Carter Marcus Carter
Carter was waiting at the driver seat on the speeder for Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek , looking back at what just happened at the shop. Did i really see that guy just use the force?, now it kind of make sense how he killed those thugs who tried to kidnap Ley'lanna, Carter thought to himself. Moments later, he saw Ragos went outside the shop and walking back towards the speeder. Ragos then step into the speeder, as he then sat on the passenger seat and silence filled the speeder. After a few seconds of awkward silence Carter asked jokingly, "So.....I'm guessing you didn't pass the entrance exam to become a Jedi?", and continued to ask another question, "Guessing you used that force thing to get one over at the alley also?". Carter have met and worked with a lot of Jedi, even Padawan back when he was still working at the Coruscant Security, but he never seen a civilian used the force before, he only heard stories from his colleague about this kind of situation. "Man I could use the force, would be quite handy during gambling, especially craps", Carter laugh as he said it. Carter then asked his final questions, "Is pulling stuff all you can do?, or can you do other tricks like those mind control thing I've heard a lot, how about the lightning thing the evil ones do?".

Once Carter finished asking all the question he wanted to ask, he started up the speeder and then began heading towards Gunda's safehouse at the shipment yard. That place is quite empty other than workers and shipment that comes in and out. Carter then said to Ragos, "Since we know there maybe a lot of people there, our best shot to do this is with stealth", as he then added, "Don't think we can power through the guards, unless you got a lightsaber that would be handy", he said with a big laugh. It's a good thing Carter brought a stun baton that will make knocking people out easier when they'll go in stealthy once they are there, he even brought his newest toy he got from his Wookiee buddy he met awhile back, Arthakk Arthakk , as he made Carter a custom knuckles called Knuckles Of Ali after asking him continuously asking the Wookiee to make something for him. Carter continued to drive the speeder towards the safehouse, as it not much longer until they arrived.​
“Man, kark the Jedi...” he said roughly. More rough than he should have probably considering Carter was only joking but being locked away for eight-hundred days made him a little bitter toward the Jedi, after all it was reforms put in place by The Silver Government or whatever that caused his long sentence. Chit never would’ve gone down that way if the Hutts had still been in full control of Nar Shaddaa. He almost fell over when he heard his little brother was an apprentice Jedi. He would’ve bet and lost every credit he had ever made on that being something that would never happen. Growing up in his house with his mother, that chit was unthinkable.

“...I don’t need the force to lay out some punk ass spice heads.” On gods he didn’t. He may not have been the pride of the sector like his little brother, but Ragos was a gotdamn good K’thri fighter and it would take more than three spiced out frightened addicts to make him sweat. Technically yes, The Force had come in handy when he shot one of them but honestly that happened out of instinct. He coulda put that fool out too just like the others no problem.

"Man I could use the force, would be quite handy during gambling, especially craps", Carter laugh as he said it. Carter then asked his final questions, "Is pulling stuff all you can do?, or can you do other tricks like those mind control thing I've heard a lot, how about the lightning thing the evil ones do?". Carter asked.

On gods this guy never quit yammering.

“No.” that was the only answer he gave Carter. It covered literally everything he asked. No, pulling things wasn’t all he could do. No, he didn’t do mind control. No, he did not shoot lightning.

"Since we know there maybe a lot of people there, our best shot to do this is with stealth", as he then added, "Don't think we can power through the guards, unless you got a lightsaber that would be handy", Carter said with a big laugh.

“Nope, just this kriffing thing.” Ragos pulled out the blaster he had taken from the thug earlier and had used to help free Carter a few minutes ago. Now that he had a chance to look at it, the thing was a hunk of junk. It was old and rusted and despite the fact that Ragos had only fired it twice since getting it the charge was almost empty. He tried to remove the power pack and see if he could figure out if it was just empty or malfunctioning. He got his answer when the pack would not budge from the gun, it was leaking some kind of fluid and had gotten jammed.

“Lot of good it does us.” He added

After a while they made it to the shipyards. They parked the speeder far enough away that it wouldn’t be noticed by their targets and went the rest of the way on foot. The two men stood crouched in an alleyway across from their target surveying the safehouse to find their best way to get inside.
The safehouse was like most of the other warehouses nearby except for Gunda’s sat behind a fifteen foot high duracreete walled fence. There was an energy gate at the front with two guards on the otherside that would drop the energy field to allow approved vehicles in or out. The building itself looked like it was average size.

Ragos closed his eyes and sort of…felt outwardly with his mind. He imagined it as letting his soul go take a look around for him. It stretched out from him looking at places he never saw, telling him things he couldn’t know. After maybe thirty seconds he opened his eyes, looking across the way at the safe house

“It don’t look like we got any workers today. Chit, there are fifteen people over there.” He told Carter, his eyes never leaving the safe house.

“Two at the gate. Four more walking the perimeter of the building, five walking around inside the building, two in a room on the second floor, and two sitting still at the back of the place. One of them at the back is scared witless, I bet that is the husband.”

Now he turned to look at Marcus.

“Any ideas how we get in?”

Marcus Carter Marcus Carter
Once Carter and Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek were at the location where Ley'lanna husband being held, they parked their car at a safe distance. Carter went to the middle seat of the speeder to open a secret compartment, as when he opened the compartment, it revealed equipment that Carter kept in the speeder incase he need them. Carter took out an equipment that he had been working for 3 years which was called The Mirage Kit, as he planned to make use of the situation to field test The Mirage Kit. Once he was finished, he locked the compartment and close it back, as it now only revealed a normal seat of a speeder. Carter then went with Ragos to scout the building, as Ragos then used some wizard stuff to locate the guards around the safehouse and he managed to find the husband also.

He then look at Ragos whilst smiling, as he said to him, "That's pretty wizard man", before adding, "Also why does no one ever say wizard anymore?". Ragos then asked Carter of the plan to rescue the husband, which Carter then answered, "Like i said before, best way to get through these thugs is with stealth", Carter then showed Ragos the Mirage Kit device on his wrist before he continued to say, "This baby will help me be disguised as one of the guards and get inside, been working on this thing for 3 years and i can finally test it out". He then stood up and began walking Towards the safe house, "Now I just need one of the guards to volunteer to be the test Subject, so be right back" and Carter added, "We need to thin out their numbers before we move the husband out of the safe house, since there's no way we can walk him out just like that. Once I get through the gate with my disguised, I'll try to distract the guard for a bit, to give you a chance to sneak in whilst he's chatting with me".

Carter walked nonchalantly to the safe house, as moments later when he's in front of the gate, one of the guards who controls the gate walked to meet Carter, as he said with a stern manner to Carter, "This is a restricted area sir, you're not allowed to be here". Carter then replied, "look man, my speeder broke down right around the corner so I was hoping yall could help me fix it", to which the guard said with an annoyed look and tone to Carter, "Does this look like a speeder shop?, go find another place". "C'mon man, I've been going around to find one but the only thing that's here are you guys, c'mon help a brotha out, I don't even have the tools to even fix it, I'll give you credits for your help if you do" Carter said to get his cooperation, as the guard look with interest at the offer of credits before saying, "If you say it like that, guess it can't be helped, let me get some tools". The guard went inside the safehouse to get some stuff to help fixed the speeder. The guard then came back and went out through the gate with a tool box set, as he gestured Carter to lead him to his speeder. Carter began to lead the guard around the corner, out of the other guards sights. Once they are around the corner, Carter slowly take out his stun baton, as the guard then asked where his speeder is. Before the guards realize what's happening, Carter used the stun baton on the guard neck, shocking and then knocking the guard out. After the guard was knocked out, he dragged the guard to an alley way so he could scan him to take on his form. Once the scan was finished, Carter use his Mirage Kit to disguise himself as the guard via hologram. The holo disguise is perfect, as one can't tell its a disguise just with the eyes alone.

Carter then head back towards the safe house, as he then asked the guard to open the gate once he was in front. The other guard at the controls then asked Carter, "You finished with that idiot speeder", to which Carter tried to keep his cool after bring called an idiot and replied, "Yeah all good, that guy speeder had some issues". Carter needed to distract the guard so he won't close the gate to give enough time for Ragos to sneak in. Carter hurriedly went to the gate control and said, "Wait wait don't close the gate yet!", as the other guard responded with, "Why not?". Carter then replied, "Cus i saw some damn animals inside near the gate wanted to go out, so leave it off for a bit will ya", then the guard replied, "Really?, thought we got rid of all the animals inside a few days ago", to which Carter added, "Well apparently not, so chill for a bit". "Fine", the guard said with a sigh, as he looked towards the gate, Carter then started to avert his gaze away from the gate, as he walk in front of the guard view whilst pointing at the safe house behind them and asked, "Don't you think this place would be a nice place for an entertainment business?, like karaoke or a club maybe", as the guard then went to look at the safehouse, and replied "Really? I think a massage parlor would be great". "A massage parlor? man that kind stuff won't make any money" Carter refute the guards, as the two began having an argument about what kind of business would fit to occupy this building for a few minutes. Moments later, the guard conceded to Carter argument as he said, "Fine fine, a karaoke or whatever would make more money and get more popularity", to which Carter exclaimed, "HAH!, finally you get it", before he looked at the gate as he thinks it's enough time for Ragos to sneak in. "All right I'm gonna take a leak, be right back", Carter said as he heads towards the safehouse entrance. Moments later Carter went inside the safe house, as he looked around to find the guards inside. He saw 2 up stairs on the and the three downstairs by themselves, with another two inside a room upstairs.

Carter walked slowly towards one of the guards on the right side taking out a package out of a huge box, he was out of the view from the others, blocked by boxes and container. He went behind him and strangle the guard to knock him out, as doing so will avoid any noises that he would make. Carter then stuffed him into an empty box that was beside him, closing it once he was inside it. He looked at the direction where the other two was, as one of them was going inside an office, whilst the other one was coming towards where Carter was. Carter quickly hide so he could ambush the guard when he comes near, as when the guard was finally next to Carter he knocked him out by hitting him on the head. 2 down, 1 to go at the lower area of the safehouse, as Carter then head towards the last guy at the office, where he saw the guard was looking through a locker. Carter entered the office and slowly creeped up towards the guard, as he once again strangle him until he passed out. With 3 guards at the first floor of the safehouse dealt with, he has to deal with the rest of the guards in the building before he get's spotted. Carter began to scan the guard he just knocked out to assumed his identities, before he begin to head upstairs.​

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