Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Grigonju


Ice blue​
164 lbs​
Mid-thirties (866ABY)​

Home World:
Bounty Hunter​
Force Sensitive:



  • Not many people know the details of Gri's past as it's not something he talks about. He was born on Corellia but that day was the last he interacted with any family of his. Raised as an orphan in the Bottoms, Gri began working in shipyards from an early age. His childhood was not one of games and laughter but of hard work and grease. Every day, he would promise himself that he would get out of Coronet City and make something of his life amongst the stars. It was what kept him going and brought hope to his eternally dingy days.

    At the age of 20, he finally came into possession of a hauler that allowed him to get off-planet, albeit not for long. The small ship was in poor quality and would spend longer being repaired than in flight. After a time of travelling, Gri ended up on Nar Shaddaa and encountered a mandalorian named Kel. Most of the people he had encountered paid no mind to anyone that didn't have something that someone wanted; the charismatic and welcoming demeanour of this man was a refreshing surprise. At first, Gri was hesitant to share too much with the stranger but the more they interacted, the more at ease he felt.

    Kel was a mercenary, hired to point a gun at whoever he was told. Lost in the excitement of feeling seen by someone, Gri agreed to join him and didn't think too hard about the work that was being completed. Kel would deal with the clients and that was something that Gri did not ponder on. The pair spent the next two years exploring the galaxy together and even worked on restoring an armed freighter together that Kel named the Lighthawk. It may not have been the conventional idea of a happy life but he didn't care. He had found friendship in an unrelenting galaxy and he finally felt like he belonged.

    He didn't realise how much it meant to him until the duo took a job on Zhanox. It seemed like a simple mission but the plan went south. Kel found himself in the blast radius of an explosion and in an instant, the only person to show Gri compassion was gone. He tried to save him with everything he had but it was too late. Once he had come to terms with the death of his friend, Gri burned Kel's body on an elevated pyre, as is Mandalorian tradition. To this day, he still wears the beskar armour of his friend to keep his memory alive.

    The blast also caused the collapse of rock formations in the area. Gri stumbled upon a wailing juvenile nexu lying next to the body of its mother. The pain now becoming anger, he decided that it was not his problem and just walked on. The sound of the baby weighed on his mind and eventually, he caved. Going back after some time, the kitten was still there, curled up in a ball beside the corpse. He offered food to the creature, who cautiously sniffed at it before taking it. Both had lost that day and yet they had found each other.

    Leaving the planet behind, Gri continued to work as a bounty hunter, forever changed. It had made him even colder and wary about getting close to people. He and the nexu, now named Kaliah, kept each other company going from job to job. She had become well-trained over time and aided in collecting bounties when possible. It seemed as though this would be his life now until he met the same fate as his friend.

  • +Composed – Gri takes time to think through his actions and not act irrationally under pressure.
    +Marksman – He is proficient with many firearms but more so blasters than rifles.
    +Multilingual – Gri can speak Rodian and Huttese well, with a basic understanding of Mando'a.

    ~Loner – He enjoys his own company and gets irritated easily.
    ~Artistic – Despite the hard exterior, Gri enjoys painting the places he’s seen but does so in private.

    -Selfish – Most of the time, he will just look out for himself but that doesn't mean he completely disregards others.
    -Melee – Whilst he is good at fighting from a distance, Gri is not the best with hand-to-hand combat and is not as quick with his reactions.
    -Proud – Asking for help from others is not something he's good at.

  • Standing at 6 foot 2, Gri has a fairly muscular build due to the nature of his work. His pale skin is contrasted by the vibrant red of his hair that is swept over to one side. Cold blue eyes often hold a stern gaze and he keeps his beard neatly trimmed. His body is often covered with bruises but otherwise kept clean from grime and dirt, despite the situations he often finds himself in.

    His beskar armour is a deep blue with orange accents. Some are paintwork of the original armour whilst some, like two vertical lines on his breastplate, have been painted on by hand and no longer look neat. There are scrapes here and there but is well-maintained. His right gauntlet contains a whipcord whilst his left can eject a 10-inch blade.

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  • The Lighthawk
    A Lethisk-class armed freighter that had seen better days until it was restored by Gri and Kel. It is metallic grey-blue in colour with orange markings and two blue thrusters at the rear.

    Length: 34 metres
    Maximum atmospheric speed: 900km/h
    Hyperdrive rating: Class 2 (Class 12 backup)
    Shielding: Yes
    Crew: 1-3
    Passengers: 8
    Cargo capacity: 60 tons
    Consumables: 2 months

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    Kaliah is a fully grown nexu. Since she was raised by Gri, she listens to and respects him but her actions can be somewhat erratic. Still a wild animal, she sometimes displays a feral temperament, especially when aggravated or if someone is threatening the safety of Gri. Kaliah can seem terrifying at first but she can be more timid to those who have gained her trust.

    Her four eyes give her astute vision, even in areas of low visibility. Three sharp claws protrude from each foot and sharp quills adorn her back. Kaliah's body is approximately 1.5 metres long, with the forked tail almost doubling her length. It has the ability to thrash like a whip and helps with balance when climbing, aided by her light frame and claws. Covered in sandy fur, her hide is fairly tough, being able to withstand blaster fire from a distance away.

  • None

  • Bounty Complications - Uscru District, Coruscant
    Feat. Glen Cowen
    Making a "Clean" Living - Level 100, Coruscant
    Feat. Tella Voland
    Ruins on the Demon Moon - Iziz, Onderon
    Feat. Sylas Taff
    Troubles on Level 3126, Part II - Level 3126, Coruscant
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