Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aculia Voland

Protecting her children from the shadows.
Troubles on Level 3126, Part II.


The rain poured in torrents this evening, pouring down from the highest levels controlled by Coruscant’s Weathernet, eventually making it all the way down to Level 3126 and spilling its contaminated contents of thousands of levels over those unfortunate enough to live so far below. That waste was not the only such junk present on this level, far from the power of the Senate and further still from the light of the Jedi, who were largely off on crusades at the other end of the galaxy rather than dealing with problems at home. Abandoned industrial factories, once flourishing during the height of the galactic conflict with the Mawites lay dormant and largely unvisited, except for those desperate enough to try to live in them…and those who wished to conduct business out of the sight of what little remained of the law or attention of those above.

A lone, small figure stood cloaked amongst the rain in the middle of one of these complexes, seemingly uncaring about the inconvenience it caused. Flowing silver-white hair could be seen dropping from the shadowed hood of its cloak as it adjusted its position slightly, adjusting its footing to be more relaxed. It had been here for some time, and would be for a bit longer. Such was the nature of its dark business here today.

Tremors in the serenity of the nearby Living Force.

Ah, they arrive.

The sound of footsteps on the cold ferrocrete ground soon echoed through the industrial complex. When they approached closer to the figure, it slowly began to turn, revealing a woman in the last stages of her fading youth dressed in dark robes, pale blue eyes fixing on them.

“Welcome, bounty hunters.” Aculia intoned, voice holding a tired edge to it. “I hope your recent hunts have proven fruitful.”

Azelle Narzisce Azelle Narzisce Grigonju Grigonju

(Spiritual continuation of Troubles on Level 3126, ask if you'd like to join the hunt or feel free to just watch.)

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