Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey to everyone! Pleased to be part of this community. I am looking forward to roleplaying with everyone.
Unlike my character I am quite the angel, hahaha.

P.S I know I am bad at introducing myself, it just always feels like I am part of the Alcoholics Anonymous when I try to introduce myself and say hi.

P.S 2 And yeah I like making characters that are mostly disliked, haha.
Welcome @[member="Guderian"]
I, too, am new. This place is pretty great so far though, hope you enjoy your stay! If you have any questions... ask someone else because I have no answers! ^_^
Chaos isn't a pit, ladies, chaos is a ladder.

3 days ago, to be precise in the land of booze and Celts. @[member="Lady Kyros"] #BaelyshForPresident

Thanks for the warm welcome to everyone! Littlefinger approves your hospitality.

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