Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

There it was again. The abrupt manner by which Asmus was able to snap his hand out like a Jeco and catch her. Bits and pieces of training that expressed the knowledge of a solider. More than what the scoundrel had shown back on the Quintessence.

His quick reflexes managed to catch the Lorrdian before she tumbled to the floor, although her knee suffered a good bruise as a result. She caught the ladder and managed to right herself, both cheeks bright pink in embarrassment and something else.

“Thanks.” she managed to breathe out, jaw tightening as her fingers curled round the edge of the canopy of the TX-100. Asmus was overwhelming her with memories. The figurines. The hidden playlist. That playlist. The very same one she played over and over when she was ---

A level foot caught and Kaile sank down into the trainer seat. With the way it was set up, at least Asmus wouldn’t be able to turn easily to catch the expression of melancholy and deep sorrow at those memories.

“Ii-t wasn’t hard.” even with her training, it was hard for Kaile to keep the slight catch in her voice out. Her head ducked and she turned to swivel her gaze portside. The Espion stared out through the viewport with a slight furrow of her brows, hair falling forward to flank the sides of her face, leaving only her profile illuminated by the green and blue indicator lights from inside the canopy.
His hands stopped moving across the controls and he found himself without anything to say. A rare occasion. What had he been about to say? Something about the simulation mode.

“Sorry,” he muttered. It was the tone in her voice. Bringing up the past brought up the four days that would never leave him, but it also brought up what followed. She'd missed him and despite that had made the choice never to find him again. Even though he was certain she had the means. That meant she had her own reasons for not doing so. Maybe she hadn't want him drawn into all this? He had been young after all. Perhaps at times that playlist wasn't a nice reminder, but a torture for the espion.

At the time Asmus had known full well what he was doing, giving her a secret reminder that would emerge if she routed herself past his home. A temptation. Just as he had known that the figurines were on his console now.

The pilot didn't turn back to face her, but he swivelled enough in his chair that he could reach back. Reach back and find her hand. He gave a gentle squeeze of her palm and ran his thumb up and down before she could protest. Body language always seemed to cross between them more easily than words.

“We can swap some new songs later,” he announced as he sat back down straight. “The third stick you've got there controls the aim of the repeating cannon, ordnance controls on the panel behind it. You've also got a compact set of controls to take over flight if necessary. So many hours to put her back together.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

His hand was warm. The touch brought Kaile’s head swiveling back to look at him. Her gaze then fell to their conjoined hands, his slender fingers gently curling around hers to give her a comforting squeeze. If he only knew…

But that was the thing wasn’t it? He couldn’t, shouldn’t know. Some things were best left in the past. Not forgotten, never. But just left in peace.

Funny how that little squeeze was enough to comfort. The sensation of having Asmus’ touch, his presence there - well it brought this swell in her heart. For a moment it was hard to breathe. Hard to think. Here they were sitting in his starfighter, holding hands for a brief moment under the dim glow of the overhead lights. Such an odd situation to be.

Just as quickly as it came it left. Asmus settled himself back down and idly played with the controls.

“I can imagine.” she finally said, voice just a bit thick in her drawl. It seemed to come back whenever her emotions were particularly affected. Her fingers curled into a tight fist.

“I reckon Ess Eye Ess allowed you to bring her in for the cover.” her voice seemed to fade as Kaile went leaning back against her seat. Eyes fell up towards the roof of the canopy.
If they had been anywhere else he wouldn't have returned the conversation back to such trivial things as his ship. Anyone could stroll in now. Even the redhead. At that thought he gave a gentle pat to the console.

Of course you're not trivial, he silently apologised to his ship.

“If we all rocked up in TR20s the First Order would be in a rather stronger position to complain about the Alliance funding rebellions.” He tutted. “If we had time I'd get clearance to take you out in her for a quick warm up.” The tone in his voice suggested he would have liked that. Liked it a great deal.

“We don't have much room for sim pods so instead…” with a touch of a button the canopy slid into place. The viewscreen went dark. A wireframe version of the hangar appeared projected on the viewscreen. He tugged on the controls and they virtually lifted up a few metres.

“I wrote most of the code for this myself so I could learn without using up fuel before I signed up. SIS use it on the shuttles now.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

For a moment Kaile was surprised. She’d heard about the use of holographic displays before to be used in training. More and more also were using the technology to be able to gather sensor data and display the entire environment of a naval battle. Some were even used in starfighters. This allowed the bridge crew to be settled deep inside for greater protection.

Of course, that also meant that if Ion weapons or a good EMP hit, then there goes their visual and they would run in blind.

They were now encased within the solitude of the canopy. The SIM projected onto the glass and their faces washed with the faint glow of the monitors. A bit more intimate. Compile it with how Asmus’ voice now felt as if softly resonating, voice bouncing off the canopy walls.

Closing her eyes, the more he spoke the more it felt as if he was speaking from all directions. It was unnerving as it was soothing.

The corner of her mouth twitched. He would be the one at the core of its development.

“Brilliant as ever.” Kaile low murmur floated around them. Reminding her of the past. You’ll be brilliant.

“I knew you would be.”
His mouth opened and closed a few times. He'd completely forgotten about the basic simulation and his ship fell back to the virtual deck.

“I don't think… anyone else ever…”

His mind put together the sharp contrast between the way she saw him and the way so many others did. His uncle, his trainers at the academy. Even Amadgener.

“You did… Umm.”

With a flick of a switch the sim ended but he left the canopy in place with the glass half opaque. It was hard to concentrate as he tried to wrangle with this. Analyzing how excited he'd been to show this off he realised just how desperately he had always wanted to show her the things he had achieved. Likely would have pulled all his medals out if they'd been on the ship.

His throat bobbed and he turned around in his seat. “We should go up to the briefing room,” he suggested. Otherwise he'd end up letting it all spill out here in the maintenance bay. “I'm so glad you're here,” he added, voice dropping an octave.

He stopped himself before any more could follow, but the tone in his voice was so raw that it was obvious those few words were barely the tip of the iceberg. There was an honest smile on his face as he pushed himself up to climb out. There could be no hiding how any compliment from her made him feel.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The poignancy of the moment was broken by the sudden solid thud of Asmus’ head cracking against the top of the canopy. In his flustered state, he forgot to slide back the canopy, resulting in a sharp rap that hit the crown of his head. He was right, it was as if they were both fumbling around in the dark and just stumbling over themselves.

“Are you okay?!” Kaile abruptly cried out, leaning forward on her seat. A glance around would have the Lorrdian search for the switch to open the canopy. She saw Asmus wince and immediately duck back down. Hands to his head and his face scrunched up in mild pain. It wasn’t anything serious, but the sudden abrupt result ended with Kaile pausing for a brief moment -- and trying her best to not laugh.

Maybe it was a release of pent up tension. Of how the day had turned out. Of all the emotional build up and crash of emotions. Either way, the corner of her mouth gave a twitch. That twitch turned into a lip quiver. And then finally resulted in the Lorrdian clasping her hands over her mouth and trying her best to muffle her laugh.

Sometimes, it was just easier than crying.
“Yeah that's it, laugh it up!” Asmus said accusingly, but his face was already creasing up in laughter. Without thinking his hand shot out to slap the canopy button.

He came back down on his chair on his knees, chest to the back and facing Kaile this time. His own reaction seemed to free Kaile of her guilt and she let a burst of laughter ring out. One of his arms wrapped around the chair, whilst his other rubbed the back of his head.

“Yeah I'm alright,” he said, shaking his head and grinning. “That was particularly stupid. Ah, it's been an odd old morning already.”

That was an understatement. Lucy had made it clear she hadn't entirely given up yet. And now he was left trying not to picture Kaile with his Flight Group Commander. But it was okay. His expression said as much and he was still coming off the high of hearing her compliment. He also wasn't above fishing for a repeat.

“You really think I'm brilliant?” he asked with a cheeky smile.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Do I?

Always” Kaile said quietly, the laughter fading until it waned. Cheeks flushed a pink, and once again an abashed expression swept over her face. Her hand came up to brush back her bangs, circling up to tuck a wayward strand of her hair. She did. Always had thought him to be quite brilliant. She knew how smart he was and had always known he’d do well if he put his full effort in. Back on the Quintessence he’d been bored, searching for something more. Something better. Kaile was glad he had found it.

“We should go up and get to that briefing.” she reminded him. With maintenance mode off and everything set, they only needed to step out onto the ladder well and back onto the ground.

“You ready?”
There was a flash of amusement as each realised the other had flushed a little with embarrassment. The lopsided smile didn't leave his face. Asmus didn't keep many secrets, but there was absolutely no hiding the way her admission made him feel. Even when he stopped smiling the warm glow would take time to fade.

He looked over the edge of the cockpit and stuck out his bottom lip. “There's an entire ladder and several sets of stairs between us and B deck,” he observed. “Not sure it's safe.”

But with a grunt he pushed himself up and stood free… now the canopy wasn't in the way. He offered Kaile his hand to get out of the snug chair before climbing back out.

“You know genuinely, sometimes I can't get back out on my own. When we sometimes fly the really long but intense missions and I end up dehydrated and wedged in here tight.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile took his hand. She slid up and out of the trainer’s seat. A hand went reaching out to curl against the edge of the canopy for balance.

“I can believe it.” the espion said, following the Wraith Commander as he took the ladder rungs. Once he set foot on the floor, Kaile turned, climbing down as carefully as she could. And affording Asmus a rather nice swaying sight as she descended.

“Ain’t ever done much on starfighters before.” she admitted, voice a bit muffled before she too reached the bottom.
“Uh huh,” Asmus said, allowing himself the brief distraction. There was only a brief increase of the pulse at the little indulgence. More the very recent memories that had barely sunk in.

“Freighters a better way to move around quietly than a snubfighter I imagine. Also tend to come with military maintenance personnel. But if you want I can show you what she looks like on the inside when she's grounded for a few days.”

Oh feth but if Lucy found out about that she would not be best pleased, he thought to himself.

He opened his mouth to mention something about the mission before closing it again. The name of the planet wasn't something to mention outside those certain areas of the ship just yet.

“Chad's very good by the way,” Asmus felt like explaining on the way up. “He'll have some good thoughts on the flight plan and if, for some reason, he has to step up he'll get you there and back.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The ball of her foot came to rest against the ground and bore her weight. Turning in place she found herself staring up at Asmus again. He hadn’t moved away while she’d been on her way down. Close, her head went tilting back as if to get the full breadth of his expression. Hands went curling behind her onto the ladder. Twitchy fingers trying to prevent them from reaching out. Working hours after all.

But why did he have to have to be so close like that?

“I ain’t doubting his abilities.” she replied, “One way or another, the mission will be done.” and it would. It was a serious matter. Every extraction was. Especially for the assent in place that required the extraction. The Lorrdian espion knew very well how quick things could turn for the worse. And they could get worse.

A rock of her feet and she waited for him to take a step back.
It took him the count of three to realise he needed to move. Two steps back and he turned in one heel. Work time, game face on. Despite the fact that he would often alleviate the boredom of deep space with minor hijinks he did take his work seriously. She would be on his mind all day - there was no way he could deny that - but he could act professionally.

“The whole crew is good,” he said with an affirmative nod. If there was a real end to the tour, this was it. “Top of the line hardware around us, and everyone here is talented and driven. It's a young crew but they all volunteered for this knowing the risks so they all pull together.”

He wasn't sure why he felt a need to emphasise this as much as he didn't to Kaile. Perhaps it was for selfish reasons, that after her compliments he wanted her to really see that he was part of something that did vital work. Or maybe he just wanted to help her settle in during her time her. That evoked a pang of fear. Her time here was finite.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

That brought up another question in a sea of infinite ones. Why did Asmus volunteer for a billet in the Subversion? He had an excellent Naval career, Kaile knew that much. He more than rose up the ranks quickly and made many contributions across the many battles during his time in the Alliance.

You don’t need to be here. That thought went echoing in her mind as she followed the Wraith Commander. Her face gave a slight furrow over her brow at that. He really didn’t. Working with SIS was dangerous. No doubt about it. It was a hard job that was more often than not without gratitude and done so without public recognition. It was important work, Kaile had a lifetime of doing as such, but why was Asmus here? She could remember just how terrified he’d been of that one Dark Jedi interrogation with the Techno Union. Surely he knew the risks that came with being caught now?


“So why are you here?”

The question came out before she could hold it back. The widening in her eyes as she watched his back sent a shiver of alarm. Right. Not the sort of questions to ask.

Too late.
“Good question,” he replied. He pondered this as he took a different route. “Less chance of injuries in the lifts,” he explained. After a few moments of silence he made a sudden announcement.

“The Battle of Coruscant,” he stated. “A fighter pilot had, in those twenty four hours, a forty percent chance of being shot down and a thirty four percent chance of death. Granted those odds are for every ship there and the odds were in our favour. I was in the six percent. Shot down and had to go to ground to avoid stormtroopers on my heels. But it was the greatest victory for the Alliance. The entire core started to break free of the One Sith from that day.

“Since then I've mostly escorted First Order scouts, flown prototypes and done some training. And all this time the First Order have slowly expanded their sphere of influence.” There was a touch of pain in his voice this time.

“There are… entire districts of Eriadu where they haven't even started to clear the rubble. That's where the First Order was born and they still haven't been brought to justice for it. So I'll take the bad odds again if it might make that difference.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“What what?” Kaile couldn’t hide the shock that froze her expression. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open only to snap shut. Her pace increased to match with his as they entered the turbolift. She even went a little pale, face blanching at that. She’d kept up with his movements off and on. Couldn’t really make a big show of it or else people would start asking questions on what information she was requesting or why she was using her clearances to investigate an Alliance pilot.

“You were shot down?” if he wanted to stun her, he did so then. The Battle of Coruscant? A mental tick of her mind counted back the years. That long ago? How could she have missed that? Missed something that big?!
“Yeah, near half the squadron. Some surface to air ion torpedoes. Fortunately Coruscant is a big place to hide. Some friendly residents helped. On the other hand we managed to go through a shaft and crash on a lower level. Some gang members tried to round us up and sells us to the bucketheads.”

“But that is the only time I've been downed so far,” he added quickly. He turned and gave her a warm smile as the doors shut. She was genuinely concerned. He really, really wanted to give her a hug. Unfortunately a turbo lift took barely a second to reach B deck.

“Obviously the life expectancy of a TIE pilot is less, but it's when they swarm you that things start to get a little hairy.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

It was a little strange how he could talk so casually about it. Then again, wasn’t she being the hypocrite? At any given time in the past two decades she could have also expired one way or another and no one would have really paid any attention or mind. That was the risk of being an SIS agent. Of being any espion really. It was an ungrateful job by anyone in the public sector and even in private, odds were that if one was caught or found, they would disavow her existence.

Kaile let her head fall, gaze dropping to her feet. At her sides her fingers curled and relaxed through the anxiety coursing through her.

“Right.” she managed to say, still a little pale and voice an octave lower. The turbolift came to a stop and they were on B deck once more. A soft hiss and the door slid open, allowing them to exit at their leisure.

And stumble right into Lieutenant Vo.

The Sullustan gave a slight surprised start.

“Captain Janes. Agent Vera.” he gave a nod at their direction.
A brief pause followed as Asmus took a quick peek out of the lift. Kaile might have guessed he was checking for the presence of the ship's commanding officer.

“Good morning Lieutenant Vo,” Asmus replied cheerily. He'd always liked their intelligence officer. He always seemed relatively serious on the outside, but there were little hints that it wasn't the same on the inside. As if Vo secretly found most of the world and all its occupants amusing.

He was perhaps heading to the bridge or mess now. His usual work place was a small office in the secure section of B deck. Vo had a small team of junior analysts looking over data collected from a variety of sources. They were probably right now going through Kaile's mission reports and filtering and sorting and concatenating.

“Early start?” He asked.

Asmus stepped out of the lift, checking his chrono. They were in fact a little early for the shift change. “Thought we'd get an early start on the briefing for Chad before getting some breakfast,” Asmus replied.

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