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Graviton Engorgement [SITH]

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When Circe returned to her bridge, she would find none other than Rave Merrill, longtime servant of the Empire (among others). She had remained behind, under careful scrutiny, when her former supervisor stole the archives. Careful mental examination, sufficient even to break past her expert mental defenses, had established that she knew nothing of the plan and was not loyal to Velok. An eighteen-year-old with the memories of a fifty-year-old was about to save the laws of physics from desecration -- and the assembled Imperial fleet from apocalypse.

She toggled the comm at her throat.

"All ships, this is Rave Merrill. Some of you may know me as a scientist for the Empire. I'm here to give you the real story of what's about to happen.

"First off, a good proportion of black holes rotate at roughly a thousand times a second. Some rotate at a substantial fraction of the speed of light. Applying mere interdictor-scale gravity wells won't change that in any appreciable way. Even if it did, the calculations that are now being transmitted to your ships indicate that no centripedal acceleration -- centrifugal force being an approximation for amateurs, and a myth -- could possibly overcome the gravity of a black hole. Furthermore, an event horizon is not an object to be flung, it's a distance beyond which nothing can escape the black hole's gravity and quickly becomes an elongated string of constituent atoms due to the gravity differential over a matter of a distance as small as metres between the near and far ends of an object. Even if, by some miracle, the event horizon did move outward, that would simply make that much more volume of space within which nothing can escape. Furthermore, the plan requires the 'vaporization' of the black hole via the acceleration of its lifespan -- which any competent physicist will tell you is somewhere around two times ten to the power of sixty-six years. In other words, an appreciable fraction of the remaining time until the heat-death of the universe. That can't possibly be dialled down to minutes, hours, or even years by applying a basic interdictor field. And, to sum up, the Maw's black holes have eaten so many stations, starships, gravity wells and even worlds that any hope of finding those black holes to have identical mass apart from the infinitesimally minor deviation associated with consuming one space station...

"Well, gentlemen, I have only one question. At any point, did you look at the summary of the plan and say to yourself Everything about that statement is wrong?

"Now, this region is already gravitationally unstable. Addition of multiple artificial gravity wells will unset it further, probably resulting in all of our vessels being dragged out of safety and into one or more of the black holes all around us -- the Maw Installation having been in the middle of the cluster.

"Any questions?"
Unknown Officer on board the Gorgon

The man observed the transmission sent by Rave Merill. He contemplated what she had to say and what would happen if what she said was true. Briefly he turned his gaze to watch his commanding officer, the Sith Knight known as Circe. "Always liked her curves," the man thought. Finally, he thought of the family he had left behind in Ren'Bl Ettes. He hadn't been home, on Almania, for several years. Assigned from star ship to star ship, eventually he had managed to gain a position on the Gorgon. He liked his post. He got to travel a lot and he knew that his family were well taken care for, with the dactaries he sent him on a monthly basis as per his annual pay.

Slowly, he turned his gaze to the nearby officer and whispered, "Who made her Captain Buzz kill? Jeez."
In Umbris Potestas Est
"I have one. Since when were you on board my ship?"

Circe stepped forward, looking inquisitively at the eerily purple-eyed @[member="Rave Merrill"], her holocall with the Sith Lord finished. "The last time I saw you, you were trying to seduce me in Velok's laboratory." She motioned to a pair of guards on the bridge who moved to flank the youthful Imperial.

"The Howking radiation can be evaporated much more speedily through the application of gravity wells. These interdictors have been... tinkered with, to say the least, in order to adequately drag as much Howking radiation into their gravity well as possible. I appreciate your worries about this, Rave, but I believe another universe worth of scientific rationale might be infiltrating your thought-points. We have enough power from our exceptionally advanced solar ionization reactors to increase the gravity well's strength where the correct black hole can be reduced to several hundred cubic kilometers of radiation-filled space in a few hours. Now please... I need you on board one of the Captivas destroyers so we can put this plan into action once the correct black hole is found."

Turning, she eyed @[member="Darth Vazela"]'s officer and chose to mentally message him. "Input the average mass of these black holes, then add in the mass of the following." She mentally named several ancient pieces of technology to him, along with 800 years of asteroids and other detritus. "Find me the black hole that has the nearest mass to this number. That will be the one we evaporate."
"I know, right?"
The person @[member=Darth Vazela] happened to whisper to was none other than low-ranking recently added sith apprentice, Andreas Wintergreen. He was wearing his iconic mask and matching armor along with a vibro-sword and retracted electro-staff shathed visibly on his back, crossing to form an "x". His darksaber was at his waist along withtwo DC-17 hand blasters holstered on his multi-pocketed utility belt.
The Sith Knight yawned as he listened to everything that was being said and done. Tiring of the shenanigans, he decided to walk to the bridge and see when it would be time for deployment.

The sooner he got this done, the sooner he could get off this ship, take his reward and get back to other business. He had a good looking gal waiting for a bit of fun back on Mandalore, and he was looking forward to the upcoming night....

A grin crossed the face of the Sith Knight as the thought crossed his mind, and he cracked his neck as he watched the going ons around him patiently.
"Aboard one of the most fragile, pointless ships in the Sith arsenal? Yes, I'll absolutely be banished from your sight for proving you wrong. You've placed too much faith in your own technical skill once again. And they said Desmius had hubris. You're about to destroy immense amounts of Imperial assets on a vainglorious whim."

Rave took a step back. A sabrestaff ripped itself from her belt. Horizontal in front of her belt, it flared to life, punching through gaps in the armor of both guards. The men crumpled, dead instantly. She grabbed the sabrestaff, spun it through her fingers.

"If nobody else in this task force has the stones to stop you, I will. In the name of the Empire, I challenge you to a Kaggath, with this bridge as the arena."


Active Member
Armory Room on the Gorgon

It was rather rude to be scouting, instead of doing the chore of working. He had reached the Armory, with only a few gaurds....well gaurding. They didn't know much at all, so Grimm had just walked in being that he was one of them. Wearing some crappy helmet to cover his face, along with his mask. It was very uncomfortable, yet it would be worth it with the data being crunched. Maybe being a scientist would be a better title for himself, but a merchant was the jack of all trades. It was a much better, he took out his pad and started to mark inventory. Scanning what would be useful to sell, and what was going to make a fortune on the market. If some would decide to ask about his duties, he had a few tricks up his sleeves for talking his way out of things.

" E-15A Blaster Rifle, DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle, and some ZT-36 Assault Combat Armor. Those look like good choices, currently ranging on the far end of the Market. Yet, I would need to think of how work with such a tight end ship. I suppose it could be planned out, yet I wonder what is going on. Maybe I should head up to the bridge....nah, it mostly superiors trying to one up each other anyway." He said with a slight chuckle in his tone, before heading back to scanning for more info.
Nick watched the stand off between @[member="Rave Merrill"] and @[member="Pandeima"] with an amused yet interested look. The Sith Knight kept his hood down as he walked to a nearby bench, flopping onto it and relaxing with his arms behind his head, used as a makeshift headrest.

"You kind of get used to Circe's plans being incredibly insane" he cracked, chuckling. "Sometimes they work and get us a planet or two... Others, well as long as we survive" he added, the amused smile not leaving the face of the Knight.

He really didn't care about the results here. Either Circe killed her opponent, they continued, and Nick got paid... Or the girl killed Circe, Nick could go home to a steaming hot night, and the galaxy didn't have to worry about the witch anymore. Either way, Nick wins.

Gregor Gideon

Gregor was both frustrated and confused as to how so many people had seemingly come out of the bulkheads aboard the Gorgon. Frustrated, in that one, @[member="Rave Merrill"], seemed content to do little other than deride the endeavor, and another, @[member="Andreas Wintergreen"], whom had no place on this expedition and was, in fact, a known enemy of the Empire for his involvement with traitors and for subversion to Imperial order.

A crime for which Gregor took grievous exception.

"You do not belong here," No sooner could he finish his words, than @[member="Rave Merrill"] decided to make some sort of grandiose challenge to @[member="Pandeima"] on behalf of the Empire, to which @[member="Pandeima"] was operating in accordance with. Gregor was here as a testament to that fact.

His attention kept with the apprentice-of-something-but-not-the-Sith-Empire for the moment, though he had the presence of mind to alert the crew to full ready status, just in case any others had infiltrated the ship as well, such as @[member="Grimm"].

"All hands to action stations. We have intruders. Secure your stations and report status immediately!" He dictated to the nearest communications officer.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Circe first looked at @[member="Andreas Wintergreen"]. "Hold up. who are you, and why are you watching me more ardently than that Daritha fellow?" She ignored @[member="Nicholas DragonsFlame"], merely looking on with eyebrows raised as @[member="Rave Merrill"] attempted her challenging with a Kaggath.

"You have the audacity to come to my ship, execute my guards who are performing their duty to take unauthorized personnel off my bridge, then have the audacity to challenge ME to a duel on your own terms? I'm sorry... No. I'm not going to satisfy your ego and lust for personal gain by giving into this paltry-"

And thus rang action stations. The remaining bridge guards focused their weapons on the man Gregor had identified as a traitor. "If you'll kindly talk Miss Merrill down from her threatening platform, I'll take this traitor to the brig." She turned and took a step towards Andreas. "Follow me, and please, don't make any sudden moves. I have no plans to hurt you so long as you don't resist."


Meanwhile, in the armory, @[member="Grimm"] had long since broken the sensor beams at the entrance of the vault-like facility, having not unlocked the armory door before entering. The durasteel blast door had shut and magnetically sealed behind him, and the weapon locker's defenses were now activated: a pair of ceiling-mounted repeating blaster turrets and a standard mixture of sedative and tear gas being pumped into the room. Soon, he would hopefully be incapacitated.
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