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Dominion Gone Bush | OPA Dominion of The New Outback Hex

Born standin' up and takin' back.
The Outer Planets Alliance

Dominion of the New Outback Hex.


Target: New Outback, Wild Space.

Major Imports: Colony supplies, technology


To the south of the Outer Planets Alliance lies a vast and largely untouched sector of space, where the potential for explorative and expansive pursuits are many, while borders to the North are aligned with those of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and former Worlds still contested by remnants of the First Order and the Eternal Empire’s close watch, such as Zakuul.

In order to further grow as a collective of allied worlds within the Outer Rim Territories, Alliance Command has henceforth designed the Southern Expanse to be of greater priority and set into motion a series of research and exploratory projects for the future colonization of worlds yet to be charted under the known Galaxy.

Before setting off into the unknown however, resources and funding are in high demand, as are the need for Colonizing Vessels and the appropriate supportive Naval contingent. The sights of the Outer Planets Alliance have therefore set upon the New Outback, former territory of the old Kathol Outback & The Outer Rim Coalition from years since passed.

The “New Outback” Colony has a wealth of supplies, technology and mineral resources for which are invaluable to the future financing of the new era, the future vision for the Southern Colonies seeking to enrich and embolden the livelihood and reputation of the Outer Planets Alliance, bringing new discoveries, living opportunities, economical and tourism prospects should the vast undertaking be a success. In their vision for this new frontier, the possibilities are shaped by the minds and hearts of these brave and adventurous volunteers ready to take on an exhilarating endeavour.

The Outback Predisposition:

This is the dream, where possibilities may become a distant reality. The arrival of Alliance Command to “The New Outback” has sparked great excitement in the local settlements for the opportunity of new commerce across the Southern Expanse of the known Galaxy. These much more isolated settlements living off the land, have come to Sedaire’s Landing in order to gain insight into the changing face of those they once knew as fellow Outbackers…

Objective One: The Hyperlane Project.

Guide explorers and their OPA escorts are blazing a new trail across the region. New Outback settlers are concerned how this will affect their quiet independence. The colonists have gathered inside the converted colony ship at the center of the capital to discuss the prospects of a ‘hyperspace bypass’ through their system and the new trade it would bring.

Those invited to advocate for the project range from opportunists such as wayfarers and traders, to the likes of Government personnel and Judges, Jedi and so on. Here the discussion is much an open forum, representing your pride for the Outer Rim and what it means to be part of the Outer Planets Alliance.

Objective Two: Explore the New Outback.

There is plenty to see and experience here in this world known as the “New Outback”. It was settled in part for its rich biodiversity and breath masks are strongly recommended outside the settlements’ osmotic fields to protect from strange pollen or spores. Go forth and explore this new world, find what opportunities await those of curious minds. Will you find treasures of yore, or will trouble find you?

Objective Three: Trade & Secure Colony Supplies.

Since the very first Colony was established here, supplies were brought in to help create a prosperous community capable of self-sustaining growth across the land. Much of these supplies remain in great capital and would do the future colony project great benefit. Meet with the local leadership and barter, or otherwise seek alternative means of securing these goods for the OPA’s future expansion into nearby systems.

Objective Four: BYOO go forth and have fun developing your own story.


Much thanks to Caedyn Arenais for the write up. Appreciated V.

Objective I - The Hyperlane

Many of the explorers, traders, and investors made their way to the planet below to stake their claims to precious new lands and possible fortunes. Some remained in the stars above had other concerns. It was the duty of those who sought to maintain a semblance of order to work toward that goal.

For the Outer Rim, free travel and trade were paramount to their continued survival. Where they lacked a structure, their ability to adapt to adversity and overcome it was their best bet. Stripped of their freedom, they became lost.

It was Enlil's duty to assure that chaos did not consume the Outer Planets. That was why he came today, to lay a foundation. Infrastructure. A need for stability in the midst of anarchy.

The types who frequented the Outer Planets, and the people he'd met so far... they were a very different brand from the world he came from.

That did not make their lives any less precious.

He quietly watched as representation flooded in from across the Outer Rim, various moguls, local authorities, spacers, and even Bounty Hunters. It was a diversity that made them unique. It was a diversity that made unifying them an ordeal.

But it was a diversity that made them, them.

For now, he would wait to speak until others had their chance. Interstellar travel was still not his strong suit, and while he understood economy and infrastructure, how to apply it here was riddled with subtleties beyond his own comprehension.
"Dopping out of hyperspace in" Aeshi counted to herself as the mesmerizing blue swirls of hyperspace faded into long clear starlines, and then solidified into realspace. New Outback. Colony world settled by folks from the Kathol Outback and Outer Rim. Her kind of people, living on the frontier of known space.

She was here for a multitude of reasons. One was to pay respects to the old comrades the main settlements were named after. She'd known Julius Sedaire and Coren Starchaser. Starchaser was practically a friend of the family, although nobody had seen or heard from him in a long time.

One hand guided the freighter down towards Sedaire's Landing while the other ran through the manifest of cargo loaded in the hold. None of it was overly fancy, but it was enough for to make a decent enough profit to load up on the supplies she needed for the next leg-- helping to chart the hyperlane. Put the instinctive astrogation to good use, track her route, set up sensor buoys, the whole nine-lightyears. She had the technical equipment with her, but needed to trade for the consumables in case it took a lot longer than she had anticipated.
Objective Two: Explore the New Outback. Doing Jedi Stuff.
Allies: Open


In a rich jungle on a small island south of Nova Perla, Abaigeal pushed back a curtain of vines. Behind it, a wall of rock, but it was not just any wall. It was man made. There were inscriptions carved she could not decipher, a language unknown and erosion had worn away any hope she had in an attempt to figure their meaning. It was difficult going, the jungle thick and had taken back into its fold what was once a populated structure. From the lay of the land, it was a big build, cut out of the side of an incline at the base of a peaked mountain. From where she was it was impossible to see the top of it, the tallest of trees and canopy blocked her view.

As jungles go, it was not hot, humid yes but bearable at least. Although this part of the planet did not posses the dangerous spores, she did not take a chance and sported a breathing mask. As much as it irritated her. Her foot squelched the carpet of organic mulch that lined the floor of the jungle, the scent of matter very refreshing to the sense, like the smell of fresh rain or mown grass. Finally, her hand found what she was looking for. An opening into the structure and as she pushed back the vines, the door was revealed probably for the first time in eons.

Between her legs scurried a rodent frightened by her intrusion and vanished into the undergrowth, no doubt to watch and return later, when she had gone. There was very little information on file about this place, hence her interest and she hoped to fill in the pages with this exploration of the ruins.

High above her passed the tall trees and canopy, the peaked mountain puffed one single plumb of grey smoke.
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Objective 1: The Hyperlane
Allies: OPA Enlil Enlil

Charting new hyperlanes was risky business, both from a security standpoint and a medical standpoint, so Therapy Command contributed some ships to this quest for new hyperlanes in the wake of Confederacy First. Onboard the Therapist, which was an odd choice for a mission flagship outside of large-scale medvac, escorted by some Hardcell-XIs and other escorts, such as corvettes and other frigates, being deployed to protect the expedition. Of course, with private contractors that had a hand, bounty hunters, smugglers, and other spacers, it was both easier and harder. Also, it involves a lot of shorter hops so the pilots were rotated in and out after so many of these. Even with someone like Julie at the controls of the Therapist, who piloted large ships since the ROS days, it was a stressful business. Or even herself, but the big issue was charting the navigational hazards: without their locations and natures, there was no use in using IAC.
Objective | 1 – Hyperlane Project
Tags | Enlil Enlil | Cathul Thuku Cathul Thuku


If there was one thing Zeltrons were good at—it was working a room. As natural entertainers and empaths, they new how to read a group and appeal to the zeitgeist. Today, Yula was here as a Judge, a representative of the Outer Planets Alliance to advocate for the hyperlane project. Trade was a nexus that no group, no matter how large or small could ignore. Very few powers that extended beyond one planet were self-sufficient. As the OPA’s influence grew to encompass more worlds under their protection, so did their need for accessible trading grow.

“…could stand here and tell you that trade brings prosperity, but you’re a savvy group that already knows that.

The Zeltron Judge was front and center, having made her way there from the sidelines. Uninhibited by the pressure of having many eyes on her, she leaned her hade back against her hands, hands pressed against the durasteel wall of the ship. Vaguely provocative? Maybe, but people were paying attention.

“A hyperlane means easier and cheaper travel. More jobs, more wares to sell, more choices available to the buyer. Gives you a chance to expand more on what you’ve already got. Not to mention safer traveling through the territories.”

You’re so smart that you already know all of this, right? Well, to reiterate…

Mom taught her that one.

There were murmurs in the audience, mostly hushed discussions but a few indicators of agreement, particularly from the merchants who had come to advocate for the hyperlane. They were not the ones that needed convincing.

A Jarell man stood, the whispers dying out and the eyes in the room turning towards him. “New Outback has done fine on its own without the interference of a galactic power. Our cities govern themselves—we do not need the regulation of another regime.” The hum of agreement grew louder, especially among the colonists. “Countless worlds have been ravaged in the name of possession and power. I—we—do not want to bring that to New Outback.”

Yula listened patiently as the reptilian humanoid spoke, nodding empathetically. “I hear you. The OPA doesn’t want that either; we’re not here to control anyone. We’re for the ‘rim and it’s people. What we offer aint any kind of military regime or unifying government. It’s protection, plain and simple. And hyperlanes.”
Objective 3-Trade/Secure supplies.
Allies: Open

Kahne glanced down to his astro droid Gala as the ship docked . He wasn't sure what to expect here. Dressed in his everyday attired for the Alliance as he made his way down the ramp. The Jedi Master glanced down to his droid again. "Don't be worried Gala." Kahne whispered as he looked up towards the sky and just chuckled. He was sure somewhere up there negotiations were taking place, and he wondered how they were doing. He hoped they were open to the plans that had been set forth. Everyone always assumed there was some ulterior motive behind the actions of those that wanted to do good.

That was the way of the universe though, especially in this day and age. People were tired of being burned and some had made it just find on their own all this time. When those from the outside could see that they could do better, but one was so stuck in their ways they couldn't realize it. He was sure those leading the negotiations were going to do great.

"Come on Gala, we've got some supplies to procure." The Jedi Master said as his cloak billowed around him, as he walked the long trek to the market square.

Post 2​

The King listened as the group began to amass around a young woman, their words a chimera both positive and negative. He stroked his chin thoughtfully as he took the proposals of the young woman and began to draw understanding from them. So, these hyperlanes function as would roads, but across the River of Stars.

And the opposition's argument then, was...

We're fine on our own. The prettied ideology of self-sufficiency. Enlil took a step into the fray at that point. They were drawn in by something about the woman, and when he came close enough, he became dimly aware of it as well.

His face felt warmer and his eyes were drawn to the girl, and the rhythm of his heart beat faster. Was she quite as interesting to me from further away? I didn't notice her before.

When the gold-haired man closed his eyes and drew a deeper breath, he realized that it did not calm him. The warmth in his blood only rose in proportion to the intake. His gaze snapped toward the woman in a mix of irritation and intrigue. Some form of sorcery?

"If the powers that be wished for conquest and to force compliance, do you not believe that they would have done so?" he swept in with his own commanding presence, his voice loud and lilting with amusement. "Would they be here asking, rather than coming in droves to subjugate you?"

"N-no, but ain't that just how it starts?" the man asked. "Offer the people something they might like, get them to agree, then-"

A murmur of agreement came up in the group, and Enlil looked to Yula Perl Yula Perl with a twinkle of something in his eye. Consideration? If they were all united in their concern, it would be easier to sway them collectively. A band of dissidents who all wanted different things was much more difficult to manage.

"And you believe that you have all the necessities you need on New Outback?"
he questioned. "There's nothing you could want for? This Hyperlane would offer you no potential benefit?"
Kahne Porte Kahne Porte Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron Cathul Thuku Cathul Thuku Enlil Enlil Yula Perl Yula Perl

Therapy Command. Now that was something she'd not seen in a long time. Not since the GA had tried to smash a First Order blockade of a hyperlane. That was the problem with the hyperlanes. They did bring trade, wealth, safety, ease of access, and all of those other benefits. But they also fostered a reliance on them, creating a target. Of course, one could defend it, but that required a military build-up, which required resources, infrastructure, and more government interference. Cost of doing business, unfortunately, but often one that colony worlds were unwilling to pay, especially out here on the galactic rim.

They were here to avoid that, to not get involved with the affairs of galactic governments. They didn't want to pick sides, let alone be forced to choose sides under threat of violence. It was antithetical to who they were. For that matter, it was antithetical to who Aeshi was. And perhaps that was why she might be able to convince them. But first, she had business to attend to.

"Captain Tillian, requesting landing clearance," Aeshi into the comms. "Cargo freighter. Manifest uploading now."

There was a pause for a few moments.

"You are cleared for landing. Maintain present course into landing bay aurebesh-9 in Sedaire's Landing."

"Roger that, en route."


Sometime later, she found herself in the center colonist ship listening to the argument between the various groups- the colonists and OPA representatives. For Aeshi, she was in an awkward position, being neither, but sympathetic to both. She ran a hand through her greasy hair and leaned against the wall, listening.
Objective Two: Explore the New Outback. Doing Jedi Stuff.
Allies: Open

Taking out a datapad and setting it to record. “I have come across what appears to be old ruins. From what I can see it runs in length across the face of a rock outcrop. There are inscriptions on the outside, in a language I have not seen”, she would take a recording of them, “and will need to be studied further back on Kashyyyk”.

“There is an opening, doorway, which I will enter and see if there is more artefact inside to shed more light on this place”. She ended the recording for now.

Her hand reached for her torch, the light shining into the darkness of the ruins. It was hard to see anything passed the hanging roots of a tree that had spend years growing above. The organic smell was even more thick in here, a sense of life through the force filtered into her being and it felt as refreshing as the air. It was cooler too. “Well if you are going to be an explorer, it’s time to explore”, she said to the air and insects buzzing about her face. She took her first steps inward.

It was a tight squeeze through the thick roots, Abaigeal turned sideways to push passed them, her hair snagging and pulling. Passed the roots was a room, empty and dank and as the light from her torch fanned around, there was nothing but slimy green algae on the walls, formed as water seeped through from above.

Tiny skeletons littered the floor, long dead creatures that maybe once called this place home, or prey of something bigger. But gone were the inscriptions or anything of interest in this place. Pushing on, she found another passageway, this one more narrow, with a rock corridor. It was clear to her it had been carved out of the rock with artistry.

One deep breath and she would move onward.

Above, the mountain puffed out another single plumb of grey smoke.
Potentas Potentas | New Outback Hex

Judah hadn't spent much time in the Outback lately. He hadn't spent much time anywhere beyond his own personal bubble and space stations if he was honest, dug in deep maintaining the salvage empire he had built. Yet the elder Dashiell was looking to expand once again, having the itch to head back out into the 'verse and travel once again.

This time he had come with a contingent from the Outer Planets Alliance - apparently this is what ORC called themselves now. Judah could understand branding, it was important on how one was viewed in the galaxy. He was with another from OPA, a fellow scrapper if he remembered correctly. Or did the man work in trade? Perhaps it was both, he would have to ask again.

Inside a protective dome, they walked together, headed towards a local market. Judah had heard that bartering could be done and many of the local business people kept stalls or storefronts in the market area. It meant a lot of ground could be covered in a short period of time.

"Do you do this often? Go to planet to planet looking for trade or are you more calculated with your business?"
Enlil Enlil
Objective #1

They raised a fair point.

Many of the folks standing here had emigrated in order to avoid the troubles of the greater galaxy. No, they didn’t need another high and mighty power doling out lofty promises only to slowly crush them under subjugation. The imperial mark was still fresh on many of the outer rim worlds.

A new voice cut through the crowd, drawing the attention of those present to the figure of a blonde man as he approached the front of the crowd. There was something about him that drew their interest so quickly—perhaps it was his manner of speaking, or the regal way in which he held himself.

For Yula, it was the fact that he was shirtless.

He cast his gaze in her direction and their eyes caught. Yula’s head tilted to the side and she smiled diplomatically.

“Sure, you have what you need to survive on New Outback. But what about living?

A rumble of discussion resonated off of the durasteel walls.
Aeshi let out a long breath and rubbed her temples. She knew the Perl clan. They were good folks. She didn't know the other speaker. He was clearly a skilled speaker, with a strong bent towards self-interest, but that was the thing. If people wanted luxuries and comfort, they stayed where they were or moved closer to the Core. People like these? Her kind of people? She'd give all of that up, all of the benefits of modern technology to live somewhere unharassed.

"What those of who settle frontier worlds want most is the chance to live our lives free from harassment and disruption," Aeshi said, pitching her voice to carry over the low buzz of the crowd. A few of the folks near her nodded in agreement and clapped her on the shoulder. "That is the ultimate purpose of a good, honest life. We've chosen to give up on the luxuries and benefits of more civilized worlds to have this chance at a new life."

She let the words settle and sink into the crowd. "But here's the thing. None of us can do that alone, right? Colonists, explorers, scouts, we work together. Why should worlds be any different? We all have different strengths, different weaknesses. I'm great with mechanical work. I can't get plants to grow no matter what I do. Only thing I can do with plants is make whiskey.' She paused to let the response to the joke echo around the room. "Same goes for worlds. We can help each other, support those who want to live like we do, and vice versa. That's what hyperlanes are for. Not about getting rich or importing luxuries. It's a way of forming a community that supports itself. Just like us."

Yula Perl Yula Perl Enlil Enlil
Objective 1

While various OPA representatives, such as Yula Perl Yula Perl , Enlil Enlil and even Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian were down to the surface to attempt to negotiate with the local authorities, what spacers were present to act as hyperlane surveyors began charting the local hyperspace under the protection of Therapy Command. Even then it made no sense for Julie to be at the flagship controls when the flagship was to stay behind, but at the same time, she wasn't anything special outside of Instinctive Astrogation in the context of piloting smaller survey ships. The OPA Navy wasn't like the First Order that fought in the Metharian Nebula, where TIE fighter pilot cadets that couldn't shoot all that well would often be transferred to pilot capital ships, or conversely, cadets that may have good marksmanship but poor flying ability became gunners instead, there were lots of spacers that fell on hard times that entered the pilot cadet route. But then Julie would then be transferred from the Therapist to a light freighter-sized survey ship, and once that was done, Julie was now doing her part as soon as that ship made the jump.
"Ain't been the easiest," the older man admitted. "But with all the expansion from the Confederates and the new Galactic Alliance on the rise, it's only a matter o' time til someone comes trying to fold us in."

"We just want to stay the way we are!" barked another. "We don't need no one tellin' us how to live!"

He considered their situation carefully. During his rule, the very idea that man could self-govern was preposterous. Now, it seemed so commonplace that it almost sounded alluring. To leave every single man to his devices, to allow them to fail for themselves, or to rise above adversity and actually find success.

Both due to the lack of pressure it put on a leader, and the promise of self-actualization, the abstract notion tasted appealing. There was a key note that the bunch seemed hell-bent on ignoring, however.

"You will be free to trade, or to refuse trade, as you please. No one will be overseeing your commerce. The only presence that the Outer Planets Alliance wishes to maintain in your system is protections for the Hyperlane, and therefore, the interests your world and the nearby worlds share."

The group stared suspiciously at the man, who drew their attention away from the girl that everyone would have preferred to be looking at. They turned their attention to her after he finished, and asked.

"That right, Missy? Y'all just want to set up a hyperlane, and that's it?" he asked. "Because I'll admit, it's real hard to get things like- like my Cactus juice. Ah, man, back home on Tatooine..." he sighed for a moment, reminiscing before he asked, "You ever had cactus juice? It'll quench ya!"

Yula Perl Yula Perl , Cathul Thuku Cathul Thuku , Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian
Objective Two: Explore the New Outback. Trying to survive.
Allies: Open

With torch in hand and datarecorder in the other, “This ruin appears to be some sort of residency. There is evidence to suggest that many have people lived here at some point although that would need forensic investigation”, it was a long corridor. “There is little to no physical artefacts or remains of who inhabited this ruin”. This site was a dull as they come, to the point that Abaigeal strongly thought about leaving it to the wilds to reclaim entirely.

The long corridor came to an end finally and opened into a larger room. It could have been a common room; it was big enough for it. But once more, the light from her torch revealed next to nothing. Until. The light swept across a discolouration on the floor that did not match the majority of the dusty surface. Abaigeal crouched down to take a closer look, her fingertips lightly brushing against it.

A vision of two people huddled together sitting in this spot. A female adult, and male child of a race that she did not recognise. They were incredibly afraid and clinging to each other for comfort, but none would come. As the child turned their face into the females bosom the vision went black and out of Abaigeal’s reach to retrieve.

It had taken place a long time ago, eons in fact and nothing but dark dust was left of them.

Why were they so frightened, what had happened?

As if in answer, the mountain rumbled. A deep low distant growl like the warning of a giant beast. The sound died away only for a moment, before the tremors started, shaking the ground and the ruins in which Abaigeal now was. She abruptly stood, looking back up the corridor from which she came, about to move to get out. The ground beneath her feet shuddered again, this time with more force. Dust rained down on her, littering her hair and throwing her to the side.

There was a loud crack, rock splitting, deafening and tremendous. The ceiling fell in around her.
The thing Tiland most liked about the Outer Rim was how sparse and quiet many of the worlds were. The closer in towards the Core, the more densely populated the worlds became, even the worlds that were judicious in their urban sprawl management. The worlds were shaped by the inhabitants, the flow of the Force altered and shifted. They were not the worlds for him. But this New Outback? It was the frontier of space, barely inhabited, and nearly unchanged.

He sat by himself, seiza-style, not far from the jungle where the others had gone exploring. He had chosen to stay behind and make himself comfortable. What was the rush? The world would be there. What lay within them would remain there. he hadn't lived a thousand years without learning patience and the ability to enjoy the ordinary, simple things.

Wind rustled through the grasses in which he sat, while a comfortably warm sun shone down on him. He had set up a little collapsing table where a pot of water heating. A handful of herbs and tea leaves rested in the bowl, freshly crushed and ready to be put into the tea. His eyes remained closed, embracing the sensations around him.

Unfortunately, that wasn't to last. The ground beneath him rumbled and birds leapt from the nearby trees, cawing in distress. Tiland opened his eyes and let out a long sigh. Well, everything was temporary, after all. With regret, he packed everything up, picked up his staff, and headed towards the jungle. Perhaps they hadn't noticed it yet.
Objective 3-Trade/Secure supplies.
Allies: Open

"Yes, I know they don't offer much but we have to procure what we can. A little bit is better than nothing." Kahne said as he glanced over to Gala who as usual had her opinion to put is as normal. Kahne couldn't quite be upset with her, hardly ever. She was a very loyal droid and almost acted like a mother at times. The constant array of beeping and humming be it either suggestions or warnings always kept his mind on the move.

They moved down the somewhat busy streets and Kahne's eyes were facing forward but he was scanning anything and everything from his peripheral vision and what was directly in front of him. Everything seemed as normal as what could be expected, Kahne wanted to scope out one of the small vendors and dealers first. He had some relics and weapons aboard the ship that he could trade with. But first he wanted to make sure everything was in good order. There was much to procure and the last thing he wanted to do was to do so by any unconventional means such as waving his hand around to get them to agree.

Then again, that was always persuasive. And to that end the Jedi Master chuckled slightly as the door to the first merchant opened up and he and Gala went inside to see what could be done.
Objective Two: Explore the New Outback. Trying to survive.
Allies: Open

She was not sure how long she had been out, or laying here among the rubble, but Abaigeal woke up with a splitting headache. There was dried blood on his face, her hair matted with it and she was completely covered in dust and dirt. The pain in her head was extraordinary, and when she lifted her hand to her head that was bruised and cut. But at least it was not broken.

It was not until she tried to move her legs, did the reality set in. They were pinned under the rock that fell from the ceiling. She looked up to discover that what was once the ceiling was now open air and she could see into the canopy of the forest. Great.

As best she could, she sat up, every muscle in her body aching and the palms of her hands stung with pain, cut and abrasion. But that did not stop her from attempting to push away some of the rocks off her legs, the smaller ones were easy enough, but the large pieces would take some more effort. Her focus was marred by the pain, as much as she tried to push that away, and her energy sapped, she would have to rest before trying to use the force to free herself.

Shaking fingers pushed the button on her commlink, hoping she might raise someone, alert them to her co-ordinates and her plight. “Abaigeal E’ron here, I am trapped in a ruin at these co-ordinates. Require assistance”. She fell back on the ground, breathing heavy but at least she was alive.

The mountain rumbled louder, and the first cracks in the side of it oozed red hot lava.
Objective 3-Trade/Secure supplies.
Allies: Open
Kahne reached into the pocket of his robes as he pulled out the small holgram display device showing what he had to barter with in exchange for medical supplies and the like. "Most of this stuff you can fetch a pretty good sum of credits for, you just need to find the right people for it." There was a small languaged exchanged between him and what he assumed was his partner or perhaps co owner of this establishment. Kahne glanced down to Gala for a brief moment as he heard some static come through his communicator.

He tapped the comlink just a bit and it seemed quiet for a moment and he just shook his head and went back to the task at hand. Kahne had an assortment of weapons,crystals and the like that he had collected from over the years. While he wasn't going to trade all of it. Most of the things he was offereing in exchange for what was needed to further supply the Outer Alliance was worth the exchange. Kahne smirked slightly as luckily they were speaking a tongue to which Kahne was decently versed in. He had learned that there was a storage of supplies that was nearby that hadn't been used in months.

While Kahne had hoped not to resort to such means, if he had to simply retrieve them by other means. Perhaps that was something that he could get behind. Besides, if they were sitting there for so long then they weren't doing any good. But for them, it could mean a world of good.

"We agree with your terms, have the items I have checked off ready for transport and supply us with the hangar location of your ship and they will be delivered shortly."

"You are kind and generous. Thank you for your time my friends. You have helped me out more than you know. Come on Gala, that's one vendor down." The Jedi led the way out of the establishment and then he heard Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron voice come across his communicator. Gala let out a small series of beeps and whines at the news.

"Gael, are you alright?" Kahne inquired as he made his way through the streets with much haste back to his ship. "I'm in the market square right now, it might take me a little bit to get to you. What's your current situati-?" Kahne was cut off as he heard a very low but distant rumbling. "That's not good."

"Sit tight, I'll be there soon unless someone else get's there before me."
Kahne said as he started off in a jog towards his vessel.

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