Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Gilded

Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

It was a while ago since Mercy last stepped foot on Nar Shaddaa.

Which is funny, because this is where it all began.

She 'vacationed' on Nar Shaddaa. Taking a break from the Sith Empire's eternal churning toil. And in that haze of alcohol binging, drug snorting, flesh-buying, Mercy avoided an entire war between two nations. By the time she popped back up the Sith Empire was no more. In its stead was a bounty placed by her former Master, who assumed she abandoned them. It was a fair assumption.

And because they were all dead? Nobody to remove her bounty.

At first she had to dodge the hunters daily. But as time passed... the hunters thinned out. At this point Mercy wasn't as concerned anymore. The last time she was on Nar Shaddaa (a few weeks back on a job for another employer) nothing especially bad happened.

Well, bounty-wise anyway.

The location her newest employer stipulated was an abandoned warehouse just outside the Entertainment District of Nar Shaddaa. An area that wasn't too rough, but the gilded glitter and pearls of the Huttese district were long past. You could still hear the music from the Entertainment zone. And the golden shine at the horizon. But nobody was having a lot of fun here. Instead they just rushed past and fro.

Going to their fourth or fifth job to make end's meet.

Mercy sighed and settled in for the wait, lighting up a cigarette, she could at least be comfortable while she waited for her mysterious employer.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Mercy Mercy

Nar Shaddaa. The eternal wretched hive of scum and villainy. Every once in a while, a group of do-gooders showed up, with big plans to fight crime and free all the downtrodden. They inevitably failed. Indeed, often they ended up perpetuating the problem.

The Galactic Republic of the Halcyon era had failed - not that it had sought anything other than imperialist self-aggrandisement. With their brilliant track record, as exemplified by their performance on Mirial or how they'd abandoned their subjects to the cruel sadism of the House of Zambrano, a true model of good governance, Libertas had no doubt that the Silver Jedi would find incredible success.

The Sith's arrival was heralded by the hum of servos, the whirring of gears and mechanical, raspy breathing. She wore simple dark robes, but it was immediately apparent that her body was more machine than organic." She noticed the stream of smoke escaping into the air. People say that it's a filthy habit which rots the body and mind," the Sith quipped. "But people say that about a lot of things."
Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

"They do indeed an' they can go fark themselves." Mercy responded bemused as she glanced over her shoulder.

What she saw there immediately killed any bemusement she might have had.

Sith Lord? Oh, yes, clearly that and not something else. She immediately rose up to her feet, back rammed straight like an iron bar was shoved in her spine, while she stood at attention. At least for a moment... before she let her breath run out again. And realized this was karking silly. Lounged considerably more once that realization hit.

Her left arm shifted and it had a gorgeous tattoo inked into it. It shimmered and moved on its own accord. More importantly? It reeked of the Darkside and the eldritch.

"Mah habits already rotted mah body anyway." The arm an indication of that. It was also a warning. If this Sith was here to collect on her bounty, well, she would be selling off her skin expensively. "Ya here cus ya hired some muscle or some other reason?"

Squinting at the twi'lek behind her shades.

Sizing her up.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Mercy Mercy

Libertas cocked her head to the side slightly, scrutinising the large, human-shaped brick with her bulging, bodybuilder muscles. "You can always get an iron lung on the cheap on Denon if your habits rot your lung, too. I'd take care to read the fine print. Who knows what the Corpos or some backalley cybersurgeon are putting into you," she remarked.

"Then again, maybe you'd go for something more...exotic," she glanced at the tattoo that reeked of all things, dark, eldritch and forbidden. Was there a market for alchemised, eldritch lung replacements, too? A certain plant lady would've been able to answer the question if she hadn't been mind-wiped. "I'm Darth Libertas, and no, I don't have a long, boring list of invented titles I need people to pretend to be awed by. I'm here for some muscle. That would be you."
Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

The tension went out of her... slowly.

It might still be the case this Libertas was here to take her out on account of the bounty. Then again... a Darth? Not likely. She wasn't important (that stung) enough to warrant that. It would be a gaggle of apprentices (to be used as a training exercise) or a very ambitious Sith Knight earning their bones through her.

"I will be keepin' dat in mind, ma'am." Mercy drawled with a lazy smile. "Then again, lookin' at ya get-up... mebbe I can knock on ya door, if it ever came to that."

Bold, very bold, and presumably stupid.

But that was Mercy for ya. She was smarter now than she was a year ago, but these sort of things managed to just floop out of her mouth before her brain managed to catch up with her.

"That be me, aye. Muscle a'plenty." Smile shifting to grin as she approached Libertas. "Ya want a smoke, while we chit-chat?" Offering the box to her.

"Or be it too rottin' for ya..."
In the Darkness there is Truth
Mercy Mercy

"I don't partake." Libertas shook her head at the cigarette and raised a somewhat amused eyebrow at Mercy's offer. "Let's get down to business. I've been out shopping - for minions. Nar Shaddaa is inundated with people who never rise above themselves and just wait for the saviour of the week. But every once in a while the moon spawns people who are empowered by adversity and take control of their fate. But I digress."

"I have a group of fugitive ex-slaves I want to get off this rock, without being stopped by mafia cartels or Jedi do-gooders playing hero. Reasonably combat-capable folks, but not trained soldiers."
Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

Mercy shrugged when the twi'lek declined. Not everyone had her firrererererereoooo heal factor, so maybe it was the wise choice. "Mm, soft boys an' gals that be jus' walking sacrificial lambs waiting for da slaughter." she agreed easily since this wasn't Mercy's first time on 'Shaddaa. She knew exactly the sort that lived here.

A minority thrived, the majority was beat down to feth.

"Ah..." Surprised. "Didn't realize Sith were in da business o' being merciful." She smirked at her own pun. Oh, yes, Mercy was that kind of person. "But hey, ya dun' pay me to run commentary on ya plans, so sure whatever ya need."

She definitely was getting more mouthy the more power and experience she gained though.

"So, ya wan' me to scout ahead an' draw the heat? Or jus' run escort and deal with da problems as they come?"

Either was fine to her. Usually she'd offer her opinion right about now, but this was still a Darth. Being a bit mouthy and pun-y was one thing. Another was to shove her opinion on an operation already prepared by a Sith Lord. That was usually a one-way express lane towards Netherworld city. And Mercy enjoyed being alive, thank ya very much.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Mercy Mercy

Libertas, ironically, did have an iron lung. The organic set had been rendered useless. Being spaced would do that to you. She saw no reason to mention that though. "Merciful?" she laughed. "My dear Mercy, beneath all those layers of muscle and ego, you seem like a Sith who wants to make something out of herself, so let me give you some advice: soldiers who fight for you willingly because they believe in your cause and see you've done right by them are more useful than goons you've coerced or brainwashed. A lot less susceptible to hypocritical Jedi redemption propaganda. Less likely to suddenly experience a 'crisis of conscience' when ordered to do something...unpleasant or turn tail when things get tough. I value strength. They showed a bit of that when they broke their chains."

One wondered how she'd get on with a certain peacock, but that was neither here nor there. "As for your question, you'll be running escort. When there's a trouble, you'll put a stop to it. Draw heat where needed. You'll have support, of course."
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Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

Mercy listened intently to that.

For one, Libertas laughed at her pun, so that immediately put her in a column worth paying attention to. Secondly, the twi'lek was a season Sith Lord just giving her free advice. It might not be advice that Mercy wanted to hear or execute ever, but she'd damn sure listen to it. She ended up nodding there, rather thoughtfully, because... it sorta made sense.

Same for her, no?

Would she ever have stuck around Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin , if she didn't already respect her from the stories she read as a kid? Most likely not. The first mother hen instinct would have made Mercy leave without looking back.

Instead Mercy stayed and it had paid off. Numerous of times. "I see whatcha putting down, ma'am." Nodding there for additional indication. "I dun' got minions o' my own yet, but..." As Libertas astutely observed. Mercy wasn't content with being the lady following others around forever. There would come a time... it would be her time.

"Sure. Escort's fine." Then a shrug once the twi'lek mentioned support. "If ya think we need it. I am game. I work real well with others." Kark whoever wrote that chitty nonsensical rev- okay, Mercy, that was months ago.

Mercy followed Libertas inside the warehouse. And realized immediately why she was instructed to wait here. On first glance it seemed abandoned, but that was just the camouflage and grime of neglect. Behind several torn holes were troopers with guns at a ready. Unknowingly to Mercy she had about a dozen barrels aimed at her from the very beginning.

"An' I was jus' there calmly smokin' my cigarette..." Muttered with a hint of embarrassment. Old Mercy would have gotten karking angry. First at herself and then redirect it to Libertas.

New Mercy?

"Ya runnin' a good operation... am impressed."

Now that's character growth.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Mercy Mercy

Libertas chuckled slightly. "I like to think I pick my people well." She produced a small commlink. "Stand down, Major," she said softly. "You're still early in your journey, Mercy. I say this not to denigrate you and bloviate about my 'lordly wisdom'. But because you have much potential to still unlock. To be a Sith is about deciding who you want to be, and pursuing that goal, regardless of constraints. Or whichever box a master wants to push you into, my humble self explicitly included. But one must do so smartly."

Almost silently, the armed troopers emerged from their hideouts amidst the detritus of the seemingly abandoned, broken warehouse. Some of them wore stormtrooper armour coloured to blend into the grimy urban environment, many wore a hodgepodge of gear camouflaged to blend in. It would probably drive a colour sergeant on a Sith-Imperial parade grounds mad, but it was good for situations like this.

Their leader was a grizzled looking Twi'lek in camo-coloured stormtrooper armour with an elongated helmet to fit her lekku in. She was armed with a shatter rifle. "Major Koanai Pann, meet Mercy. She'll help us clobber unwelcome guests when we and our friends depart this rock. Something tells me interlopers won't find her gentle."

The Twi'lek officer gave a curt nod in lieu of a salute. "Dare say you're right, ma'am. We're not looking to cause a big fight, but if it happens we'll paint our way out red."
Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

Just a year ago those words would have raised her hackles.

Now? Mercy listened to Libertas thoughtfully and most importantly? Silently. Letting those words turn around her head. It made her feel like she was being taken seriously. By a fully fledged karking Sith Lord to boot. That filled her with pride. How far she had come since just sticking her head into pit fights and karking drunkards up for prize money.

This... this was more dangerous, but better regardless.

"Nice t'a meetcha, Major Pann." Mercy drawled with a big grin and a nod. "Am lookin' forward to fighting with y'all." She rolled her shoulders in an expressive move and stretched.

"So, where be yar new recruits. Would like to give 'em a watch, t'see who I be defending?"

A glance around to see if she'd spot them already.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Mercy Mercy

"Come on, I'll give you the scenic tour. The takeaway's always late and we only get reruns of crappy reality shows on the holotelly," Koanai remarked dryly. Did Libertas have a policy to only hire people who made bad jokes? In any event, Mercy was led deeper into a decrepit, seemingly abandoned building. It was manned by a variety of figures. Most of them were aliens. They looked like a ragged bunch, but keen eyed and determined. Most wore an eclectic mix of civilian and military attire, tattered, requisitioned and scavenged. All were armed with a variety of weapons - blasters, slugthrowers or vibroweapons. They let them pass through, though with side eye glances at the newcomer.

"Used to have a bigger group, but the old, frail and real young left after some Jedi gave them a speech about how he'd lead them to a land of milk, honey and peace. Load of horseshit. Least they won't slow us down," Koanai said.
"The dear Major is a bit sour because she didn't get to take the Jedi's scalp," Libertas remarked.
"I had a nice, clean shot," the stormtrooper pointed out.
"Verily, but it would've set back our trust-building. Besides, he was an amusing sparring partner and less stupid than most Jedi. I do like a capable foe once in a while. Elsewise we'd be left with...Silvers," Libertas mock shuddered. A universe where the only Jedi a Sith got to fight were Silvers was truly a horrible prospect. "If we run into a Jedi again, by all means shoot them."

"Yes, boss." Koanai pointed at a Twi'lek male walking in crutches. "That guy doesn't look like much, but he's great at making bombs. Long as he's not the one who has to plant them."
Mercy might see what at first glimpse looked like a pile of rubble. However, the rubble unfolded to present a huge, rocky figure wearing armour and carrying a heavy maul. Sparkling emerald eyes looked out from under heavy brows. Mercy would sense the Force emanate from her.
"Mercy, this is Jade, she is a force of nature and assists when needed in clearing obstacles."
Jade nodded slowly. She looked at Mercy carefully, cautiously. "I make your acquaintance," she rumbled in a voice like the pounding of hammers.

"And this is Kiera," Koanai indicated a tough looking, scarred Weequay dressed in scavenged armour and with a disruptor pistol on her hip. "The leader of our friends."
The Weequay eyed the newcomer suspiciously. "You brought another Sith? You guys grow on trees or something?" she remarked.
"A Sith helped you break your chains," Libertas said evenly.
Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

Mercy was overwhelmed by it all.

Equally amused, impressed and overwhelmed.

The people working for Libertas were... hm. They did not come across as Sith followers. There was no slavish devotion here. No murderous intent or tortured agony. No, these people seemed to be entirely devoted in a different matter. Loyalty born from (dare she say it) comradery and a bond forged in fire. It was something you might hear of in the Jedi circles, but in the Sith ones? Not at all. Not even the Pomojema could speak of that kind of friendships circulating through its cold hallways.

"If they get led on by fancy chit like that, ya wouldn't want 'em in yar battle formation anyway..." Mercy drawled absently as she studied the others some more and mostly remained quiet. Instead letting their banter wash over her.

It was entirely out of character for Mercy, but- this? This right here made her feel strange things. She did not like it. Not at all. But she did like what Libertas had gathered here and perhaps that was why she didn't like her feelings. A schoolyard bully never enjoyed the sensation of envy sneaking up on her.

Mercy blinked at the literal walking, talking, expressive mountain though.

"Um. I make... yours as well?" Blink blink some more, but also? Rather appreciative glance up and down. That was a mountain worth... climbing. Even if Mercy wasn't entirely sure how it would work physiologically speaking. She made a note to ask for her number, if they all survived tonight.

"Mmm, Sith, no Sith, I dun' do much about da labels, babe." Murmured sweetly as she pulled again from her cigarette. "All ya gotta know is da I put threats down, 'til they dun' get up again. An' today yar threats be mine. That work for ya?"
In the Darkness there is Truth
Mercy Mercy

Kiera looked at Mercy intently. She couldn't quite deny the woman's logic, though she didn't like it much either. "Fine. You use that glowstick to chop up people getting in our way, I use my gun to shoot them and we'll have no problems."

Jade glanced down at the human. It was not likely she divined Mercy's intent, and would be confused if it was requested. Still, she had a job to do and Jade shifted her attention back to Libertas. "Opposition will be heavy. We must be prepared for our enemies to attempt to thwart us."

"Indeed," Libertas affirmed, indicating a holographic map on the table. "We have to move through the Blue Suns' bailiwick. And our group is too conspicuous for everyone to march in the same column, so we'll have to divide them judiciously, but coordinate and not let ourselves be picked off one by one. Fortunately, we have some mechanical help. Antique battle droids, cheap, crappy HRDs found on the scrapyard and fixed up again. One of them even looks like the good Major."
"The pretty one," Koanai grunted.
"We've slapped some clothes and synthskin on the bots. They'll march ahead."
"The ruse will be spotted real soon," Koanai pointed out.

"I hope so. They'll be mowed down. And whilst that'll take a team and stage an ambush. Mercy, go with her. The terrain should give you plenty of opportunity for cover to get the drop on the enemy. Spare none. Jade, you'll head another detachment to draw away attention from the main group, which will depart with some delay and use the sewers. Kiera, you'll head it with me. This is our rally point," she pointed at a spot on the map.
Jade nodded slowly. "Would you like me to make my distraction...explosive?" she asked. She did have a large grenade launcher removed from a light tank she liked to use.
"By all means."
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Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

As Kiera mentioned a lightsaber?

Mercy freed her cleaver and raised it up between them. Most creations of the Force were at least somewhat elegant or graceful. Even the average Sith Sword had something finely-tuned about it. Not this thing though. No, this thing was made for chopping, and cleaving (yes) and cutting, until the opponent was an unrecognizable mess.

"Dunno about lightsicks, but chop things up, I will." It would also draw the attention of potential enemies to her. Which... was frankly ideal for this kind of mission.

Almost as if the mission was tailor-fit to her skills.

Apparently the battle plan was for her to be attached to the twi'lek. Which was fine. A twi'lek, so even though she was decked out in armor, she was still hot. Probably. Under all that armor.

"Looks like we be it, Major Kay." Mercy spoke to Koanai as the groups were being made. "Lookin' forward to ambush an' crack some skulls?" She flashed her her very best grin there. Truth to be told this was all rather exciting. Work with a whole team of well-trained Sith troopers? It was the kind o' chit she had missed, because she was busy getting drunk on Nar Shaddaa.

While the Imperials were kicking Sith arse.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Mercy Mercy

Koanai glanced at the Sith when she got the name wrong, but mentally shrugged. The Sith wanted to cleave people into pieces of kebab, she could work with that. "Always. Just keep it quiet and then hit hard and we'll take them out quick and easy." The Twi'lek fished out a small object that looked like a wrist watch and handed it to Mercy. "No-show. Scrambles bio signature and energy emissions. Put it on. We don't want to be spotted before we start ripping and tearing, do we?" she asked rhetorically.

She turned gaze to the mix of soldiers under her command. "You heard the Sith, we're moving out. Follow up behind the bots, get into position, strike. Watch your back, no dumb heroics. Don't fire until I give the signal. And make sure no enemy gets away. No prisoners." The soldiers stamped their boots against the hard floor. Evidently that was a sign of affirmation.

Meanwhile, Jade was gathering her own team. The large stone woman had equipped herself with a grenade launcher so big it looked like it had been removed from a light tank. "See you at the rally point, big girl," Koanai remarked.
"Yes," the Kar'zun said stoically. Her eyes fell briefly on Mercy's cleaver. "A well-crafted weapon, may it serve you well on the battlefield." By the time the team moved into the dilapidated streets, the bots would already be advancing.
Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

Mercy accepted the No-show and shrugged.

"Dunno, lady. I wouldn't mind being spotted. Jus' means they come at mah blades sooner." She drawled... and then put on the wrist watch anyway. In this matter it didn't matter what her personal preference was. She was working on a contract. Koanai was part of Libertas' band and Mercy was attached to her.

Whatever she said? Rule o' karking law, as far as Mercy was concerned.

Mercy's shades shifted to Jade. And her grenade launcher. There the large woman whistled in appreciation. "Yar got a nice 'un too, gem-babe. Maybe ya will lemme play with yar trigger at the end o' this..." Considering how straightforward Jade was... it wasn't clear if she'd catch the innuendo. But it was time to get serious to sadly Mercy couldn't tease the poor mountain for much longer.

Instead her attention shifted back to the twi'lek as they got into their march.

"Mah knife be special, Major. Once I start tearin'... their weakest minds won't be able to resist attacking me. No matter if it be suicidal or nah. So have yar men be ready for that. It will let ya cut 'em down much the sooner, yeah?"
In the Darkness there is Truth
Mercy Mercy

Jade looked at the human stoically. "I would rather you did not, it would be very difficult for you to use as it's built for me," she said with a completely straight face. Well, it was difficult for mammals to discern facial expressions of a Kar'zun. Still, if there'd been any innuendo involved in Mercy's words, it completely went over her head.

"Barking up the wrong rock," Koanai remarked as the Kar'zun stomped away. She considered Mercy's suggestion, then nodded curtly. If the Sith lived up to her words, it would make things easier. Koanai was as Force-Sensitive as a plank, which meant she only had a rudimentary understanding of how the Force worked that was based on observing space mages do their thing.

If the Sith got herself killed, she'd have still drawn enemy fire. The fact that the Sith wanted to work with her instead of trying to pull space mage privilege was already a positive surprise. "If you want to draw everyone's attention, be my guest. Get all the goons hot and bothered, and we'll take them out."

Outside, it was a dense, urban area of dilapidated buildings. It was strange that the Entertainment District was not far from here, but very Nar Shaddaa. Indeed one could hear music coming from there. And perceive the golden shine on the horizon. But that might as well be another world. The soldiers moved surreptitiously. Their dull urban camo would not pass muster at a parade, but it blended in well with the drab concrete.

The whine of blaster fire could be heard in the distance, punctuated by explosions. Hear and there, one heard a monotonous 'Roger, roger' before a bot got turned into a scrap metal by one of the Blue Sun mercenaries. An e-web roared down the street, discharging crimson beams of death. Which had the convenient side-effect of identifying enemy strong points. "Keep your head down," Koanai instructed her soldiers quietly. Her eyes fell upon a building whose roof seemed to overlook most of the road. An ideal vantage point. She made a gesture with her hand, signalling her spotter. "Yussuf, with me on the roof."
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Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

Mercy blinked and then looked over at the Twi'lek. "More like a mountain than a rock." Waggling her eyebrows suggestively to Koanai, before growing just a touch more serious.

If only a touch.

This was an existential crisis for these refugees. A way to escape servitude and a groveling existence. For Mercy? It was an average Taungday. No, that wasn't right, this was more exciting than the average Taungday. Not just guard duty or having to use her mouth flaps to get something done. No, this was the opportunity to participate in a karking battle.

Her hand stroked the pommel of her butcher's blade. "I hope they offer stiff resistance." A bit of a greedy tone there. It would be nice to participate in a good slaught-

Mercy blinked and let go of the blade.

That had been weird?

As Koanai detached herself with another sentient to the nearby vantage point Mercy tried her best to be quiet. This was difficult. She was big, she was lumbering, and not very graceful. Still. Somehow the Sith managed to circle around and got in view of the Blue Sun e-web point. Mercy waited until Libertas' forces were in position.

A kill-box locking into shape all around.

Once the signal was given?

Mercy leaped up and with a force-assisted maneuver crashed straight into one of the emplacement nodes. The butcher's cleaver swung up and started to draw blood in short order.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Mercy Mercy

The air was filled with the stench of ozone and broken electronics. Simplistic battle droids were being mowed down. Their armour and their flimsy organic disguise was easily revealed. "Frak, these slaves are fools," one of the mercenaries declared. "These droids are ripe for the scrapyard. We've got this whole sector locked down. They can't run, they can't hide."

The e-web howled, unleashing a hailstorm of scarlet rounds. In the far distance, loud explosions could be heard. Then suddenly a flying brick soared through the air. "What the hell?" one of soldiers exclaimed. "Take them out," their leader barked, though he didn't seem overly worried.

Until Mercy landed in their midst, crashing right into one of the emplacements, and the brutal cleaver in her grasp started to get painted red. Immediately, all manners of eyes were upon her. Blasters were raised and goons fired. Even soldiers who had been in cover and focused on securing the road suddenly turned their gaze to Mercy.

Koanai could perceive the bloody drama unfolding from her vantage point on the top of the roof, looking through her scope and aided by her spotter. She also heard the distant explosions. It sounded a bit like a tank blast. Jade, no doubt. "Now," she signalled her minions. From their cover in the urban ruins, the mixed squad of former slaves and stormtroopers opened fire on the mercenaries.

One soldier had set up a microgrenade launcher and now it belched ion grenades that soared towards the emplacements. Koanai pulled the trigger of her shatter rifle, and a tiny, hyper-accelerated projectile shot through the air. A significant portion of an officer's brain matter had been splattered over the ground before the shot was heard.

"12 o'clock, bringing another e-web into position," her spotter spoke.
Koanai's rifle swept towards the indicated position. "I see it." Her eyes briefly focused on the operator, then the power generator. She smiled thinly, and fired. Boom.

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