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Ghosts of Sojourn - [The Golden Company.]

Outer Rim Territories // Sith-Imperial Administrative Oversector II // Carrion Sector // Sojourn, the Hunter’s Moon.
Concurrent with the Alderaani Summit Revelation - Galactic Standard Time.
Aboard the GCV "Xanthus" Spyridon - Class Astral Catamaran
Translating from Hyperspace.


There was a time, long before the darkening of civilizations light, when the Scions of Thyrsus were bound together as one. They stood united against the oppressive hubris of their genetic cousins, who hailed from the world of Eshan. For nearly three centuries, they waged a war that would ensure their independence for all time. Yet, in the aftermath, they lost the force that brought them together and began to fragment. From this Splintering, the Sun Guard were born and the planet became divided for the first time since they were enslaved. It was in that moment that the people and their nomadic heralds began to diverge, further and further until they were almost unrecognizable. Some have stated that this schism of ideas, gave birth to the Sun Guard’s eventual demise at the hands of the Sith years later. Others have stated that their devotion to some misbegotten cause, where they worshipped an intergalactic messiah, which led them down the darkened path.

Regardless of what was true, the Sun Guard were slaughtered by the Ventress - a Dark Assassin bearing twinned sabres of bloody crimson. Those that survived her wroth were once again divided. Some sought out their old master’s pupil, becoming the first of his Red Guard. Those that knew better returned home and began to reintegrate themselves with the people they left behind. As one can imagine, those that went on to serve the new Galactic Emperor were systematically eliminated in petty games of power; whilst they fought to reclaim a legacy that was never theirs. It was their blind allegiance to the Sith and their ilk that would herald their doom. Thyrsus and her people were riven, and thus they suffered as more of their people perished in the fires of their fruitless ambitions. No longer did they embody the notion of a united people; who were stronger together than they were when divided.

Such words would become true as this day’s events would be recorded, as the world of Sojourn seemingly housed a heretical sect of Thyrsians -- who dared to call themselves Sun Guards, sever the ties to their birthright. It was outright blasphemous to an already broken people; not to mention their absolute subservience to a Sith. While this standpoint would seem to be utterly ironic, as the Golden Company found itself employed by the Sith Empire more often than not; the key difference that mattered was that they weren’t enslaved, nor blindly bound to service. They were more than capable of refusing work from their paymasters, just as they were able to graciously accept it. They were free to stalk the stars, and know that hoards of credits awaited for them whenever they desired to return the burgeoning superpower’s astral shoals.

The only one amongst the Golden Company’s number who even swore fealty - of a sort - to the Sith was Khonsu Amon. He had been secretly taken under the wing of the Sith-Imperial Shadow Hand; the Supreme Commander, and the overly theatrical Lord of Lies. A relationship that saw the ambitious Thyrsian rise through the ranks, and the fortunes of the entire outfit rise ever higher. One could even say that this relationship caused the organization to live up to their name; where the armour of every Sun Guard was forged from the pilfered war spoils of the planet’s they conquered. It was also a bond that saw to the master, of the master, gifting the apprentice with knowledge; Secrets that dwelled upon the surface of the Hunter’s Moon. It seemed that a Sith - who bore many faces in the hopes of grasping onto her dwindling reserves of power - forged a solitary nest atop the slowly reviving crust of a once desolate world.

While there were notions that bespoke of a titan ridding himself of a nagging boil that began to burst, Khonsu knew better. It was a base that could be used to gather resources, and an anchorage for the entirety of the Golden Company to rest their weary bones; before readying themselves for the greatest of their endeavours. Sojourn would become a bastion at the Edge of an Empire; before another Contender rose to prominence amongst the Giants in the galactic playground.


The Twisuns Praetor stood atop the Xanthus’ deployment deck, with his taloned fingers wrapped around the haft of his extended force pike. It’s polished surface ground against the scuffed facet of the flight deck, as the weapon leaned away from its master. The warrior was helmed, and the horsehair crest that jutted forth from his gilded crown billowed ever-so-slightly in the technological ballet erupting nearby. Automated cranes lifted gunships and walkers into position, and platforms began transferring armed and armoured divisions of soldier’s from one deck to another. They were readying themselves for battle, once again. The Golden Company was triumphant in their service to the Sith Empire, as they besieged the world of Csilla; despite much of their glory being reduced to nothing more than a footnote in the annals of history. They claimed many Jen’ari lives that day; by gunning them down as they ran in a whirlwind of solarized plasma of shot, or by running them through with the energized lethality coruscating across their metallic blades.

However, their work was never done.

Khonsu stood alone, as he waited for the warning klaxons to sound. His ritual observances were already complete, as the man never truly removed himself from the armour that clung to his muscular frame. Thus, he found himself oddly at a loss. It would be foolish to relieve himself of the tension of his articulated vestments; especially when there was yet more blood to be shed. It would also be unwise for him to waste his energy, and that of his power suit, on the training decks. They were likely to be packed already, with the number of soldiers they ferried too and from the surface of Csilla. He’d also have little room to test his might effectively, and that wouldn’t do. However, there was something he could busy himself with. The Thyrsian could join his Zabraki Commander in overseeing the new recruits that joined them during their transit back into Sith-Imperial space.

It wasn’t ideal, but it was also something that would pass the time until their emergence from Hyperspace. Thus, did the Sun Guard move towards a section of the flight deck devoted to the new crop of Initiates that found themselves under his joint command. It was likely they came from all walks of life, and that they had their own reasons for enlisting within the Mercenary Outfit. Truth be told, Khonsu couldn’t care. They needed to be blooded first for him to even bother giving him a piece of his mind; which meant that they would likely be forgotten in the year to come… unless they proved to be exceptional. The man did relish surprises, and often gave them the chance to prove their mettle -- be it on the battlefield, or in the depths of the fighting pits.

Nevertheless, it was his duty, and the price of his ambition saw him carried towards a collection of shuttles, and a gaggle of Mercenaries; who stood before an unhelmed Zabrak in gilded warplate.

“I know your journey’s been long,” the horned-man began, as his dark eyes scoured the faces of those gathered about him. “However, I’m afraid there won’t be a chance to ease you into our operations. We’ve been given quite the bounty from the Sith Empire, and it’d be foolish for us to waste this chance.”

He paused to acknowledge Khonsu with a curt nod, before returning his attention to the Gathering before him.

“So, your first assignment is to join with the Sun Guard, and the Auxilia Forces, as we scour the Hunter’s Moon of a band of Iconoclasts. While this holds a cultural, and almost personal meaning for us - We’re going to pay the lot of you for every False Sun Guard’s scalp you collect. We don’t care how it’s done, just that it is. There’s also an additional bounty for every officer that you find. Bring them to the Twisuns Praetor and me, and you shall be richly rewarded.”

With one last glance, the Zabraki Commander turned his gaze towards to group; swivelling from one face to another.

“Any questions?”
Location: Aboard the Xanthus
Objectives: Prepare for battle
Tags: [member="Khonsu Amon"]

Achilles ran a hand over the base of his blaster pistol, checking the weapon for anything out of place. He'd checked the weapon just before boarding the Golden Company's frigate. The Mercenary had been on a world deep in the outer rim, Apatros, when the emissary of the Golden Company had come to recruit for their cause. Originally Achilles had thought the group sounded boring and easily dismissed, however he had been low on credits and they were a free ride off the planet. It wasn't like he intended to stay with this group, but when their first assignment came to pass he was one of the first to volunteer.

They had been offered a decent bit of gear and weaponry to see their task done. After an all-too long in processing they were ushered to a flight deck where they had been separated into teams. Those teams stood before the shuttles, preparing for what was to come.

A few of the mercenaries shared tales of each other or got into stupid arguments. Achilles ignored them all, checking his blaster pistol and then rechecking it after a bit of time passed. He'd been in conflicts like this where the sponsor offered them subpar weaponry and that often resulted in failure or death, usually both. After a final check, Achilles tucked his blaster pistol into his waist, looking up to see one of the men who had gathered them begin to speak.

Damn it. Please not some lame ass speech. He mused, running a hand over his neck as he looked up to the Zabracki who spoke to them.

To Achilles luck the briefing was short, yet he could not help but notice one question had gone unanswered. When silence fell over the deck Achilles had been the only one to call out. "Yea....How much per head?" He asked with a questioning expression. Those around him would laugh a bit before waiting to hear the answer as well. From one side of the galaxy to another it never failed, a credit was a credit.

Location: The Xanthus
Allies: The Golden Company
Tags: [member="Achilles"] , [member="Khonsu Amon"]

Altani stared out to the planet before her as her ship dropped out of hyperspace. In some ways, it reminded her of her home back on Tiantang. How far away she had come from the simple pastoral life. Once a farmer's daughter, now the sister of two Khaans, and now an initiate for the infamous Golden Company. The Kagan woman had joined up on rather recently with the mostly-Thyrsian mercenaries, but to her, it brought sense of nostalgia. In many ways, they had reminded her of the kinship-like bonds that many Kagan warriors had with one another.

In the preparation for, in all honesty, was her first mission with the Company. She stuck out from the rest of her peers. While many of them were tall men dressed in gilded armor. Yet here she was, dressed in armor more traditional of her culture, and standing shorter than the rest. The only thing to make her remotely stand in was a marking on a pauldron that named her as an initiate of the Company. She gave a small chuckle to the question Achilles proposed, studying her sword for any dullness before running a whetstone over its edge. Satisfied, she slid it back into its scabbard.

"I will add to his. Do you mind if we keep them afterward?" She joked darkly, her voice smudged with a rough, foreign accent, "My collection is looking a little sparse."
Outer Rim Territories // Sith-Imperial Administrative Oversector II // Carrion Sector // Sojourn, the Hunter’s Moon.
Concurrent with the Alderaani Summit Revelation - Galactic Standard Time.
Aboard the ‘Xanthus’ Spyridon - Class Astral Catamaran.
Boarding a Vahakn - Class Dropship.
Realspace Translation.

The Golden Company was never one for speeches. This disparate band of Mercenaries didn’t become one of the best outfits in the galaxy by boring their soldiers to death. Such rhetoric was best reserved for weaker souls; beings who fought in the name of some craven wretch, or the ideas of unity brought forth by the flags that billowed in the wind above. Those words spat forth by those who deluded themselves with the false notions of authority, would turn vast legions of spineless cowards into a fighting force to be reckoned with. Yet, the fact they had to be spurned into greatness was something the Sellswords wished to ignore. Soldiers, no matter of their skill, needed to be ready to fight with all their heart and skill at a moment’s notice. That was where a large paycheque and some damn good grub came in, as by those factors alone -- even the most talentless hack could take on the odds, and come out victorious.

Nevertheless, despite their desire to shorten their pre-battle rundowns, there was always questions that’d delay the inevitable. When two of their newfound contractors asked their respective queries, the Zabrak answered without hesitation; as if he was expecting them. “Each scalp is worth Seven thousand credits. If you bring me their heads or broken bodies, I’ll be paying upwards of Thirteen thousand credits.” The horned man’s eyes drifted towards the oddly dressed woman, before continuing with an answer to her question. “You may keep the scalps after they’ve been tallied, but the Golden Company reserves the collection rights to any and all corpses found on Sojourn.” He cast a quick and knowing glance to Khonsu’s armoured visage, then returned to the gathered Mercenaries before him.

“We have other plans for those Iconoclasts.”

Khonsu's mind filled with the flashing images of towering pikes speared into the ground, with severed heads and bodies flailing in the wind. There was also the notion of nailing them to their secret, and secluded base of operations whilst they still lived; so that they could die with parched throats under the haze of those they'd forsaken. The moment was fleeting before his thoughts were replaced with the rites of preparation, but it left him smiling behind the false-firelight of his visor.

Mere seconds after the Zabrak Sun Guard issued his ultimatum, the deployment hangar filled with the sounds of warning klaxons. The Xanthus was making its translation from the dimensional rift of Hyperspace, and it wanted those within its armoured husk to ready themselves for what's to come. Without hesitation, the Zabrak crowned himself with his gilded helm and silently ordered Khonsu to stand with these possible initiates. Before he was able to respond, either in the affirmative or negative, his commander was running towards his dropship. Issuing a slight snarl from between his lips, the Thyrsian swung his gaze to those that he'd one day call his comrades. They weren't entirely composed of gilded warriors, but they'd be enough to finish the job. They had to be, else they were all dead. Not one to mourn and lament the unappealing decisions made by his superior, Khonsu beckoned the myriad of Mercenaries to follow after him; for they had a dropship that was primed and ready for them.

Its gilded surface thrummed with the mechanical purring of the idling engines, and it’s loading doors were retracted; revealing the troop deck and the integrated weapons and crash harnesses within. The Thyrsian didn’t cast his eyes over his shoulder to see if they’d follow, as he knew they would. If they didn’t? Well, it was likely they’d be left behind and kicked off the flight deck when the Golden Company made their landing. Having been presented with two choices; being stranded on some god’s forsaken moon, or becoming rich - it was a no brainer. Well, at least in his mind. Who knows what was going through theirs? The Sun Guard trusted in their greed and knew that they’d come along eventually. His Cohort, on the other hand, followed after their Commander; climbing into the ‘Vahakn’ and strapping themselves into the harnesses, as well as mag-locking themselves to the deck. It was after his men secured themselves into the transport that Khonsu turned towards those that followed him.

With a thought, the Thyrsian activated his suit’s vocabulator and projected his voice outwards into the deafening chorus of the deployment hangar.

“Secure yourselves within the Dropship, we’ll make planetfall soon after.”
| [member="Achilles"] | [member="Altani Khataan"] |
Location: Vahakn Class Dropship
Objective: Prepare for insertion
Tags: [member="Khonsu Amon"] [member="Altani Khataan"]

Achilles let out a deep, low whistle when he heard the bounty per scalp. Either the Golden Company was rolling in credits or these enemies were not going to be some joke. When another voice called out from beside him, Achilles chuckled at the warriors words. He'd never really been one for taking trophies, in fact the closest thing he'd ever done to claim a trophy was loot a body after he had killed them. It wasn't like they were going to miss a few credits.

With the briefing over the mercenary company was finally moving to action. Achilles chuckled, glancing over to [member="Altani Khataan"] as his helmet formed around his face. "Looks like we're on the same ship together." He noted, his voice became masked in a metallic tone as the blue helmet of his armor formed around his face. The klaxons of war began to sound and Achilles could not help but laugh as the deck turned into a mad rush to the drop ships. "Just like Cato Nemoidia all over again." He muttered, making his way over to the nearest drop ship. His eyes crossed the man who loaded into the dropship, [member="Khonsu Amon"].

Achilles was not quite sure how he had ended up on the same ship as one of the front runners, but that only meant one thing. He looked back to [member="Altani Khataan"], continuing to strike up conversation as no one else had piqued his curiosity just yet. "See him? Bet wherever he's going is gonna have all the scalps you could want." He said, before walking over to one of the staging bays. Achilles moved into his own bay and glanced over at some of the items that the Golden Company had supplied them for this mission. His hands swept over a few of the items as he examined them, deciding if he would use them for the battle or not. "Let's keep it simple." He said, trusting in his own blaster pistols and assault rifle. They had not failed him yet.
Outer Rim Territories // Sith-Imperial Administrative Oversector II // Carrion Sector // Sojourn, the Hunter’s Moon.
Concurrent with the Alderaani Summit Revelation - Galactic Standard Time.
Aboard the ‘Xanthus’ Spyridon - Class Astral Catamaran.
Aboard a Vahakn - Class Dropship.
Proceeding Planetside, and towards the Fort thereafter.
Opposition:Sun Guard” Iconoclasts.


When the Xanthus dropped out of hyperspace, the warship found itself spilling back across the canvas of reality above the moon of Sojourn, and the nameless Gas Giant it orbited. There were several vessels anchored in high orbit already, with the sigil of the Sith Empire pulsing from their signalling masts. Their ionic drives were flickering softly, and their positions heralded their assigned task within the system. They were here to quarantine the moon, and from the transmitted reports -- they’ve already destroyed several voidcraft trying to flee the surface. It seemed that there were stragglers confined to the surface, like rats trapped in a maze. Supposedly, such an act was put forth by the local Sith-Imperial Garrison, as the moon was to be gifted to the true inheritors of the Sun Guard’s legacy for their service to the Empire.

They wanted to be there, at first, to officially hand over the reins but were instead ordered to quarantine the planet and shoot down any starship seeking to break the blockade.

It wasn’t made clear until after the planetary encirclement was fully established, that Sojourn was infested with Sith Heretics, and Thyrsian Iconoclasts. Then, it supposedly took a great amount of willpower for the Flotilla’s commander to not cleanse the surface of the moon with nuclear fire; mirroring the attempted Sith coup centuries prior. However, the man stayed his hand. If he disobeyed his orders, it was likely that the Sun Guard would take offence when they arrived. High Command would’ve likely him strung up for going against a direct command from their Emperor as well. Nevertheless, that Commander was the one to welcome the Warships of the Golden Company when they arrived.

He did so with a smile, albeit false and forced. The man greeted them over a secured connection and shared the customary words; which fell hollow on the Thychani Commander’s ears. There was little warmth in the reply, but it was nothing short of cordial nonetheless. They had to keep a somewhat friendly relationship with their Sith-Imperial paymasters, after all.

When the Warships of the Golden Company took their positions above their newly acquired moon; establishing a blockade of their own, the Xanthus proceeded planetside. The vessel’s gilded plating and the plasmatic shield thereafter flickered with the licking tails of atmospheric fire, as it punched through Sojourn’s heavens. While there were no reports of active interception emplacements on the surface, the Sun Guard wasn’t willing to take the chance of charging into the fray unprepared. Therefore, their weapons were primed and tracking the surface for any sign of automated revelation. Disappointment fluttered through several Officers on the command deck as they broke through the stratosphere. Nothing but the planet’s natural defences resisted their advance. As they came down, their ionic engines roaring in protest, the Xanthus’ external plating retracted -- revealed the deployment hangars nestled within.

Without a moment’s hesitation, the dropships within dusted off and speared out into the darkness that spilled across the devastated, but slowly recovering moon. They swept across the moon’s surface and surrounded the only structure that stood out across the terrestrial landscape. It was a building of ancient stone and wood -- something out of the dark ages before sentient life reached for the stars. From the records they procured, the Golden Company knew this building as the Fort, the supposedly hidden estate of an insignificant Sith Lord who sought to take on an Empire by herself. Her name, just like the unimaginative appellation that was given to the building before their assembled masses, would be wiped from the face of history by the cleansing embrace of the Sun.

As the Dropships began to encircle the ancient stone fortress, their weapons cycled to life; accruing lethality with every passing moment. In response and an act that defied all outward appearances, the Fortress was instantaneously encapsulated by a protective barrier. It seemed that the Fort would not fall so easily. Yet, as the defenders doubtlessly celebrated their momentary triumph, it would turn to ashes as the solarized weapons banished the shadows clinging to Sojourn’s surface. The stone walls thought to be protected behind the protective embrace of the projected barrier melted, as lances of ochre light pulsed through the crackling plasma. What would’ve been a siege that would’ve lasted for hours, was over in the span of seconds - as the Fort became nothing more than a towering monument of little idiocies and molten slag.

The shield fell in short order, and the towering edifice went along with it. Those that were trapped inside found themselves crushed beneath the weight of the melted stone; forever denied the chance to die in the heat of battle. Those Iconoclasts that were without the ancient installation began to scatter, as they bore witness to the destruction of their Master’s home.

They had nowhere to run, however, thus they would only die tired.


Khonsu laughed, as the holographic projector embedded into the deployment deck showcased the Fort’s destruction. It wasn’t silent, and several of the Sun Guards aboard the dropship joined in with the jovial affair. They didn’t do so because of their Commanding Officer, but rather through a shared understanding of their Organizational past. Those that died within the Fort exiled themselves from their Homeworld and denounced everything that made them who they were. They were no longer the Sons and Daughters of Thyrsus; They were a tumour to be excised and discarded without pity, or remorse.

Despite the jovial mirth echoing across the shared comms, there was a lingering sensation of disappointment that echoed behind the laughter. They, like Khonsu himself, wanted to get up close and take those Iconoclasts out with blades in hand. But, instead, their enemies were slaughtered by the stones and mortar that were supposed to have offered them a measure of protection. That glory would’ve, and could’ve been theirs. Now? They were forever denied it. Perhaps those False Sun Guard who survived their macerated kin would offer them all a chance to reclaim the renown lost in the collapse. Yet, that was an uncertain future amidst the fickle tides of an impermanent future.

:: Primary target destroyed, moving toward the LZ. Prepare for landing. ::

With the Pilot’s words given, and further enforced by the dropship’s internal lights becoming a slow pulsating carnelian. It wouldn’t be long now, Khonsu thought. In a moment of disciplined habit, the man checked the charge on his solarized rifle manually -- ignoring the readout displayed on his visor entirely. Satisfied with what his eyes bore witness too, the man slammed home the plasma cartridge and listened as the weapon whined in accruing activation. When his eyes lifted from the glistening husk of his weapon; he focused his attention on two of the mercenaries amongst their honoured number.

They were nothing like the others and held an aura of experience that made them stand out amongst the rest. They were here for Credits, that much was true, but perhaps with the right words -- they might be convinced to stay for more? As the dropship began its descent and prepared to touch down soon after, Khonsu moved towards the pair -- sizing them up as he went. “You two,” He began, as the man came to a halt within a few feet from the armoured man and what seemed to be a woman. He couldn’t tell beneath the armour, but her figure bore the minor hallmarks of her gender. “By what names do you go by? And do the two of you have any objections to personally joining me in the hunt?”

Whilst he waited for their answer, the doors of the transport slammed open - and the crisp, night’s air began to fill with the sounds and sights of battle.

| [member="Achilles"] | [member="Altani Khataan"] |

Draconis Caesar

Draconis expected violent quakes as the ship entered the stratosphere, the barking of staccato gun fire, the deaths of many. But, he was both surprised and joyed when neither happened. He didn't have the faintest clue how he had ended up here. He had been content to simply stay put in the Thyrsian militia he was part of, but when an emissary from the Gold Company came to Thyrsus seeking new recruits, something within Draconis told him this was his destiny. He had never quiet understood what exactly it was that possessed him when he decided to sign his life away to the mercenaries. Maybe it was the simple fact that their was nothing left for him at home. His people while not broken, were still widely viewed as at least bent among the rest of the galaxy. Something easy to ignore on the Homeworld, but when travelling it stood out like a sore thumb. So, Draconis decided if he did wish to see the stars it'd be better done with his own people than foreigners.

Draconis had on simple durasteel armor and a plain brown robe for warmth. He was hardly dressed in suitable attire, but it was the best his Militia could afford, men and women whom he had once called family, saw him off with a pat on the back and joyous shouts of love and praise. He had an old energy shield that might deflect a few blaster bolts and a simple vibro-spear. Something he had trained with his whole life. He could throw it over seventy meters with deadly efficiency, He could use it as a quarter staff for defense, and when the time called for it, he could kill the opposition that would dare stand in his way. Draconis felt the spear resting on his back and let out a groan of embarrassment. He was no mercenary! A simple farmer from the homeworld!

Of course could defend himself and fight, but he had never even really killed a man... It was a disturbing thought, that all aboard this vessel had probably taken many a life. Draconis palms began to sweat and he felt as though he might throw up. But, he was determined to not show the others his weakness. Determined to prove that he was just as much a warrior as the rest of them. The shuttles launched and Draconis felt a bead of sweat roll down his brow. A large man in gilded armor stood near a holoprojector. It televised the destruction of the enemy held fort as though it were a simple castle made of sand, knocked over by a small tide, but Draconis didn't even see the tide! The weapons used by these men astounded and horrified him. They cheered mirthfully as the enemy was so easily defeated and the pit within Draconis's stomach began to lessen.

Perhaps the enemies were all dead? Perhaps he would not have to kill at all today? And perhaps a Hutt ran on two legs. A large Thyrsian moved towards two of the Auxilia mercenaries and said something that Draconis didn't quiet catch, but the way all regarded this man spoke volumes. Draconis was sure if he wanted to survive this night, that man would be the one to stay close too. He eyed the other two up and down plainly, they two seemed in their element here. For true, their body posture spoke of experience in fields such as this. Something Draconis would utilize. The Drop ship landed with a soft thud and the ramp descended with billows of hydraulic steam. Draconis had not been invited to the three's little soiree, but he'd be damned if he wasn't going to stay as close as possible to them.

[member="Khonsu Amon"] I [member="Achilles"] I [member="Altani Khataan"]​

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