Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Get Off My Rock [CIS Dominion of Zenith Prime]

In an era long since past, Zenith Prime was what was called a test world. The Yuuzhan Vong, in their efforts to rebuilt the shattered Galaxy, began collecting asteroids in order to form artificial worlds. These were then terraformed in order to accommodate new life...and thus did the Galaxy begin anew. Now, in the modern era, the Confederacy of Independent Systems had set their sights on one of these so-called "Test Worlds"; one that had come to be known as Zenith Prime. Here, their goal was the elimination of the slaver presence which had began to congregate on the planet's surface. From here, it was a matter of establishing bases in order to better serve the Confederacy's cause. To this end, a task force surged forth from the depth of Hyperspace, Confederate in origin.

At the helm of the lead vessel of this task force was the Blue Krait, a corvette captained by the Mandalorian known as Isley Verd. The extermination of slavers was something that he was not a stranger to; and this day the end result would be no different than the past operations he had led. Speaking over the PA system and over the comms of the assembled vessels, he said: "Alright ladies and gentlemen, you know the drill. Our goal is to get to the planet's surface and wipe out the Slaver's Guild presence. They've holded themselves up in one helluva fortress, so this is going to take some fight to get done. All hands, to the hangars, let's get this show on the road."
Eldoc smiled as somehow he had ended up on the same ship as Isley. Making his way to be deployed he got on a gunship and waited. This was the part he hated the most. The approach. He never felt comfortable in space not really but gunships and assaulting a planet always just worried he was target practice. So he waited for the ship to leave but first others needed to get on. After all it wasn't much of a party if he was the only one going.
[member="Isley Verd"]
Slavery was something that, given the day and age, was now a rarity in the Galaxy at large. The civilized nations had deemed it barbaric in order to practice the forced labor of others; especially when these innocents were kidnapped or otherwise captured. To this end, the Confederacy had arrived en masse in order to put to an end this thread. Amongst these was Verask Fey'lya, a member of the Bothan species. He stood upon one of the cruisers that assembled in order to push the Confederate cause and, at the behest of the lead officer, began to make his way down to the hanger. Once there, he quickly took a seat in one of the dropships and strapped in; then signaled the pilot to ignite the engines. At once, the roar of engines filled the hangar and it was only a matter of time before the dropship completed its pre-flight checklist.
Matsu stood to the side and slightly behind her Master, her hands clasped behind her back as she watched Zenith Prime loom in the viewport. She had no particular feelings one way or another about the business of the slavers below - today they were merely targets to be exterminated to further a cause she had come to consider her own. Tianzun hung easily at her side, a weapon that was fast becoming what felt like a natural extension of her arm. She said not a word as Isley brought them closer, the Blue Krait groaning towards the surface of the planet - she was ready.

[member="Eldoc Quasat"]
[member="Isley Verd"]
Surging forth out of Hyperspace was the Silver Wind, a vessel that was refit by the Confederacy for the usage of Josiah Denko. At the helm of his ship, the Silver Jedi folded his hands behind his back and gazed out into the vastness of space. An exhale escaped his lips immediately as the radar officer began to announce the presence of slaver ships that were launching out of the atmosphere. "Attention all ships, we've got some resistance coming our way. Permission to engage?" he asked, sending a transmission across the totality of the task force. From there, it was only a matter of awaiting a response...but the Silver Jedi decided that it was high time to take a more hand's on approach. Stepping away from the helm, he looked to his first officer and said: "The ship is yours, I'm heading to the surface."
"Permission granted." came the response of the Mandalorian, his words echoing across the whole of the task force. With that said, he motioned to the first officer who then interpreted the signal flawlessly. At once, the adegan cloaking device activated and a stealth field about the vessel surged into being; masking the Blue Krait from the visible spectrum and the whole of enemy scanners. From there, he looked to [member="Matsu Xiangu"] and [member="Eldoc Quasat"] and said: "It's going to be one hell of a will most likely slay many today. I hope you are prepared for that." With that said, he then led the way down from the Bridge and navigated the twists and turns of the corridors until arriving at the Hanger. There he made his way over to an Espada-class Stealth Transport and climbed aboard.

"Everyone in, let's go."
The pilot sitting at the head of the dropship sure took his sweet time going through the pre-flight checklist. He adjusted the flaps, checked the rudders, checked the fuel, and everything in between. Yet, while a younger individual would have been excessively impatient at this turn of events, the Bothan was the definition of calm and collected. With age came the accumulation of patience, a precious resource in the Galaxy these days. With patience came the wisdom to make decisions that younger individuals would easily botch. As such, folding his hands upon his lap, Verask simply awaited the completion of the pre-flight checklist and amused himself with the humming of a tune. This would be quite the operation...of this he was very sure.
Letting lips start whistle a tone of a old battle song. As she had her black breatha on her shoulder but also some more was hang down from her hip now it was a newly crafted lightsaber. Her black boot hit the steel floor of the hanger bay. It only to a few more second she was on a drop ship that would soon make its way to the planet below. Holding onto something as she heard the order to" go go go"
Once permission had been granted by the Mandalorian, the helmsman now in command of the Silver Wind spoke with a thunderous voice. He roused the whole of the bridge's personnel to attention and then began to bark orders in rapid succession. At once, targets were selected and locked onto; and then a salvo of turbolaser fire caused the vessel to shudder. The Silver Wind's armaments were indeed deadly, especially when compared to the paltry vessels congregated by the Slaver's Guild, but having the advantage technology-wise did not necessarily mean a flawless victory. No, there had to be focus and precision on the part of the helmsman, and by extension the subordinates that rallied to his call. "Maintain this rate of fire, give them Hell!"
At her Master's words she offered that familiar sunshine-sickle smile of white teeth and blood-red lips, looking between [member="Eldoc Quasat"] and [member="Isley Verd"]. "Of course Master," she responded, following behind him and along with Eldoc, with hands still clasped as they crossed the bridge. She'd become intimately familiar with the Espada-class stealth ships after being given permission to use one herself. She had to admit it was a much faster task when it was more than just her behind its controls and she quickly got to work helping with take-off, a soft smirk in place as their descent towards the planet began.

@Seanna Vel
Now entering the dropship of the Bothan was a young woman with another tune on her lips. Verask rendered unto her a polite nod and introduced himself. "Greetings, my name is Verask Fey'lya, I am a member of the Templars. I don't believe that we have met before." he said, before turning his attention to the pilot once more. At this moment, the armored man finally completed his pre-flight checklist and the engines surged forth with impressive power, plucking the vessel up from the hangar floor and propeling it out into the black of space. The ride down was indeed going to be bumpy, as there was quite a sum of enemy fire coming their way. However, the swift manuevers of the pilot would see that they made it to the uppermost levels of the atmosphere without a scratch.

[member="Seanna Vel"]
"I'm coming with you," Sophia spoke as she stood next to [member="Josiah Denko"] on his ship. She had uch that she was supposed to be doing on her planet but slavery was something that she couldn't stand for. It was also nice to see her husband again. This wasn't the type of quality time she wished to spend with him but she enjoyed working with him. She wanted to show him all that she had learned since the last time they worked together.
Slavers were a pitiful race. Forcing people to work under an iron fist instead of gaining their respect was one of the greatest sign of weakness Djonas had ever laid his eyes on. It was only right that he'd show up for this battle at Zenith Prime to further eradicate such a sin from the galaxy. Coming through hyperspace aboard the Emerald Dawn, Djonas and his crew were prepared to fight with the valor and strength necessary. "Captain, ready weapons." Djonas commanded the helmsman as turbolaser fire filled the void of space. The Emerald Dawn wasn't much of a fighter, but she'd hold her own this day. "Aye aye, General." the captain replied, steering the ship through the turbolaser fire, evading successfully.
Once the trio was in place within the dropship, the pilot began his own pre-flight checklist. However, unlike the Bothan's vessel, this individual was...reasonably nervous at the sight of the Mandalorian, his apprentice, and the Knight. After all, one of these was the leader of the operation, whilst the others were strong enough that a mistake could result in his head being mounted on a pike (metaphorically speaking of course). As such, once everyone was strapped in, he raced through the pre-flight checklist as swiftly (yet as effectively) as he could before igniting the engines. Lift was achieved with minimal effort and the Espada-class Stealth Transport sang through the black of space, headed for the planet's surface. "Hang on everyone," said Isley in a tone that denoted the utmost calm, "there's quite a bit of enemy fire so there's bound to be...bumps."

[member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Eldoc Quasat"]
"I wouldn't have it any other way." came the serious, yet loving tone of the Jedi. As his brisk footsteps bore him down to the hangar, he paused long enough to give [member="Sophia Denko"] a kiss upon the cheek. Fortunately enough, their little princess was located on Chroma Zed with the best babysitters the world could offer; so there was no need for Josiah or Sophia to worry. No, they could place the whole of their focus on the task at hand: the liberate of Zenith Prime. Stepping back from his spouse, Josiah then gave Sophia at playful wink and led the way into the hangar, where several vessels were beginning to take off. He quickly took a jogging pace and stepped into one of the many dropships strewn about, then strapped himself in. "Alright my dearest, let's go liberate a world."
The liberation of worlds...was something that the Clone was not a stranger to. In fact, the whole of the Confederacy's initial operations revolved around the release of those kidnapped and pressed into slavery...and putting those sordid scum to the sword. Although wanted by his own people for a crime that was not truly his own fault, Genesis Rostu decided to make his return to the Confederacy this day. Garbed in the specialized MX-00 Templar Armor that had served him so well in numerous encounters, the Vong-shaped warrior awaited the warriors of the nation he helped build on the planet's surface. At once, he began to radio in the positions of the enemy anti-aircraft weaponry from his position of cover; which was a forest-covered biome.
A part of her couldn't help but wish to be flying in the sky along with the other ships. It was what she had done in her past. She knew that she was needed on the ground more which was were she was headed with her husband. They made quite the team together in her opinion and now that she was a master they could play off of each other's abilities. "Let's," she smiled as she buckled herself in as she took a seat right next to him.

[member="Josiah Denko"]

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It might be a bit odd to see the son of the galaxy's boogeyman helping to free slaves. Then again, he had something to gain, so why not? None of those helping to liberate the world would know of his own personal reasons for assistance. Graxin was a slave himself. A slave to Krag, and a slave to the Imperial regime. To put it simply, he sympathize, so when he had heard of what was happening on the former Dread Guard world, he jumped to assist.

The small transport shuttle he arrived in was one of the Mephiriums two surface-to-ground vehicles. It fell in line with the CIS force, and Graxin chimed in. "Friendly. Give me a ground target, and I'll deal with it."

[member="Isley Verd"]
Explosions ripped all around the vessel as it penetrated the atmosphere of Zenith Prime; but the pilot's skill and the dropship's shields prevented any harm from coming to the occupants within. For Verask, this was quite the journey down and something that his old bones were certainly not used to...but for the nation he was born within, he would gladly cope. Whilst awaiting a response from [member="Seanna Vel"], the Bothan then looked to the pilot, who continued to wheel the vessel out of harm's way over and over and over again. "What is our estimated time of arrival?" he inquired in a perfectly calm tone. "Thirty seconds; and it looks like the position of the main guns are being sent...didn't know we had personnel on the ground...I'll drop the both of you at the guns and leave you both to handle it, alright?"
Katrina waited in the dropship for it to be released. She normally wasn't one to go into battle. The woman was much more of a healer however she wasn't going to stand for slavery. She had a few tricks up her sleeve that that not many had seen before besides she was sure someone would need healing during this battle. The master normally had her Akka dogs by her side but due to the nature of this fight she decided they were better left at home.

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