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Approved Tech GARBR-5 Beak

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Maker of Stuff and Things.
Factory Judge


  • Intent: To create a Repeating Blaster Rifle for the GADF
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Si Tech
  • Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
  • Market Status: Closed Market
  • Model: Galactic Alliance Repeating Blaster Rifle Model 5
  • Modularity: Yes.
    • Scope
    • Paint Scheme
    • Bipod
  • Production: Mass Produced
  • Material:
  • Classification: Particle Repeating Blaster Rifle
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy - 10 kg
  • Ammunition Type: Blaster Bolts, Ion Bolts
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average
    • 1000 Bolts - Power Cell
    • 3000 Bolts - Gas Canister
    • Effectively Unlimited - Vehicle Power Bank
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: Very High
  • Damage Output: High
  • Recoil: High
  • Grunt's Dream: The Beak, much like other Si Tech weaponry, is designed for ease of use. Designed with functionality in mind, maintaining the Beak is practically childsplay. This allows the rifle to be functional even in the most extreme environments, as long as your soldier keeps it well maintained.
  • Ionic Ironic: Much like it's older brother the Boar, the Beak is designed with an ion function that allows it's user to flip to stun rounds with the flip of a switch.
  • Bro-Pod: Coming with a detachable bipod, the Beak features plenty of stability on it's own, but with it, makes for an entirely stable platform for suppressive fire.
  • Light, yet Strong: The Beak, designed as a lighter alternative to the Boar, is light enough to be carried around by a single soldier. This makes it ideal for the role of Squad Automatic Weapon, and allows the men on the ground a bit more firepower than the heavy blaster cannons of Si Tech's previous iterations.
  • Unstable Plasma: The ammo was redesigned with the modern conflict in mind. While the blaster on the surface looks like a normal blaster rifle, the shots it fires have a tendency to explode upon impact with material it can't pierce through.
  • Spray and Pray: The Beak is, unlike the Boar, a weapon of mass bolt ejection. Designed with suppressive fire in mind, the Beak fires very fast.
  • Chill, Bro: An internal cooling system allows the Beak to fire nonstop for long periods before it ever gets hot.
  • Mounted Cavalry: The Beak is designed to be mounted to vehicles, as well as it's bipod. Linking it up with a vehicle's power bank will allow it to fire almost indefinitely.
  • Power Cell Eater: the Beak can go through ammo very quickly if you aren't careful. Ammo conservation is crucial with this weapon.
  • Bit of a Kick: Much like blasters of it's kind, the Beak has a heck of a lot of recoil to it. While it was never designed with high levels of accuracy to begin with, sustained fire for long periods will probably bruise your shoulder.
  • Accuracy Through Overwhelming Firepower: The Beak was designed with heavy firepower in mind, rather than pure accuracy. While it can still reliably hit it's target with proper weapon maintenance, the Beak isn't going to be hitting pinpoint targets without putting four or five bolts downrange first.
Designed as a lighter alternative for GADF personal, the Beak works as a perfect SAW for new era of the GADF. Firing hundreds of bolts in only a few seconds, the Beak allows GADF soldiers a heavier option, allowing heavy suppression and quick mobility, while keeping the GADF doctrine of superior firepower on the forefront.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi

It is very cool! However I have some concerns about the description. I would like to ask you to reword it, because always the opponent decide about how much damage their units take. You can't describe it as being able to do that, because what if the enemy has armour/shields that can protects them from the attack? Due to this, I would like to ask you to use conditional mode to avoid godmodding and abuse.
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