Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aktur Seii

ᴀ sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ

  • Image Source: Myself
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
The main purpose of GalaxiCorp is large-scale investment, crediting and
currency movement in the viable market. The company is a self-perpetuating investment portfolio, because of the loans and repayments, silent partnerships and outright ownerships of so many smaller companies, GalaxiCorp just earns. Pure and simple. After many generations of passing through the Seii family (which is to say, figureheads under Aktur Seii's directives), the volume of subsidiaries and loan debts and repayments have brought the company to the point of being a cycling credit generator; that is to say that, through a number of strategies aimed at lending - or attaining - reasonable risk investments, which result in profit from interest earning returns, GalaxiCorp is very financially viable and stable.

The largest operation is investment and acquisition. The next would be crediting/loan services, especially to smaller companies or communities in need of financial assistance, followed by tax deductible charity funding. The latter tends to result in a profit loss, but the funds are recouped by other offsets or just outright written off for other earning avenues to replace. Generally, sentients are more favorable toward a company that isn't afraid to lose some money for a good cause, so it has become an investment in itself in some ways.

More recently, GalaxiCorp has become involved in post-war support efforts. Many companies and business owners are feeling the pinch from ranging hostilities under constantly shifting Governments. Some loans are riskier than others, of course, in these trying times but that's business... and for GalaxiCorp, business is good.

It is important to note that GalaxiCorp is a legitimate company, created through legal means and past profit spending. It has no connection to Black Sun, publicly or otherwise, beyond its silent majority shareholder being Aktur Seii. The business is overseen by an appointed CEO, and board committee, whom follows Aktur's directives and interests on the off occasions when he gets involved. For all intents and purposes, GalaxiCorp is just like any other mega-corporation, and operates like one...

The advantage of being a centuries old sentient is time. Time and possessions. And over those many hundreds of years, Aktur Seii has carefully cultivated a legitimate business that focused on expanding his wealth. He has had considerable time to perfect his business acumen, able to study - and even manipulate - ebbs and flows of the market, by influencing resources or shipping through his connections. Aktur also made use of ancient items, things he had collected over the centuries, things that held considerable value to interested parties - and he sold them, for equally considerable value to himself. And through a combination of investments, acquisitions, silent partnerships and outright control over another's mind, Aktur was able to best manifest his goals by cultivating a galaxy-spanning company...
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