Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Galactic Alliance: Building Blocks

One thing that Coren Starchaser was very good at was creating something from nothing. It was one of the reasons he was helping with the Underground in the absence of Jorus Merrill, it was something he did on the norm for the Dawn Treader but here? On Sullust? This was a military base, and the Supreme Commander was expecting him to help put things together? Lucky for Coren, Ditto the Office of Military Procurement had a few ideas and had started creating a few contacts thanks to [member="Danger Arceneau"]’s little get together of business minded folk.

Plus with a few ships that the Underground were donating, he had a few heavy lifting freighters, not nearly as many as he’d like, but they’d make do, alternating shifts and a several tankers of fuel compliments of Silk Holdings. Silk, for your ugly freighter needs.

And clearly the scene ahead of him, that was an ugly freighter cluster frak, all compliments of a few favors he called in. What he was really hoping for was that the aforementioned Trade Queen and [member="Judah Dashiell"], a dashing farmboy who was an up and comer in the build-things-good industry, and he knew there were boundless oppurtunities for other construction teams to come through.

Aboard the Tyrene, a Forerunner-Class Frigate that Coren was using as his personal flagship, compliments of both Silk and his position as one of the Sub-Commanders under the Supreme Commander, he was on the bridge, watching the situation. If he needed to, he’d get out there in the Tachyon Rising, but for now, he was ensuring everything was going according to plan.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Asahara Velin"]
[member="Aeron Kreelan"] (Shipyard/OP situation)
@Business folk who are giving us fair deals.
Asahara felt quite Sly. For a big Girl she moved quite silently, or at least, she thought she did. Many roles has the Twi'lek in her short life fulfilled; soldier, Slave but never a stowaway. Hidden in the many rolls of Silk -Silk? Really?- Was the Red Twi'lek, her Objective? Meet [member="Coren Starchaser"], the supposed leader of the Galactic Alliance or Supreme Commander or Some Important Title she herself could not exactly remember. Moving from the cargo bay of this, well big looking ship she now made her way past patrolling Alliance Members and directly to the Command station of this humble freighter.

Satisfied with her sneakiness she stood at the door and saw what very much looked like the Build of the Commander and the Pilots. "Trooper Asahara Velin Reporting for Duty Commander" She said standing in attention but would wipe the smile off her face only when someone was close enough to see it. She had no clue what this whole mission was about, he just wanted a chance to get some action next to the Commander, it would be a tad disappointing to her when she found out this was a trade mission with no baddies to shoot.​
Rook had about as much a mind for business matters as your average monkey lizard. He certainly wasn't here to tally up how may credits needed to be spent, or who needed to make nice with who for the sake of construction. He'd been called on as a military adviser. It seemed someone had remembered his work on a number of military projects in the past. Maybe Starchaser just wanted your average enlisted man's eye. Maybe he was being called to help reverse engineer the old superiority kit that had won the Confederacy, ES, and many other military powers their victories.

He truly didn't know.

The soldier marched up to the bridge in his full kit. It was less the need for constant protection as it was the desire to have his HUD, and the myriad of information that came with it at all times. He came to stand alongside the Twi'lek, and popped off his helm, pinning it under his left arm.

"Sir." He grunted, throwing whatever military protocol usually worshiped aside for the time being. This wasn't a navy mission, so-to-speak, he could afford to cut lose a bit. "Ma'am," He nodded at the Twi'lek. "What've you got for me Starchaser?"

[member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Asahara Velin"]
He figured that some of the folks would need to understand the modus operandi for both him, and the Galactic Alliance. Right now, it was more patrolling the skyways, and assisting civilians. Making sure that the whole situation was going fine. They were on a trade route, at one of the intersections. Interested parties could easily stop and pull into the system, but with the already barebones fleet spread fighting the Final Order, Coren had to get creative. His ship had a few fighters from the Underground, and there were at least two other corvettes keeping watch, in addition to Sullust’s own fleet, a former AA world of the Protectorate.

“Rook,” Coren nodded, one of the men that was around to help with the Javin situation, and then there was the Twi’lek. Jedi? With the silk. No, Trooper. “Pleasure to have you aboard, Velin.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’ve called you both here, I want to see what the recruits want to have in the base. We’ve contacted a few contractors, and they’ll be working to clear land, but we’ve got a few companies, such as Firemane, that have provided us with a list.He looked at the holoprojector and some of the items were on a rotating view.

“We’re also looking to fill a few blanks in our loadouts, we don’t have that many credits, but I’m wondering if either of you have a history with armor?” He had sent word to a friend, [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], to join him aboard his ship.

With so many ships in the area, he was hoping [member="Damon Riggs"] and [member="Alexandra Russo"] could get out there and fly air support, y’know in the off chance the writer wanted to throw something at them to play against.

[member="Judah Dashiell"]
[member="Asahara Velin"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
Alleycat did her pre-flight walk around of her bird giving it her usual OCD inspection before climbing up the ladder and easing herself down into the pilot couch. Rusty was already tucked away into the astromech droid slot behind the X-wing's cockpit and had the rest of the pre-flight check list done for her. The quirky copper red R2 unit warbled a greeting to his pilot to the tune of 'about time you got here'. Alex just smirked and shook her head in a 'I really should have him memory-swiped someday', but of course she'd never do that to her trusted little buddy.

After the brunette pulled on her helmet, gloved fingers began pushing buttons and flipping switches on the control panel starting the 4L4 fusial thrust engines and bringing the starfighter's flight systems online. As the hangar tech was pulling the ladder back, the transparisteel canopy came down sealing the cockpit.

Russo called for a status report of the other Rapiers as they were tasked with CAP duty along side the Serenity under the command of Captain [member="Damon Riggs"]. The Hammerhead -class cruiser was home to Rapier Squadron presently and they usually worked in tandem.

When all the ships had a ready status, the Flight Commander toggled over to the main tac frequency. [ Serenity Control, this is Rapier Leader. Twelve green to go. Permission to launch? ]

[member="Coren Starchaser"] @GA
@GA Folk

Judah stretched from the pilots chair. With the high volume of ships waiting to dock, the crew of the Tyrene had stuck him into a holding pattern until things were looking up. Seemed to be a bit of a cluster of activity at the moment, with several fighters starting a journey out. His eyes immediately went to the sensor readouts in the Sirena. All looked fine for now. Maybe it was a training exercise.

"Sirena, you are cleared for landing. Nearest available berth."

Stretching session over, hands went back to the controls, moving towards the large flagship in question. Many of the berths were full, with a high number of folk scrambling on deck. He remembered those days well, always feeling as if the next ship was going to land on your head. Due to his often insubordinate behavior, the ex-Republic pilot often had mechanic duty.

Judah supposed all those hours put in tinkering paid off in the end.

With the Sirena docked, Judah shut down the engines. Ramp went down and he grabbed his datapad, wandering off the vessel. He wasn't sure where to go, not as if there were signs. Time to pick the nearest person that looked as if they knew what they were doing.

"Excuse me, can you take me up to [member="Coren Starchaser"] ? Or point me in the rough direction."
"Rapier 1 this is Serenity Control, you're cleared for take off. I repeat, you're cleared for take off."

Riggs listened to the exchange as the flight control was walking the Rapiers through a standard patrol sequence. The squadron should have no problem with the assignment, and it was good to have Russo on board. Every morning was as it had been when they were stationed together on the Inquisitor. The only difference was Russo was allowed to be in the captain's quarters most mornings. The Galactic Alliance had a structured military, but was thankfully lax in other areas. They were still a rag tag crew after all.

"Listen up, this routine, but I want the ship on red alert. We fly like we're about to meet the enemy. This a patrol, and I want the crew in battle stations just like we've rehearsed over and over. You eat this for breakfast, and dream about it once your head hits the pillow. This is about perfect execution, and if I don't get what I want your ass is out the air lock. This isn't the Republic where there are rules against that kind of thing."

Riggs was bluffing but they didn't know. He loved his job. When flight control cleared the Rapiers, Riggs made his own call out to them.

"Rapiers this is Captain Riggs, fly safe and good hunting!"

[member="Alexandra Russo"]

Light Rises

Fly like they had an enemy to meet, huh? Remember when some character mentioned that the world of Sullust was on major trade routes, didn’t they? The writer thought so. It was a good thing that the fleet was starting to get established and the Rapiers were on a seeming shake-down cruise. Now the situation wasn’t going to be changing all that much, random patrols, but may spark some creativity of what should be done to stem the tide of this.

At the opposite end of the planet from where Coren was hosting a meeting to start construction the military infrastructure of the world, entered a squad of eight refurbished cloakshape fighters and their escort carrier that had at least four more, but lucky for the defenders of Sullust the other four were empty. And the group was more pirates, picking off what they could in the Protectorate space.

Something to watch out for, Omega Pyre members.

The fighters weren’t sure that the rumors were true, that work was happening around the world of Sullust, but if the Final Order was saying so? Might as well take the risk. The fighters kept together, heading in towards the ship yards.

[member="Damon Riggs"]
[member="Alexandra Russo"]
[member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]

Space, the final frontier. These are the adventures of the SQS Ardarvia. Going boldly where no Eldorai has gone before. To explore, to conquer and to educate...ah, wait, this is not that kind of tale. As amusing as these exploits would be. Probably way too smutty to be PG-13 though. Presumably no one would mind the brutal violence.

So without further ado the Ardarvia rippled into space in the orbit of the volcanic planet called Sullust. It was the command ship of Firemane and mobile home of its two directors. The Galactic Alliance was looking towards establishing its military infrastructure and Firemane hoped to cash in. With turrets, bolters, Echani Graphite, specialised shipyard construction drones. Sometimes Siobhan really needed to go through all the ARGH tech subs. If the GA helped take the Sith down a notch, all the better, though Siobhan had long stopped being the idealistic or crusading sort.

One could see that space was packed with heavy lifting freighters and the like, clearly some major construction projects were ongoing. Communication was sent to the Tyrene that Firemane had arrived and their Vice President would be boarding, then presumably after clearance had been granted a shuttle with Siobhan herself aboard docked in the hangar of the flagship. The ramp was lowered and the Countess stepped down, beautifully dressed and with her cane as usual. Now she just had to find the bridge of the ship. Or wherever Coren and important Alliance people were.
The soldier cracked a thin smile. What Coren asked was right up his alley. He cast the Twi'lek alongside him a curious look before replying. "Always up to get some new toys sir. Preferably something that goes bang." He paused. "I helped design some of the Republic's kit. Used to be one of the Prime Minister's favorites. She had me on personal call for that sort of thing," and that was all the Galactic Alliance commander needed to know. Rook had experience; everything else was immaterial.

He fell silent as Ardavia came into view. Rook had heard of Firemane - it was part of his job to know these things - but he'd rarely if ever handled their products. Whoever he was working for had always provided what was needed for any given operation. If not, then his own men had found ways to make ends meet. It had been a rare occasion when they ever bought from independent corporations of any kind.

In truth, he'd never really met any of the galaxy's big corporate faces. That sort of thing was better left to procurement; when he was apart of a legitimate military anyway. He had little business mind beyond what was needed, and how much it might cost. Hopefully that was enough in this setting.

"What kind of armor are we talking about?" He asked as he watched the ships make their way to the Tyrene. "Cheap, standard kit for security personnel? Something that might actually stop a blaster bolt? Heavy stuff? Looking for something to give your Sith-killers some protection?"

[member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Asahara Velin"]
"I know a bit about the Electronics that go into Tanks and Gunships and other war machines Commander but as to building them alone... i can't say i know much" It was true, Asahara was a fighter, a face smasher, not a builder or business woman. She felt at home behind the turret gun of a Gunship or behind the trigger of a chain gun rather than behind a desk or in a business meeting but... if the Galactic Alliance needed a builder, she would mold herself into one.

The first thing she knew from her time in Geonosis was that Cheap Technology made for Cheap fighters and quantity over quality was the worst single decision any factory could make about anything, be it guns or toys and anything in between, Quality and reliability was much better than mass production and economic attainability. "If i may be so bold to say sir... Cheap is always bad. The Geonosians learned this when in the Separatists wars they opted for a lot of cheap Droids to fight the republic instead of better less mass producible reliable droids... many would malfunction and they couldn't take more than e few potshots. To this day sir they have not lived that down, they still speak about it, i suggest we not make that mistake. I prefer 1 Rifle i can count on that a dozen i cannot sir."

She stood in attention, she was a trooper and as such it was not her place to speak out of line, or so she believed however, this was something she firmly knew, Geonosis was her home and University for the better of a year and that lesson was a very Geonosian lesson, it was the type of historical lesson that went embedded into their very culture after the Wars. One of the few drops of wisdom she had and she knew to be more than true. There needed to be a balance, there needed to be what Geonosian today call "Quality Control Sir"

@Rook @Coren Starchaser
There were people around. Coren wasn’t quite used to that on his ship. Tyrene was a strike craft, she was a patrol craft. Something for him to run around the galaxy in instead of using the Event Horizon who was out working on the blood trail. See? Coren had an extensive garage, and his writer was very picky about things. On board the Tyrene were a few of his ships, the Rising and ShortFin and his X-Wing. Flying one of those now, to go with the aesthetic of the plan. Lead by doing, lead by example at least that was what the Supreme Commander wanted.

Looking to Rook, he nodded. A bit of history may have crossed Coren’s desk, or at least that was what the writer was going with. “Looking to keep our troopers alive. I’ve got a contractor coming in, but I’d like some input on a few different armor sets, something modular and easily repairable would be nice.” The Corellian nodded before turning to Red and a grin crept across his face. “We’ve got military procurement working on arming us, between that and ships, I’m letting the paper pushers run some of that. For us here, its about structural protection.”

He knew a few ships were arriving, the tone was right from some of the bridge crew. It had the best viewport and that was where he held most of his meetings. Some preferred meeting rooms, Coren would get there, maybe. And that was probably right when [member="Judah Dashiell"] ran into one of the aids, a human, because Coren preferred them, not for any anti-semantic reason, just they understood his mannerisms. “He’s on the bridge, sir, allow me to escort you.”

The R-Rated Violence PG-13 Rated Smut Eldorai Master would be greeted by a proper military guard, and they would be looking to direct her straight to the bridge, where Coren and the few were assembled. It was very simple, because the writer wanted the other writer’s character up there, and he could break a wall with this one.

Look at that post.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Damon Riggs"]
[member="Alexandra Russo"]
[member="Asahara Velin"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Rook"], [member="Asahara Velin"]

Siobhan liked it when she was greeted by an honour guard. Admittedly this one did not bow to her, but, hey, she could deal. And so the friendly NPCs directed her immediately to the bridge and a couple moments later she had arrived there, walking in with the air of someone who thought she owned the place. She was good at doing that.

Being at the Eldorai court gave you lots of practice. Anyhow, the bridge was presumably full with people, most of whom she did not know, but she picked out Coren. Last time she had met - well, first time really - they had mined phrik and designed cool armour. That had been nice, especially since Firemane got fake money. Moreover, it seemed he liked to shoot Sithies and use Renegade Interrupts, which was good in her book.

Now they only needed to let the Council die for getting in the way. This one is not sure whether Siobhan would choose Destroy or Control, though they recall her pressing all the buttons on another site and blowing up the machine and star brat. In other words, doing what we all wanted to do. Synthesis was right out though. Anyhow, before the plot was drowned beneath a tidal wave of 4th wall breaking matter, Siobhan approached him, giving a nod to the two people who seemed to be his companions. "Commander Starchaser, pleasure meeting you again. Unexpected circumstances I must say, but interesting ones," she spoke, extending a hand towards him after crossing the distance.
Rook drew in a deep breath.

Opinions on kit? He had thousands.

"Find a centralized stock. If you're going cheap, manufacture the more common rifles, but versatility wins the war. Give us a rifle stock with attachments for anti-armor, anti-personnel, maybe a close range sniper setup. A PEP laser attachment for non-lethals would be nice too," he paused. "It's been done before a few times. All in one tends to be the best."

Then there was armor.

"There's a lot of options there. I'd go for something a bit open for the general man. The GA is still a fledgling power, and I doubt we have a limitless sea of credits. Give 'em a helmet, a HUD, comms systems, some standard plating, and a mobility shield," he shrugged. "That's more than what most get."

Then another came aboard. He didn't know this one - Rook hardly knew anyone outside of his assigned teams. He wasn't exactly a socialite. Regardless, the soldier dipped his head in greeting to the woman, opting to remain silent for the time being.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Asahara Velin"], [member="Coren Starchaser"]
[member="Rook"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Asahara Velin"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"]

Unlike Kerrigan's overly dramatic honor guard, Judah got a lone aid escort. He actually preferred it that way, as he saw no need to flourish through the halls. His deep blue gaze could take in the ship at a more leisurely pace, getting to know the vessel that was the Tyrene from the inside. Seemed to be running fairly operational for the Alliance to be so new, although he did notice quite a few humans. When one had a hybrid kid, it tended to become something he picked up.

"Overly dramatic, dontcha think?" Judah spoke to the aide, seeing the wannabe Secret Service up ahead.

Conversation was stirring by the time he arrived. Quietly, Judah took an empty spot near the Twi'lek and kept his mouth shut. Seemed to be a discussion about suits or armor or something. Not exactly his strong suit.
Even with procurement working on that… Coren looked at [member="Asahara Velin"]. “But speaking of procurement, what is your history, are you looking to fit into any specific role here? We can always use people who are comfortable in a variety of postings.” He eyed Red for a moment. She seemed to know what she was talking about, and that was good enough for Coren. As for [member="Rook"], enough time in training with the man, Coren knew he was all about his weaponry. A true Krogan who would probably spit on the genophage.

“Do you think you could make a report, try to provide some examples and why, and I’ll pass it on to procurement…?” He trailed off. Right, there was disjointed conversations as not just one, but two contacts had arrived. The TK Queen had showed up and Coren gave her a grin. He wasn’t the hugging type, and even if he was? Yeah, Sio scared him.

“Miss Kerrigan Queen of Blades, so glad you could make it. We were just going over some product offerings, working on military construction. And yes, unexpected, but hopefully very profitable.” To them both. Some how. “And a welcome to you as well, Judah.” Both people from the former Sanctum space. People he could trust. “I assume your voyage out here was good? Allow me to introduce Rook and Miss Velin, from Alliance military.” Various branches, be all that you can be. He really wasn’t a business man, but he could make it work.

As long as the pilots made the bad guys work.

[member="Damon Riggs"]
[member="Alexandra Russo"]

[member="Judah Dashiell"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Asaharas' eyes popped open as she was addressed by the Commander, she was not sure just how much she could do at this moment but was more than happy to help any way she could. "Well Commander, to be honest i am Happy where i am nearest to the front lines." She stood in attention and nodded. "Point me at something and i will shoot it" She smiled and nodded standing at ease. She looked at the Redhair lady that came forward to them and noticed that she did not look as out of place as herself. [member="Rook"] looked like a tough dude and she was glad to have him along for the ride, someone to shoot things beside! Neat!

Suddenly a man Coren called Judah came along and she was Introduced. Smiling to the Man she gave him a Warm greeting, Asahara when with allies was a lot calmer and cool headed individual, she changed with her environment, if her environment turned hostile, she would become a firestorm of fury and destruction, but around cool people, she was calm and collected. "Hey there guy!" she shot him an oversized grin before turning back to Coren, Rook and the Redhair Mrs Kerrigan. What a cool bunch of fellows! i Can't wait until we start destroying things together!

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Rook"] @Siobhan Kerrigan
[member="Asahara Velin"], [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Rook"]

The Brood War Queen of Blades was cool and scary. By contrast, the one in Starcraft II was annoying and emo. No, this writer is not biased at all. Anyhow, Her Royal Magnificience Siobhan, whose ego would probably blow up like a balloon if it got any bigger, would be happy to hear that she was considered scary. It would be horrible if she'd lost her edge.

"My trip was pleasant, thanks." After all, her quarters on the Ardarvia were rather luxurious and she had brought two harem girls to entertain her. "Pleasure meeting you." This was directed towards Rook and Miss Velin. The former felt like Force Dead, given the fact that she could not get any reading from him. But he did not look like a Vong, so all was cool. Siobhan might be slightly racist against them. "Pleasure seeing you again as well, Mr Dashiell."

"What sort of products are you looking for specifically? I understand you want a miliary installation planetside. If you need defence systems, Firemane has those designs on that list I sent you. And I believe you mentioned something about personal armour when I walked in. Something standard for mainline infantry or for elite troops?" She presumed that since the GA was still in its infancy having something mass produced, but still reasonably protective for standard units would take priority. After all, it would suck if your grunts got taken down because for some reason their armour could not able to withstand the attacks of teddy bears armed with little rocks, bows and arrows. The Galactic Empire must have had sucky quality control. Clearly its collapse was the fault of procurement officers wanting to cut corners and keep down costs.
[member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Asahara Velin"] | [member="Rook"]

"Hello everyone, Miss Kerrigan."

A round of introductions. It seemed the Twi'lek he came to stand next to was overly excited and enthusiastic about everything. Especially destroying things. Judah didn't want to break it to the girl he was here to build rather than destroy, but why burst her bubble? It seemed the discussion was on military items right now. Defense. Armor. All things Firemane was excellent at.

Personally, he could never really get into the entire defense business. Seemed like everyone in the 'verse wanted to make their own gun or what not anyways.

Placing his hands in his pockets, he merely chose to observe and listen for the moment, as he really had nothing to add. No need to meddle up the discussion with ideas that weren't related to defense.
Thankfully, Coren did his introductions for him. Rook always managed to make a fool of himself during the introductions in meetings like this. He always managed to trip over the wrong word and cause some sort of a debacle. It was a curse.

"I can draw you something up," he grunted, clipping his helmet to his belt as he folded his arms over his chest. "Shouldn't take too long. It's all rather basic really, but enough of my fragmented conversation. What's on the agenda folks?"

He lofted a brow at Dashiel and Kerrigan. Coren had brought people for a reason; he didn't know what he was doing. Of course, the commander was not entirely inept, but if he did not need experts, then why would he have called them in?

Summarily, Rook's question was directed more toward the duo than Starchaser himself.

[member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Asahara Velin"], [member="Coren Starchaser"]

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