Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fuzzy Handcuffs (Kaileann Vera)

[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Poy smiled and continued their long walk towards that spaceport. “So should we find other clothes to change into?” maybe they could find some that would hopefully garner them some kind of deep sympathy from the local populace.

She then began to wonder the big question; where would they go to from the spaceport? Hopefully they could make contact with a Galactic Alliance naval vessel and they would then be ready to return to the fight almost instantly.

That was just one possibility. Wandering through the forest, Poy wondered if it had been sent out to the military outposts that two prisoners had escaped and were on the loose. She just had to hope they would look in the wrong areas.

“How are you feeling Kaile?” the Twi’lek asked, with a gravely concerned look upon her face. Kaile looked tired and worn out. “Do you want to continue onto the spaceport or try to find a place to rest for a bit, before we keep going?”
[member="Poy Luroon"]

“Yeah.” Kaile confirmed that to the Rutian. “We can’t stand out. Wearing this,” she gestured to the builder’s clothing. “Will flag us.”

Hopefully they could find something soon enough.

“... Tired.” she answered honestly. What they’d done earlier had worn her out. She would half stumble here and there, but she kept pressing on.

“It’s fine.” she said, huffing, giving a grimace as they kept walking along. “We just gotta keep moving.”
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Poy nodded at Kaile. “Right, we might need to find somewhere that has other clothing we can use for our next disguises,” her mind began wondering where the pair could find clothes. And they would be able to become anonymous.

Hopefully they would come across any sign of civilization soon and would be able to slip into something less conspicuous. Away in the distance, the Twi’lek imagined she could see that large spaceport and also a way off the planet.

She latched onto Kaile and then made sure she did not fall over. Slowly, they made progress and they were inching closer and closer to their next location - Poy wished that they could teleport to the spaceport and then be done with it.

“We just have to keep thinking about the spaceport Kaile, and that is our final destination. Just keep thinking that we will finally be able to get away from this place and back home to our loved ones. Can you do it for me Kaile, please?” Poy held tightly onto Kaile's arm and they continued the trek.

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