Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fuzzy Handcuffs (Kaileann Vera)

[member="Kaileann Vera"]

The Twi’lek held the girl’s hand. “This prison’s commandant is one of the very worst I have seen. He beat me severely before releasing me into here and he is the one person we will have to watch out for. He often makes random cell checks while out of his office, so we will have to be in our cell when he does so. So that will probably be the hardest obstacle to overcome,” Poy wondered how they could get around the commandant, but that would be something for another day. The speaker system started up and the commandant came on.

“This is your friendly commandant. I’m just here to tell you that we are still out searching for that traitorous doctor and I’ve decided to put a double lockdown in place for the time being. That is all,” Poy heard footsteps approaching from the north end of the corridor and heard the door opening. Two guards came in and they took Poy and Kaileann back to their cell for the moment. Being back here made Poy slightly upset - she had enjoyed the brief taste of freedom that being in the infirmary had given her. She was more determined to break out.

A double lockdown meant that the prison itself was in lockdown, and included the area surrounding the prison. The guards were doubled and they spread in waves, searching high and low for the rogue doctor, who could be anywhere - she might have even managed to get far away from the prison and could be at a spaceport, and getting aboard a shuttle, making her own escape from this hell. The commandant was more determined to find her and make her pay for her severe disobedience and then deciding to help two of the new arrivals.
[member="Poy Luroon"]

It felt as if Kaile was in a nightmare. She had to be. One second they were sneaking past into the doctor’s office, the next captured.

Her head was starting to hurt. Now they were on double lockdown. Her nerves were shot, and she began to tremble. This was all so confusing. Maybe she just needed to wake up. Maybe she was sleeping and that is it.

But she wasn’t, there was a nagging voice in the back of her head that told her this was real. How she handled things from this point forward would make or break her.

They had to get a plan.

“We need to figure out their schedule.” she told Poy a bit more strength in her voice. “Need to find trends.” Okay she could do this. What did she have. She could mimic voices once she heard someone.

Maybe she could use that for later. Trick a guard maybe?

Or… She took a deep breath and looked at Bobo.

She could break out of the bubble and use the Force...
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Poy grinned. “That we shall. And I think I have an idea about how we can find out about the schedules and patrol routes,” her mind was racing at a thousand miles an hour, formulating a plan about how to get into the security centre and view the security cameras, the ones that worked anyway. They would have to see where the guards went on their walks and how long it took them to do so, and then they would be able to add another piece to the overall escape plan.

“When I was initially brought in and hooded, I heard both of the guards talking to one of the guards who monitored these cameras, and the commandant. He asked whether the cameras had been fixed, so it is definitely near his office...” The Twi’lek smiled, and her mind then began to put everything in place; how long they would have to get to the security office and back to their cell, if they would have to avoid the guards and also how long they could hold them off.

There was another piece of good luck that came their way; Poy looked out of the slit in the cell door and saw a technician arriving and being escorted to the security office - to fix their troublesome cameras. “It seems we’ve had another dose of good luck. I have just seen a technician being escorted past here. The guy looks like he’s a security technician, so he could be heading to the office,” Poy worked on unlocking the door and after a few hard minutes, it opened.

“Come on. Let’s go and tail him to the office,” Poy took the girl’s hand and the pair slowly advanced behind the guard and the technician. The cameras were switched off, which always occurred when they were being repaired, so they were virtually invisible. Rounding the corner, the Twi’lek saw the office on the left hand side, with the commandant’s office up ahead at the end of the hall - their plan would be down the drain if the commandant decided to venture out.

The guard punched in a number on that keypad and the door opened; as the technician entered, the guard left him and then he returned to his patrol. Poy pulled the girl into an empty cleaning room and watched as the guard returned to patrolling the eastern area of this prison. Poy emerged from the room and she crept up to the security office and punched in the code - each number had a different sound, so she had memorised this one entry code into her heart.

Beckoning to the girl, Poy slowly heard the door opening and they snuck into the room. The door closed behind them and the technician turned around and looked at the two intruders in horror. Poy put a finger to her lips and motioned for the technician to close his eyes and to not watch them using the system. It was not difficult to hack into the system - Poy had done this plenty of times as an X-Wing pilot, when she wanted to get more performance from her craft in the heat of aerial combat, much to the annoyance of her superior officers.

The screen flickered and came up, showing each location of the cameras and where the entrance and exits were located. Taping some buttons, she pulled up a map of an old section of the prison that was unused for several years. In her mind, Poy had a virtual map of the entire prison now in her memory, so it would not be that hard for her to find this part of the prison and then escape.

“Okay, this is good. All we have to do is find the old portion of this prison and then we will go from there,” Poy shut down the system and took the girl by the hand once more and told the technician not to mention this to anyone - he got to his feet and nodded slowly, not wanting to suffer those consequences if he breathed a word to anyone what had happened to him in the security office.

Poy lead the girl down the corridor and then back into their cell. She shut the door behind them and locked it by using that memorised code. Hopefully, in a few days time, the two would be able to escape from this hell, but she just had to hope that any other events did not throw her careful plan into disarray - if it happened, the blue Twi’lek did not know what her “Plan B” would consist of.
[member="Poy Luroon"]

Truth be told, Kaile was starting to think she was imagining all this. Could she really be here? Everything was moving so fast. She felt like she was that little girl lost in the Netherworld. Or just stuck doing the exact same thing over and over.

Was she drugged? Was this the reason for the constant deja vu? Was this even real?

It was a troubling thought. Poy would stand by her, explaining what they would have to do. It made sense, but it also made her worry. Not because of Poy, but because of others. If this was real, Kurt would never know where she was. Where she'd been. Or know the why.

She'd have essentially disappeared.

Would he care? Would he be worried? Or would he think that she just left? That thought startled her, and for a moment, she felt rather small. "A few days?" she'd repeat, glancing up. Poy could be a figment of her imagination, or perhaps this was some sort of torture and just a hallucination.

Or she was very real.

[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Poy nodded. “I remember hearing the night shift is made up of those toughest guards that the commandant can find from in the ranks. So, we might have to hope that, if we do make our escape at night, that they are distracted, and do not interfere with our escape plan....” the Twi’lek had been savagely beaten, and nearly raped, by one of the night shift guards during her stay here, and she had the bruises to prove it; so she wanted to simply get some payback.

“But I’m sure I will think of something to keep them distracted...” she gave the girl a mischievous wink and then her brain ticked over, trying to come up with a good plan to divert the night shift guards’ attention from their escape attempt and onto something else. Maybe another devious prison employee decided to help the two newest prisoners and then successfully escaped, like the doctor, and then somehow vanish in the vastness of space, never to be seen again?

Night-time eventually covered the prison, and the night shift guards came onto the grounds to guard these miscreants. And in another twist of fate, that guard who had given Poy the bruises was stationed just down from their cell. As she saw the girl drifting off to sleep with Bobo, she crept away from her bed, and went to the door slit and softly called out of him. He left his post, and came to the cell, staring at her through the slit with cold and unforgiving green eyes.

Quick as a flash, there was a searing pain in his eye as Poy jabbed him right in the eyeball with a sharpened pencil from the table. He grabbed his eye and staggered backwards into the wall. Poy opened her cell door and launched at him with fury, knowing where to strike him, without showing any marks on his body. After knocking him to the ground and watching him crawl away into the alcove to recover from the attack, she had moved fast and tried to get away.

There was the sound of footsteps approaching, so she turned to see two more night guards running after her, so she stood her ground and they came at her with stun batons, striking her several times. Poy fell to the floor and one of the guards stood over her, with a menacing look in his eyes. She immediately got her knee between his legs and he crashed onto the floor. She faced down the second night guard, who had dropped his stun baton in fright, so she took it.

“You will tell them you came across another prisoner attacking them, and not me....” he nodded quietly and backed away; this Twi’lek had been nothing but trouble since she was brought to this run down prison facility, and that guard did not want to be on the receiving end of another beating from her. She had broken his nose several days ago, and cracked several of his ribs. He ran off to tell the commandant that one of the other prisoners, who’d been “housed” in one of the empty cells next to her, had gone berserk and was running wild - the commandant would order guards to start from the top and then go down.

The Twi’lek kept on running, until she almost smacked into an older iron gate across an empty part of the prison; this must be it. The lock was a padlock - not the hardest sort of lock to crack, so she found a worker’s tool belt that had been left behind after the closing down ceremony of the old section, and it had some long, thin nails in one of the pouches. They would make the perfect kind of lock-pick. After ten minutes or so of hard work and sweat, the lock opened.

Making her way through the open gate, she grabbed a torch, and shone light all around her; this certainly was the oldest part of the facility. Moving forward, she came across a wash room, complete with refreshers and such. Set down in the concrete floor of this wash room was a metal grate over an old sewer, but it was hiding a secret. Lifting the grate, she saw the sewer had a section of it that was a cut out. Climbing down in the small crawl space, then hunching over the top of the sewer, she heaved and grunted, lifting the cut out section.

It lifted and revealed a small ladder that went down to this disused sewer. The pipe was big enough for two people to comfortably walk down. It had to lead somewhere, hopefully to the outside world and freedom!! It looked as if it was an old escape tunnel that was almost ready to be used, but the prisoners did not get around to it. Replacing the cut out and the grate, she slowly made her way out of the closed down section and shut the gate behind her, locking the padlock and secreting several nails into her pockets. She made it back to the cell and got back just in time, before the speaker system was warmed up.

“Hey, I think I have found a way out of here...” Poy gently nudged the girl from her slumber and quietly told her about the old escape tunnel she had found in the old prison’s wash room. That could be their ticket out of here. But like all good plans, something wicked was coming their way that could jeopardise it.
[member="Poy Luroon"]

Gently, Kaile was awoken by Poy's soft voice. Conciousness came in degrees, and again for what seemed like the fifth time.. or was it sixth? Truthfully, everything seemed to blend together. She wasn't sure how long she had been imprisoned, nor the time of day... night.

Everything bled into the other, and for the first time in a long while, Kaile felt fear. True fear. She was half disoriented, and for those that knew her, would be heartbroken to see her so.

"You did?" Kaile's voice gave a slight inflection at the end, hopeful. Her face was grimy now, and she was filthy. Voice hoarse, she slowly drew herself up into a sitting position.

"What did you find?"
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Poy grinned and wiped the girl’s grimy face and gave her a glass of cold water to prevent the onset of dehydration. “I have found an old escape tunnel that is in the closed off part of this rundown hell-hole. It is still operational, so I think it must’ve been built for a previous attempt, and was then abandoned when the prisoners were discovered. So, I will have to scope it out some more over the next week or so, and then we will be able to put our plan into action...” As Poy recounted her adventures in that old section of the prison, her mind began to go over everything that could go wrong, which made her terribly frightened.

Climbing into her bed, she settled down, and tucked herself into the blanket. “I just have to hope that no one goes into the old section of the prison. If they do and start working, we might have to take drastic action. Is it okay with you my friend?” She turned on her side to look at the girl, who was still sitting against the cell wall, with Bobo wrapped tightly around her neck, not letting her go and keeping her comfortable and relatively safe inside this hellish environment. In the morning, she would have to do some more exploration of that tunnel and bring the girl along so she could see for herself how they’d get out of here.
[member="Poy Luroon"]

"An escape tunnel?" Kaile drew herself up, frowning, then she would inch closer to the Rutian. "Are you sure it is safe?" that frown would deepen. Scooting closer, there was an expression of concern on her grimy face.

"Please be careful." Kaile may not quite know if this was real or anything else, or what exactly was going on. "Look, I don't know where exactly we are at. Who these people are. But we need to be safe about it."

"Why don't you tell me more about this tunnel. Tell me what you know, what you've seen."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Poy nodded. “It is. I managed to climb down into that old escape tunnel, and it is free of traps and such. And don’t you worry your pretty little face about it; I’ll keep it safe. And to get there, we will have to turn left from our cell and make it all the way down to the end of the corridor, where there is an old gate. It is a gate secured by a padlock, but I’ve managed to unlock it. We then get through the gate and then make our way down the old corridor. There is a door on the left hand side into the washroom...” she then visualised the map in her head.

“After getting into the washroom, there is a grate in the middle of the showers and that is where the prisoners built the tunnel. We would lift up the grate and then make our way down, and into the tunnel. It seemed a rather long way to the other end, but the plus side is that I discovered we can stand up and walk the whole way down to the exit and to freedom,” the Twi’lek make a note to go back down to the old tunnel and see where the exit emerged and to also see if it came out in an isolated part of the environment or in an urban environment.

“Would you like to accompany me on one of my trips down there?” Poy asked, as she sat on the edge of her prison cot. The girl still seemed a bit unsure of it all, so if she saw it with her own eyes, she would know it was safe for them.
[member="Poy Luroon"]

Kaile would listen carefully to everything that Poy relayed.

"Do you have any idea what is outside?" she would ask, inquiring further. "Are we on a planet? Under ground? Above ground?" what if they were actually floating in the middle of an ocean...

In space?

"Is there any way to determine what we might expect?" Poy had asked if Kaile wanted to go with her, but going back and forth might end up being risky. They had to plan this right.

She gave a frown, trying to think.

"Do you remember anything from earlier that could answer that?"
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Poy nodded. “I am sure that we are on a planet. When I was brought here, I’d heard the guards saying I was the latest arrival to Ord Vaxal, one of the many prison planets in the galaxy. So I am also guessing that we are above ground in this prison facility...” the Twi’lek thought hard and then she remembered her initial trip into the closed down part of this prison to discover the old tunnel.

“Well, I do remember hearing voices while I was in the old part of the prison. It sounded like they were builders working in some other part. So we would both have to be extremely careful to avoid being detected. I saw tool belts and also other accoutrements all over the place,” maybe they could borrow uniforms to disguise themselves and make it past without being discovered and beaten.
[member="Poy Luroon"]

"Ord Vaxal," Kaile gave a nod, considering this. She began to bite at her lower lip. It was a tick she normally had when she was either very nervous, or... well as [member="Kurt Meyer"] would know, bordering on excitable for some action. Be as it may, whether this was one great hallucination or not, Kaile had to consider what she had to do -- or be useless and expect to wake up.

She rather take action. "Okay, let's first make sure we get a good understanding of everyone schedule. When the guard changes, who they are... what do we know about them." from then they could be able to utilize that information to do Poy's part of the plan.

"I can try to do things to... make it easier." she gave a grimace. "But I'll need to to make sure you stay a few feet away from me and..." she glanced down at her sleeping friend.

"Take care of Bobo."

What she would have to do in the next few hours -- or days -- would be relatively painful as she reconnected to using the Force.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Poy nodded. “We might have to venture into the Chief Warden’s office to see if we can find their patrol routes, who they are and so on,” she tenderly picked Bobo up in her hands and placed him onto her shoulder. He seemed upset to be away from the girl, but he would learn to accept the Twi’lek as a surrogate; Poy wondered if she could have one with her in the X-Wing as a companion.

“And what do you have to do exactly?” Poy asked, confused. She was not up with how the Force worked, and how you became attuned to it. Although, she had heard stories about it from her younger sister, Talik, who had ventured off to walk the Jedi path with the Silver Sanctum Coalition on the planet Voss. As she watched in amazement, and confusion, the girl began a strange ritual.

The Twi’lek wondered what it would be like to be gifted with the Force, but her mind then turned back to how they would get to the Chief Warden’s office and find out everything there was to know about the guards and such. They might have to find a way to disabled the keypad from the inside, so they could get as much information as they possibly could, before moving on with the plan.
[member="Poy Luroon"]

"If things go well..." she began carefully. "Then I should be able to... suggest for them to help us." that was one option. Kaile could do other limited things, but it would depend on what happened. On the risks. And just what they needed to do.

But first, she would have to get used to using the Force again.

"Okay, we'll rest. Do as much as we can about getting used to their schedule.. and then... we'll try to escape."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Poy nodded. “I am sure we will be able to find out their patrols if we can get to the Chief Warden’s office,” she had heard her guards talking about the office, where they had to report each day to find out what route they were to patrol, receive side arms for patrol and where they signed in and out.

It was located somewhere near the Commandant’s quarters, so it should not be too hard for them to find. But the main obstacle standing in their way was that the Chief Warden, or his deputy, was always there. Poy would have to go about her business carefully and remain undetected to both.

“If you want to rest and regain your strength, I will go to the Warden’s office to find out their patrols and we will have to time their patrols, so we know where they will be,” everything was coming together nicely. She put Bobo around her neck and then she sat down on her cot, formulating a plan.
[member="Poy Luroon"]

"Okay." Kaile told her, grimacing again as Bobo's Force Null field left her. Another slight jerk, and then she took a breath. Okay, focus. The first bit was controlling the pain. She couldn't let it overwhelm her. The first few times were spent streamlining that, going from within Bobo's field and then out of it.

Slowly, in between periods of rest, she would keep practicing. One was her telekinesis, two little rocks she found slowly being controlled by her over the shell of her palm. She just had to practice.

Then hopefully, with Poy's help, they could all get out of here.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Poy nodded and she snuck out of their cell, Bobo hanging tightly around her neck, as she crept towards the main corridor. Guards were moving about, so she took cover in a small alcove, before continuing her journey. She ducked behind a pillar and looked up ahead; the Chief Warden and his deputy were in deep conversation with the Commandant. It would be unwise to move now, or she would be captured and put into solitary confinement, ruining her plans for escape from this hellhole. Come on, hurry up and finish talking would you...

Finally, much to her relief, the Chief Warden and his deputy finished speaking and they bid farewell to the Commandant, who returned to his office. She saw the two wardens walking past the office and heading to the staff quarters; the rooms where guards could go to wind down from their prison duties. Now was the time to move, so Poy crept up the corridor and to the warden’s office. The door was locked, but her brain had retained three letters of the code; she had been brought here for her first interrogation, so it shouldn’t be hard to open.

Poy punched in the three letters, followed by “1”; nothing happened, and then the door reset itself. “2” followed and then door beeped and turned red, as the system reset itself, within the space of a minute. All the numbers were pushed and then, seven times, the door successfully reset itself. In a last-ditch effort, the Twi’lek pushed “0” and the keypad turned green and opened up. Poy went inside and the door locked behind her. She began searching for any info that was related to the patrol routes and came across a Holocron on the desk.

Turning it on, and then going into the “Documents” folder, she was met by a password box. No matter how much she tried, she was unable to gain access, so she would have to find all the information another way. She rummaged her way through the data-disk folder and came across a small disk labelled “Patrol Routes V10.12”; this must have been the latest one. Casting her eyes all over the desk once more, she found a spare Holocron that had been left in “Sleep” mode, so hopefully this one would work without any problems whatsoever.

Hitting the “Power” button, the Holocron started up first time and went into the main desktop; it must have been a new one waiting to be setup. Inserting that disk, the Holocron read the disk and then the information popped up onto the screen. Footsteps were heard outside in the corridor, so she immediately put everything back in its proper place and waited with baited breath. They left the corridor and she heard them fading away. Poy unlocked the door, and tucked the Holocron in her flight suit and looked both ways, before taking her leave.

She made it back to their cell, and locked the door behind her, just as a guard was coming down to inspect the prisoners for the third time today. He glanced into the cell and saw that everything was in order, so he left them alone. Poy’s excited hands pulled the Holocron out of her flight suit, and she showed it off to the girl. “And you won’t believe what I found down in the warden office,” she whispered quietly, not wanting to raise suspicions. Turning it on, she went into the data-disk and put it in front of the girl’s face. “What do you think, hmm?”
[member="Poy Luroon"]

Did the Rutian have some sort of crazy luck? Kaile was in awe, so much it took her a bit to realize what Poy had given her. With a nod, Kaile brought the datacron close for her inspection. She had been practicing reconnecting with the Force. Normally she'd use her datapad and tools to slice into it, but right now, they were short on time. Kaile shut her eyes, focusing.

The Force was a curious thing. For Kaile she rarely used it to begin with, so her abilities were not as vast as others were. Hers were a focused set, used for specific things. A handful at most, they would be used sparingly. Right now, her entire focus was on gathering what she needed. Manipulating the datacron, Kaile would slowly start to pluck information from it. Her eyes would shift under her lids, quickly getting as much information as she could. Poy was right. They were above ground.

After a few minutes, her brow sweating, Kaile set her hands down. A weary smile came up. "Okay... I think we have what we need."

She would tell Poy that the guard would shift ever eight hours, and from there, they just had to time it right. It would be risky, but perhaps they could finally get out of this place.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Poy watched as the girl seemed intensively focused on the datacron and was going over all that information. “I also found out those builders change over every six hours, so it gives us two hours to get everything planned and make our escape. Is that more than enough time?” She sat down on her cot and her brain began formulating the next phase of their escape inside her two lekku.

Bobo clung to Poy’s neck and she stroked him. “What do you think Bobo? Do you think we can get out of here?” the miniature Ysalamir just licked her lekku that were wrapped around her neck, and snuggled in. She would take that as a “yes”. Her mind went through all of the possibilities in regards to escape. And that one idea that continually came into her mind was using disguises.
[member="Poy Luroon"]

Kalie gave a smile at Poy interacting with Bobo. It was nice to see him with someone else. He was a friendly little thing. Two hours. Okay. Her mind would race, going through all the motions and considering their options.

Two hours.

A firm nod came from Kaile.

"Yeah. It should be enough." she set the datacron away, and then they began to lay down their plan. In two hours time, they were going to move forward.

And hopefully get out of this joint.

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