Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From the Midnight Sun Where the Hot Springs Flow (open to SSC, others PM for invite)

"No wings to fly, save for the wings in my heart."

Now what the frell was that supposed to mean? For a moment, his confusion overruled his annoyance at being told to use the Force. By the time that returned, she was already making her way towards the edge. One look back, then she allowed herself to be swept over it.

The Force, as near as the scholars could tell, was endless. There was no shortage of supply. Using it frivolously here wouldn't suddenly make a Jedi across the galaxy - now or later - drop a levitating stone. But the best way he could describe it was cheating. The use of the Force to perform a mundane task or something not necessary should not be encouraged. One might think that conflicted with living in the Force, but drawing a lightsaber hilt via the Force instead of grabbing it with a hand was not living in the Force, it was showing off. Plumbing the waterfall's details so she could have some fun was not necessary.

Then again, maybe he was just feeling chastised and didn't care to admit it to himself.

With a sigh, the Sephi followed Abaigeal's path. Just like her, he made his way to the deeper water and laid down. He was suddenly thankful he hadn't worn his robes...the metal, light as it was, would only have made dealing with the water more difficult. Once he released his hold, the river whisked him towards the waterfall. He had to consciously reign himself in, the way the rapids moved him forward without control was almost panic-inducing. He became aware of every scrape and bump as he moved through the water. At the same time though, there was an excitement to it, one that only increased the instant he flew off the edge and began hurtling towards the pool of water at the bottom.

[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]
It was strange that when Abaigeal hit the water it did not hurt, she had been expecting it to. Her scream was swallowed up by her holding her breath just before impact and as she plunged deeper into the churning depths, panic began to rise in the pit of her stomach. There would be no use to try and focus on the force, fear had taken that ability away, but she knew, maybe instinctively, which way was up.

Abaigeal opened her eyes, but could see nothing but bubbles as the water stormed around her, but she could see the light about and so she began to push her way up toward it. Eventually, she broke the surface and with her lungs almost set to burst she took in a deep breath. For a moment, she remained there treading water until her breathing became steady, and just in that moment, or so it seemed, Audren hit the water nearby.

Only now did she begin to laugh, it was a way of releasing the tension coupled with a strong sense of relief, she had not died and nor would Audren (she hoped). And although Audren would call her cheat, at least they both knew what they were in for. A risk is worth taking when you at least have some facts. She began to swim toward the location he landed in and waited for him to surface. If there was to be a problem she would be ready to help him.
[member="Audren Sykes"]
Audren's legs had almost been running and his arms were outstretched as he fell through the air. However, as he closed on the water below - frighteningly fast - he forced them into a form reminiscent of a mummy. Legs tightly together, arms crossed across his chest and also held tight. He knew that he'd go deeper in the water this way, but he'd also run less of a risk of breaking something or otherwise injuring himself. The sudden full-immersion was a bit of a shock, as the water here seemed almost colder than it had above.

Light underwater could be tricky, but the waterfall was creating all sorts of bubbles for him to follow up to the surface. Besides which, he'd been prodded to use the Force, and he could easily tell which way to the surface. As he ascended, he could Abaigeal's form moving towards where he would surface. He got another glint in his eye...he reached out through the Force and yanked her ankles down deeper into the water just as he breached the surface. At first he loosed the breath he'd been holding, then brought fresh oxygen in.

That was for splashing him up above.

[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]
Her wave of concern for Audren soon turned to one of confounded surprise. The cheek of the man! was her thought as she was unceremoniously pulled under the water letting out a yelp before she went under the churning water. Small bubbles escaped her mouth due to her laughing but that only depleted her of oxygen more quicker and she began to gasp for air. But she made it to the surface soon enough, "Hey unfair!". She splattered, and to think he used the force on an action so frivolous.

Abaigeal began to laugh before giving him yet another splash with a round arm in the water, this time sending a small blanket of water to wash over him. It did not matter as the pair was already ringing wet, but it was interesting to see his long white hair matted to his face, the ends fanning out in the water and a little darker laden with the weight of it.

"You hold grudges Mister Sykes", she said with a cheeky grin of her own. The pull of the current played on her body wanting to take her down stream again, further onward to the end, but the deeper pool only took her a little way before it calmed and allowed the captives a choice to stay or leave. Abaigeal looked up into the sky through the green over hanging canopy. It appeared that the sun was beginning to start it's downward descent to the far horizon and there was a tinge of humidity heavy in the air, which made their swim even more pleasant. Abaigeal made her way over to Audren, her arms waving gently in the water to keep her stable as she treads water.

"You know we could continue on, I would be happy to for as long as you wish or .. ", she eyed him with mischief, "We could go downward", with that she reached out placing her hand on his head and pushed down until he went under. But, she followed in a duck dive with the intention of exploring what may lay beneath hidden in the world never seen.
[member="Audren Sykes"]

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