Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From Respite to Wreckage [Talos/Hugh Seyley]


Mos Eisley, Tatooine​

The farmers in Anchorhead found out about her spice habit quick. One carelessly placed syringe and she was kicked out of the guest house by her landlord and his wife the next morning. Malica wrapped her face in a brown hood to protect herself from the sandstorms she would meet on her way back to the city. As she lifted the strap of her backpack on to her shoulder, she took a final look at the small settlement. A little blond haired boy stared back at her from the yard and then was swept into the house by his mother.


The door of her apartment was ajar. She heard voices inside. The end of almost every other sentence was accompanied by dumb low giggling. She entered without a sound and crouched behind the debris of a dining chair to observe the new owners.

"Get me another deathstick, you fracking nerf," a large kid, about seventeen, demanded of his smaller counterpart. One girl and two other kids of undeterminable gender laughed in tandem at what they considered a masterful insult. Malica could tell from their ridiculous clothes that they formed a gang. She remembered that stupid ritual when she was sixteen in the streets of Nar Shaadda.

As the small kid reached into his ratty coat for a deathstick, Malica rose to complete the request, as if she were part of the gang. Deathsticks and obiedence were addictions she could never quit. She wore a black flight suit and a blue Mandalorian helmet and resembled a mercenary enough to threaten a group of high teenagers. She tossed the kid a deathstick and pointed her blaster pistol at him. "Get out," she barked, and the gang scattered into the streets of Mos Eisley like roaches.

Malica attempted to repair the sputtering electrical panel to the left of the front door, but grew impatient. She walked back into the apartment, the walls and floor now covered in graffiti and broken furniture, and decided on a moldy armchair to settle into. She moved the chair to face the door, lifted her knees over one of the armrests, and put her pistol into her lap. She lit a cigarra and smoked, looking like a pair of disembodied legs from the view of the open door. If it had been long enough for tensions to cool since her last visit, Malica figured she might visit the Cantina in Mos Eisley for a drink once the two suns rose, granted no one recognized her from the Four Roses and tried to pick a fight.

[member="Talos"], [member="Hugh Seyley"]

Connor Harrison


Slauce Canyon, Outskirts of Mos Eisley
Tatooine, Tatoo System

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

The eyes are the window to the soul.

If Kail Ragnar had any soul left to salvage, the eyes of Talos hid it away; deep, dark, empty.

It had been nearly a year since Kail Ragnar returned to Tatooine a broken man. A man with no direction – SENSELESS - heart swelling with emotion - PETTY - body wracked with pain – WEAK – annoyed at the past. CHILD

A day never passed without a thought of the Sith Lord [member="Matsu Xiangu"]. Her piercing features, her long hair, the cybernetic arm. Maybe a few seconds, maybe minutes or an hour – she was there, everywhere. She goaded him, she fuelled him and encouraged him with her razor-bladed words, uttered the last time they had been together on Annaj. He would thank her one day for that. Did he want to kill her? Of course he did, a year ago.

Now? No. The words she spat at him were embedded on his mind so much, he was dubious as to whether the implanted them with the Sith magic she wielded so seductively, so enticingly.

You save the passion for when it’s personal.

Sun kissed hands, rough and full, rubbed together gently as heavy boots traversed the rocks and gravel of the canyon mouth, spilling out into the wider landscape of Tatooine. Mos Eisley was up ahead, the awesome Great Mesra Plateau in the distance. Talos knew this planet better than most who resided here. He had run miles across the Dune Sea, climbed the Mospic range and survived the Jundland Wastes, which also had been his home.

Of course, there was [member="Xenia Nastassia "]– the spoilt bounty hunter, or royal dignitary, or whatever she wanted to be whenever she woke up that morning. Yes, she had saved him from who knows what after fleeing Matsu, but she had just as well twisted the knife in his heart with a barrage of mixed emotions, feelings and promises that she never answered. He was a pawn in her play for power and it has blow up in both their faces. She had lost her life because of his reckless actions, but he had lost faith in good because of her greed.

He. His. That was Kail Ragnar.

Kail had successfully been beaten into submission at the expense of his blood, sweat and sick. Pushing his body harder and faster than any normal man, Talos took to becoming something physically and mentally superior to the failed mercenary that stood in his shadow. He had changed his appearance, accepted his wounds and scars to make them part of who he was, and learnt how to fight with nothing but brains and brawn.

Eyes squinted against the twin suns of the planet. The monstrous brown mask, feeding a steady supply of the Nullicaine gas, was clamped onto his head and gave him a look most normal men would simply class as barbaric, which was perfect. The brown leather and durasteel mask hid his scars and fed tubing into his throat to numb the pain he felt. It had been worse than the Sith tomb on Korriban the day it had been fixed to him, the pain; but it was now worth it.

It had twisted his voice into a deep, almost synthetic growl which forced him to speak carefully and selectively rather than spit out words like a desperate fool. A brown gauntlet supported his right wrist, a thick armoured vest covered his torso offering mild protection and storage for his handheld kit.

The mercenary cell had helped craft a beast of a man to once more claim back some of the dignity he had lost along the way and to be someone. The nearest city of Mos Eisley, one he knew well and totally despised, would be the start of that journey.

[member="Malica Drezyan"] [member="Hugh Seyley"]

Hugh Seyley

Mos Eisley, Tatooine
From Corellian Run to Mara Corridor to the very atmosphere of Tatooine, it had been a long chase starting from Corellia itself. A group of pirates Hugh had inspected for a long time had finally made their way to actual crime and thanks to the suspicions of the warden, they immediately got chased down. The run from a hyperlane to another was fun, but really tiring. Two ships of the same speed, yet sadly the distance between Hugh and the pirates made it quite impossible for the two to get together.

But when they reached Tatooine, the pirates had finally met their destiny when flying into another ship. An explosion was unpreventable.

Mos Eisley was a popular place in the whole galaxy, due to it having one of the busiest cantinas in the region. People could be safe there, it was a place for hiding to some. Hugh enjoyed such places, they were full of smugglers. And it was even better when she met a few pirates in the cantina like she had done about a year ago. Yeah, these were good times.

"One drink for me. Whatever you think is good," Hugh spoke to the bartender. He even expected the man to give him a poisonous drink, but he was prepared for that. Some drama was essential to a good time rest in Mos Eisley Cantina.

The man handed the warden a glass with some kind of blue liquid in it. Looked a bit risky to take a sip from it, but he decided to do that anyway. He had learned the art of detoxifying poison, so if it contained some kind of toxic stuff in it... he would have nearly no problem. Only the man who served him the drink would have that, considering how vulnerable he looked there.

The man's innocent face told Hugh it was fine to take a sip. Carefully eyeing the bartender, he drank a bit of the alcohol. It had a bitter taste to it, but a sugary aftertaste. That was strange. It was some kind of lighter alcohol, didn't seem very poisonous, too. He found it even a bit interesting.

"Thanks!" he told the person who had served him the drink. He really was thankful for that.

[ [member="Malica Drezyan"] | [member="Talos"] ]​
The twin suns had risen, sending a shaft of light into the doorway of the apartment. Malica's visor flashed a glare across the ravaged living room. Awaking from a unsatisfying sleep, she took off her helmet and lit another cigarra. It soon joined its dead brothers in a pile of ash near the leg of the armchair.

The morning light revealed the real damage in the abandoned apartment, reduced by the night a few hours before. Trash, broken furniture, and the remnants of bonfires littered what used to be a decent inhabitance, at least for an apartment in Mos Eisley close to Tarr Mas.

The apartment had grown progressively worse since she last visited it a few months before her move to Anchorhead. Malica had the chance to lock the door on her way out, but chose against it. She needed to see the house further defiled before she could begin to repair and rebuild. Still too many ghosts in the walls. Maybe they had departed. A shade of Cyrus, her Mandalorian mentor, stood in the threshold in front of her, handsome and lion-esque in the dry Tatooine sun. "K'atini, cyar'ika!" she shouted at him, longing for something stronger than tabacc. She shooed him off with an angry wave of her hand and the ghost limped into the street without his helmet.

Had the trip from Anchorhead not fully sobered her? More ghosts from years ago, friends joined by a steady supply of spice, flocked through the three other rooms of the house, replaying faint memories stimeltaneously: Jarra's overdose; Aziz in Cyrus' bed; the night a little girl came looking for her mother.

Malica twisted around in the armchair to watch a ghost of herself in the kitchen; a gaunt twenty three year old creature in a dancer's outfit dry heaving over the sink, contaminated powder inhaled through the nose, fire wracking through her face and throat, a drip that upturned her stomach for hours.

"Get away," Malica grumbled, eyes bloodshot and tearing, red snot running down her chin, "Why do you still come here? Were you waiting for me to...'tstop playing? Could see me like this? Well here am I, sick of FAKING for you. Next time, you might as well bring me another hit."

Cyrus stood behind her, face shadowed. He reached out to touch her back and she wrung away, causing another spasm of dry heaving. The second time he reached for her, she was too weak to fight him. It was Cyrus, not her friends, who carried her into bed that night, fed her a Kolto solution, and made sure she slept without falling unconscious forever.

She cried into the crook of his neck and shoulder, having awoke in pain, still high, and not remembering where she was. "Why don't you want me?" Malica asked him over and over, mistaking him for a different figure from her childhood. "I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to protect you." Cyrus knew Malica wouldn't remember this moment or several after. She spilled out years of bottled-up miserable truth and he kept her secrets.

When she said she swore she would defeat him one day, he believed her. It was a subliminal warning his instincts were aware of. He already bore wounds from her that stung with the faults of others. His eyes grazed the bedroom, the edge of the nightstand, the floor, for signs of who'd been in the house with her when she'd taken the spice.

The following night a group of young men and women were found dead in a trap house in Tar Mass from a batch of spice laced with carsunum. If the authorities had cared to do autopsies on the bodies of a half dozen junkies, they would have discovered those with no spice in their blood had died of asphyxiation.

The Cyrus ghost played over and over again, like a broken hologram, staring at her, turning, and leaving. She flicked a cigarra butt at it, to no avail to its disappearance. The ghosts weren't leaving the house so she did. A few blocks down the crowded sandy street, past a droid shop, a hand grabbed her right forearm. She spun around and matched her pistol with the temple of whomever touched her, pushing her assailant-now-victim into an alley before any citizens heading to the market had noticed she had drawn her weapon.

"Who sent you?" she asked the thug, obviously a rookie, from the look of fear on his face and the way he spat out "Yalus Cor" so quickly. This man must have had some favor owed to her former boss or he was just considered dispensable. She assumed the later. "Tell Yalus if he sends another one of you stinking thugs after me, I'll send the goon back castrated and come later for him," Malica growled and removed her gun.

"Message received," snickered Yalus as he appeared at the other end of the alley, flanked by two large mercenaries. Their weapons were lamely hidden by thin merchant robes and the shapes on their hips suggested that they arrived well-armed. "What's my favorite dancer doing dressed up like a Mandalorian and threatening the manhood of harmless citizens?" asked the lanky Zabrack. "Perhaps she thinks she's become a hunter."

"Still nursing a broken heart after two years? I see you missed me, Yalus," Malica chided, not at all happy to encounter Yalus on her first day back in the city.

"My eyes see beyond Mos Eisley. I knew you were here on Tatooine as soon as you arrived in Mos Epsa. You could only resist being away for me for so long."

"Who can resist a lying, scheming bastard who cheats at Pazaak? Certainly not me."

"My poor heart." Yalus clucked, and continued,"I'm here to teach you a lesson about running away from a powerful man who adores you and the credits you attract at his establishment. Do report back to the Four Roses after your vacation. Or should I say vaccination? When you find your way out of the canyon, I'll be waiting for you." Two more mercenaries appeared at the entrance of the alleyway. "Gentlemen," Yalus said, signaling them to capture her.

Carrying only her blaster pistol, Malica eyed a dumpster. A mercenary predicted her next move and lunged at her as she climbed atop it. A well aimed heel kick downward smashed him in the face, with a satisfying crunch. She ascended the roof of the building to the right of the alley, the grip of her boots offering some leverage on the round packed huts that made up the city. The congestion of the apartments below now played to her advantage. She scaled at least five before hopping off into the backyard of a house, jumping a low fence made of rusty scrap metal and melding into the crowd of a street perpendicular to the one she had been traveling.

It seemed like Yalus had agents everywhere, however, and was able to estimate her path. Malica didn't get far before a slimmer mercenary, perhaps a shifter, came out of the dark doorway of an apartment, assaulted Malica from behind and plunged a syringe of sedative into her neck. She fell unconscious indignantly, beaten at her own game.


The twin suns had set. Malica awoke drowsily, finding her neck adorn with a shock collar. She carefully moved, and not receiving a shock, decided to keep walking. Malica observed the area and recognized the rocky landscape of Sluuce Canyon. While not remote, the canyon was deep, especially for a traveler on foot. She was equally likely to intercept a speeder heading to Mos Eisley as she was a caravan of Tusken Raiders.

Her foot got caught under a rock and she fell, discovering not only that her collar would shock her when damaged, but that her most valued possession, Cyrus' blue Mandalorian helmet, was gone. A trickle of blood dripped down the back of her head and it seemed that the jagged landscape, like Yalus, had admitted a vendetta against her.

[member="Talos"], [member="Hugh Seyley"]

Connor Harrison

Talos crouched on his boots, casually balancing on an incline leading down from the canyon mouth as he rubbed his fingers together slowly on both hands, dark eyes watching the drama unfold before him in the sand dunes.

It seemed his lot in life was to witness men beat the living daylights out of women. How those women turned out after always seemed to stem from that very moment – the heartbeat that would alter their destiny. He watched, breathing calmly through the brown mask, suns beating down above.

The limp figure of a lady fell from the grip of the coward who had obviously roughed her up.

Talos blinked slowly as he saw the man get a few cheap thrills from the girl as she lay unconscious. Why wouldn’t he? He was obviously a lowlife getting pleasure from someone who couldn’t defend themselves or had no memory of it.

But Talos could. He’d been waiting for a chance like this.

The man scrambled away carrying something in his hands, and the mercenary stood bearing his full size and caught the eye of the thug against the rocky backdrop of the canyon.

”What could a woman possibly have done to someone like you to deserve such a handling.”

His voice boomed from the mask, almost synthetic; animalistic, yet calm and un-questioning. The thug indicated to his blaster, and it was now clear he held the helmet of a Mandalorian. The girl was a Mando.

“None of your business.” The reply was feeble and bled fear.

Talos stepped closer, looking down at the man as he approached.

”I'm sorry, please. I like your style. I need work. I need my thirst to break bone quenching. Who do you work with?”

The thug took a step back and reached for his blaster, showing a wonderfully dirty and blistered face when the sun hit it.

“There’s a group - ”

Talos only needed him to stop and think for a second. His large arms, muscular and thick, shot forward, one grabbing the thug’s wrist and pulling it back on itself with a satisfying crack of bone. With the feeble cry that followed, the thug froze in shock as Talos gripped his neck with his right hand. It fit around the neck perfectly.

Talos leaned in and saw the fear in the thug’s eyes – the window to the soul. He only wished he could see how monstrous this masked beast of a man looked when compared to how it would have been with the puny Kail Ragnar, trying to talk his way out of a fight.

”Thank you.” Talos said.

He squeezed with one long amplification of pressure until he felt a sickening pop under his fingers and the rupture of bone, along with a gurgling noise which preceded the blood trickling from the thug’s mouth. Talos noticed the flesh was bleeding under his fingers, and his breathing hadn’t increased at all.

The thug went limp and fell to the ground. Talos caught the blue Mando helmet as he went down and stepped over the body and walked towards – well, it would have been towards the woman, but she was up on her feet, walking away like a drunk. Stumbling and slowly weaving across the uneven terrain in the distance towards Anchorhead and Mos Eisley.

Boots flowed through the warm golden sand after the hard rock of the canyon as Talos inspected the blue helmet in his bloodied hands without the need to hurry. His attention was only distracted when he noticed the girl fall and yell in pain out the corner of his eye.

A few more casual steps led him behind the body of the girl, sprawled on the floor, around the rocks under the sand. Obviously not a native of the planet. Talos threw the blue helmet up and over the girl for it to land a few yards in front of her.

[member="Malica Drezyan"] [member="Hugh Seyley"]
Like a rodent, Malica sprung for the helmet. She clawed at it through the sand and once she retrieved it, held it close to her chest. Relief spread over her. To have the Mando helmet stolen from her would be akin to losing a child. She twisted her hair in a loose bun and put the helmet back on her head where it belonged. Malica started back toward Mos Eisley to blow out Yalus Cor's brains out. She turned to gauge her direction and was hit with a wave of pain that caused her to fall again. From the pain in her head, back and stomach, she came to the awful discovery that Yalus' thugs had beat her up while she was unconcious. She gritted her teeth and screamed, enraged that Yalus would show her that kind of disrespect without being present to get punished for it. As she twisted on her side to rise, her shock collar banged against a rock and zapped her, she screamed again, frustrated by the entire situation. It was only then, through her clouded vision, that she noticed a man, or monster, glaring at her from a few yards away.

Malica rose and barked at the figure, "You just missed the party! I'm conscious so it won't be fun anymore! Come any closer and I'll scratch your eyes out!", mistaking the man for one of Yalus' cronies.


Connor Harrison

Talos stood and watched the girl scrabble around, over-react and panic. Her shock collar wasn’t helping the situation, but nor was she. The fact she wore the helmet of a Mandalorian seemed to puzzle Talos, seeing that the Mandos were a highly proud and strong culture but here a girl was writing around and couldn’t even stand up without screaming or tumbling over.

When she noticed him, he didn’t move. There was nothing she could do to frighten him, and nowhere she could go.

”I’d like to see you try girl.”

Slowly he moved forward over the soft sand he had walked so many times before and as her face was hidden by the mask, a feature both wore, he stopped in front of her and looked into the black visor. His breathing was slow, rasping gently behind the mask he wore.

”Want me to get rid of that collar?”

[member="Malica Drezyan"]
Malica was about to bark out some sarcastic retort, but she knew he right. Even if she did try to fight him, he'd be able to knock her down in one swat and she didn't need anymore bruises, very well a broken neck. The dead thug Talos had destroyed moments before was browning in the suns and collecting flies.

Naturally, after being rendered unconcious, beaten up, and dumped in a canyon, Malica was distrustful. "Who are you and why are you here?" she asked, ignoring his question and possesively gripping the shock collar with one hand.


Connor Harrison

Talos looked left to right, seeing his planet before him and spreading his arms wide.

”I’m a product of everything bad you see before you.”

With each word that followed, he took a step closer, his eyes piercing from behind his mask as if he intended to smash through her visor with just a stare.


Raising his hands, he maintained his stare as he carefully pulled her blue helmet away, ignoring her look of anger and fear, along with her injuries. He thrust the helmet into her chest for her to take, and placed his hands on both sides of the locking mechanism of the collar.

With a sly tilt of his head, Talos looked at the collar, and then to her.

”This will hurt.”

And without warning he pushed his thumbs and forefinger into the mechanism and pulled the collar violently apart, and as he did, the collar spat out an electrical charge that burnt the metal, and her flesh on the nape of her neck.

Rubbing his hand, Talos brought the collar around to hold before her face.

”When you live amongst mercenaries who use collars such as these – “ he dropped it in the sand, ” – you know their weak spots like you know your own body.”

[member="Malica Drezyan"]
Malica thought Talos was large when he was a couple yards away. Now, face-to-face, or rather, face-to-chest, she had no defense against him. Whether he chose to break her neck or free it was entirely up to him.

"I am the product of everything bad you see before you."

She swallowed the response, "How cryptic. A name would have worked," and instead observed the landscape he indicated. Almost strictly a visitor of the cities, Malicia never expirenced the canyon or the wastes. The sand and sky melded into something endlessly harsh, the real surface of Tatooine that could only be inhabited by the most stubborn creatures.


Malica sighed as the suns intensified the ache in her stomach and head. Perspiration ran down her back, stinging fresh cuts. The canyon itself clearly had no intention of keeping her alive, so she'd better show some respect to this warrior who had.

She studied the scars on his shoulders, the vest he wore which could have been a collection of skins of the mercenaries weaker than him, and was especially intrigued by his strange mask. His voice held an intelligent lilt, metallic because of the mask, peculiar in someone with so much brawn.

"This will hurt."

Malica couldn't protest and he'd warned her aptly. The charge was strong and it traveled as far as her fingertips and upper torso and fried her neck. She cried out and then grunted, gritting her teeth against the pain. Her first instinct was to rub her neck, but she knew it would only hurt more. Feline green eyes stared at him. A mixture of anger and gratitude.

"Thank you," she mumbled. The collar lay broken in the sand at her feet. She figured that having expirence with mercenaries, he must be one.


Connor Harrison

Talos looked at her; her wounds, her hair and skin, her eyes – showing everything she tried to hide. Stepping around her and the sparking collar, the man gave a small nod.

”Watch yourself out there.”

Blaster strapped to his thigh, he had all he needed to carry on into Mos Eisley. Looping his hands through his brown vest, he carried on the walk over the sand dunes in no evident rush, and instantly letting the Mandalorian girl go form his head.

[member="Malica Drezyan"]
Malica took his warning as their goodbye. She traveled a few feet ahead of him and then looked back. If they were both headed toward Mos Eisley, she had a proposition for him. She waited a couple seconds until he caught up with her and they were again face-to-chest. She looked up at him, brushing her hair off of her forehead and still holding her helmet in her arm.

"Are you headed to the city?" she asked, a bit akwardly, as she still wasn't sure how to address him. "What's your name?" she blurted out before he could answer her first question, squinting to assess the features of his face against the suns.


Connor Harrison

A question not one person had asked him for over a year now; what was his name. Kail Ragnar was on the tip of his tongue, but Kail had been dead to him. Dead, but not buried. The name taken was that of a strong, imposing warrior.

”Talos. Talos is my name.”

He looked past her shoulder up at Mos Eisley, a large craft was landing with a blast of engine noise carried over the stone buildings. With a firm nod, he brought his eyes back down to the girl.

”I am. Walk with me, and then once there you can go back to where you came from. This planet isn’t kind to those like you.”

Talos batted the girl on the shoulder, moving her out of the way as he carried on forward.

”Keep up or get left behind.”

[member="Malica Drezyan"]
"Very well, Talos," Malica responded and followed his order. She trailed after him, attempting to match his strides. The desert seemed to roll off of him as it drained her.

She walked beside him in silence for a while, a question forming in her mind that she wasn't sure how to ask. She thought of Yalus Cor, sitting smugly at the Four Roses. Yalus was expecting her back and she'd be damned if she started that up again; rage formed at the base of her throat and she grunted. Malica would to go back to the Four Roses only to extract revenge.

Silence seemed like something Talos was very comfortable with. Malica was loathe to break it. Seeking to get more information out of him that might lead to an exchange of favors she asked, "What is your business in Mos Eisley?"


Connor Harrison

Making light work of the ground under his feet, Talos knew how best to tackle the deceptive sand dunes and rocky crevices of Tatooine, and coming over to Mos Eisley in the distance was the first time in over a year he had been back to the settlement that had taken his life on a crash course with disaster.

The girl spoke, and Talos flashed a look out of the corner of his eye.

”I’m here to find my place again in the galaxy. I’ve spent enough time on this world and now I need to get back out there and be somebody. It’s my last chance.”

He let the cryptic reply sink in, before turning to look down on her, feeling ever so confident to be hiding partly behind his monstrous mask. His breathing calm, his pain subsided.

”Why is a Mandalorian out here in the middle of Tatooine being abused by slavers it seems? That’s not a very effective Mandalorian thing to be doing.”

[member="Malica Drezyan"]
"Mos Eisley isn't the place to 'be somebody'. How long have you been in this canyon? A few centuries?" Malica spat. The suns, her wounds, and his taste for cryptic replies was dissolving a threadbare patience. Malica tripped on another jagged rock and swore. The helmet flung out of her grasp and into a dune with a "thunk". She laughed. "If you think I'm a Mandalorian and that you will fufill your destiny in Mos Eisley, you really have been out here too long." Malica caught his glance and added, "Or you are dilberately evading my questions because you don't trust me." She laughed again. "And in that case, I'm a Jedi compared to most of those slimeballs in that city."

She retrieved the helmet and looked at her reflection in the visor. "I'm borrowing this from a friend," she stated. His cryptic answers were contagious. Malica began to believe that the more time one stayed in the desert the more cryptic one became.


Connor Harrison

The more the girl seemed to spit out her responses, the more Talos was reminded why he had stayed away from most of the mindless, naïve beings in the galaxy. She was firing on all cylinders and not thinking about her situation, or who she was talking to.

She was clumsy, not focused and acting on pure emotion. As she recovered her helmet, Talos glanced sideways to her and reached over and took her arm, twisting it and looking into her eyes.

”I don’t know you, I don’t trust you, I don’t care for you. I should have let that man have his way with you, fool me thinking you were involved in something out of your depth.”

He pulled her closer and bore his gaze into her, narrowing his eyes slightly.

”I know this planet better than you know yourself. You won’t last long in the galaxy with your attitude.”

Pushing her away, he pointed to the city ahead, a few speeders now passing them by as they came closer.

”I know exactly where I am, what I am and what I need to do. You ask yourself the same, find a worthy answer and let me know.”

[member="Malica Drezyan"]
Malica stumbled when Talos pushed her away. A bruise was forming on her arm where he had grasped it, large as a paw print. She stared at her arm and then back at him. She gritted her teeth. The traffic heading toward the city continued to pass beside them as he spoke. She answered him without hesitation, shortly after the words left his mouth.

"I am in Mos Eisley, I am a hunter, and I need to kill the man who did this to me," Malica said and placed the helmet over her head. Manufacturing her anger into action, Malica transformed into someone similar to the Mandalorian to whom the helmet belonged. "Yalus Cor is a crime lord and my former boss. He owns the Four Roses cantina in Tar Mass and he's going to die...tonight," she annouced. Her hand hovered over her right hip, aching to feather hilt of the blaster pistol that was confiscated from her after she was unconscious.


Connor Harrison

With purpose, Talos moved through the outskirts and through the wide dusty path way where speeders passed and the odd lumbering Ronto or fast speeder shot by. This was a city familiar to him, but the strong-minded girl beside him reminded the mercenary that the past never seemed to go.

”I once knew a girl like you - feisty, full of lust for vengeance and thinking she could right all wrongs with.”

He turned to look at her, now in the blue Mando helmet.

”She died in my arms and I died with her. You want to follow that path? Be my guest.”

[member="Malica Drezyan"]
"We all have our ghosts, don't we?" Malica muttered, traveling beside Talos. The road to Mos Eisley was much easier to walk than the landscape of the canyon. The steady flow of hovercrafts kept the loose sand on the surface at bay and the feet of bipeds and creatures smoothed the packed rubble. Malica sprinted ahead a few paces. The twin suns were setting behind the city and dusk was stretching over the desert. "I once knew someone like you, too," Malica said, as she caught his lengthy stride. "Critizing my attitude, guarding my steps, feigning an unconcern for all the trouble I got into..." She smirked, a half-moon shadowed by the visor of her helmet. "Be my guest. Follow my path. Meet me at the Four Roses at midnight."

They approached the gates of the city. Malica pulled up her sleeve and flashed Talos the bruise he'd left on her arm after he twisted it. Now dark blue and purple, the bruise covered her wrist and forearm like a gauntlet. "You underestimate your lust for violence," she hissed. After a short exchange with the stormtrooper on gaurd that included a false name, Malica disappeared into the streets of Mos Eisley.


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