Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From A Noble Gold To A Merciless Red (Alexandra/Nick)

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"You know, its rude to chuck someone into the same category as something that is far from what i am. You keep saying you Sith, as if i could be categorized as one of them, and you also make it sound as if you are not one of them in the least sense. What are you? some Dark Jedi turned traitor looking to topple the Republic? And what is with all this war and conquest and invasions, what is so different about the other side or so wrong with how their ruled that they must be conquered and enslaved?" She crossed her arms over her chest, though one thing he did say struck her hard. Why doesnt she just leave and join the Jedi, she could leave all this behind, it wasn't like there was anything keeping her here other than her life debt. But there the problem arose, her life debt. If that Sith had never trespassed on her home and the second sith hadn't saved her she would be back home, meditating and protecting her charge. "As for the Republic being able to defeat the sith so easily, thats simple, you are all so hot headed or drunk that a dull witted man probably could outsmart most of you."

@[member="Nicholas DragonsFlame"]
"Because I wouldn't be here if I had somewhere else to go" he responded flatly. "I'm a lot different from the average Sith" he explained. "All you value is power for yourselves. No real loyalty to a cause. You would backstab your allies in an attosecond if it meant gaining something for yourself. There's no unity. Just a group of people out for themselves. That's where the majority of the Sith are different from me"

He sighed. "And that is why they will always be outwitted, and will always fail"

@[member="Alexandra Shadowstalker"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Power? No i hold no lust for power, only for my time under the sith to be over. As for your claim that i would betray my allies at any second to gain something for myself, there is only one thing that i wish for and that is something that betraying the Sith would never gain me. And as for your analysis of the majority of them, that is something that can be agreed on." She pushed off from the window and crossed her arms behind her back and looked square at @[member="Nicholas DragonsFlame"]
He paced to and fro, watching his fellow Sith curiously.

"Unless you're lying, then you are better then many in this order" he said coldly. "If you can even call it an order any longer"

"But...." He began, tilting his head. "What exactly is it you want? That makes you stay in the Sith?"

@[member="Alexandra Shadowstalker"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Its my debt to the one that saved my life, past that i have no other for being with the sith." She turned and looked out the window ith her hands still crossed behind her back. "And if you view yourself as so different than why do you stay within the Sith Empire and not join another group." @[member="Nicholas DragonsFlame"]
"I have nowhere else to go" he simply said. "Nowhere else that might accept me. And this place just barely accepts me" he stated coldly.

He sighed. "Life debts are for wookiees. Just saying"

@[member="Alexandra Shadowstalker"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Then i best grow fur or die, now shouldn't I? Else id be stuck with the sith until im thought dead for good..." She paused, a thought coming to mind while she turned and looked out the window into the rain and wind filled air outside. "Its an interesting thought death, freedom yet prisoner at the same time, your free of life, but imprisoned by the endless entirnity that comes after, which is better, conciousness or nothingness." She crossed her hands behind her again, resting upon a holocron that hung by her belt, secured tightly. @[member="Nicholas DragonsFlame"]
"The only thing keeping you here is you" he said flatly.

"You don't owe the Sith NOTHING. No life debt, no debt of servitude... And if you did, then you've long surpassed that. The only thing keeping you here now is yourself" he said calmly.

He walked toward the window. "As for myself... I remain here until a higher calling reaches out to me"

@[member="Alexandra Shadowstalker"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"You know, if someone heard you it would sound like you were telling me to defect, and im sure that isn't too smart." She glanced over at the man as he walked towards the window, her voice was more joking than serious at the moment, but still did have a bit of warning to it. "And if i had a way out i would have taken it by this point, one that didn't involve death." @[member="Nicholas DragonsFlame"]
He chuckled. "I'm not telling you to defect" he chided quietly. "I don't give a damn where you go, that is all. But if you don't want to be here... Then get the hell out. You're useless if you're not fighting 100%" he said, shaking his head as he looked out the window.

"If you're not set on this, then leave and find somewhere that you will be"

@[member="Alexandra Shadowstalker"]

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