Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private From a Certain Point of View


Location: Senate Square, Hosnian Prime
Soundtrack: Catch Me If You Can
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble


"You still don't get it, do you?" he called out as he began a slow sidestep, moving to circle her like a wolf sizing up its prey. He knew that words would never sway her. That she was a Jedi to her core, just as blind and loyal to the Order as the rest of them.

But if he could prolong the inevitable crossing of their blades, he might just make his escape without risking a limb - or his life.

"You call me weak, but you don't know how strong I've become. You don't know what it was to realize that the people you're supposed to trust were the ones who took everything away from you. To find that the only person you can trust is yourself."

He inched closer, his saber still burning as brightly as the setting sun on the skyline.

"That is a pain that nothing but retribution can heal."

Another dozen steps or so, and Thayne finally came to a stop. He was only a few meters away from Master Noble now, standing defiantly before her, ready to accept the judgement of her blades if she deemed it necessary.

"If you can't let me go, then come and take me. But know that I won't go down without a fight."

The former Jedi brought up his blade, both hands gripping it tightly as he held a formidable Seresu stance.



Hosnian Prime
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Ship: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron

Valery's gaze narrowed as he began to speak — she knew that he was stalling. They had already argued more than enough without success to convince each other now with a similar approach. So as he circled her and drew closer, she was readying herself for the inevitable clash. Her grip tightened on her saberstaff, her gaze shifted into the Force to read intent and the flow of the imminent battle.

Then he stopped.

"Very well," Valery said before she exploded towards him. With the Force augmenting speed, reflexes, and strength, she initiated the duel with a powerful diagonal sweep up from the rear blade of her weapon. It was easy enough to block, and she had no intent to cause harm, but she needed to open up his defenses and draw out a guard.

Following this first strike, Valery's body rotated at the core, and her feet shifted to draw strength from her legs, as she turned and twisted the opposite way to bring the front blade around for a follow-up strike aimed across his torso from his right side.



Location: Senate Square, Hosnian Prime | Soundtrack: Catch Me If You Can


Her initial burst was expected, but Thayne was slow to counter the second. Another moment behind, and her blade would have tasted his flesh. It wasn't an unappealing threat - the assassin hated a boring fight - but her agility and precision only cemented what he already knew from the beginning: Winning this duel was never going to happen. Luckily for him, stalling was all he needed to do to save his skin.

With gritted teeth, Thayne shoved back against her blade with his own before following with a strong attack from the midline. He sensed that her intent wasn't to kill him outright, but to chip away at his defenses. He accompanied the first strike with another, a swift upswing intended to clash with her rear-blade and dislodge the weapon from her grip.

A taunt was about to roll off his tongue when he heard a familiar sound from behind. The low rumble of the Nomad's stealthy engine system brought a snide grin to the killer's lips. Thayne's focus returned to the Jedi Master before him, his third eye relying on the Force to find a weakness.

If he could just create an opening...

Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble



Hosnian Prime
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Ship: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron

Even though her attack hadn't caused any real problems for Thayne, she felt that the pressure she added right off the bat would eventually benefit her. It kept him from making an escape attempt somehow and gave her a chance to set the pace of the fight. Reading that flow of combat through the Force was a strength of hers, so when he ultimately pushed back and initiated a counter-attack, she knew to ready herself.

With a step back to create distance and her twin blades coming up, she shielded herself against the first strike, but her mind was already focusing on the second. It clashed with her rear blade with plenty of strength behind it, but she strengthened her grip and clenched her jaw as she pushed back into her block.

Their lightsabers hissed once more, and this time, Valery tried to force a lock between them. Only for a short moment, however, as she pushed both weapons up and aimed a powerful, Force-augmented kick toward his center mass. An attempt to knock the wind out of him, and hopefully find a way to end this fight without serious injuries.



Location: Senate Square, Hosnian Prime | Soundtrack: Catch Me If You Can


Valery’s boot found its mark, slamming hard into the plating of Thayne’s chest piece. The force staggered him, but he was able to regain his footing and deliver a strong counterattack with his lightsaber.

His searing orange blade clashed spectacularly against Valery’s, shedding sparks of hot plasma around them. He traded blows with the Jedi until once again, they came to a stalemate. On the other side of their crossed blades, Valery would see a confident grin on her opponent’s face - and behind him, an unmarked Alliance ship hovering just off the edge of the cloud scraper.

“Sorry, love,” Thayne said bitterly, “but I’ve got other plans—“

In an unexpected feint, the assassin deactivated his lightsaber, following the diversion with a powerful roundhouse kick of his own. A cheap tactic to some, but Thayne had long since rebuked what the Jedi believed about duels. There are no rules when your life is on the line, and sportsmanship is for those too weak to do what it takes to survive.

In the sudden confusion, the assassin found his break. He took his chance the moment it arrived, breaking away from the Jedi Master and turning to make a full leap over the edge of the rooftop. Thayne’s stomach dropped as he moved through the air, the distant ground below reminding him of just how high up they were. He landed on the Nomad’s ramp with a roll, quickly bouncing to his feet.

He was in the home stretch now. As the ship’s engines diverted power to the rear, Thayne outstretched both arms in a dramatic pose. His snickering cut through the air like a dagger.

“Better luck next time, Master Jedi!”

Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble


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