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Faction Friends in Low Places [Judges | First Order]

Ariel Yvarro


Judges of the Outer Rim: Zak Amroth | Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser
First Order: Ariel Yvarro | Phoenix Edorath Phoenix Edorath | Vernon Hectis

A Seedy Cantina, Terminus
Dressed in a loose black blaster vest pulled over a white long sleeve shirt, a pair of black cargo pants, and combat boots. Ariel walked into the Cantina with Phoenix and Vernon on either side of her. She made her way to a corner booth in the cantina, where the smell of rewashed air was better than the musk of the cantina's other patrons. Ariel had arranged this meeting through whispers and the undervines that made up parts of the holonet that no one knew existed. For many this was an odd sort of meeting, for Ariel it was just another day at the office. If she wanted her nation to succeed - then it meant using honey and not vinegar in some instances. This was one of those instances, she pulled herself into the center of the rounded booth and ordered up a Zonju Twist.
As it happened, there were folks out this way that welcomed her mother when she had no place else to go. So, it was time to repay that debt in Ariel's eyes, "should be here pretty soon." Told Ariel to Phoenix and Vernon, "order what you want, I've got it covered." In the back of her mind though, she wondered if Talons meant anything anymore and just handed Phoenix and Vernon the standard galactic credits that were still used everywhere. The light was a bit dim in the back of the cantina, as a lowly Mirialan man took to the stage with his guitar, a Zabrak made for the bassists, and a set of twin Keshiri boys made for the drummer and steel guitarist.
It was just about then she was sure she saw the folk they were set to meet come through the cantina, just as that handsome Mirialan fellow began to sing out his song.


There was something to be said for a good dive bar out on the edge of nowhere. Not that Terminus was was most certainly a somewhere, and an oddly important somewhere at that. Would that they were here for something other than business; this was one of those places she'd love to spend time in.
A smirk lingered on her features as she let her gaze travel around the space, noting the other patrons and just how heavily armed or unarmed they each were. Another glance ensured she knew where the exits were, and if there were doubt, she was carrying enough det tape to make her own door. You could take the commando out of SOCOM for a mission, but you couldn't make her leave all of her toys behind.
The Mirialan entertainer had begun to sing as they sat down, and Nix gave him a brief once over. He was somewhat handsome, she supposed, but not nearly handsome enough to unseat a certain tanker who'd taken up residence in her head recently. "Osskorn Stout." she said simply, nodding her thanks to the server as the woman looked at her expectantly.
"Do you know who we're actually expecting?" Nix asked, glancing at Ariel briefly before casting her citrine gaze around the dimly lit room once more.

Vernon Hectis


At the sides of Moff Yvarro and Captain Edorath was a tall man with curly, chestnut hair. He wore a soft, thin gray turtleneck beneath a black peacoat. This was Major Vernon Hectis in a rare moment of being seen outside of uniform. Only situations like these call for the Major to dress down and still be on the job. He did enjoy the time away from the office, however. Game him a bit of an insight to things going on across the galaxy. This was not how he was expecting to spend his time on shore, though. A random busted bar in the middle of a heavily active planet covered in everything from trash to treasures.

Vernon walked closely to his companions and entered the booth slightly after them. Before he could sit, he took one long look around the venue, keeping an eye out for any and all possible exists should they need a quick escape. 2 blaster pistols occupied spaces at his hips, beneath his coat, should escape become difficult. One could never be too prepared. Once he sat, the voices of his companions brought his attention back to them.

"I'll just have a Gatalentan tea. They serve that here? If not, I'll just take a caf." Vernon ordered. The Adumari reached into his peacoat and pulled out a fine cigarra, pushed it between his lips and lit it within a few moments. Smoke seeped into his lungs before being pushed out of his body and into the air. "And how long will our so-called friends be?" Vernon asked half-heartedly.

"You know, that kind of tea is supposed to be shared. Better to order an entire pot full of it next time."

Truth be told, Cotan had entered right behind the three in front of him, though he'd refrained from making his presence known immediately. In the Outer Rim, sudden, dramatic entrances were important. Being on time, not so much, but he couldn't resist fulfilling that side of things too. "And not in a cantina," he finished at Vernon, pulling off his hood and jacket and sliding into the booth himself. "Not really the sort of place you'll find anything like that. There's a nice little tea house on Bespin, though, that has everything."

He turned from the man, gave a nod to the Mirialan, and then faced his gaze on the last of the trio. "Moff Yvarro," he started, extending a hand. Something he never quite thought he'd be doing with anybody from the First Order, but times in the galaxy were as strange as ever. "You called?"


Ariel Yvarro

"I did," replied Ariel with a smile as she took the man's hand, the women felt quite comfortable. Cotan showed through a door off to the side, seemingly behind the group. "Take a seat, or don't, but sitting is preferable when drinking at least to me." The Moff enjoyed the drinks that came through, she listened to the singer as he belted his blues away from the stage. "I wanted to..." she searched for the words and then sighed, "well, the Outer Rim is a big place and I'd rather make friends than enemies out here."
Enemies were too easy and too numerous these days, friends came in short supply, too short. "I'd like for the First Order to work with the... Judges?" She inquired a little unsure if they were still a thing out here, "at least that's what my mother said, that Judges have the run of the Outer Rim." Ariel figured that was probably going to be the rock in the pond, the First Order wanting to work with people in the Outer Rim. She knew there would be questions and she would be happy to answer them.

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Vernon Hectis


Vernon admitted to himself he was surprised to see such a rundown place actually served Gatalenten tea. Not that it was a fancy beverage, but it wasn't very popular outside of certain pockets of the galaxy. It pleased him to see it served. He took a quick drag from his cigarra before taking several sips of his tea.

Vernon flashed a grin with Ariel's mention of these Judges. The lawless expanse known as the Outer Rim under the watchful eye of a band of vagabonds calling themselves Judges. It was an interesting name, to say the leat. Vernon was intrigued by them. His curiosity is what brought him along on this mission.

He remained quiet as Ariel did the talking. She was the diplomat here. The one getting paid for her powerful silver tongue.



Gatalentan tea? Really, Major Hectis?

It was a damn good thing Nix was accustomed to keeping her expression neutral at all times. It was only the approach of the man that ended up joining them that kept her brow from arching. It wasn't her place to question the Major, but she was most definitely judging him. Tea. In a dive bar.

Bloody hell.

Nix returned the nod she was given, but otherwise remained silent as Ariel replied and the conversation began. She'd heard of the Judges, of don't spend almost a decade as a mercenary and not run across them in a half-dozen places. At least, she mused, she hadn't had any run ins with them. That would have been interesting and possibly problematic. But in the grand scheme of things, she never took a job that would have brought her into conflict with them.

She had standards, to be frank, and so did they, which she certainly respected.

Canting her head to the side, the Mirialan let her citrine gaze pass between the Moff and the gentleman who had yet to introduce himself. With any luck, he would give them a was odd that he hadn't bothered to do so upon arrival.


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