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Approved Tech Freebirds Industries - Vehicle/Ship Disruptor Cannon

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..........FREEBIRDS.. INDUSTRIES..........




  • Classification: Vehicle-Capital Class Disruptor Cannon
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Ammunition Type: Disruptor cell charge packs / capacitor
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average
  • Effective Range: Long Range
  • Rate of Fire: Very Low
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: High

  • Takes all of the strengths of a Class-D Annihilation and brings it up to the vehicle or even starship level. This weapon can be scaled to be as large as a tank/vehicle cannon, or as massive as a turbolaser. This of course scales the damage and destructive power along with it, and when it comes to damage output, nothing compares to Class-D Disruptor based weapons which annihilate targets on the molecular level.
  • Disruptors naturally pass through most standardized shields unless they are specifically designed to counteract disruptor technology. This allows for weapons fire to punch through into the armor of the enemy systems, vehicles, or ships and deliver its payload for maximum effect.
  • Weapon system comes in three sizes, vehicle mounted weapons, small craft weapons and capital ship weapons. These of course are directly proportional to each of the size of the weapon types, with the vehicle mounted weapon being comparable to a Freebirds Industries H-2 Cannon, the small craft version comparable to a heavy laser cannon, and the capital ship version being comparable to a turbolaser in size and scope. This allows for the weapon to be either made as small as necessary for use in vehicles or as large as need be for capital class vessel applications.

  • Disruptor technology now in a large cannon: This weapon takes the destructive capabilities and niche strengths of the Class-D Annihilation class weapons and amps it up to the extreme in a vehicle or larger sized cannon. This makes for a bit of a game changer as now it's not just kinetic weapons, missiles, and lasers but also the extreme destructive power of the disruptor. This gives militaries and armies the ability to have another tool in the toolbox to deal with a variety of threats.
  • It still hits like a truck: This weapon doesn't sacrifice the damage capabilities nor range of standard disruptor weapons with the scaling up of the capabilities. Which means that what was a terrifying anti-personnel and light anti-vehicle weapon is now an anti-everything weapon when mounted on a ship, tank, or star destroyer.

  • Much lower rate of fire: This weapon has a much lower rate of fire when compared to standardized laser cannons. This means that people need to be more selective in their shots and make every shot count. Otherwise you risk having to wait to shoot again because you missed and the enemy can very easily shoot you.
  • Disruptor weapons can go boom: So like standard weapons if the charge cell, capacitor or whatever is containing the disruptor charges for this weapon is hit there is a significant chance for it to explode. This however unlike a standard laser weapon will explode like a disruptor based grenade, disintegrating things around it on the molecular level. This is much more dangerous than standard laser weapons as this will do way more damage to yourself than standard laser cannons.

Drawing off of the developments of the M-10 Heavy Disruptor Rifle meant for the TCD-2D series combat droids, this new disruptor cannon was designed from the ground up to be a bigger, badder, and otherwise more menacing weapon for vehicles and ships. Meant to absolutely destroy targets placed before it, this weapon will bypass most standard shields and destroy targets on the molecular level. This added firepower and damage capability allows for vehicles and ships to take advantage of a previously infantry only weapon system. And with a Class-D Annihilation style weapon, this weapon packs a punch per shot, just make sure the charge packs don't get hit.​
Wouldn't want you expensive fancy piece of tech to disappear and take you with it now would you?​

Posting Template credit goes to Darth Metus , picture edits to Oleander Webb and John Locke John Locke .
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