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Fredod Bwau'tu

Babbul Bwua'tu

Your brain's there for a reason! Use it!
Fredod Bwau'tu


NAME: Fredod Bwau'tu

FACTION: Galactic Alliance (New Jedi Order)

RANK: Knight


AGE: 37

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5' 2"

WEIGHT: 149 lbs

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Gray




STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Psychometry: Fredod is an excellent user of psycometry, allowing him to figure out information and events of an object that he touches. This is the easiest on often used personal objects, and can be difficult on badly intact items or items used by multiple users.

Swordsman: Fredod is experienced with a lightsaber, preferring the elegant strikes of Form II.

Curious: Fredod tends to pay attention to things many others wouldn't, often going on his own to figure them out. This can help in a battle or investigation, when sudden events can happen or items can be well hidden. However, this can also lead to him getting into sticky situations. His curious nature will often lead him into a situation again and again until he understands it, whether it's safe or not.

Flying is for droids: Despite Fredod's combat experience, he has always disliked starfighter combat. Fredod feels that it's simply too easy to get yourself killed without much honor or mercy. Though he owns a starfighter (Submitting soon to factory), he rarely uses it.

A Thousand Environments: Fredod finds it difficult to adapt from one planet to another, especially those with drastic differences, like Tatooine to Hoth. Unless supplied by others, Fredod may not always have the supplies needed.


A middle-aged Bothan, Fredod has wrinkles on his face, starting to form as he ages. He has various cuts and scars on his body, remnants from previous battles. Fredod's left arm is a cybernetic replacement due to his original arm almost being burnt to the bone from a fourth-degree burn, and was therefore amputated. The rest is listed above.

WIP, but here's a summary.

  • Fredod was born on Bothawui to the Bwau'tu family/clan
  • He was taken from a young age after his Force sensitivity was discovered
  • Trained as a Youngling and eventually Padawan, became very curious, and figured out his psychometry.
  • Trained further, experienced his Master's death and almost fell to the dark side, but came back with more life skills.
  • Became a Knight and furthered his experience.


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