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Codex Denied Founder's Plaza

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  • Intent: To further flesh out the locations and landmarks of Fondor.
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Entrance Hall | Reception Area
  • An elaborate, long room at the base of the Lodge, the Entrance Hall serves as the Lodge's reception area where visiting dignitaries, petitioning corporate heads and nearly everyone else arrives at the Lodge. Outside of the Entrance Hall is plenty of ample space to park a shuttle or even small corvette, provided that you have clearance to do so. The inside of the hall is extremely ornate, with glittering gilded pillars and bubbling fountains, and wide windows give the place an ample amount of warm natural light.
Member Council Chamber
  • One of the most important parts of the Lodge, the Member Council Chamber serves as the meeting room for all of those in the member council. Consisting of two floors, the lower is often referred to as 'the Council Floor' and is where the council and chairman sit, together at a round table facing each other. The second floor is nothing more than balconies on every side of the chamber, with a wide opening so that people who wish to view the council in session may have clear sight and hearing of the proceedings. The chamber is extremely ornate, built with extremely precious metal and fine craftsmanship that is rivaled only by the Office of the Chairman.
Archives of the Starshipwrights
  • The Archives of the Starshipwrights contains about every piece of administrative data and history in Fondor, as well as a corporate record of every starship design produced on Fondor or by members of the Guild. Certain levels or pieces of information are barred from the general public, and an individual seeking this knowledge must gain permission from the Chairman.
Conference Halls
  • Strewn throughout the Lodge are various conference rooms of differing sizes, installations and quality. More mundane rooms are used by everyday workers and small corporations within the Guild to conduct business meetings, while conference halls with a higher quality of build and more space are used by Members of the Guild or even the Chairman himself, on occasion, to conduct business and receive dignitaries.
  • Made for relaxation, the Parlors of the Lodge are advertised as one of the smaller but surprisingly much-needed perks of becoming a member within the Guild. These parlors feature relaxing sofas of quality leather, drinks made on preference and without charge, and even masseuses for the businessmen who are partial to them. Multiple parlors are strewn throughout the lodge, and there are some private spaces in addition to the public areas.
Office of the Chairman
  • Perhaps just as ornate, if not more than the Council Chambers, the Office of the Chairman is a spacious room in which the Chairman of the Guild conducts business. Although Corporations within the Guild are not allowed to bribe the Chairman or have any financial ties to that person to prevent corruption, the Charter said nothing about gifts to decorate the Chairman's office; suffice to say, the construction of the large space did not lack for funds. The Office features a wide panoramic view of the administrative district of Fondor, as well as a direct room into the Chairman's personal quarters.
Residential Suites
  • More temporary lodging for visiting officials and dignitaries than a permanent residence, the suites of the Lodge are ornate as ever and feature a wide range of amenities, including ample space, room service, and maintenance that is free of charge. People can stay at the lodge and pay for it out of their own pocket, but the rates are astronomical; as such, the suites are only ever inhabited by the occasional Member or visiting official, in which the suite costs near to nothing.

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