Derisive Umbaran

- Image Source: Fortress by vladgheneli
- Intent: To provide a large base of operations for the Tionese Whiteguard and as-of-yet established Tionese Blackguard.
- Name: Fort Xim
- Classification: Military Base
- Location: Lianna, Anxartan Mountains
- Affiliation: Tion Hegemony / Tion Cluster
- Defenses:
[x030] Javelin Weapon Emplacement - [x015] Balista Weapon Emplacement
- [x001] SLD-14 Shield Generator
- [x1500] Tionese Whiteguard
- [x0300] Tionese Blackguard
Erected in a comfortable mountain range overlooking the coastal city of Anxarta, Fort Xim serves two purposes. The first is being the largest garrison and primary establishment for Tion's cluster-wide security forces. Fort Xim holds the highest concentration of Whiteguard and Blackguard, housing an approximate fifteen-hundred and three hundred at any given time, respectively. These guardsmen are not a permanent garrison and are regularly transferred to and from the fort for a variety of reasons. These mostly just amount to re-training or the equivalent of a short vacation. Whiteguard stationed here for the latter are free to take a shuttle to the city below and mill about there. Citizens and tourists are also permitted to visit Fort Xim and engage in a short tour of some of the less important areas.
These tourists are screened thoroughly, as are the shuttles, so don't get any ideas.
Lingering elsewhere in the fort, out of sight of the tourists and forbidden to be spoken of by the Whiteguard, are the members of the Tionese Blackguard. These enigmatic warriors rarely fraternize among anyone but themselves and are prohibited from visiting the city below. Very few people on-base know exactly what the Blackguard are and fewer still have the courage to snoop around the fort's various restricted areas to find out. Fort Xim also serves as an emergency bunker for the highest ranking members of the Tion Hegemony, ranging from CEOs, nobility, government ministers, and military leaders. Underneath Fort Xim is an extensive "hotel" populated by finely furnished state rooms.
Naturally the regular Tionese citizens were considered and, just like at the other Whiteguard military bases, more spartan accommodations have been made for lower-class refugees in the event some galactic catastrophe happens to uproot them. At the most, the fort can safely shelter around twenty thousand additional individuals, perhaps more if the staterooms are converted for the greater good. At maximum capacity, the fort holds enough supplies for six months. Again, slightly longer if the larger meals reserved for fleeing bourgeoisie are rationed out properly.
Obviously the people who came up with this arrangement have no idea what distressed plebeians might do if they found out their betters were being afforded lavish treatment despite being in a similarly grim situation. Nor did anyone consider the ramifications of what could happen if "what the plebeians might do" becomes "what the plebeians are doing" with only eighteen hundred military personnel available to keep order.
It'll be interesting later.
The fort's defenses are rather standard. A shield generator can be brought online relatively quickly to safeguard from aerial assaults. For greater security, a large array of turrets also dot the facility. Computers are heavily encrypted and kept on a closed system in order to safeguard vital information.
Fort Xim was once Fort Arbalest: the private retreat of a military-minded noblewoman. Upon her death, the fort was mostly regarded as a silly thing by the rest of her family. They stripped it of valuables and promptly forgot about it, as no one seemed interested in purchasing it. Several hundred years later, a prominent member of that same family decided to donate the land and fort to the newly founded Tionese Whiteguard. The fortress was renovated and expanded graciously and re-dubbed Fort Xim. Henceforth, it would serve as the headquarters of the Tion Hegemony's cluster-wide security forces.
In the true Tionese fashion, the noble who offered the land demanded rent payments from the Whiteguard and the rest of the Hegemony. Also in true Tionese fashion, that noble later died in a horrible hyperspace accident. In honor of the noble's contribution, no one did anything. But they did erect a bronzinium statue of Xim the Despot in the central courtyard in celebration of his demise, which was just as nice.