Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Forges of Rishii [Tiland]

Anisael chirped enthusiastically leading the pair into the village proper. Pyeth for his part followed, doing his best not to appear hurt and avoiding eye contact with the others they passed.

Thankfully, Tiland was of greater interest to most and those that did appear to recognise him were either too busy or distracted to bother them. She lead them into the caves first, small and cramped Pyeth had to fall back or risk scraping his wing. Torches illuminated the path, a gradual ascent upwards that spiralled off into dark tunnels rarely travelled.

Pyeth knew this was the first and only line of defence the tribe had. If threatened, they could extinguish the torches and leave attackers to figure their own way. If they came close, the narrow passage made their numbers insignificant. Of course, that didn't mean much when your enemy had aircraft or blasters.

Eventually, the cave opened up again walking out onto a wooden bridge, pinned to the cliff by scaffolding of scrap, wood, and rope. Walking past Pyeth plumage bristled looking out to the horizon, dominated by spires of rustic smoke adding to the oppressive smog that felt dangerously close now.

The air was heavier pushing down on him like a tarp, flying would be difficult. Like pushing against water causing him to surrender any thoughts of trying to fly. The saving grace? Their favourite tree still stood, blossoming. Perhaps, he would find the time to visit it again.

Moving along they would pass what appeared to be a hastily erected hut, not exactly matching the local architecture. Outside stacks of crates bearing Horizons familiar markings. Inside several coughs could be heard and a Rishii sat grinding away at some roots and herbs.

Anisael stopped here for a moment approaching, "Good day!" She chirped, "I have brought new friends who want to speak with father."

The Rishii stopped it's work looking up at the two of them. It flinched when seeing Pyeth, "Interesting friends you have made Anisael. And you found Fang?" She said happily scratching the animals neck.

"Yes. He got trapped in the tunnels again. Pyeth helped him!"

Again? Did this thing need a leash?

The Rishii looked up again more directly this time at Tiland, avoid Pyeth. "Thank you for bringing him back. But please, I must be returning to work."

Anisael cocked her head, confused. "It must be a bad day."

"Aponi hadn't changed." Pyeth sighed, catching Anisael's attention. "You know the healer?"

Hearing this caused him to shudder nervously, "Yes... I... She was my teacher once. When she visited my flock... Helped teach me to keep my mother well." He said looking at Tiland sheepishly.

What followed was a long string of questions, which tribe was he from, who was his mother, how did he meet Tiland, and what was a 'Master'. Pyeth deflecting as best he could, it was good curiousity but he couldn't help feel a growing frustration.

To the east, a rectangular piece of land remained clear but now overgrown in ferns and ivy beginning to snake down from the wooden rings scattered across. Focusing he could barely make out the colourful ribbons flicking in the southern breeze.

Soon they stopped reaching a platform partially covered in a colourful pavillion. Scraps of different materials stitched together. At the centre of the platform a brazier and several mats laid out in a circular formation around it.

"Please wait here, I'll let them know."

Directly behind was a door, leading to a more privately enclosed area that Anisael and her pet disappeared behind. Pyeth sighed with relief, "Thank goodness. I don't think I could stand up to her inquisition much longer. And not the warmest welcome, but not the worst either." He sighed

"Will you be okay, to do the talking with her father?"
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Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki

Tunnels. Why were there always tunnels? And small tunnels, at that. He hunched his shoulders and bent down some to fit more easily, his eyes tracking the intersections as they passed through the torchlit tunnel. It was ingenious, and he was quite fascinated in fact, by how they had mapped everything out and where they built their homes.

The others... well, they were less welcoming than the young one. He watched keenly, smiling warmly and giving little bows of greeting to them, but tried to stay unobtrusive and quiet in the background.

Pyeth seemed worried, which was perhaps to be expected. Exile was not an easy thing, and certainly not to return to either. As they reached their destination, Tiland paused and leaned on his staff, gauging the mood of the place.

"I can certainly try," Tiland agreed. "Though I may need your assistance. Culturally, I am far out of place." Usually, Jedi would have specialists and researchers brief them on other cultures they were set to interact with. But that was not always an option, especially for more remote locations like Rishii. "What should I avoid discussing or saying?"
Nothing about him. That was the first thought that surfaced, "It was a mistake sharing my name with Anisael." He exhaled, knowing all to well what might happen next.

Turning Tiland was smiling, as though all was well in the world, invoking confidence. "As a child I noticed the low-landers continued to expand, we sent Sunspeakers, agreements were forged but easily forgotten or ignored.

My people are diplomatic viewing life as something sacred, but only because we are a people in decline because our pride always got the better of us.

Creatures of habit you might say. It would have taken a great disaster to force the elders to accept the aid of advanced medicines. Put simply, we are a simple folk who only want to be left in peace and our territories respected. They don't care for technology, wealth, or power only the preservation of our way of life."

Considering their options he added, "So plainly, you should not defend me or the crimes I have committed. From experience, suggesting they relocate will be met with heavy resistance, or indeed use foreign medicines as it would suggest they have been deceived or we are disingenuous.

Our best policy is honesty, and they will be more receptive to us offering aid without any strings attached. We could mention our... Your role as a Jedi. They helped us during the Clone Wars, and as I explained before, helped my mother. My father's sense of honour will demand he respects anything you have to say, but I rather they accept aid without such manipulations.

Besides that, what else can I tell you?"

He knew this was a hard ask, and wanted to ensure Tiland was well equipped for anything thrown at them. He couldn't say what Horizon had told them, or what stories had been shared about him.
Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki

Tiland tilted his head, listening, assessing the comments slowly. "That seems reasonable, yes. I would rather not rely on status as Jedi to manipulate them either. Honest forthrightness can achieve just as much without insulting or offending them."

He let his mind settle into the Force, assessing the nature of what he might or might not say. He would have to be cautious, respectful, and prudent.

That would be interesting. There was a reason after all that he was never very good at the diplomatic aspect of the Jedi life. It was more arbitrary and bound by rigid laws that he never saw a need for while following the flow of the Force.

In theory, he could do that in negotiation and let the others determine the flow of the conversation.
Pyeth gave a thankful nod, relieved he did not have to face this alone. "My thoughts exactly," He agreed, his eyes moving to look over Tiland's shoulder. He heard raised voices speaking the native tongue, a furious bark that reminded him of a time he had a verbal spat with his father.

Shortly after, Fang fled the building, followed by his childhood friend Aashi who sheltered Anisael beneath her wing. Anisael gave the pair of Jedi a disheartened look as Aashi trilled something into the fledgling ear. Barely restraining himself, he hopped to Tiland's side and excitedly waved, "Aashi, it's good to see you!"

Her ear tuft flicked, disappearing into a grey-blue plumage signalling apprehension. She gave no other response ushering the child away into the mountain homes. Pyeth stood hopeful for far longer than he should, hoping she might suddenly return to at least share a few words with him. Even a goodbye. All he got was a cold silence.

Dropping his head, to hide the tears, the Padawan returned to his Master, struggling not to look back. He was bitterly thankful when the Chieftain finally joined them, dressed in ceremonious garb that consisted of a bronze mask that covered the upper portion of his beak and durasteel plates covering the spine of his wings. Even then he knew this person too, Vedas.

It was bittersweet, knowing why he felt a familiarity with Anisael. He was not sure if to feel betrayed that she had joined with Vedas or glad it wasn't someone who would treat her poorly. "No warm welcome?" He asked pointedly at Pyeth, glaring at him as if he were an invader. There was always a rivalry between them, but it was not born from jealousy or a need to be superior to the other. At least, Pyeth never saw it that way. He was beginning to feel he had misjudged their relationship.

"Chieftain Vedas." He replied, "You have done well for yourself." Pyeth resigned, it was strange for someone so young to be made Chieftain, and where was his father?

"Will the elders be joining us?" He asked tentatively. Vedas looked resigned as he replied, "Many of them lie sick in the nests. The few that remain are engaged in keeping them comfortable, while we bide time for the Hunt Chiefs' return."

His dad was the Hunt Chief. "His return?" Pyeth forced, almost not wanting to know.

"Padak, against my orders, left in search of the Zapis trees' nectar. He hoped to use it to heal the sick." Vedas paused to take a breath allowing just enough time for Pyeth to resolve that his father was safe. After all, there was no one wiser when it came to matters of surviving the wilderness than his father. "Pyeth, that was seven moons ago. And scouts have yet to find any evidence he is still out there."

He felt his breathing becoming erratic as he tried to hold back the tears. Wing tips touched the floor and retreated several steps back.

"Now, onto the other matter of your exile. I thought my predecessor made it clear that you were not welcome here. Your presence in these lands invites further devastation. As your friend, I might have overlooked your transgression and sent you on your way. However, engaging with our children cannot be ignored especially when it is one of my own."

"I only helped..." Pyeth murmured, again beginning to feel the Force twist and meld into the singularity of emotion.

"No. You took advantage. It breaks my heart, but you leave me little choice. Once a council can be gathered we'll decide your fate, but until then I'd ask you to go peacefully with the warriors."

Pyeth considered fighting back, but a look at Tiland reminded him of their reasons for being here. How his actions earlier had potentially hurt his people, whether Vedas knew it or not he was right about that much. It seemed his presence here was nothing but a curse, they would have his wings for this but he could not go silently.

"I will go silently if you allow my companion to speak, I promised him as much when I brought him here."

"He is your friend and underserving of my time or attention."

Pyeth scoffed turning to Tiland and snapping, "My friend? Do you think I would befriend a lowlander? You know me better than that Vedas. He is an old man who I fleeced for credits to guide here so he can offer you medicines and aid. Good deal too, far better than the one Horizon is probably offering you."

"Is this true?" Vedas asked Tiland.
Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki

Subtlety. Unspoken communications. Tiland sat silent, impassive, watching the unspoken messages, the threats, the strong emotions surging under the surface.

Tension. Anger. Desperation, perhaps. Pain. Worry. This was a place simmering in the Dark Side, despite the beautiful surroundings.

New Horizons was exacerbating the problem. Their activities were pushing all the pressure points on the culture. Whether or not it was intentional, he could not guess.

He had only a warning in the Force to prepare himself as Pyeth turned on him, changing the stakes. Interesting play. Not one he would have recommended, but the past was the past and did nothing.

Tiland gave a sheepish shrug and an embarrassed smile. "I'd hardly call it being fleeced."

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