Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Forge Ahead [ CIS Kamino Raid ]

Srina paused when a wave of warning buffeted her person. The extremely force sensitive woman felt the chill, the darkness, and the unique flavor of it more keenly than most would. She knew without a shadow of a doubt that she had yet to meet the creature it belonged to. That would soon change. The pale apprentice pushed through the discomfort of the signature and kept heading in a straight line for Tmoxin Temi. Over and over, she reminded herself of her mission and swore to herself that she would not fail. Her relative inexperience with the force was mitigated by her experience in general warfare.

Where there was will, there was a way, especially if the larger powers were too wrapped up in their own games to notice the small fish that she was.

The small woman entered the room where the presence of the Nightmother felt strongest just in time to hear the debate about the flame-haired woman’s daughter. Srina frowned. She hadn’t known that the High Justice of the Confederacy had a child. She braced herself for any rebuttal that could come from the black haired man that fought brazenly with the head of the Mandragora but it seemed that he may have his own problems.

From nowhere, and everywhere, a hulking humanoid moved from the shadows and attacked without warning. Even from a distance, the small apprentice could feel that this Sith would have towered over her. His power echoed in the enclosure of a room that was suddenly ten times too small. Gray eyes jumped toward Tmoxin. Her face was achingly beautiful, as it always was, although Srina thought she detected the remnants of blood despite seeming unharmed. “Nightmother.”, Srina greeted Tmoxin, her head inclining briefly in respect, though she remained where she stood. She was wary of both men in the room. She knew them not, and one of them had been fighting with Tmoxin.

“The Confederacy is here to extract you. We can take this man for the knowledge he holds or kill him for his trespasses. Whichever you prefer will suffice.”, Srina spoke plainly and without an ounce of mercy. Her thoughts revolved around the fact that anyone would be hard-pressed to deal with Tmoxin alone. Yet, the darksider was now surrounded on all sides. By more than he knew. The odds were not in his favor.

A ping on her comm signaled that Darth Metus was in their air-space. Srina didn’t need a device to tell her that her Master was rapidly coming nearer. She could feel him, always, like a second skin.

“The choice is yours. Either way, we must evacuate.”

The decision to Srina seemed rather clear but it wasn’t her choice to make. She would oblige the Nightmother anything her heart desired that lay within her capabilities, by the will of her Master, no questions asked. She wasn’t entirely sure that the other man in the room, the silent beast, would agree to let the darksider go. He seemed willing to fight; but to release a prisoner he so clearly seemed to hold some sort of distaste for? That was not the way of the Sith. Not unless it served some sort of unknown purpose.

Silvered eyes fell to the man betwixt them all and her silent eyes were pitiless. She did not revel in any pain that befell him, nor did she feel remorse. This was a consequence of his arrogant actions. Nothing more, nothing less.

The Echani was morbidly curious. Would he fight back?

[member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Darth Saethus"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"]
OOC: Sorry for the jenky post. My bad. XOXO
Kyrel looked at the woman as she kept attacking him, she was pushed back releasing her saber from her grasp as he attempted to dominate her with Djem So. His rage only further increased. He looked at her with his eyes stained with yellow fury as he attempted to attack her once again, but she had managed to try and drive him back with objects from her lab. He, of course, stayed his ground and was about to cut through the chairs until she raised a hand and looked at him declaring how his control over her was over.
He was about to retort when she raised a hand and it was as if by her command, that Kyrel couldn't move, he started to feel as if he couldn't move any part of his body, he kept trying to move, but then it felt like as soon as he gazed into Tmoxin's eyes she had invaded his body, and not only that [member="Darth Saethus"] from behind him had started to crush his legs with the Force, he couldn't even use his mouth to let out a painful agonizing scream as he quickly dropped to his knees his saber falling from his hand and to the ground.
He felt as if his life was flashing right before his eyes and within the darkness of his mind, she saw every memory in an instant, from his loving childhood on Dosuun before the First Order's arrival and then to how Thomas Kyrel died in a flash of fire and smoke and became the monster Kyrel Ren. Murdering his Jedi mother and embracing his dark path. He hated it, he wanted to rip her out of his head and felt defenseless as if he had lost the battle.
But he was not alone... WIthin the dark depths of his mind... An Ancient Spirit had lied dormant... WIth Tmoxin's arrival, it had been awakened. The spirit of Darth Thaxsis Lord of Mustafar had awakened and spoke as if he had been in the middle of a deep sleep. "It has been so long... Who dares wake me from my restless slumber." The dark shadow looked at Tmoxin, the faceless and shadowy figure none too pleased by her arrival but, as soon as he recognized a way out of his fleshy prison he had reacted speaking in almost a voice full of cheer in a sadistic manner. "You... I have been waiting for you... You are mine child."
Thaxsis had said grinning underneath his hood, but she couldn't see that of course, as the spirit had left like a shadow straight towards her, and in a flash he started to envelop Tmoxin in the darkness attempting to enter her, getting bits and pieces and letting out a cackle, he said delightfully. "My dear... You are certainly afraid of something aren't you." He said poking into her mind and seeing things such as her fear of a dark side cult, and started to manifest illusions in order to torture her, to force her to give up control in his escape to return back into the world of the living once more. While in the corporeal plane Kyrel was in a frozen like state unaware of the Padawan standing before him.
[member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Srina Talon"]​
How did he even think he would get away with attacking her? In the bosom of her own company? Betrayal or not, [member="Kyrel Ren"] was in no position to retain control of this situation, especially with Darth Saethus in the vicinity. She should have not indulged him with the skin grafts and new body, left him the twisted, metal monster that he was. Furthermore, she regretted her the choice to let him have his folly - her DNA he now possessed forever in the form of Varas.

Young fool, she sent to him telepathically. You know inside your black heart that you are not the stronger opponent.

And that appeared to be the case as Kyrel her “Master” dropped to his knees, incapacitated by [member="Darth Saethus"]’s Force Hold. While she could stand there and feast her toffee-hued eyes upon his withering form, a small yet confident voice distracted her gaze, and she turned to see [member="Srina Talon"]. Her instinctual reaction was to resist this extraction. Tmoxin was having far too much fun, watching this problem take care of itself, effortlessly.

“Don’t kill him. I was not able to gain the location of Varas.” The other memories of Kyrel had been sifted through, sorted and tucked away for further review. It was clear his childhood had been difficult, but Tmoxin needed time to process if there was anything in the sorrowful tableaux that was worth using.

A shadow passed across the room and then began to annex any light that was left in the Hapan’s vicinity. A spirit, nameless and faceless, but pressing into her just the same, pinpointing on of her worst fears, cultivated from years with the Ni'Korish. She looked around. Could anyone else see or hear him?

You are so close, Tmoxin. The twisted bond between her and the Master of Ren was about to be broken and now this?

I won’t hurt you, Night Mother, Thaxis said in his illusion. Just let me in. Fooled that he was another Shaman to grace her with wisdom of the Mandragora, she opened up the very guarded essence of herself and allowed the interloper to slip inside.

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