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Discussion Force Healing?


Disney's Princess
A few years ago I had the opportunity for a Jedi character of mine to use Force Healing in an RP to knit a soldiers blaster wound. It was implied the soldier remained bed ridden for days afterward, had just narrowly escaped death, and would eventually return to action later that month IC. Notably. I didn't feel bad about this and neither did my group. Alas. This year, 2020, living in a post-Rise of Skywalker world. I'm conflicted about Force Healing. Especially since it can now, apparently J. J. Abrams style, raise the recently dead.

So my question for ya'll today is: What is a the most tasteful way to use Force Healing in an RP without pulling an Abrams? Or, how many people should we start mass resurrecting every post-Invasion? ... Causing I'm thinking like, if you're a Jedi and you can resurrect a person every minute or two? You'd still need a few days or so to go about the battlefield resurrecting all your buds back to full strength. Probably a few hundred dudes max. Ya know?

So yeah. Force Healing. OP or nah?

Also. Essence Transfer is now totally last years news. Just get a Rey on your team and you good for probably another eighty years or so. Just sayin'. :D :p
Factory Judge
Force Healing has many different branches. Like, you can just revitalize people to be "up to snuff" or cure poison/toxins, or just heal wounds.

Honestly, I say healing is really up to what is necessary. If you are preventing someones death via healing them just enough to not be lethal, while still conserving energy, then yeah. What you did in the past is easily acceptable. I say it would also depend on how well versed your character is in healing. Using it all the time? You can heal more, and can do more precise healing. IE, healing more than just the major stuff. Or in the case of some other fantasy series of healing, There was a book in which the Main character healed a baby of a cleft lip. IE, literally altering their flesh so that they wouldn't have difficulty eating/feeding on breast milk. Takes place in a fantasy world where meds is not really a thing other than potions.

To me? Healing isn't the end all be all. There are so many applications and uses that tying it down to "IT DOES ONLY THIS," would be doing a disservice to anyone writing with you, the community, as well as limit what kind of writing a person can do. This site is really open on how it interprets many force powers, and Legends Canon/Disney Canon.

You do you man.

Jsc Jsc
Seen all applications of it. For my writing, it depends how dedicated the character is to healing. Kei can do minor healing but supplements with bacta, acting like field first aid Taiden can heal major wounds by getting deeper into the bodies natural language or following impulses it naturally sends. There was a Jedi doctor that saved Kei once by reattaching his entire leg. I thought he was dead but they played that so well and it was from a dedicated Jedi Master Doctor, that I put him in a coma to heal up.

However me being me, I like to remember the big moments, so he has a limp. Sera has burns still when the temple collapsed on her (twice) from force fire, Glade broke her back twice and is now in a hoverchair. Centax had both his hand crushed and wears permanent crushgaunts, Paareth got an axe in his head, so now has a metal plate for company, so on and so forth. Character development, or regression in the case of unfashionable headwear.

Raising the dead, well they get raised in a million ways so I don't see the problem with adding one more. HRD's, clones, force spirits, surprise returns. I wouldn't do it unless it served a good plot point myself, as for me it lessens the story to always have the safety net under all characters.

Shamira Karuto

Burn the past - Heal the future

This is how I've begun to treat force healing, at least for this character's lower power level. It's something that is possible, but is greatly helped and accelerated by the use of certain fruits and pastes she makes. While she could force heal through her own power alone, it would completely sap her power. The berry paste helps, but it still can drain her. as she gets more powerful it might change, but this is how I write it for now.
Personal opinion, but I think there's probably a wide variety of ways that the Force can be applied to help heal individuals, just as with real life medicine, we don't give only a single drug to fix every single issue with a person.

Abram's style life essence transfer does seem pretty powerful and simple, but it also seems to have a pretty significant drawback too if pushed too hard. It seems like a brute-force technique to me.

I think there are probably finer ways that the Force could be used to heal things in a more precise fashion. Canonically, we have jedi healers that can remove single deleterious nanomachines from a body. I think that means it probably isn't too hard to comprehend healers using the Force to put pressure on internal bleeding veins or accelerating healing in those very same areas to fix small issues with a minimum use of "Force energy". Now granted, the more you do and the longer you do it, the more Force energy you expend, and the more drained the Force user is, so to speak.
My interactions with Force Heal have been twofold. First off, look at the KotOR games. They can get you back on your feet, but they usually aren't good enough to do a full heal off of, and if you do completely heal yourself, you're typically so spent you can't use Force powers for anything else. That being said, I do also typically keep things within the "Natural order" so using the Force to bring someone back from the dead has a hefty cost.

The second is a form of Dark Transfer that one of Voph's mentors back before Chaos used, effectively transferring the wound from one person to another but NOT curing it at all. Allowed the recipient to be back on their feet in moments, but the caster would be laid low with whatever affliction they've just taken on.

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