Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Food for Thought (Denon Dominion)

@[member="Anika Od'Manteiv"]

The comm channel stayed open between Jorus and control, so he heard the merc hit on her. He groaned, examining the underside of the turbolift car that could crush him at any moment. Well, then again, the force of its impact had dented both it and the floor around the stock and muzzle of the Mandalorian shell gun. The car full of dead zombies wasn't going anywhere.

Even so, he didn't much like the idea of lying here in the dark while a merc hit on Boss Lady. There wasn't a lot of joy to be found in that.

On the other hand, he was neither zombie nor rakghoul, and at this point some kind of transformation should have begun for sure. So there was that.
All across Denon the zombies started to fall. First in ones and twos, then in groups, and soon they had all collapsed to the ground. Their bodies, released from the power of the dark monster, soon decomposed and turned to ruin.

Denon was saved, and Omega had been terrible cost.
@[member="Cira"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Sarge awoke a bit away from his squad, the Prex, and the attendant help. On his side, vision swimming, he vaguely registers his men over by the Prex and, at least subconsciously, realizes that she'd likely pulled them over there.

Which meant she hadn't had the power to counteract his being Force Dead.

Closing his eyes, he reopens them only to find a stretcher had arrived and the Prex was being seen to.

Good... good...

A smile graced his lips as he realized his gamble had paid off. Mission accomplished, it seemed. As his focus began to falter, he recognized the ringing in his ears and exhaled through his nose to pop them... only to hear air passing through his eardrums.

Well that's not right. Musta blown my eardrums.

Pushing himself up from the ground slowly, swaying as he stands, he spots his gun, barrel mangled, lying nearby. Useless like he was right now. Blinking to try and clear his swimming vision, he begins to walk towards the stretcher and the medics.

He needed to rest. "Nice of you to join us.", he says to Siobhan and Tegaea with a voice that spoke volumes of the lingering mental state he was in before he walked right on by them and towards the exfil point.

Somehow, someway, the Sergeant had managed to escape mostly unharmed from a situation that surely should have left him knocking on Death's door. Unlike the Prex, War seemed to be on his side today.
Factory Judge
@[member="Sarge Potteiger"] @[member="Cira"]

The thing was still alive somehow. The dark force powers that powered the beast made it regrow the head he had just chopped off. Zero for once in his life was scared. IF the beast could do this, he didnt want to know what else it could do.

Zero backed off and made himself turn around to face the little 'bugs' that came from the pods that exploded. He only used his sword to slice them in half or hit them back with a fist or the butt of the hilt. But he was surprised to hear over all of the noises of battle. Sarge yell "Grenades" He saw that the woman was on the ground and ran to her.

at the same moment he was pulled towards her with the force and landed past the woman near one of the tanks that was behind her. almost out of sight of people walking by. She blacked out and so did he. ether from the blast or some other source.

He woke up to seeing @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] and @[member="Tegaea Alcori"] had came with a medic. and was trying to take care of the Prex. Zero lifted his head and moaned as he got up. His blade was nicely placed next to him. He didnt think of it. just picked it up as he realized that he had failed his mission while completing it. Cira was ether dead or dying and the beast that they said was Subject Zero was no where to bee seen.

He got up and walked over to Cira. Seeing Tegaea holding her made him feel sad. This was the only time he felt sad. He was a person that never felt emotions towards someone. He Decided that his identity was still intact as he took off his gloves to reveal a chalk white skin. He knelt down as he applied pressure to toe hole in her chest. He shoved one of his gloves into the the hole to stop the blood. He already knew that with the blood that was already lost that she was close to death.

He didnt care. If she could be saved then he would save her. With his other glove he put his hands over the wound and put more pressure. He could only help for the best as the medic might come in time.

Rebekka Brek Madak

Paradoxical Bucket Full of Crazy!
@[member="Dred Varad"] @Anika Od'Manteiv, @Ermac Laith @ whomever else

"Hope you're a good shot." Ermac said.
"If i wasn't, i wouldn't be here." Brek said in a factually cheerful monotone. It was true; growing up in dangerous places either made you good behind the trigger, or dead. The high of combat, be it block war skirmishes between gangs, or actual war campaigns, usually left the survivors wanting more, among other things.

With that, Brek decided to follow Dred and Ermac's lead as the trio set out to get down to business.....
@[member="Dred Varad"], @[member="Anika Od'Manteiv"],@R. Brek Madak

Listening to what the Major had to say a small smirk had begun to form on the corner of Ermac's mouth, the level of professionalism Anika displayed was impressive however the Mercenary had other things on his mind, and when she had told them to keep on the current comms frequency so that she could inform them of any future developments Ermac had a thought...

There's only one development I care about. was better to just come to terms with the fact that Ermac had things other than the mission solely on his mind now however regaining a bit of his own composure he would have actually responded...

"Yes, Major."

...before another security officer had handed them a small satchel of camera droid which Ermac accepted before turning towards Brek. Tossing him the satchel Ermac had wagered that they would be better off in his hands seeing as how his role was to bring up the rear in the wedge formation they had been traveling in. Rookies got all the worst jobs. Looking at Brek he'd have said...

"Good. I'll hold you to that if I'm shot in the back."

...Ermac had a bit of faith but then again this was the man who had fashioned the cookware of the Jaro into armor so that faith would only carry so far before he started to question break again. As it just happened Ermac glanced back at Dred then before saying...

"Well no time like the present."

...and taking one last look at the Major, especially her backside, as she turned away towards the holographic viewing screens again and left Ermac with a reminder why he should stay alive in the face of an enormous zombie horde Ermac would turn and march out of the command headquarters with his Arc Blaster held across his chest. Cuing his comms frequency and checking his helmets hud for a way-point that would lead him down into the lower levels.
@[member="Ermac Laith"], @R. Brek Madak, @[member="Jorus Merrill"]

"We will go rescue your Jorus" Dred informed the Major of the mission that his crew will embark upon, hopefully trying to sound like the more professional one out of his crew as he turned towards Ermac, giving him the cold stare that was blanked by his Visor. If he wasn't such an efficient gunhand Dred probably would of never accepted him on his crew. All the man thought about was his next conquest, no matter what situation they were in. Tail was a priority. Then there was Brek.............yeah.

"Lets descend through the turbo lift's shaft again tell we get down to the lower levels where this Lieutenant is held up." Dred ordered as he moved towards the turbo lift " Anything that is not classified as friendly I want nothing less then grotesque violence laid upon them" As if he needed to remind them but it gave him a piece of mind that they were all on the same page.

"I will jump down first, Ermac your next and Brek you will be repelling down while placing those fething cameras ten meter intervals"

Dred then jumped into the shaft, igniting his jet pack to slow his descent while at the sametime he cycled to the OPs frequency so he could get in coms with Jorus Merill "Lieutenant Mirril, This is Dred Varad. We are negotiating Turbo Lift 2 and should be on your position soon."

Was a long decent to get from the HQ level down to where Jorus had been held up underneath the turbo lift's car. Dred softly landed on the turbo lift knowing just below his feet rested his target. Varad knelt down and wrapped the knuckled of his crushguant upon the floor three times signalling that he was there.

"Time to wake up Jorus, your knights in shining armour have arrived" Chuckled the mando as he scanned the general area of threats and ways to move this car. If there was no way to move the car they would have to cut through which could be time consuming.

Dred would wait for the rest of his team to arrive before making any decision on solving this current issue.

Rebekka Brek Madak

Paradoxical Bucket Full of Crazy!
"....and Brek you will be repelling down while placing those fething cameras ten meter intervals" Brek smiled, the cameras would be easy; his line was micro-knotted every 30 feet. All he had to do was pause at every knot, place a camera, and go on.

~ zip-line, place a camera in a good spot, ​zip-line, place a camera in a good spot, ​zip-line, place a camera in a good spot.~ The dorky pot-headed new guy did this all the way down the shaft. Needless to say, with 3 bags, there was leftovers.

buzz-click, buzz buzz, click
Brek came up short on the zipline - again "I guess this is what i get for getting a pair of 3rd-hand used zipline units for 50 credits." he said, more to himself than anything, as he hung just above the turbolift car.

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