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Work In Progress Flying Kowakian Monkey-Lizard { In Progress }



  • Name: Flying Kowakian Monkey-Lizard
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Wintermyst Corporation
  • Average Lifespan: 50 - 150 GSY { variable }
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description:
Genetically engineered creature that from first-glance mirrors the species their were bio-engineered from. While in the beginning they could be mistaken for another Kowakian Monkey-Lizard from a distance, upon further inspection it would be noted that their skin and fur


  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average Height of Adults:
1.2192 meters (4 Feet 0 inches)
  • Average Length of Adults:
N | A
  • Skin colour: White | Black | Crimson
  • Hair colour: Purple | Black | Blue
  • Eye colour: Silver
  • Distinctions:
  • Rigid Bone Structure
  • Membrane of Skin that reaches from beneath the arm to the cartilage in the wrist {wings}
  • Wings contain two dozen joints
  • Elastic membranes can curve and stretch
  • Fur and Skin is smooth and soft to the touch
  • Beaks do not curve; sharp-tipped
  • Ears do not possess an upside-down crescent shape, but are pointed and upright
  • Prehensile Tail
  • Races: N | A
  • Force Sensitivity: Rare
While some of these creatures are known to be able to use the Force, not all of them have that capability. Their powers can vary and through training they have been able to display the following abilities: Basic Telekinesis, Force Jump, Force Pull & Push, Force Speed. There have been instances of where they can use telepathy including Mind Trick. Flying Kowakian Monkey-Lizards can also be taught to use a lightsaber and other Force Abilities.




  • Diet: Carnivorous | carrion scavengers | { insects, invertebrate animals, small rodents }
  • Communication: Galactic Basic Standard | Huttese | Zygerrian
    Depending on their environment, such as if they were owned or co-habitat with another, the creature has the ability to learn their language not just replicate it. Like their counterparts, they possesses the ability to mimic other voices, sounds, and languages.
  • Technology Level:
  • Religion/Beliefs: Matriarchal | Dominance Hierarchy
Unlike their counterparts, these types of Kowakian Monkey-Lizards are more strict to their structure of society instead of it being loosely-based. Such creatures will follow a dominate female - a trait that is desirable within many matriarchal societies that would seek the pet-companion ship of once of these creatures. As such, they have a specific view of Blitzen Marzullo as she created them; this view is that of a creator, a being that gave them life.
  • General Behavior:
These types of Kowakian Monkey-Lizards are typically unpredictable in nature. They can be extremely violent and cruel to those not of their own species, or to their creator. Like others apart of their original species, they have an uncanny need to cause mischief and mayhem. They will mock other beings without remorse or thought to consequence.

Despite the similarity, they are sentimental and "emotional hoarders".

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