Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flashpoint: Roche OOC

Agent Iron Maiden


Rekali the Hutt

@[member="Seth Shorn"] you are amazing.

And I wasn't using a scattergun, just a generic plasma repeater, but whatever. Wouldn't make more than a few dints in Phrik anyways. I'll wait for my force using friends to post.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
That looks roughly accurate. I doubt Spencer parked her cloaked ship right in front of the defensive line, and I don't recall her specifying a location that precisely.
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
@[member="Darren Brunswick"]. With Mikhail Shorn. In the munitions facility deep in the heart of the verpine colony. You'll have to get through two sith and a minefield of high explosives to get him.

@[member="Ashin Varanin"], yeah I figured, but I was more concerned about indicating lines of attack. I'll note that down in my next version of the map though.


Special Agent Joker
@[member="Tyrin Ardik"], @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], @[member="Ardak Serifen"], @[member="Darth Apparatus"], @[member="Phylis Alince"], @[member="Jinn Sibot"]

Ok so i woke up and saw that a bunch of crap has happened but ultimately nothing actually came for Jesta so i am continuing what i was originally doing. I have the Republic rep and am heading for extraction.

Lord Ghoul

@[member="Natasi Fortan"]

Again, pardon the crudeness of this map, but it's the best I can come up with on short notice. Not sure if the location of the republic verpine rep is accurate.


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