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Public First Act: Paradise Is Lost | Band of Sith





I am the fire, burning passion
I am the storm, unchecked rage
I am the shadow, devoid of light

I am Sith, free of chains

So mighty had they grown that they had been willing to wrap themselves in the chains of complacency, unchanging as the galaxy moved on. The Sith Empire was no more, a relic of an age passed, and with its fading came a wave of panic over those that remained and the preparations for those Sith that lingered on Exegol while those that had been unwilling to adapt floundered in the Stygian caldera. With the Sith Eternal falling apart at its seams, and the Warlords of the Sith consumed by the Maw, it appeared that a tide was rising to wash away the dark side even as the Brotherhood raced towards the Alliance and New Imperial shores. It was romantic thinking, to believe that the villains disappeared when Dromund Kaas collapsed, or that any left had simply flocked to the banner of the New Sith, but reality was hardly so simple. Monolithic though they seemed to be, they that called themselves Sith tended to be quite the varied few - and few they were, their numbers always so low as a consequence of their lifestyles.

Here, on Exocron, even, the darkness had coalesced again. A clandestine gathering, a band with their music on the wind, convened to seek out control in a galaxy that sought to reject them at every turn. Public power, the threat of an Empire, was terrifying at its beginning, but they had witnessed how defiant to that order the galaxy could be and how regressive its bureaucracy had been. The Brotherhood of the Maw and its New Sith, too, would face the same conclusion at the hands of an enemy of their own creation - so were the failings of order, of Sith that kept themselves beholden to something purportedly greater than themselves. None that gathered here swore any allegiance to an order, and certainly not to any leader, but all in attendance desired a similar vision of the galaxy - a galaxy where its leadership operated as Sith would. That was what had led the Shi'ido to luring the others here, to distant shores far removed from the reaches of the Jedi or their allies, while the rest of the galaxy kept their eyes on the spectacle that was the Maw.

The building was unassuming and hardly secluded, the city streets and the busy lanes of traffic in the sky above just beyond the door that led inside. It was as it had been in the final days of the Republic all the same, its occupants and their plans shrouded from the searching eyes of Jedi Shadows by the concealing hand of the dark side. The room was dimly lit but it was not dark enough not to make out others faces, its numbers small but the space not empty, and though the probing pull of the dark side had only drawn in those few that found themselves here, now, the Shi'ido was undeterred. How those that arrived had found this place, or learned of the others that arrived with and before them, was a question that seemed to vary depending on who was asked - but the shapeshifter only cared that it had not turned into an open secret.

She was poised to speak, but not all had yet arrived; soon they would, though, and the band would form.
Over the many months that had passed since Onrai had been able to retrieve the Black Heart of Typhojem, things had horrifically devolved for the Sith. The Empire, of which Vanessa had slowly but surely lost faith in as time had gone by, had eventually collapsed and succumbed to the same devastation as the one prior that she had been a part of. There was little if any surprise from her, only a need to keep Nathema safe from the ever-encroaching Bryn’adul. The world was filled with followers made ever more devout to her cult, and already she felt the effects of their worship upon her primordial being, a renewed vigor empowering her to do greater things. To further defy the limitations of reality other than her preexisting capabilities to be in more than one place at once through the defiance of time. If it became bad enough that she would be forced to in some way isolate the world and its people from the rest of the galaxy in order to ensure a pack of predations, she would certainly have been willing to do so.

Her arrival to the forgotten world of Exocron was not made via a ship - the vessel she had once commanded within the Sith Empire had joined its fellows in the Imperial Graveyard. No independent power could ever seek to provide it with the necessary resources to function, and the fuel and other resources within it were better served in storage to power the warships of her personal fleet assets for however long it would take to continue operation. And as a being of such strange and unnatural power, such a vessel was not even needed in the first place. So it was that a great mass of shadow coalesced at the edge of the system, its arduous travel phasing it through asteroids, stellar debris, and more until it was firmly located above the world.

Slowly the shadow, once gaseous and semitransparent, melded into the opaque shape of a woman. Black eyes no different from her skin gazed out over the sight - to be within the empty void of space, to truly see a world a million miles away was a sight that would have made her shed a tear at the ethereal beauty of it all if she were still capable of doing such a thing. Slowly, she descended from her orbit at a gradual speed before coming into the atmosphere. A sigh crossed her lips and she spread her arms in emulation of flight as she gently traveled through the air to the location the darkness had touched - she had foreseen great importance here, and potentially the one destined to join her within the all-true pantheon.

Destiny awaited.

Darth Mori

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