Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Feedback on Jakkor Kess.

Well it's been at least 6 months since i have joined this wonderful community and so i feel that i am way overdue for this. I haven't rped that much with Jakkor for now and this is a first character that i have had for months so i am open to critique and or any advice i can get,and perhaps ways i can improve the character. All that i ask is please don't be too harsh. :)
What I see:
--Run on sentences: Some of your sentences are hard to follow. The verbs can vacillate between tenses, which doesn't help too much either.
--lots of post body: you put a lot into your posts, give a lot of effort and its very clear that you are trying hard. I appreciate this-
--Unique character concept: Not everyone plays a Tusken raider. Interesting choice, adding Jedi to the mix makes for an even more unique flavor
--PTSD: You seem to play it believable enough, the only thing that I could ask for is to add the hyper-vigilant state to your character. According to the DSM-5 that is the hallmark of PTSD, not flashbacks.

What I'd like to see:
--Verb tense continuity.
--Shorter sentences
--A few more descriptive words please. Use dem adverbs and adjectives please so we can know how things are happening.

All in all, your doing alright. Cheers.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]

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