Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Feedback for me?

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
So, in light of [member="Krest"] doing this back in April and him getting some feedback, i want to do one too. Below were his rules which i will be using for my own Feedback thread and i hope that you guys have some great insights into what i do well, what i need to improve on, or just a siple comment on something you like about my chars or my style of writing. I ask for insight into my three main characters, [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Yusan Fenn"], and Alexandra Cinthra

There are two rules for this.

You do not post feedback meant to tear into someone because you don't like them. The purpose is to make people into better rpers through constructive criticism. If you're only posting on a persons feedback to complain about them and not offer a solution, well. Don't post.

Do not start a Feedback thread for someone else. If you think someone could use some help to become a better RPer, send them a PM. If they don't have a feedback thread, it's probably cause they don't want one.
The one and only thing I have a hard time with is the wall of text in your signature. It throws me off all the time xD other than that, your posts seem nice. We should RP sometime.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

Thank you, happy i can provide a fun experience with our RPs. Trying to take teaching my students heavily to provide them with a unique experience of constant training... like our 4 or 5 page first thread.
You're a good sport and you don't handwavium your way out of things from what I've seen; you can take a hit as well, and for that I have a great deal of respect for you. <3 I can't really think of anything you'd need to improve.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Gherron Vael"]

Thank you, im interested by luke and hope that the RP we are in goes well and last for a while. As for Scarlet Faith, very fun and interesting character, definitely worth the time to Roleplay with.

[member="Zius Tal'Verda"]

Ya, i come from WoW private servers where i lost eighteen chars in four months on average, i used to do heavy PvP RPing, so i know the ins and outs of movement and when and when not to take a hit... also there was no, 'Ask before you kill' rule, so my chars getting hurt is not that much of a thing to me.
You're a bro.

(There will be actual feedback in a bit)

The Feedback in a bit.

You're characters are very fun. Alexandra and Krest's story is one that I thoroughly enjoy, especially with the new dark twist being thrown in. So I don't have much feedbackwise on your characters, but I do on how you rp.

Sometimes you're missing words, sometimes the wrong word is in the wrong place. A period is forgotten. Little things. I'm guilty of them myself, but I suggest you do the same thing I do. Reread your emote and make sure there isn't a word in the wrong place. I've caught myself many times typing "Krest does does" for some reason. r even the completely wrong word from what I was thinking about (I've replaced sword with fish once. That was awkward.)

Other then that, as stated above, you're a bro. I hope to RP with ya more <3 [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

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