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Fears about Episode 7

Beowoof said:
Your opinion. Which you have every right to. My opinion differs from yours, however.
Most movie critics would agree with me that they were objectively good movies.

Beowoof said:
Unlike most Star Wars fans, I don't have any issues with Lucas, other than his little edits with the Greedo scene and Anakin's ghost in the Special Edition. Without George Lucas... there would be no Star Wars at all.
He can certainly be thanked for the initial spark of creativity, but most of what made Star Wars great didn't come from Lucas. He had a proclivity for surrounding himself with skilled screenwriters, directors, actors, constructors and cinematographers who knew what they were doing. This all changed when the prequels came around.

Beowoof said:
However, I do realize why the CGI was necessary for the newer trilogy, considering how the worlds they visited were quite more complex than just 'desert', 'Redwood Forest', and 'tundra'.

Were the prequel scenes really that much more complex than the originals, that they required every part of practically every scene to be shot against a green screen? I think not.

Beowoof said:
That's just how I see it. If you didn't like Lucas' work... you probably wouldn't be here now. *shrugs*

If you liked the prequels, then it's clear that our taste in movies varies dramatically.


Morality Policeman :)
Ludolf Vaas said:
Most movie critics would agree with me that they were objectively good movies.
I prefer to form my own opinion by watching the film myself and thinking on what is being presented to me.

Ludolf Vaas said:
Were the prequel scenes really that much more complex than the originals, that they required every part of practically every scene to be shot against a green screen? I think not.
Star Trek scenes that took place outside the ship decks were shot against greenscreens. ;)

Ludolf Vaas said:
If you liked the prequels, then it's clear that our taste in movies varies dramatically.
Couldn't have said it better myself, friend. May we agree to disagree. :)
[member="Fabula Cavataio"]

He wrote the original trilogy. All three movies. Then wrote the prequels. If that isn't involved in the movies I don't know what is.

And his car crash was the reason he created the Force.

So even though he only directed one movie, he did write, produce, and conceptualize them all.
Tamara said:
The problem is with JJ Abrams if he decides he wants to completely change everything about the sequels just because he can.

Yeah he could do to star wars what he did to Stark Trek, that is turn the entire series around and make the last two movies the best two preforming entries in the franchise's History.
Darth Kentarch said:
The problem is with JJ Abrams if he decides he wants to completely change everything about the sequels just because he can.

JJ has stated that he is a much bigger Star Wars fan then he is Star Trek. That being said, I don't think he will stray far from the original trilogy.
The Shadow said:
He wrote the original trilogy. All three movies. Then wrote the prequels. If that isn't involved in the movies I don't know what is.

He did not write the original trilogy alone. The only movies he did completely by himself including script and all were the prequels.

The difference is, shall we say, noticeable.
[member=Ludolf Vaas]

That is effectively the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Yes, Lucas did not write the original trilogy alone, but other people did write with him on the new trilogy. That's just basic frickin' movies!
[member="Lord Eclipsion"] everyone who knows Star Wars knows that George Lucas had WAY more creative control over the prequels than he did the originals. His control over the prequels was basically totalitarian. So I fail to see how what I said was "the dumbest thing ever".


Morality Policeman :)
Ludolf Vaas said:
His control over the prequels was basically totalitarian.
I know! Can you believe a guy wanting to make sure his story stayed true to how he imagined it?! Outrageous.
Guess I should go ask everyone what I need to change about my character's personality.

Really don't mean to sound hostile, man. But I feel like you're not being tolerant of the opinions of others. This is a discussion forum and we're allowed to like things that you might not appreciate.
I'm not a Lucas fanboy and I guess I'm not a true Star Wars fan by your definition, but I love the movies and some of us are grateful that someone invented this magical universe.
Mmmkay, look, you're going to have to make changes to your character. The audience isn't liking the whole snowtrooper thing, so let's go for a scout trooper outfit...and make you female. And change your pic to this:

There...collaboration at its finest! :p
Lord Eclipsion said:
Having more creative control and being the only writer are 2 different things.
He was the sole writer and director for two of the three films, so close enough. Not to mention there was practically no one around to question him creatively during the prequels. Are we really going to split hairs over this?

Beowoof said:
I know! Can you believe a guy wanting to make sure his story stayed true to how he imagined it?! Outrageous. Guess I should go ask everyone what I need to change about my character's personality.
The problem isn't necessarily that Lucas had complete control. Hegemonic power and influence is fine if you know what you're doing. Lucas clearly did not.

Beowoof said:
Really don't mean to sound hostile, man. But I feel like you're not being tolerant of the opinions of others. This is a discussion forum and we're allowed to like things that you might not appreciate.
I'm being perfectly tolerant of your opinion. And the maxims of a discussion forum allow me to disagree with an opinion that is wrong (see: yours).

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