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Approved Tech FCD-Series Curator Droid

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FCD-Series Curator Droid

  • Manufacturer: Mykel Fellheart (initial design), Rocksolid Arms (manufacturer)
  • Affiliation: Mykel Fellheart
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: FCD-series private curator droid
  • Production: Unique
  • Modularity: Can be fitted with different arm attachments for different roles within the archive
  • Material: Durasteel, droid components
  • Classification: Third Degree
  • Weight: Average
  • Height: Average
  • Movement: Bipedal
  • Armaments: N/A
  • Misc. Equipment: N/A
  • Can decipher written texts, even those in languages other than Galactic Basic or forms other than prose
  • Has an encyclopedic knowledge of the Fellheart Archives
  • Has specialized security programming for protection of the archives
  • Has six arms that can be fitted with various attachments, such as dusters, precision manipulators, standard humanoid hands, and even scissors for pruning plants and other decorations within the Archives.
  • Translation and interpretation of texts, even those written in languages other than Galactic Basic, or in forms other than prose
  • Encyclopedic knowledge of the Fellheart Archives
  • Has security programming and a rudimentary understanding of blaster weaponry and techniques for immobilization of intruders utilizing its many arms
  • Has no armor and, though programmed for defense, is only barely capable of combat
  • Can translate written text, but requires time to process and cannot accurately translate the spoken word
  • Is not programmed for social contact, and can have a rather gruff personality

During his childhood and college years, Mykel Fellheart slowly gathered an impressive collection of texts and artifacts, which he stored in a chamber at his family’s mansion. Charmingly titled the Fellheart Archives, the collection was surprisingly extensive, with Mykel making great use of datacards and hologram projectors to allow the easy storage and accessibility of his collection in the relatively small space available. Upon leaving home for university, and later for service in the Eternal Navy, Mykel grew worried that his collection would one day be tampered with, either by his parents or by a more nefarious element. He decided that he needed a loyal cadre of curators that could watch over his collection when he could not personally be present.

Though his family had access to numerous S.H.F.D. androids, Mykel found them too basic for his needs, and loathed their lack of true security and defense programming. Therefore, the master scholar decided to produce his own droid, custom-tailored for his unique needs. The result was the FCD-series curator droid, a bipedal, roughly-humanoid droid specifically intended for the preservation and maintenance of the Fellheart Archives. Though possessing the human face and torso reminiscent of S.H.F.D.’s and other humanoid droids, Mykel gave his FCD-series six arms that could be fitted with varies attachments, and also programmed them with rudimentary security protocols that were lacking in other types of protocol and library droids. While the limits of the chassis and the demands of the curator programming prevented any true military capability, the droids still had the ability to alert more significant security forces to any breach of the archives, and at least make an attempt to subdue an unsuspecting intruder.

Design in hand, Mykel went to Rocksolid Arms, original producer of the S.H.F.D., to custom-order two of the FCD-series droids, more than enough for his currently small physical space, with the intention of building more once a greater physical space was available.
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