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Private Family Therapy || Rann, Amaya, Aselia, Devorah


The scars ran deep.

It was not often that the Vicelord admitted there were faults in his personal life. But, it went without saying that his children were the chink in his armor. The flaw in the tapestry that he had woven for himself. Not in the sense that there were any flaws with the individuals themselves - but rather his treatment towards them. As a young man, Isley had boldly traveled the stars in the name of Mandalore. But during his battles, he made conquests of a different sort. Conquests which graced the Galaxy with some of its brightest souls. Runi Verin Runi Verin . Damsy Callat Damsy Callat . And a cacophony of others called him sire - but by his own hand, he had failed to be to them what he tried to be for so many. A leader. A guide. A father.

It was no surprise, then, that his children were in his life infrequently. Those who still kept contact did so sparingly.

Something had to give. And though, at one point, Isley was as a mountain being howled at by the wind - the mountain bowed. At the suggestion of two of his children, he found himself within the confines of his office. Staring into the abyss that were a Rodian's eyes. On his right hand side sat Rann Thress Rann Thress and Aselia Verd Aselia Verd . On his left, Amaya Cardei and Devorah Verd Devorah Verd . Today...they were going to seek outside help. To air their grievances. To move forward as a family.

Or they'd kill each other. The jury was out on that one currently.

"Thank you all for coming." began the therapist. She reached for a rod which sat upon her lap. "This is the Talking Stick. Whoever wields it has the floor. You are not to interrupt until the Talking Stick is in your possession."

Isley had to resist the urge to roll his eyes, but nodded nonetheless. To begin, the Stick was then passed to Amaya. This was going to be something.

OOC Note: All credit goes to Rann Thress for the Talking Stick. This is his meme and I am a filthy, dirty thief.

Amaya Cardei

In her defense, this wasn't her idea but the idea that they had to have a stick to talk, was just hilarious to Amaya. Her father, in all his infinite wisdom which to be honest - wasn't much if anything at all. Wanted to have the children he knew about and that were alive to sit down for this little family therapy session. So, in her way, Amaya spoke, "hi my name is Amaya Cardei, and I am one of Isley's daughters. My husband was the Manda'lor before the planet became a ball of dust. I have three children of whom I love, and I have raised with my husband."
The therapist then looked at Amaya and gave a nod of encouragement.
"I didn't know Isley growing up, hell, I didn't even know that Ajira Cardei was my mother until I was an adult. I was raised on Taris by Rodians and Twi'leks who were just trying to get by. Anyway that's my story," she ended and then looked around to see who she needed to pass the stick to and so out of sheer curiosity as to the brilliant shade of alabaster in the room. Amaya handed the stick to Rann Thress Rann Thress
When Amaya Cardei introduced herself, Rann on instinct greeted her. “Hi Amaya,” he said, as if this was just a session of Verd Children Anonymous. As soon as he did, he grit his teeth and gave the Therapist a side eyed glance. He wasn’t sure exactly the rules of the fantastical Talking Stick, he only hoped he hadn’t upset it. If she was annoyed at him, she didn’t let it show. Rann thought that perhaps he shouldn’t outburst again, and listened to the Wielder of the Stick’s story.
When Amaya finished her short introductory story,Rann took the Talking stick from her as she offered it. This whole ordeal, so far, has already been a bit emotionally taxing with his learning of yet another sibling he had. It was difficult to keep track of how many blood relatives of his existed in the galaxy.

He looked down at the Talking Stick in his hands and fought the urge to whirl it around pretending it was a lightsaber. He even had all the sounds he wanted to make. The whoosh brrr and swishes. If it were just him with this treasured artifact, he would. Yet he could feel everyone’s attention on him. Such power the Stick held.

I could rule the galaxy with this. he thought to himself before clearing his throat and beginning to speak.

“Hi. I’m Rann, and I’m one of Isley’s sons. Shocking I know. I was born on Onderon in the city of Iziz, and lived there until I was twenty. I decided to leave and a few years later found my way in the CIS, where my first day of active duty I lost my arm,” he tapped his metal right arm with the talking stick he held in his left, “and dear old dad raised ghosts and spirits nearby. The physical trauma, mental anguish, and the pain the spirits passed onto me caused me to go insane. I’m only a little sore at dear old pip pap for this.” He said, looking at his father.

“uh. What else. I don’t know. I just feel powerful holding this.” He said, waving the stick around. “It feels. Right. Strong.” He continued, staring at the Talking Stick. Unblinking. Unwavering.

Its mine. My own. he thought to himself before looking at the next person in the circle, Aselia Verd Aselia Verd .

When this therapy session is over I’m stealing this.

“Uh yeah that’s it. Uhm. Yeah here ya go.” He passed the talking stick over to Aselia and returning his hand to his lap, twiddling them.

My Precious.
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