Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fall of the Gatekeepers [Sith Assassins]

Ferus had remained silent on the ship, glancing between [member="Vaulkhar"] 's droids here and there to simply see what they were doing. That was, until he heard the shots outside. Ion fire. If the familiar had lips, they would be frowning. "Droids, they're going to disable the ship with ion from the outside. And the blast doors are closing." A sigh escaped the figure as his red eyes glanced over to the closing hanger. Well, that would have to be removed.

"I will deal with the troopers, you find a way to get that blast door open. This ship must remain operational and that door has to be opened. Understood?" He faded from view before getting an understanding. They're droids, they understand. It's what they're programmed to do. The figure appeared just outside of the ship, transparent and hidden as he scanned the deck. Two guards directly affecting the ships. More, uncounted, guarding the entrance.

And here this familiar was, without a truly solid body or a real weapon. Well, at least Ferus could still use the Force from it. With the two guards focus on [member="Darth Veles"] 's and [member="Darth Lykos"] 's ships wispy hands were brought up, and the crushing power of the Force reached out. So close to the Alchemic Basin, the Familiar's strength might as well have been Ferus himself, and he brutally crushed down on their throats. He hoped to silence and kill them before the other guards could notice and give himself a leg up, but these soldiers belonged to [member="Avedia Lacroix"] . It was likely they were trained against the Force in some way shape or form.
"I honestly hate ships so needlessly large."

Vaulkhar's grumblings could be heard as he continued his charge through the hallways, nearly ten to fifteen guards slowly trailing behind him. It was an awkward turn of events, one he hoped not to repeat. He could honestly say he was losing himself to the emotions burning through his chest. More than anything he wanted to turn around and cut down every guard between himself and Avedia, partially because he wanted to apologize to her. It was a rather childish and boyish feeling in that regard, but he had deeper feelings for the woman than she likely understood. And considering that awkward situation, it was driving him further towards the idea of meeting her face to face.

But that would likely lead to death.

The thought rang through his head as he turned a corner and came face to face with a closed hangar door. Looking around momentarily, he spotted the control panel and just stabbed through it with his lightsaber, effectively short circuiting the door, causing it to slide up out of his way. As he looked into the room, it appeared there were already guards between him and his ship, which was off in the distance.

And in that moment he realized he wouldn't make it. No matter how fast he ran, no matter how quickly he could get aboard that ship, he couldn't make it. He could likely take Ella or Veles, of that he wasn't worried about. But those two together, possibly even Lykos, and an entire ship full of enemies? That was too much, even for someone like his father. So he moved forward and he waited. He waited for Ella to arrive, his lightsaber burning within his grasp. That's when his lips parted and he shouted.

"Bring me your leader."

I really don't want to write in the perspective of the droids, I just want to get this over with as quickly as possible and that'll just prolong poodoo.
| [member="Darth Ferus"] | [member="Darth Veles"] | [member="Darth Lykos"] | [member="Vaulkhar"] |

The Sun Guards were an elite group of mercenaries, rivaled only by the Mandalorians. Their beliefs also made them something of a sub-group to the Sith Order, so when Commander Dasmus entered service to Darth Ayra, and then Darth Vupua following the former's death, it made sense. But like all men, regardless of their training or abilities, were suspect to the unexpected. So, when Darth Ferus' familiar reached out to crush both men, a sickening squelch followed with the rise and fall of blood, as their bodies caved in from the power of the dark side. Screams followed, quickly dying along with their hosts, causing the Sun Guards at the entrance to be alerted that something had happened.

"Cover my six, I am going to check that out," said one, turning from their post and lifting their scope ahead of themselves. Two guards moved around to cover their comrade as he edged his way between two N-5's, en route to where the screams had come from. Lifting his radio, the guard said: "Elias, check in. What was that screaming?"

"Ask of the devil and she shall appear," said Vupua ominously. Rolling the Lightsaber in her hand again, Vupua stood in the corridor adjunct to the bridge and the deck below. Turbolifts at the end of the hall would bring Vaulkhar down to the hangar bay, if he were to reach them. Two guards stood in between Ferus' apprentice and his only means to escape. Eyes locked onto the back of Vaulkhar's head, Vupua begun to walk forwards.

"Tell me, Vaulkhar. Why did you agree to help me, if it was your intention to betray me the entire time? Was this your way of getting back at me for what happened on Balmorra, perhaps?" Vupua shook her head. It didn't matter why he had done this to her. The only thing that did matter was that he had done it. "Who is Ferus? And why did he send you all this way?"
"It wasn't Ella."

Vaulkhar waited after his statement and stared down the two guards in his way. He likely could not kill them both of them before she could join the fight, turning it into a situation that was unwinnable. So rather he turned around his, gaze locked onto her own. It was a rather awkward situation for him. To answer her question would be to reveal a part of himself he's preferred to keep hidden away. With a sigh, he held his lightsaber before him, within both hands. Taking a few seconds to consider the options once more, his shoulder slumped and he shrugged as she moved closer.

"I suppose to be honest, I've always had rather..." He paused as he considered how to phrase it. "Feelings for you, Ella? Even though the circumstances on Balmorra weren't the greatest, you showed me another path. Seeing you as a shadow of your former self prompted me to choose to help you. It was you who betrayed our agreement by making the mistake of assuming yourself my better, dear."

Her following question in regards to Ferus brought a perk to his brow. It was a rather odd question to ask, out of the blue.

"He is my master and a close friend to my father, Darth Carnifex. This current situation is rather awkward for the both of us."

[member="Avedia Lacroix"]

[member="Avedia Lacroix"]

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