Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faith in Machines [Yuuzhan Vong Skirmish of Rothana]

  • Attack/Defend the battle droid manufacturing facility PvP
  • Defend the Collateralhulk Command ship from a swarm of Coralskippers and Yuuzhan Vong frigate analogues PvE
  • Defend civilian areas from Yuuzhan Vong hordes PvE

Subaltern Kash Val strode across the control centre of the Yorik-stronha. The small crew were spread across the chamber, all wearing their cognition hoods. At the centre of the room on an elevated pedestal sat the cognition hood for the vessel’s commanding officer. Kash took his seat and pulled the cognition hood over his eyes.

What news? He communicated to the others as awareness of the vessel’s state flooded his consciousness.

Whilst you were resting we observed seventeen vessels entering and leaving the system. Total war fleet before us still equivalent capability, responded one of the crew.

High threat and high priority targets have not been updated.

Commander Khallesh Val was in contact. Timing of the strike remains unchanged.

Understood, Kash replied. Through the vessel’s sensors he stretched out his field of awareness. The single Collateralhulk command vessel and Scimitar class station remaining the greatest threats. The latter was co-ordinating movement of all enemy ships and they had plans to remove it from the equation.

Kash felt his pulse accelerating. The hour was almost upon them. Three weeks that had held position in the asteroid field observing, cataloguing. They would shortly play their – albeit brief – part in the battle. When they had signed up to this mission they had all known it would be their last. When it had been explained a host of warriorshad fought bitterly amongst themselves for this honour. One glorious death leading the war host to battle. Only the victorious now took up position ready to lead the strike.

Khallesh Val knelt on a hau polyp as Priestesses Emere and Hahk continued their work. One finished the spiral tattoo at the nape of her neck, whilst the other continued to wipe down every inch of her skin with a pale green fluid. Every touch of the liquid sent a fresh surge of pain, akin to the biting touch of ice on bare skin. Both aspects of the ritual were designed to lessen the taint that would inevitably come from the attack she was about to spearhead.

The air shifted as the chamber was opened. Khallesh opened her eyes to see a familiar sight. Warrior-seer Edorah Val stepped forwards and knelt down before Khallesh. As usual she wore her particular form of Vonduun Skerr Kyrric. It only enclosed her chest and legs, every inch of the chitinous exterior covered in iconography. A wide array of angular spines fanned out from behind her neck, framing her face and marking her rank. Her bare arms were coated to the elbow in slick obsidian blood.

Khallesh offered a deferential nod to the Warrior-seer. They had worked together for the entirety of their careers. If they had been born a few years closer they would likely have been crèche sisters; they were closely blood related.

“How went the augury?” Khallesh asked, knowing from the sheen of the blood that the ritual had been completed recently.

“The signs suggest the Gods have ordained this strike. The time is right,” Edorah replied. Her eyes stared off into the distance as ever. Khallesh had noted the Seer rarely focussed on what was before her, as if she kept her focus on the beyond whilst only noticing the physical world in her periphery.

“As we all knew they would be,” Khallesh replied. This attack would have to please the gods. On Rothana they manufactured that infidel machine most offensive to the True Way. Battle droids. Built in the image of the life gifted to the Galaxy by the god’s sacrifice and designed to fight wars on behalf of the cowardly infidels.

Jun Phaath had once shared a rather interesting view with Khallesh. She had said that the best Warrior-seers were those most trained in the arts of war. The Seers who told their commanders not to strike when it was tactically necessary and to attack when it was foolhardy led short careers. Jun believed they functioned little more as spies for the Priest caste who provided sound tactical advice veiled as messages from the gods. Am I committing heresy just by consideringthat her words could be true? Khallesh thought to herself.

The two priestesses stepped back, mumbling quiet prayers as the ritual was complete. Khallesh slowly rose to her feet, stretching out her muscular shoulders and legs against the stiffness of remaining still for so long. There was another movement of air and two female servants approached, bringing her Vonduun Skerr Kyrric to dress her for battle. The time to strike was upon them.

Do-ro'ik vong pratte!” the call was both telepathic and vocal as the Yorik-Strohna accelerated out of the asteroid field. Kash’ lips turned up in a snarl as he felt the war host appear in realspace behind them. His allies behind him, his enemy ahead, a glorious death on the horizon. These were his finest moments and he would cherish them.

Through his vessel he sensed the enemy ships start to communicate in panic. They moved and tried to align against the sudden appearance of a Yuuzhan vong fleet. Not just any war host, all the Domains had come together for this strike. Those nomadic, those from Selvaris, those that resided on what remained of Yuuzhan’tar. The Republic and Techno Union had ousted so many from Alderaan and their homes on Rodia and Zenith Prime.

“We all watch your sacrifice with envy,” came a sudden call. It was Supreme Commander Zukhat Shai himself. Kash’ chest swelled with pride.

He felt every laser beam strike the surface of their vessel, but it was to no avail. The Dovin-basals did what they could, but the thick coating of Yorik Coral and rock absorbed most. Even as the vessel started to crack it did nothing to help the Union’s cause. There was simply too much momentum in the vessel to stop it. Though the awareness granted by the cognition hood, he sensed the space station starting to launch escape pods; it was too late to save them.

Khallsh Val stood in the chamber of her Yorik-Trema. The blazebug display showed the bright flash of light as the scoutship collided with the station. As the bright blue shockwave dissipated, all that remained was detritus. What a way to meet an end, your final moments broadcast across the war host for all to see, she thought to herself.

Her arachnostaff coiled around her waist. It slid to her shoulder and turned its head towards her. She knew it wanted to slide down her arm, to be held and used in anger. “Not yet,” she whispered in an affectionate tone. The warhost would strike many locations on the planet, but she was part of a group aimed at the Hegemonic facility. The infidel machines would lie in ruin before the night was over. Yuuzhan Vong tactics had evolved over the years. No longer did they fight on and on until every last one was dead or the enemy scattered. This was to be a quick surgical strike before a tactical return to safe space. At a practical level there simply were not enough Warriors left to take and hold this world, or to be wasted for no gains. The facility was protected by a shield generator. They would need to send in the Thralls first, to test the defences, before going in themselves on foot.

This was to be a glorious day. Today they fought for the cause of the Yuuzhan Vong people, to send a message to the Galaxy that their greatest transgressions of the True Way would be tolerated no longer. On this day they were not beholden to a false avatar. They fought not for themselves, but for the own beliefs.

Current Yuuzhan Vong sign ups:
  • Khallesh Val
  • [member="Shurra Shai"]
  • [member="Yurzhoc Shai"] (May well not be attending)
  • [member="Durzo Qinvah"]
  • [member="Kur-gal Kwaad"]
  • [member="Tsavong Kraal"]
  • [member="Galanoth Kaal"]

Willing Infidel Sacrifices:
  1. [member="Sibar Laval"]
  2. [member="Prime"]
  3. [member="Rigor"]
  4. [member="Ricochet"]
  5. [member="Tmoxin Temi"]
  6. [member="Gerion Ardik"]
[member="Rhun Trask"] [member="Kyle Amedis"] [member="Silas Khras"]
Space Station

A rather large navigations officer sat on the space station, watching the Techno Union mustering to meet the Yuuzhan Vong invasion forces. He munched on some McYoda fries and downed the cholesterol with a vat of jawa juice. The turkey burger from McYoda's was especially delicious in this part of the galaxy.

"FRANK," a man yelled. The large man turned to look. "WE'RE BEING EVACUATED, YOU FETHING SITHSPIT, MOVE IT."

Frank wasn't the quickest man in the world, and he didn't seem to care for himself a whole lot either. Sipping his jawa juice before wiping the crust off his mouth, the man stood up and somberly made his way towards the exit. Absolute mayhem was breaking loose outside as men and women broke in full sprint towards the drop pods.

Frank shuffled his feet, moving to turn off the light to his office as alarms began to blare throughout the station. He moved into one of the pods, slowly inching his massive shoulders inbetween two scared women... Anna from Accounting. And he was pretty sure the other was Dezzy from Science & Research. He never really cared to meet most of the other people on the station. They didn't like talking to him, mostly. Frank was okay with that.

They looked up at him, disgusted. The drop pod doors began to close and a smile broke across Frank's face.

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Objective: 1

He had just left the facility which had repaired his body from a recent altercation with another force user. As he loosened up the new joints now attached to his mechanical body while he tested it, along with the wiring and fuses to be sure that his body was at tip, top shape. He moved through a few different movements of Shien and then moved onto a few simple sword techniques and he stopped once he was satisfied with the results he stopped.
As he was about to move onto go aboard his ship, sirens and klaxons began blaring out around him and battledroids began to run around one another as they began taking defensive battle stations. He moved through to the command center and burst open the door. "What the hell is this! Get back to your station Droid-hurgh!" The pudgy man that stood up began before he began to grip his throat as the red glowing optical sensors of Zrixtas fixed on him. "I am no droid for you to order about flesh sack. Tell me what happened and I won't crush your skull with my bare hands." Zrixtas then said with a very angry tone, even though he liked droids more than organics he hated being called one since he was so much more than a simple droid.
"Y-yes... All right... We have a Yuzan vong fleet incoming and with our shield in place they will have to land troops to take this facility..." The pudgy man explained while also coughing as he was able to breathe again, his eyes however explained it all to Zrixtas he was thinking 'what are you'. With a quick thrusting of his fist he brought the man down to his knees and then with a swift backhand he knocked him out. "I'm a member of the techno union I will be taking command here immediately." Zrixtas said as he moved into the middle of the command center and the other organics around him visibly flinched as they all moved to their stations. "Begin churning out as many battle droids as this facility can handle we will need the reinforcements as soon as possible, meanwhile order all available droids to their positions and call for outside reinforcement."
With a gesture he ordered the tech's to bring up a holo-display of the orbit and then have another ready of the surrounding area.


The unit known as Prime was being activated. That meant one thing: war. Sweet, sweet cathartic war. Prime was a lot of faulty programming that came out into a machine that was basically pure violence. The unit was waking up in a flight hangar on Rothana and reports were coming through. The droid, of Haor Chall Engineering build, was also being maintained by Hegemonic Automaton, and almost had its weedwacker attachment from Hedgemonic Automaton: Lawn Care, Automated.

The unit’s systems were coming online, as was typical when it was near some situation that had an attack. Prime’s transport ship also had the innate ability of being at a warzone but a little far away so that the droid could activate near the hotzone and walk its metal assets to the battle. Taking in the local droids, a group of 12 TA-4s from HA, the unit was starting to link into the 12 data feeds with a bit of robotic glee.

The orders were being fed to the unit and were very simple.

Destroy Yuuzhan Vong.
Objective 1
Droid Manufacturing Facility

Rigor stood on the catwalk of one HA's droid manufacturing facilities.

There was a weapon slung over it's shoulder and it seemed to look down in observation at the facility below. It's odd shaped face, the strange circuitry color panning over the production center below.

Normally the droid would not be unaccompanied, but for some strange reason it had been sent here by Saeva Incorporated on it's own. Rigor did not find that strange, mostly because it couldn't. It was simply here to retrieve a piece of HA technology that would prove crucial to Alric Kuhn's plans within the coming months. The droid did not mind this task, mostly because it knew that the eventual goal of said plans would prove most fascinating.

Especially since rigor would play a major part in those plans.

The Droid shifted, moving across the catwalk and towards the Facilities main offices. The production center was large, though not as large as the one that Rigor himself had been produced in. Titan had always been industrious, and overzealous in it's production. It seemed that HA was far more...pragmatic, something that Rigor found rather pleasing. It was logical after all.
Objective: Assist Techno Union forces
Location: First Order Transport
Allies: First Order / Techno Union
Enemies: Yuuzhan Vong


The First Order transport rocked as it hit the atmosphere, carrying one of many legions towards the surface of Rothana. This legion was the White Wolves, and within that legion was Kyle Amedis. E11 in his right hand, left hand wrapped around the rail above to steady himself; this was what he had been born to do.

The white armor of the troopers surrounding him was coated in hazy blue from the muted lights in their confined hold. It was nothing more than what was needed – piloted from the cockpit above, the transport would land, lower the ramp, and let them spill out to face the enemy and take off. In, and out. Done.

Reporting for Commander [member="Tmoxin Temi"], it seemed they had been called to assist the Techno Union with an assault on the planet and the resources. What, and who, Kyle wasn’t sure. But whoever it was, they’d be shown the might of the First Order.
Objective: Defend Droid Foundry (MC-ROT-066)
Location: Command Center
Allies: [member="Lord Zrixtas"] | [member="Rigor"]

TD-707 had been activated. The doors to his holding pod slid open, spewing steam into the faces of the waiting administrative personnel. Start up procedures commenced and an array of data scrolled across his vision. The details of the situation were being downloaded directly into his memory banks, but this was unnecessary. Hegemonic Automaton policy dictated that its garrison tactical droids only be activated in times of great duress. With this in mind, TD-707 assumed that an attack on the facility was either in progress, quickly approaching, or suspected. The room he was stored in was adjacent to the command center and he could vaguely hear a commotion on the other side as well as a harsh mechanical voice.

He reached behind his head and dislodged the cable, stepping out of the pod. "Status report."

The first one to speak up was a X'ting, nervously clicking his mandibles together. "Yuuzhan-Vong. In orbit. They've already destroyed a space station and-"

"Initiating standardized security protocols. Please stand aside." No further information needed, TD-707 continued his march from the pod, rudely shoving past the assembled administrators.

Dire security situations permitted the overriding of his etiquette subroutines. Apparently he was not the only one whose pre-programmed politesse had been thrown out for the duration of the crisis. The first thing TD saw upon entering the command center proper was Lord Zrixtas standing over an unconscious communications operator. A quick scan indicated everyone in the room as a Hegemonic Automaton employee with the exception of Zrixtas. Zrixtas, however, was in the registry of Techno Union affiliates. His presence could be tolerated. His commands, however, would only be humored.

TD-707 fixated Zrixtas with a blank stare, then proceeded to the central command station. The organic security officer scurried aside to make room. There had been drills. Hegemonic Automaton employees were required to carry the employee manual on their company-issued datapads at all times. If they were not familiar with what would happen next already, they would be. TD-707 accessed the command console, input his credentials, and then initiated Hegemonic Automaton's standard protocols for situations like these.

The lights abruptly shut off and were replaced by a dull red glow as the building switched to emergency power. There was a few second pause, then sirens began to blare and a flat mechanical voice began to issue evacuation orders. In the armory, located not terribly far from the command center, the garrison droids activated and began to arm themselves. The Darkwater Security personnel began the painstaking process of donning their standard issue power armor. The factory proper was located deep underground and only accessible via one large turbolift and several maintenance or employee elevators. All of which promptly deactivated. Any employees still underground would make their way to their designated crisis centers until the situation was resolved.

And it would be resolved.

The power to other buildings, including the main offices, would also be shut down in favor of powering up the shield generator and defense turrets. This included the deactivation of all terminals and computer stations. As of the initiation of the lockdown, TD-707 was the only one with the credentials to restore power to the facility. While the command center staff began to shuffle out, TD-707 could now speak to Zrixtas. "Protocol dictates immediate shutdown of all production and evacuation of all organic assets. Distress beacon has been activated. All security droids have been activated and are proceeding to defensive positions."
Objective 1: Attack the droid facility
Allies: [member="Khallesh"]
Enemies: [member="Rigor"] | [member="Hegemonic Automaton"] | [member="Prime"] | [member="Lord Zrixtas"]

Though coralskippers were usually grown to size of whoever would eventually guide them to battle, sometimes an unpredictable turn of events brought two highly incompatible creatures together. Today, this was the Dragon and his Yorik-Et. Try as he might, the towering Yuuzhan Vong couldn't find a comfortable position where some part of his anatomy wasn't squeezed against the durable fleshy walls of the vessel, and he was no Shai to enjoy this kind of thing.

Grumbling and cursing under his breath — and not only in his mother tongue — the Slayer finally settled for having his foot nearly crushed, knowing that he'd forget about it soon enough. A clack of a tongue, and then the lights of the cognition hood replaced his normal vision, green and red and scintillating. He grinned, and then they were off.

Breezing between asteroids and zooming from cover to cover, the coordinated lance of Yorik-Et soon made it past the waves of droid swarm fighters. During his time in service to the Hand of the Dark Lord, Kur-gal had gained a certain amount of respect for the capabilities of the machine; just enough to know it could kill him, but that it was still no match to the glory of the Yun'o with which they rode today.

Streaks of blue and red and black, they blazed past the scrambling defenses and burst into the atmosphere of the planet – Rothana – the fire of the gods on their tail. They were one and all, interconnected and acting with the force of a singular indomitable entity.

"Yun'o-tu zhaetor-zhae!"
Objective: PvE on 2 or 3
Location: In a TIE Above Rothana
Allies: [member="Carten Flaa"]
Enemies: @Vong [member="Khallesh"]

Tmoxin had (most likely) dragged Lt. Flaa to Rothana just south of the Techno Union capital of Roon. The former bounty hunter, having been assigned as a pilot for the Hapan, would find himself spending much of his time in the Southern Systems on mundane and relatively boring business trips. Of course the red-haired Dark Jedi found them incredibly tedious too. As he may note on Hypori, even though she was an executive, she did not shy away from danger.

"After this trip, let's go to my ranch on Bothawui," she said in an unusual gesture of familiarity. "I promise you it will be won't be as cold as Rothana." They had taken a Krell Class Cruiser, but would travel to the surface of Rothana in Lt. Flaa's Tie Fighter. Since she was trying to expand her own manufacturing operations on Kamino, and since there was limited land-space on the primarily water world, that would mean going under the sea or even ground. Therefore the Hapan executive wanted to carefully examine Hegemonic Automaton's subterranean facility.

But halfway en route to the landing spot, with Lt. Flaa at the controls and Tmoxin manning the guns, they received a distress beacon from MC-ROT-066. "There's an attack," the Hapan said. These types of raids seemed to be happening more frequently in Techno Union space, but unlike before, she no longer assumed it was the Hutt Cartel. From the ramshackle display she had seen on Christophsis, it was unlikely the Hutts were that organized to attack a well-protected manufacturing plant. Could it be the same raiders as on Hypori?

They would soon find out. Tmoxin put a call out to both Techno Union security, and to any First Order operatives and troops in the area to help defend the attack on Rothana.

Sibar Laval

Objective 3
Location- First Order Transport
Allies- [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Kyle Amedis"]
Enemies- Yuuzhan Vong

Today was already a rough day for the 11th incinerator squad. Jax wouldn't stop complaining and Sibar had enough of it "I don't get why we always have to be one of the first responders to every single event that involves the First Order." Sibar sighed and looked at the incinerator "I'm only going to tell you this once Jax. SHUT THE KARK UP!" Jax jumped and quickly spout out words "Yes sir sorry sir. What are we fighting anyway sergeant?" Sibar went quiet for a moment "I have no idea Jax, but there's only one way to find out."
[member="Kur-gal Kwaad"]
[member="Hegemonic Automaton"]
[member="Kyle Amedis"]
[member="Lord Zrixtas"]
[member="Tsavong Kraal"]

There was a silent prayer as the Yorik-trema touched down on the surface. Every time the transports delivered her to the battle safely she uttered something to them. Khallesh feared little, but dying from a stray turbolaser before meeting the enemy in combat was one of those things.

The snow gave with a satisfying crunch as he stepped out onto rothana. The hot press of bodies was soon surrounded by a haze of steam. In the distance Khallesh could see the Thrall herders leading the captured slaves in the first wave. She looked for their shimmering silhouettes, but even her keen eyes couldn't make out the Hunters accompanying them. This was their first gambit. As the strike force assembled the Thralls would mount their first assault, identifying the facilities defences for the next wave.
Objective: PvE on 2 or 3 (playing it by ear depending on whether or not Tmoxin makes us crash :p)
Location: In a TIE Above Rothana
Allies: [member="Tmoxin Temi"]
Enemies: [member="Khallesh"]

Carten was in his jumper, and he had managed a spare one for Tmoxin had she wanted. He'd been in the TIE long before her for the preflight warm up, so he had no idea if she was in her armor or a jumper. The trip was supposed to be a routine visit of the world, so light conversation was expected between them. However, when she mentioned a trip to her ranch, Carten took that to not be a business trip at all. Perhaps he was right about that, but it was better to ask than to assume.

"A trip to your ranch, as in a vacation?"

They had not been working together for long, and it would be seen as scandolous to some if that were the case. Carten also had the potential of being discharged depending on what type of activites would take place on a vacation with the person he was assigned to. There being together was an assignment, one which the First Order could rescind at any moment. Carten was the XO of the 181st, and any military campaign meant his priority was to them.

The conversation was interupted by comm chatter indicating an attack. Lt. Flaa quickly shifted gears and maneuvered the ship quickly around in the direction of the call. Who would venture to Techno Union space to make a raid? The Hutt Cartel did not seem to be a threat any longer, and most of the dark side factions powerful enought to coordinate an attack were already allies of the TU. Something wasn't sitting well with the pilot at all. Was this another one of those runaway and retreat missions they were barrelling toward at fulll speed?


Does the unit have a soul? That was not a concern of Prime. Of Prime, all that was a concern was warfare and the death of its enemies. As the droid was turning on and linking in with its contemporary units, its weapon toting slaves, more data was coming through. With each usage of the Hydra War Droid known as Prime, the body underwent repairs, reconstruction to strengthen its alloys, its limbs and body, and the body itself was quickened. The source code of the droid was downloaded into a drive and transported separately from the unit, duplicated several times to ensure a ‘save point’ in the history of the unit.

Parts of its code were tampered with but the majority of it remained. Keep it able to work with the newest offerings from Techno Union companies, BlasTech weaponry, Haor Chall Engineering and Hegemonic Automaton units, but the bloodthirsty aspect of it remained the same.

There was a crate in the warehouse and Prime accessed it as more and more data was streaming in, on what was known and what scenarios could be possible. Pulling out a Ripper and Ol’ Reliable, both familiar to the unit, and in the biography. Light repeater and updated E-11 for anyone who was being really picky. Prime was getting the final order.

Report to the Manufacturing Center. Destroy Yuuzhan Vong.

And with that, the droid began to lead its cadre.
Objective 1
Droid Manufacturing Facility

For a nano-second Rigor simply stood still.

The droid seemed to stall out, it's movements skipping to a halt as the message went out all across the factory grounds. A full second passed, and suddenly Rigor jerked to the side. The droid twisted, turning towards a small panel on the wall as it pulled a cord free of from its own arm. The cord was fused with a small input jack in the panel, and almost immediately after Rigor began to access the factories subsystems. The droid filtered through publicly available information, quickly gathering all relevant data on the structure it stood within, the surrounding geography, as well as anything else it found useful. The entire process took less then the blink of an eye.

A pulse would go out over the factories own subsystems, Rigor's odd facial circuitry flaring for a second.

[\\Directive//] The message would go out, droids(@Prime)all across the facility receiving the data transmission. [//Defend Facility Roof\\]

With that, Rigor pulled the cable from the panel and began to stalk off towards the Factories upper sections. The message would be received, and understood. Many organics would have taken the missive as an order, Rigor commanding his fellow droids to join him on the roof. Of course droids would understand the communication for what it was, the supply of information. Rigor had neither the authority, nor the programming to command the droids produced by Hegemonic Automaton, it was simply informing the others that it would be defending the roof.
Objective 1
Droid Manufacturing Facility
Frank is moving with two Female NPCs in tow.

Disoriented, Frank was the first one on the door to the pod after the crash. One of the two girls had cried out "where?!" when he was punching in the coordinates during the atmospheric entry to Rothana, but he doubted she remembered now. Anna was stone cold. Dezzy had a much better time with the ride, though - cool and collected, she emerged from the pod just after Frank as he took in the air after stumbling for a spell. The trio was alive and breathing, but Anna was for the time immobile. Frank was large enough to throw her on his shoulders in a fireman's carry pose, and he began heading east of their landing site.

Hopefully they would find help.

The structure of the manufacturing facility was visible in the distance, maybe a 2-3 kilometer walk. Dezzy was trying her shortwave comm, but it seems to have been damaged during the landing. Frank looked down at her left arm... she was heavily bleeding but had already procured herself a tourniquet with her shirt. The beastly man looked on his own body for any cuts and injuries, but not much was to be found.

His back ached, though. Anna was no small woman.

"SOS...SOS... three stranded civilians just west of the DMF industrial complex, we require immediate first aid assistance... one unconcious but breathing, two alive but injured." Dezzy was so cute when she tried to be all official on radio channels, though she clearly had no training. Probably learned that from her early morning radio shows. She liked to listen to the science fiction holocasts.

Objective: Defend Droid Foundry (MC-ROT-066)
Location: Command Center
Unknown: [member="Tsavong Kraal"]
Enemies: [member="Khallesh"] | [member="Kur-gal Kwaad"]
Allies: @Lord Zrixtas | [member="Rigor"] | [member="Prime"]

Data continued to flow in from the Techno Union BattleNet. Strikes were occurring simultaneously throughout Rothana. Sensors detected a strike force of Chazrach and their adjoining thrall herders approaching the facility. It wasn't until now that TD-707 decided that his facility would be the subject of a prolonged assault. If this were to be some minor skirmish, the Vong would not have bothered to bring their slaves. This would be a concentrated effort to destroy as much of the facility as possible. TD-707 did not suspect the current garrison would be able to hold out against a real assault for very long, and so upped the threat level described in his distress beacon several notches.

Reinforcements and air support would eventually be dispatched. Until then, it fell to TD-707 and all other allied units to hold out for as long as possible.

As with all Hegemonic Automaton factories, MC-ROT-066 was enclosed by a towering electric fence. There were no gaps or entrances as all transport to and from the facility took place by air. The Vong had been warded away from landing on top of the facility and bypassing the fence thanks to the shield generator and the small grid of turrets present. They would need to bore through it, which left plenty of time for TD-707 to direct a squad of the facility's garrison to defend the breach. Other Techno Union units were present at the facility, and so TD-707 directed them to join the defending droids. They would hopefully be in position by the time the fence was breached.

Holding this facility for as long as possible would be contingent on the shield generator remaining active. There was one other individual TD-707 knew of that would be fit for the job, and he was standing right in the room with him. "The shield generator will need to be defended from assault. Take a squad of battle droids and see to it." TD ordered Lord Zrixtas. There was no real respect for the shard's rank, if he had any. Security protocols required immediate action on his part, not waiting on the usurped command of an interloper. If the Shard wished to help, this would be the capacity in which he could do it.

Five TA1 battle droids were rerouted to join Rigor on the roof. Three marksmen armed with BlasTech sniper rifles, two droids operating a mortar. TD-707 trusted that anyone working for Saeva would be able to make the most of them.

Meanwhile, Frank would see several Hegemonic-affiliated evacuation shuttles soar over his head. The droid pilots were not programmed with heartstrings, and so they were not moved to help Frank and the two women accompanying him. Ultimately TD-707 would pick up their signal, and his harsh mechanical voice would respond over Dezzy's communicator. "This facility is locked down due to ongoing combat situation. Threat level: high. Do not attempt to enter. Return to your escape pod and await assistance. This message repeats." And on it would go on an automatic repeat setting, soon to be picked up by other survivors as they stumbled out of their escape pods.

TD-707 could not address every pack of survivors that emerged from escape pods from the doomed space station in orbit. Not when his factory was about to become a warzone. Hegemonic Automaton distribution centers were the ones equipped to handle that sort of thing. This was a factory, and hopefully it would still be one once this battle was concluded. Due to the limited range of communication exhibited by the survivors, TD-707 uploaded the coordinates of their crashed escape pod to the Techno Union BattleNet.

Help would arrive whenever it became available.

Standing Orders:
  • Defend facility until reinforcements arrive.
  • Maximize enemy casualties.
  • Prime: Prepare to meet first wave of attackers.
  • Rigor: Provide support to Prime.
  • Zrixtas: Defend shield generator.
59 6f 75 20 66 65 6c 74 20 79 6f 75 72 20 73 69 6e 73 20 63 72 61 77 6c 69 6e 67 20 6f 6e 20 79 6f 75 72 20 62 61 63 6b 2e
Objective 1, Attack the Droid Manufacturing Plant
Location: Landing on Hypori
Allies: [member="Kur-gal Kwaad"] [member="Tsavong Kraal"] [member="Khallesh"]
Enemies: [member="Prime"] [member="Lord Zrixtas"] [member="Rigor"]
Shurra's Gear: Vonduun Skerr Kyrric, Amphistaff, Chitin Carbine, 3 Pouches of Blorash Jelly, 2 Plasma Eels

With an unholy groan, a torrent of fleshy Yorik-trema with their coralskipper escorts rained down on the planet of Hypori, plummeting towards the surface of the planet in impossibly straight lines. Once they plopped their molted bodies over the landscape, the living ships belched out an ominous smattering of forces, dark armies that amassed across from the horizon of a nearby Droid Manufacturing Planet. Summoned by the Legion Yun'Do and lead by Commander Shurra Shai, of the Slayer caste, throngs of Yuuzhan Vong warriors and the more disposable Chazrach arranged themselves in a pincer formation in order to take the land by storm. Shurra herself rode alongside them, saddled up on a majestic Bissop named Blackfang.

As black smoke rose in the distance, a ghoulish caterwaul rang out through the air. The hunchbacked Commander's eyes glowed like two yellow harvest moons as she rallied her forces forward, throwing a clawed finger in the direction of the factory.


The warriors beat their chests and cheered as they pointed amphistaffs towards their destination.


Shurra cruelly whipped and goaded the slowest warriors into catching up with the rest. The army moved across the landscape as one undulating beast with a singular, obsessive goal: to destroy everything in sight.


Snout to the ground, Blackfang grunted as he picked up the scent of the infidels, and laughter bubbled up from Shurra's lips.

"Yes, good boy," she told her mount, giving its spiny dome a sharp rap, a gesture which passed for affection from the Commander.

"That is the scent of defeat, isn't it?"

NPCs are background noise/fluff
Allies: [member="Kur-gal Kwaad"] [member="Tsavong Kraal"] [member="Shurra Shai"]
Enemies: [member="Prime"] [member="Lord Zrixtas"] [member="Rigor"] [member="Hegemonic Automaton"]

Khallesh stepped over the still-twitching body of a Chazrach slave. Smoke curled up into the air from three blaster wounds across its chest. The spawning ground of those hateful machines was well defended. Many thralls had been sacrificed to identify the weak points in the defences. As she advanced with her fellow warriors warbeasts of the Yuuzhan Vong were targeting the emplacements that had identified themselves with plasma cannons.

Qorihkralt had been sent ahead of the host to map the terrain and find the best route to approach the facility. Yet the torrent of blaster fire coming towards them suggested there were many droids still defending the facility.

The Merr Kane went forwards first, attempting to pin the defenders with their chitin carbines. Blast bugs and thud bugs would hiss through the air around the defenders. Pinning was all they needed. The Yuuzhan Vong warriors wished for nothing more than the opportunity to engage the enemy up close.

“When we break through the walls, destroy any machines still in storage then destroy the shield generator!” Khallesh called across the command network of villips. Her words were merely a reaffirmation of the War Coordinator’s will. When the generator was down and the defenders torn asunder, the coral skippers could finish the job.

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Hegemonic Automaton"], [member="Rigor"] [member="Prime"], TU & First order
Enemies: The Vong, [member="Khallesh"] [member="Shurra Shai"] & [member="Kur-gal Kwaad"]

The droid was interesting to say the least as it suddenly waltzed into the command center and began commanding everyone inside it. When it finally did speak to him he simply nodded to the droid and waited patiently as he looked over the situation reports coming in. Then TD-707 ordered him to the shield generator, causing his red optical sensors to flare a little. "Keep me informed of the situation, should there be need of me elsewhere." He then simply stated as he walked out, though in his mind he was annoyed.
He hated being ordered around by droids, not because they were droids but because of their tones when they did, it sounded a little condescending to him even though he knew they weren't trying to be. As he made his way out of the command center he was met with the droids assigned to aid him in the generators defense. He only looked them over once before he continued on his way to the generator.
As he reached the generator he could already hear the battle going on at the facilities perimeter, by the sound of it it wouldn't take very long until the vong would have breached the perimeter and the battle would grow even harsher for both sides. Taking out his lightsabers but not igniting them, he stood ready with his arms crossed over his chest and waited ready for any who'd dare to come after the Shield generator.
Objective: PvE on 2 or 3 (not gonna crash, nope)
Location: In a TIE Above Rothana
Allies: [member="Carten Flaa"]
Enemies: [member="Khallesh"], Vong

Tmoxin wasn't wearing a flight suit, but wore her custom armor. From the TIE, she listened momentarily to the Rothana comm chatter. "It's the Yuuzhan Vong," she said in a grim tone. "A giant hoarde is enslaving the city and the Hegemonic facility is under attack. What are your thoughts, Lt.? Should we protect civilians or assets?" She was curious to see how he would respond because his answer would be telling on many levels. Did the pilot have more of an affinity for sentient life in all of its forms? Or did he place a higher value on protecting the central components of the Techno Union's power-base?

Tmoxin hoped they would not come under fire as she wasn't that familiar with manning the guns. In her mind, she just needed to turn on autopilot and lock onto targets with guided missiles, Lt. Flaa would likely disagree with the insinuation it was that easy, but true to her Hapaness, she wasn't about to admit that she didn't know what she was doing. Certainly not to her male pilot.

"Well, I suppose you could call it a vacation," Tmoxin said, bringing the subject back to the Seven Moons Ranch. "Or just a visit really. It's my home after all." The TU executive didn't think anything was improper regarding her offer. Still, she shouldn't presume he wanted to spend his free time with her. "But I suppose you there are preferable places where you would go on leave, Lt. A dirty cantina? A Twi'lek dancer's club?" she asked. She was teasing, but her voice had an edge to it. Truthfully, the red-haired Dark Jedi wasn't used to being rebuffed, so if anything she felt a little vulnerable that she had just invited the pilot to a place that she cherished, when it was likely he just wanted to go to the places that normal officers went to relax.

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