Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Watch

HWN is starting a new series called faction watch to call attention to the many other factions in the galaxy aside from the Republic and the Sith Empire.

Our first faction highlighted is the Imperial Remnant. If you are a faction leader and wish to be featured on our show, please contact me via pm. I will send you a list of interview questions and other details for the rp.

Hope you enjoy our new segment.
That is a fair question Darren. Well we still haven't come up with a category on which individuals to focus on on for interviews. At this time, we might consider interviewing individuals who are very active on the boards or perhaps active during the weekend events.

The goal being to encourage our fellow writers to explore the many aspects of the boards and be active contributors. Nothing is final at this time because like I said we are still analyzing what category we want to interview them in.

Originally I had planned a sequence to interview select Jedi and Mandalorians. However due to circumstances beyond our control, that idea had to be put on the back burner for now. But who knows what the future might bring. :D

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