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Private Face to Face

sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ
Face to Face: The Mandalorian

Several days ago:

An encrypted message had been sent to Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun personally through channels unknown, Carefully hidden from Imperials and other prying eyes. Tracing the message to it's source led back to a tourist trap on Shuldene, Centered in neutral space between the Eternal Empire, The First Order and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The messenger could have come from any of them, Though with the Confederacy's Enclave of Mandalorians, It wasn't far fetched that the messenger may have come from there.

The message began with the holographic display of a Mandalorian, Who's armor seemed hidden behind a hooded cloak, Though small teeth-like markings could barely be seen on the ever warping display.

The mandalorian's voice was feminine, Though distorted by both her helm and the conditions of the frozen world it was recorded on, Making her age and exact voice impossible to determine.

Loreena Arenais. Though you may not remember me, I fought beneath your banner and beside your Eclipse Rebels once before.
Force willing, I'd like to do it again.

I have taken great lengths to ensure that this message reaches you, And only you in absolute secrecy, But I can't be too careful, And I can't say as much as I'd like here.

Come fine me on Shuldene at the provided coordinates and I promise to answer any questions you have for me. You have my word as a Mandalorian that I will be alone.

Bring whoever you like, And as many as you like if you need reassurance.

You and I have a common enemy, And I hope that this will be the beginning of a long lasting friendship between your people and mine.

Location: Shundene, Specified coordinates
Time: 0900 Hours, Several days later
Equipment: In bio
Forces: None

Aloy sat atop a glacier overlooking one of the many tourist traps of Shundene. Her legs hung over the side, Exposing her clawed cybernetic limb to any who might look up if they had microbinoculars. The rest of her body was still wrapped up in a dark hood and cloak, Indistinguishable from the smallpockets of travelers far below her.

A large tent big enough to host a meeting of two or more individuals had been put up behind her, Propped up on the bones of some great sea beast that must have lived here long ago. The tent was warmed by a small fire out front, Which had a pot of Cassius tea brewing even now, Filling the air with the flavor of smoke and savory Cassius leaves. Her ship however was nowhere in sight of of yet, But she whether she had prepared and hidden it or simply left it elsewhere, Aloy wasn't expecting any need to run just yet.

She hoped this would all be hospitable enough for the rebel leader, Though she expected them to be inhospitable in return. Most outsides were wary if not outright hostile to mandalorians, Especially mandalorians they didn't truly know. It was something the Vizsla matriarch had grown used to over the years.
She'd have a blaster waved in her face no doubt and threats slung her way as incentive to explain herself, All while she stood still and stoic, Shielded both physically and emotionally by the beskar between her and the cruel world around her. It was just the way of things.

So she sat there on the cliff, Mentally preparing herself for what she hoped would be the rebel's arrival.
Lori watched the message on repeat over and over again while Arla and her traveled through hyperspace to the designated location. Shundene wasn't a world that she had heard of before. But after looking it up, she was certainly glad that she had done so ahead of time. Otherwise her regular clothing wouldn't have done anything to have kept her safe from the cold temperatures.

Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla was someone that she knew and remembered not only in regards to the Rebels, but also during the times that Lori was involved with the Mandalorians too. Many times she was told that she'd get her own Clan and be made Alor, but that offer had died when Kaine Australis did. And her other cousins. So much death of the only people that tied her to the Mandalorians, including her own Mom had caused her to abandon any sort of kinship with them.

She wasn't needed anyways.

A while later, Lori's ship had arrived and despite arguments to the contrary by Arla, she had decided to meet with Aloy alone. The Jaster's Delight landed smoothly, it's repulsor's aiding in the soft decent. Once the ramp was lowered, Lori walked down it, a heavy cloak overtop of her Rebel Ops armor. She wasn't armed, not even with her bow. And unlike her twin brother, her Force Abilities were not really much of anything to be worried about.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting. Nice place you chose. My pilot and I took the proper precautions to ensure that we weren't followed by any agents."
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Aloy groaned as she forced herself to stand at the sight of the dropship overhead, Causing some frost to chip away into little shards from her clawed prosthetic, Which she hadn't felt freezing during her brief wait today.

She recognized Loreena immediately as she turned around to see the ramp lowering, Smiling just a little beneath her helm.
Though she wondered if Loreena would recognize her, What with the new armor and all. Her previous skull-like visage and horns were long gone, Replaced with the more refined Nite owl pattern helm and it's toothy grin.

That new face she wore was revealed as she pulled her hood down, Giving the rebel leader a bow of her head.

<"Thank you. Though truth be told, I wasn't sure you'd come. Thought you might send agents of your own. The fact that your here in person means I can forgive a little waiting on my part"> She chuckles

<"Come, Sit by the fire. I've a pot of tea brewing if you like. Cassius leafs, Good for your health"> She gestures to the small fire and teapot, Moving to take a seat herself.
Beside the fire were two seats she'd made by placing large whale bones with just enough snow packed underneath to support a human. Beside those seats was a makeshift table just big enough for the small tray of wooden tea cups laid on it.

After taking a seat and scanning the pot's temperature with her HUD, She carefully removes her helm and pours two cups of tea, Her blue eyes flicking upward at Loreena, Peering from behind the rim of her cup as she sipped the warm drink for a moment.

"Mm. Since you've been careful, I can afford to relax a little and engage in formalities. Name's Aloy, Of clan Vizsla. And you are Australis' rebel friend from what I remember. House Arenias correct? I met another once before. The Lady Kay actually, And over a cup of this very tea.
Ironic huh?"
Lori gave Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla a small nod. "I don't often send others in my stead, particularly in the manner of which your message was sent. I figure that it'd be rude to send someone else, wouldn't it?"

She took her seat on the other makeshift chair, using her cloak to help keep her bottom warm and dry. The fire was nice. As Aloy removed her helmet, Lori pulled back her hood, glancing to the tea as she picked up the cup. Tea was more her Mom's thing, but she took to indulging in it every once in a while, especially during those moments when she focused on the past and how things used to be.

Lori took a careful sip, listening to Aloy as she spoke. It was difficult to hide the pain and sorrow in her eyes, but she did her best with a small little smile and hopefully her words would hide it all too. "She was my Mom, and it wouldn't surprise me that you met her over tea. She loved tea very much. And yes, Kaine was my cousin, as was Yasha and Reyn and all the rest. Our ties to the Mandalorians used to be very strong. But that left with their deaths." She had another sip of her tea, allowing it to warm her up as she changed the subject a little. "I've turned my focus to fighting the Eternal Empire, as you well know. I think that perhaps I do more for House Arenais that way, forging my own path and getting out from underneath all of their shadows."
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Aloy merely nods to Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun , Listening closely while musing over the rebel's reaction. There was something a little off, And Aloy soon realized that it may have been one of the names she brought up. She knew that Clan Australis had been wiped out on Myrkr while the rest of the mandalorians were fighting for the homeland. That clan had sacrificed everything on the hope that they'd buy time for Mand'alor the Reclaimer to take back mandalore. She had been there herself, Fighting in the streets of sundari, And she'd never forget to whom she owed victory that day.

"Mm. Pardon that, I sometimes forget just how many of us have our names carved into murals these days... ∗sigh∗ "

"You mentioned forging your own path, In the light out of their shadows. Truth be told... That's why I'm here.
I've returned to my own house with a level of influence, And I reckon that our goals align"

She takes another sip of her tea while crossing her one
prosthetic leg over the other "Your Eternal Empire buddies took this leg from me the last time we met. My fiance and I are itching to pay 'em back, And in doing so, My men and I have a chance at hurting the Sith Empire's wallet, Seeing as the eternals are corporate backers and all."

"So way I see it, We've a common enemy. I want to join you rebels and pledge my clans to the cause. Be they trainers or fighters, we're more than willing to feth up imperials for you.
But... We're also in this to raid their chit. Piracy, Asset denial, Whatever you wanna call it. We keep what we kill for and use it to build our home back in confederate space"

Maybe being blunt about her intentions there wasn't the best idea, But Aloy always considered herself honest to a fault. She wasn't sure whether the rebel leader would take her for a murderous brigand or simply a robin hood time type after this, But she'd know soon enough.

"If we're on the same page, Than we're at your service for the time being. There ain't too many of us, But we're a growing house. And fast too"
Too many names carved on murals. Too much pain. Too much sorrow.

As for influencial, Lori knew herself to be the least influential out of her entire family. Even the dead hold more than she does. She is the goofball and more often than not she needed to be bailed out of trouble by her twin brother. It was embarrassing at times.

As Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla mentioned her fake leg, it was only then that Lori even noticed it. She didn't make a habit of pouring over every detail of a person's body. She didn't like to be intrusive. Life has taught her not to be as inquisitive as she used to be in her youth, when she'd ask a huge amount of questions on pretty much everything.

Maybe that was a part of growing up.

"The Eternal Empire had a chance to turn their backs on the Sith. They had even attacked them. But all that went away once Tacitus was killed." It was a death that she publically took the blame for, announcing it on the holonet as part of a deal intended to be struck between herself and the NIO. But right now she was uncertain of whether or not such a deal was ever sanctioned. She had to assume that it wasn't. So it was very doubtful that she'd find sanctuary in their space if the need arose.

Lori sipped her tea, pondering on her words for a moment before nodding her head. "I think that you and your House would make a fine addition to the Rebellion, for whatever length of time you deem necessary. We all raid what we can get to resupply ourselves and to help out refugees fleeing from their rule. You're welcome to take what you need too.

Our numbers are small. Most of what we do barely makes a dent in the overall scheme of things. But I like to think that we slow them down and disrupt their otherwise smooth machine."
sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ
"Hm... Refugees you says?" She pondered on Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun 's words. The only civilians from mandalore had been wiped out by sith nearly a decade ago, And Aloy had all but forgotten the word refugee by now.

"Forgive me, I hadn't even considered them. The only mandalorians left are all warriors. I don't think my people have dealt with refugees since..."
"I'll do what I can of course. Transport, Defence, Whatever needs doing. I used to run mandalore's QRF, Defending the outlying worlds from Death Watch. So, I kind of know what to do?"

Her cybernetic talons clicked together as they clenched at the thought. Aloy may have been a bounty hunter, And one of questionable life choices before all this, But even then she wanted to help "the little people". The thought of what these imperials must be doing to them, It made her sick.

"Well... I guess that's it than? I'll need to know where I'm sending my men of course, But we'll be flying your colors in no time. Eventually we may even have hardware to bring you and not just manpower. All you gotta do is say the word and I'll be on scene, Ready to kick imperial sheb" She half chuckles while holding out her hand to shake

"By my honor as Alor, House Vizsla of Roon swears to fight for the rebellion."
Lori was well aware of what the Mandalorians were like as a people. But she knew some that helped her with refugees before, especially after the Sith attack on Commenor. There were many that helped her then. And her parents.....

She stared at her tea for a moment, tears starting to well in her eyes and she held her breath, wishing that she had gone through the trials to allow her to gain her own helm so that she could hide behind it during those little moments when her emotions would get the better of her. But all those that were to put her on those trials were dead. And she didn't feel right at just having one without earning it. She was still not an adult when it came to Mandalorian culture and she probably never would be. But that was alright. She didn't belong there anymore. She didn't belong anywhere.

Well except for maybe the Rebellion.

Lori took hold of Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla 's hand and gave it a firm shake. "And on my honour as an Arenais, you'll get full choice as to what missions your Clan will risk your lives in during this fight. It might not just include the Eternal Empire, but others as well. Kaine Australis left me MandalArms, so if there's anything there that you could use, please let me know, and I'll give you a proper discount."
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Aloy appreciated the firm shake from Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and returned in kind with satisfied smile on her face. Right up till she made eye contact that is. Without the visor between her and Loreena, She thought she saw a tear welling up in the rebel's eye.

Maybe it was the cold, Or maybe this was leftover from earlier when she brought up Australis and other members of House Arenais.
Perhaps Aloy had forgotten what it was like to be linked to a lineage she'd been disconnected from since joining House Vizsla. In all this time, No one had brought up her birth clan or the atrocities visited upon them. Aloy had gotten used to them being forgotten ever since she took on this new name, And it appeared that she'd forgotten what it did, To bring up names that no longer have faces.

She slowly let's go of Loreena's hand, Retreating back into herself with regret at clearly disturbing the rebel with ghosts of the past.
Hearing the offer that came afterwards however, Did more than enough to brighten her mood.

"MandalArms, And free guns... You sure know to treat a woman" She chuckles fiendishly
"The rebellion must be better armed than I thought. Good. I'll get a life-day list going, All paid for in imperial credits yeah?"

Saying that immediately reminder her that Loreena had mentioned 'others as well', Stopping the mandalorian dead in her tracks as she stood up to fetch her equipment, Having to slowly turn back around to face the rebel leader.

"Mm~ But I'm wrong, Not just Imperial credits by the sound of things... Now you got me curious; Who else is on your chit list?"
"The Rebellion isn't fully stocked by MandalArms, for they have other sources as well. Keeping weapons, ships and financing to just one source wouldn't be wise, in case that source is compromised. And with the Eternal Empire's spies and agents numbering many, we've gotta keep ahead of the game."

Lori had another sip of her tea, which was now starting to get colder by the minute. It was a good tea though. It made her feel warm and good throughout.

She could see that she had piqued Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla 's interest even more. "There is more evil to this universe than the Imperials. And more Imperials out there than just the Eternal Empire. We're keeping an eye on them. And I've been getting requests to look into individuals...I hope to assemble some teams for that outside of the Rebels, so as not to spread ourselves too thin. But we'll see. I'm still thinking it over in how it's going to work." There was always planning to do as things always tended to change. At least she was adaptable.
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"Hm. Not bad," She nods along before turning into her tent to fetch her gear "Though for the moment, My vode and I will be focused on the imperials. Specifically imperials associated with Sith. But, I might look into these teams in between raiding their shipments"
If Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun looked into these individuals herself, That may be Aloy's opportunity to get to know her better and decide how long their cooperation would last. That was an opportunity she didn't get much, Which indeed piqued her interest.

Aloy returns a moment later, Buckling her gun belt and adjusting the signature red scarf usually wrapped tight around her neck.

"I reckon that's everything, Far as establishing us joining the rebellion anyway. I guess all that's left is to figure out where we're headed first, And how we keep in contact with you lot. You said the empire's spies are many, So I assume your coverts are well hidden. It'd be best if we knew where to layover once we join you"
"That's fine by me. It's always up to you in regards to what battles or missions you'd like your Clan to take part in. The more diversity that we have on any given mission, the better to keep the Imperials on their toes. I don't like the Sith anymore than you do. My husband Curtis Learchin Curtis Learchin was a part of them once, yet he was already on the run before we had even met.." Lori finished her tea and set the cup aside. "As always we hit Imperial and military targets. We try to avoid collateral damage. And don't believe their propaganda about me; I don't slaughter innocents. That's not who I am or what the Rebels stand for."

Lori got to her feet, pondering on just where to send Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla and her people first. Right now there was an advantage in the hopes that the Eternal Empire had not yet learned of what Lori was up to. "We have no single base of operations. There are many as they can be compromised. Given that you're at an advantage and aren't as monitored as I am, feel free to head into Eternal Empire space and look for what they are up to. You have my commlink channel, so you can report directly to me, alright?"
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You have my commlink channel, so you can report directly to me, alright?"
Those words reminded her an awful lot of her arrangement with Mand'alor the Reclaimer... She was a weapon back then, And regarded as little more by that man. Head of his secret police and martyrs to throw at Death Watch.

Reporting directly to the leader of a movement had it's pros of course, Such as the aura of authority it gave off. But sometimes she wondered, Would she simply be another servant? Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun seemed genuine enough in her statements, And certainly more protective of her own people, Unlike her previous master. But was she really?

Time would tell, If only it were spent with this woman.

"I see. This should give me freedom of movement away from the bureaucracy of a war council"

"I think that's all me and my people need. You see, I too once kept company with a rogue darksider... And through him, I've learned how these imperial types operate. In addition, My people are all veterans of the war for mandalore... Insurgents, Who lived in coverts and safehouses behind enemy lines and survived that way for years. Needless to say, We can hold our own and you won't even have to keep track."

"Hell, We might even benefit you~"
She laughs, Pressing some button on her gauntlet that beeped subtly, Causing a less subtle rumble as something began to rise beneath the snow behind her tent.

It wasn't long before the cockpit and wings of the
Sabre-1 cut through the snow, Drawing Aloy closer to her prized vessel.

"I should get back and give them the good news... But, I expect we'll be seeing eachother again soon"

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