Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Exsibilation | The Sovereignty Invasion of Galactic Empire held Zenith Prime Hex

Savoh Muska

Location: In the jungle by Fort Mason
Objective: Deal with the medical base
Allies: The Sovereignty
Enemy: Galactic Empire


Moving through the jungle, the cyborg Ubese look around, the moist environment being something he's not used to. He was more accustomed to dry lands. Mainly deserts and dry tundras. But instead he had to trudge through a jungle. Savoh didn't like jungles, they were wet, dense and mud gets everywhere. But his goal was pretty simple, deal with the medical base Fort Mason.

He seemed to be alone on this mission, and he wasn't sure how well armed the fort was. But given that there was an invasion going on right this moment. He'd been camped out in the jungle for quite a while. Waiting for the call to that let him know that things have begun. He made his way up to higher ground. Somewhere where the light rain wouldn't be too much of an issue.

Eventually he got to a point below a slope some, overlooking Fort Mason medical base. He'd get himself situated at the moment to do some quick reconnaissance. Setting up his DLT-19x targeting blaster, and putting up his bi-pod and checking out the fort below.


Citrus Dreams
Allies: [member="Varik Ice"], [member="Inyri Takan"]
Adversaries: The Galactic Empire
I had a feeling this would change nothing.
The Bounty Hunter was a reputable man, carving a name for himself that would forever stain this galaxy with the blood of those who had fallen. Whether a simple Bounty Hunter, he would go down in legends. Perhaps as a Mandalorian, a truly fearsome warrior. There wasn't much else to remember him by, but he didn't mind that. You are who you are, and Koda Fett knew exactly who he was. He was cruel and violent, but above all else he was efficient. The last fact being the only thing any employer looked for in a prospective hunter, and with a reputation so widely known, it wasn't hard to find him despite how enigmatic he truly was.

A simple nod in response to Ice's words was made, the usual act, really. Once aboard the transports they were met with heavy fire, the same one that would tear enough shuttles from the skies as a metallic inferno. The Mandalorian stared through the cockpit in silence, a flurry of bright streaks cast itself over the view-port until the very thing rocked violently whilst one of the engines flamed and fizzled out. Were they going to make it? Fett wouldn't stick around on chance. His metallic boots made their way towards the back of the shuttle, lowering the door himself as he stumbled as the transport shook once more. With a leap flames began spitting out the back of his jetpack, suspending himself in the air as the very shuttle he was on collided with the side of the mountain. It was a short flight, but a dangerous one all the same.

Sector X-1 is where the Bounty Hunter took himself, landing with a thud that wasn't audible over the intensive combat that ensued. The Elite Sovereignty Troopers facing against the Infamous Storm Troopers of the Galactic Empire. It was a blood-bath, it was war. Something Koda found himself all too accustomed too. It was his purpose after all. Then it came back; Clawbird, the closer he drew near the more he was reminded. Intent on destroying what memory of them existed, he had hoped that would put an end to it. Though ask yourself, could you truly kill a memory with brute force alone? Unlikely.

Lord Admiral Zedd Harkor
Location: Hyperspace → Orbit of Zenith Prime
Team: Naval Engagement (Space)
An eye for an eye.

A steely gaze reached out from the transparisteel viewport in the bridge, of the SOVBATT-series Arbitrator-class Heavy Battlecruiser, to the far cosmos of the hyperspace lane that Task Group 111 and Task Group 112 travelled upon; the notoriously firm, unrelenting gaze of the Lord Admiral of the Sovereign Navy, Zedd Harkor, stared off, defiantly so in an inspiring way, as the rest of his bridge crew bustled around him, fervently determined to do their predesignated part in the incredibly high-stakes military operation that was the Sovereignty’s invasion of the Galactic Empire. They were inspired by his presence in the same way a child looks up to their parent. He was the quintessential soldier, the epitome. The man you wanted to be. He was the Sovereignty’s cult of personality.

With that, of course, came responsibility. A responsibility to protect his people. A responsibility to protect not just his union that he helped build and protect – but everyone else’s. Ice, Dramarth, Thumahra, Slarr. Anyone that was a stakeholder within the Sovereignty mattered. In complete discretion of course, Harkor was a ruthless individual – Machiavellian, even, with the way he weaponized his status within The Sovereignty to further his idealistic goals. But, now was the time to prove his worth. Today, was judgement day; to test his integral mettle, like that of a balance beam that tries to balance its weight. The weight of the world – the weight of Zenith Prime – rested on his shoulders.

“Lord Admiral, sir.”, interrupted an ensign, from Harkor’s brooding; “We’re receiving a transmission from High Sovereign Ice.”

Harkor turned left and downward to look at the Ensign; he spoke; “Accept the line. Put him on every free holo-transceiver in the Task Group.”

And, so the High Sovereign spoke.

At a personal level, Harkor didn’t mind the theatrics for the speech. However, he knew well that the speech wasn’t exactly for his consumption; it instead was his job to be the confidence, rather than distributing. Harkor had a different methodology in mind for bolstering the strength of his task force, and it came through empowering his members, and recognizing their aptitude. When Harkor didn’t follow through with another speech after High Sovereign Ice’s, it was no surprise to anyone that was on board the bridge, and no one piped up a complaint. He stood there. Stoic. Unflinching. Instead, he spoke only but a sentence;

“He didn't tell you anything you didn't already know; give them hell."

The words, as they reverberated throughout the bridge, struck nigh everyone with the surging, internal obligation to promptly respond; “Yes, sir.”, in a blunt, matter-of-fact tone of voice. He was firmly in control of his crew; he was the shepherd that herded not the sheep - but the undisputed lions of the Sovereignty: the Sovereign Navy.


Soon. Crew members bustled about, each, performing one last check-up, to ensure optimal performance aboard the vessel. The overarching Task Force, Task Force Zerek, not including Task Group 111 and Task Group 112, would encompass the entire theater. Attacking and occupying key strategic solar systems to fully support the Sovereignty's Invasion. He had also gotten into preemptive contact with a handful of naval commanders, placing them under contract for this particular operation. would Lest before long-


Task Group 111, in a flotilla of ships, exited hyperspace, one-by-one; their designated flagship, the SVN Impervium - a SOVBATT-Series Arbitrator-class Heavy Battlecruiser. Alongside the Impervium, several escort vessels also exited, flanked by several Obtruder-class Medium Cruisers, and an Adviser-class Carrier, parked at the rear. The Corresponding group, headed by Admiral Slarr, would be soon to follow, as the invasion of Zenith Prime, officially began.

Task Force Zerek:

Task Group 111:
Task Force & Task Group 111 Commander: Lord Admiral Zedd Harkor
Location: Zenith Prime
Arbitrator-class Heavy Battlecruiser
Adviser-Class Carrier
Obtruder-class Medium Cruiser
Obtruder-class Medium Cruiser
Obtruder-class Medium Cruiser
Obtruder-class Medium Cruiser
Bedlam-Class Assault Frigate

Task Group 112:
Task Group 112 Commander: Admiral Caine D. Slarr
Location: Hyperspace/Zenith Prime

Task Group 113:
Task Group 113 Commander: Vice Admiral NPC
Location: Sector/Away From Zenith Prime
Status: Providing Theatre Support

Task Group 114:
Task Group 114 Commander: Rear Admiral NPC
Location: Sector/Away From Zenith Prime
Status: Providing Theatre Support

Task Group 115:
Task Group 115 Commander: Commodore NPC
Location: Sector/Away From Zenith Prime
Status: Providing Theatre Support

Independent Naval Contractors:

Alexandera Feanor
Location: Variable

Alexzander Miles
Location: Variable

Tylane of Isobe
Location: Variable

- Exited Hyperspace


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Zenith Prime
Defense Battery - Outskirts
Mission: Kill Somethin', Get Paid Somethin'
Allies: [member="Corric Tassadar"], [member="Labkahip Mordulla"]
Enemies: [member="Sekhmet Sarang"], [member="Cynan Hague"],[member="Slaask"], [member="Cassus Stoma"], [member="Vash Rico"]

Nyx Verd was many things: a mercenary, an outcast, a criminal, a Dark Jedi, and probably held more titles than she could even think of at that moment. But one thing _no one_ could accuse her of being was patient. The woman was crouched next to a tree, lighting a cigarro currently slipped between her lips. The lighter flicked to life as she lit the narcotic, inhaling the smoke into her lungs.

If she knew her directions right, and she most definitely did not, they were somewhere around those guys in the big black armor. Reapers? Dead troopers? Probably something like that. Didn't matter to her, long as they could shoot straight. With her, the Street Rats spread out in the jungle. Of their sixty strong number, she had twenty with her. The other forty were holding the battery itself. If she was being hired to defend this planet, she was going to do it proper. She wasn't an amateur, after all.

Now that she had the cigarro, she puffed out the smoke, patting her side, where her revolvers were holstered. If somethin, went down, she was ready. She just needed a target to fill with holes.

Taa Nul

CEO of Kamigen Incorporated
Location: Inquisitorius HQ
Objective: Defense of Zenith Prime

As soon as the Inquisitorius had caught whiff of the oncoming Sovereignty assault, Lannis had gathered all on-world Inquisitors to protect their headquarters on Zenith Prime. It was an important strategic asset, one that contained sensitive Imperial data, as well as data important to Morcus himself that could not be allowed to fall into enemy hands. Lannis soon approached his son from behind, speaking in his usual calm tone of voice. "Patience, Esmond. We will both have our revenge on that traitor Varik soon enough. I can sense him.....he grows nearer and nearer. I will deal with him personally. I have a task for you, however. See to our defences and ensure this facility is not lost to the best of your ability. Should things go wrong, enact protocol fifty-seven and wipe all of our data files. I will not have the Sovereignty uncover Imperial secrets....or our own, for that matter.", Lannis said with a nod.

[member="Varik Ice"]
[member="Esmond Morcus"]
[member="Varik Ice"], [member="Koda Fett"]
[member="Cynthia Alucard"], [member="Esmond Morcus"], [member="Lannis Morcus"]
I can take a beating I'll rise again; burning through the jungle until the end...
She could feel the glare from the Mandalorian, and like someone had flicked a switch, the tapping stopped.

Instead crossing her arms to keep from starting the nervous habit again, her shoulders immediately squared upon spotting the Sovereign among the crowds. Admittedly, she hadn't had much interaction with the man who ran their entire government, and who held a position of honour within her order, and that led to a certain amount of decorum being afforded. Offering a polite smile to their leader, the small group of warriors behind Takan followed suit in standing at relative attention upon Varik's arrival. There were only ten Guardians if one didn't count Inyri, but each one had been specifically chosen by the Summit for this mission, knowing them to be the best among their order suited to infiltration. And, of course, elimination.

Present company included. The faith that the Summit had shown in her, she couldn't help but feel was vaguely misplaced. Her lightsaber skills were nowhere near that of some of the men and woman behind her and indeed even the Sovereign himself, and her strength in the Force was on some occasions tetchy, on others terribly outmatched by Jedi and Sith alike. But, she mused silently just as Varik began to speak, perhaps the powers that be have their plans, and who am I to doubt it all?

They listened with a practised patience as he laid out their objectives and strategy in all its detail, and Inyri glanced briefly to the Mandalorian as his part was mentioned. There was no emotion behind that gaze, simply a cool respect to his part in the plan, arguably as big as their own. And once their leader boarded the shuttle, the Guardians fell in line and followed into the carrier that would deliver them planet-side.

However, if the Force had all its plans, did it plan on Varik Ice intentionally smashing them into the artificial planet's backside?

Inyri had admittedly been distracted. To feel the encroaching darkness was something to behold, and she knew her fellow Guardians were sensing it too, and it made the already cold feeling of the dropship practically frosty -- How appropriate, considering who was leading them. Though, after she snapped out of the trance she had briefly entered, the next thing she heard was the Sovereign's unbreaking tone speaking one forboding word.

Oh, for the love of the Force.

There wasn't anything to say to the others with her. They'd already sensed what was coming, bracing for impact as their shuttle unceremoniously collided with the Inquisitorius HQ. There went surprise or any element of secrecy, and Inyri was thrown from the force of the impact to collide with a fellow warrior's shoulder. He managed to steady them both with the aid of the Force, his hand flying out to catch them both before they hit the ground with a net of supernatural energy. Regaining her balance, her eyes flicked over to search the rest of them, seemingly pleased to see the rest of the attache intact from the rough landing.

"Do you-- Think they know we're here?" Somehow an edge of lightheartedness slipped into her question as she asked nobody in particular, attempting to alleviate the grim mood.
Imperial Inquisitorus Headquarters
The Galactic Empire
Esmond was calmed by his father's presence, and did his best to sooth his anger. Esmond pushed it down, knowing he would need it later. [member="Lannis Morcus"] was right, he'd get his revenge soon enough, now was not the time for irrationality, only intelligent decisions. Esmond listened intently to his father, turning his focus form the veiw screens to Morcus. At the end, Esmond nodded, knowing he would need to keep his cool if they were ever to survive this attack. Esmond opened a directory on the holoscreen and pointed to the breaches in the complex,

"Father, it seems they have begun their attack in two areas, the hangar outside Sector X-1, and it seems they penetrated the exterior wall in the Upper Echelon. No doubt the traitor is going for our more senior staff."

Esmond began walking towards X-1, but turned to his father, "I will help handle the breach on Sector X-1, may the force be with you in facing the treacherous [member="Varik Ice"]." Esmond nodded towards [member="Lannis Morcus"], and set off running towards Sector X-1.

As he grew nearer, more and more joined him running through the halls of the Inquisitorus headquarters, stormtroopers, Inquisitors, guardsmen, enlistedmen, all armed to fight for the defense of the complex. The sounds of combat drew closer and closer, as the anticipation of the rushing soldiers grew as well. The group stumbled upon a great scene, Stormtroopers and Sovereignty soldiers duking it out on the hanger of Sector X-1. Although the Imperial forces were diluted with enlistedmen and Naval troopers, stormtroopers by far outnumbered them in their defense of the hangar. As Esmond stopped, the non force using soldiers moved ahead to attack the invading Sovereignty forces. He looked who stood with him, another Acolyte Inquisitor, two Inquisitors in training, and a Guardsmen, less perfected clones of Lannis Morcus, who was probably not much older than nine months, but physically aged nineteen years. It was far from the perfect team, but it was all they had. Most of the force wielding warriors within the complex had gone to protect the Upper Echelon, or other areas of importance to the Inquisition.
Esmond took a deep breath as to prepare for some speech, but he didn't. Instead he gazed into the eyes of the other warriors, each acknowledging what he had in mind. Morcus unclipped his lightsaber and turned towards the enemy. He noticed the unique member of the attacking force, a man donning Mandalorian armor in contrast to the Sovereign kit worn by the elite force that followed him. Esmond found his target. He raised his lightsaber, and ignited it, joined by the ignition of his fellow members' lightsabers. He sprinted towards the enemy, followed by his small posse, passing stormtroopers unconscious and fighting, dead and alive. As he neared, Esmond yelled, letting his anger take hold of him, and threw his first blow against [member="Koda Fett"].
Grand Commander Vestille Thumahra
1st Legion Group
Zenith Prime
851 ABY
Objective - Camp Verd :: Secure Camp & Imperial Recruits || Capture Enemy VIP
Post Two

How many Imperials have you killed today?

It was the one message that came from the dead void deep within the Grand Commander as he pushed his troops forward. A part of him that ceased to be toying with the man that took each step with pride and furious zeal. There was only one thing that crossed the mind of Vestille as he waded among the sea of moving troops; just how many would he kill? What would it take to get them to lay down their arms and surrender? With the Imperials? Not likely, being the indoctrinated but adequate force that they were. After all, they were cloned for war, it was all they knew with a few exceptions. Ice had specified directly that Imperial recruits were to be taken prisoner and brought back to Sovereignty space and whilst the reason or grand plan alluded him at the time, the methods left doubts in his mind. Varik might have been a High Inquisitor but the high positions didn't always seem to grasp the will of the grunts on the ground. The force and the doctrine surrounded it didn't cover infantry tactics and maneuvers and for the Empire, the mask that hid the one Death Trooper DT-2417 perhaps knew it better than anyone. It wouldn't surprise him that the Imperial recruits were given weapons and sent in as auxiliaries to bulk up the defense.

Blood had to be spilled before the message was made clear. Not everyone could be spared.

The fort was in sight and had been since they landed. The entire Legion Group set up their front-lines and dug in deep, setting up bases of fire and the fire support just behind that. First order of business? Disable the anti-personnel defenses that would mow down the troops as they charged. Doing so was simple enough, what with the anti-armor and anti-emplacements in position alongside and behind the wave of black and gold cloaks and armor that got caked up in dust and blaster fire from the defending forces. Despite the losses and men dropping left and right under the eyes of Camp Verd's defenses, the men pushed on, adamant to see their objective seen through to the bitter end. Perhaps that was the hidden talent of the Grand Commander, the ace up the sleeve. Whilst he wasn't as much of a talker as Ice or had the cult of personality like Harkor, the Grand Commander was a figure of respect, a man who had died and been reborn anew with a fire in his core that never roared as bright as it did now. Every man under his command knew that surrender was not an option, the enemy would show no mercy to them as they would to them. The First Legion wasn't known for its finesse nor its willingness to back down. Every man and women under the vision of the Grand Commander knew that when they were sent upon the battlefield, every moment could possibly be their last.

Would they go quietly? No. They'd take as many of the enemy as they could with them, kicking and screaming into death itself.

This zeal was what gave the men and the women of the Sovereignty the extra enthusiasm to fight, coupled with the flashy imagery of heroism and cementing their name in history when dying upon the battlefield. Was it true? Possibly, military service in itself was an honor within itself. What set the First Legion apart from the rest of the Sovereignty Armed Forces was their stubbornness and resolve. As the bolts from defenders and attackers found their mark, the zeroing was corrected and the fire missions set. With a firm fist into the air, the combined firepower of the mortars followed by the anti-armor weaponry began to fly at the walls of the fortress, striking defense towers and garrisoned areas like. The walls became aflame with golden streaks of fire, munitions clapping like thunder as they were detonated. The first hurdle was jumped and progress had been made. Now the hungry eyes of the First Legion fell upon the walls themselves. One way or another, they would find their way in.

The Imperial beast, however large, would be brought to heel. And then they would know fear.

[member="Theodosia Naphrite"]


Citrus Dreams
Allies: [member="Varik Ice"], [member="Inyri Takan"]
Adversaries: [member="Esmond Morcus"]
Have to see this through first.
The Bounty Hunter stood firmly amidst the battle that stood, prominently sticking out as the design and colouring his armour simply did not match. He moved with a certain grace, bobbing, weaving, ducking to avoid blaster fire that was too close. His whole life had been war, and it was safe to say that the Mandalorian had seen it all. His carbine discharged red streaks that soared through the air until colliding with the white Stormtroopers, his extreme precision making short work of what they could offer. Though in the end this was a numbers game.

The sight of a charging individual, perhaps two, caught his eye. They weren't Stormtroopers, they weren't apart of the Navy nor the Army. It must be an Inquisitor, it was the only answer he could come to, it was their headquarters after all. For a brief moment his carbine shifted to face Morcus as he began firing in his direction but upon him getting too close the jetpack was activated once again. Sending him upwards into the sky and avoiding the attack from the Inquisitor. Mobility was his true ally in this engagement. A parting gift was offered as the Hunter extended his wrist and fired a missile in Esmond's direction.
Camp Verd // Zenith Prime.
The Golden Company, Seventh Legion. Contractually bound to the Galactic Empire.
Objective: Defend Camp Verd.
Equipment: See Codex NPC Submission.
Complement: Forty Sun Guards, and Two Phaethon-Class Assault Transports.​
There was nothing but the glimmer of disappointment in the Mercenary’s eyes as he watched entire platoons of stormtroopers and army regulars muster atop the parade grounds for an unexpected, but formal inspection. While this would be the first time that the Golden Company had fought alongside this breed of Imperials, the Thyrsian found himself wondering how they managed to garner an ever-growing list of enemies. One of their foes had even come to their doorstep and announced their intentions for this world. They stated, quite clearly, that they would paint the planet of Zenith Prime with tyrant’s blood. That, in Khonsu’s book, was enough of a threat to warrant the marshalling order of every able-bodied soldier, ensuring that they were ready to face whatever would be thrown their way.

Instead, entire platoons of Stormtroopers were taken away from their posts, at a crucial juncture, to be inspected by some distant; uncaring figure.

A dozen crude and insulting comments had come to the forefront of his mind as the Thyrsian began making comparisons between the Galactic Empire, and their cousins in the Western Reaches. However, they were swiftly quelled by the droning tocsins that encompassed the entirety of the training facility, blanketing the procession in an eerie shroud of unease. Khonsu watched as the stunned Imperials were somewhat lethargic to react to their newfound predicament, unsure if the warning klaxons were apart of their inspection drill, or the real thing. It took every ounce of patience within the mercenary’s mind to silence his tongue. He wanted to start yelling, asking if these soldiers were deaf. Does it matter if this is a drill or not? The man would’ve screamed. Deploy the damned garrison! It was their duty to respond to everything, especially in a time where the Galaxy itself was ascribed to chaos and embattled by squabbling political bloc’s - thirsty for Galactic Dominance.

No matter, Khonsu thought to himself. His men would do what they were paid to do. Thus, as the second beat of the sirens had echoed across the military installation, the Golden Company had readied themselves for battle. After slamming home a freshly loaded cartridge of ferromagnetic quarrels, the Thyrsian Tribune slung the gauss rifle over his shoulder and allowed it to dangle freely. He needed his hands to be free, but be damned if these incoming hostiles caught him out in the open without a loaded weapon. With his movements made sluggish by the weight of his unpowered armour, the Sun Guard reached out onto the deployment deck of his gunship and gingerly latched onto the exterior of his golden, winged combat helm. Without a moment’s hesitation, the Mercenary completed his powered ensemble with a twist and a hiss of pressurized seals.

Crimson lenses flared to life, and so too did the reactive fibre bundles beneath the resplendent armour plating. Within seconds, the entirety of the Sun Guard’s forces deployed to the surface of Zenith Prime had activated their power armour and clutched their pseudo-bowcasters tightly in taloned gauntlets. They would do what they had been paid to do, and perhaps more, should the opportunity present itself. Khonsu smiled. Who knew? Maybe they might even be able to show these second-rate Stormtrooper clones how real soldiers fought. As the installation’s turbolaser batteries began to fire into the iron-hued sky, illuminating the veritable ocean of landing craft, the Golden Company made its move with all thoughts of military bravado left behind. They jogged past the scrambling defenders, who sought to swiftly take their stations as the overhead plasmatic cannonade began to intensify, ignoring the ensuing chaos and clamoured requests for intercept orders. Their minds began to harken back to the moment their compact with the Galactic Empire was made, and the details that were proffered should Camp Verd ever find itself assailed by a hostile force.

[SIZE=11pt]The anti-air emplacements and the towering turbolasers would be more than enough to deny and forcibly redirect any hostile landing force away from making a suicidal charge into the heart of the Barbican academy. That meant the armed forces of the Sovereignty, relative newcomers to this galactic game of thrones would be forced to assail this bastion on foot - no doubt an act that would be supported by a combined force of artillery and mobile armour. While Khonsu was the furthest thing from a great tactician, he knew that in order to stem the oncoming tide of boots on the ground, the Imperials needed to establish their dominance over the skies. They needed to cut off the wave of incoming soldiers from their orbital vessels and deny them any possibility of reinforcement. However, as the Sun Guard began to take their positions, and switched their comms channels to Empire’s frequency, there were no reports of active fighter squadrons skirting along the atmosphere. Then again, they were only given what information the Empire deemed necessary for them to know, as they were Mercenaries - and could easily be bought and divulge whatever secrets they had been given.[/SIZE]

This was far from ideal, the Tribune thought, as the first landers began to touch down outside the defensive perimeter. He secretly hoped that there was some grand strategy in play, that would see the orbital holds of the Sovereignty’s vessels emptied - and subsequently glassed as they sought to establish themselves atop the planet’s surface. At least then, should the Sun Guard live long enough to see the plan enacted, they would have the greatest seats that their nominal fee could buy. Clearing his mind of the myriad possibilities that the future held, Khonsu’s powered armour began acquiring target vectors - before being sorted by their various threat levels. From what he could see, as the soldiers burst forth from their deployment ramps, the enemy had come prepared. While he was unable to recognize the specifics of the gear they had adorned themselves in, there were enough familiar shapes for generalized assumptions to be made.

Without issuing an order, the fourty Sun Guards activated their mobility shields and shouldered their gauss rifles in ragged order. They would break this ocean of flesh and bone against the walls of Camp Verd, and earn a hefty bonus in the process. When the munitions from either side began to fly free, and the battle was joined, so too did the magnetically accelerated quarrels; sheathed in crackling emerald energy.

[SIZE=11pt]| [member="Theodosia Naphrite "]| [member="Vestille Thumahra"] |[/SIZE]​
[member="Inyri Takan"]
[member="Lannis Morcus"]

Varik had pulled himself up by now, but he took a look back towards his Guardians to see if they were the same. Moving back from the cockpit, almost all were fine - one or two had nagging injuries, but they'd be alright. If he hadn't made the pilot accelerate, they'd have spun to the ground and died in a blaze at the foot of the mountain, and he didn't need that end for such brave men and women. As he stood in the transport area, the Sovereign almost had to hold back a smirk at Takan's comment.

"I think so. Everyone move, the Imperials will be here soon." This facility would be filled with Inquisitors, with special forces candidates down in The Pit eventually being called up as well, no doubt. Turning back into the cockpit, Varik held his hand out, the force smashing open the viewport and sending glass flying into the tower. The surprised pilot glanced to him, Varik only giving him a passing look as he stepped out. He could either wait on them or leave. He wouldn't blame him for either way.

It looked just as he had left it. The place was immaculately clean, though what guards had been standing near their position lay dead on the floor from the impact. As his boots clacked on a sheeningly clean floor for the second time today, he pondered how much of it was the same. Not just this base, but the Empire. Had anything changed while he was away. He didn't think so. The Empire had an efficient and effective model, and in the eyes of their Moff Council, that wouldn't need to be changed.

As his Guardians grouped up near him, he felt something else familiar. A presence. He closed his eyes for a moment before they shot open, feeling that powerful darkness not far from where they stood. "Takan." He turned towards the more senior Guardian and Summitor, shoving a datastick in her hand. "These are old Imperial passcodes. They will have been changed, but one of you must have a descrambler. Use those codes as reference and you should be able to get through those doors much faster. Move to the higher levels, reach the base's controls. You may be able to shut down the shield from there."

Varik turned back, feeling through the force at that presence again - this time, he made himself more obvious. He beckoned it, called for it to come. Almost like a taunt. He felt him now. Morcus. Opening his eyes again, he spoke in an affirmative tone. "I have something to handle here." He stared towards where the staircase waited, noting that he was in quite a large room, devoid of much seperators - there was the hole the dropship had made, but that led to a mountain. Perhaps that would end up being his only option.
Allies: Galactic Empire [member="Vilhelm Balfour"]​
Enemies: The Sovereignty [member="Varik Ice"]​
Location: The Skies​
Actions: Removing Sovereign Air Supperiority​

"Target the Bombers, our TIE-LN will handle the fighters, Pixies," Pixie Leader ordered, they all understood their mission. They were Interceptor Pilots, so their mission; to intercept and destroy. The screams of their craft would alert their enemy before their own sensors would no doubt, none of Pixie Squadron cared as they wanted their opponents to know and fear that screech. That sound signified the Empire's best pilots and the enemy's quick demise.

Pixie Two, Cyn, with Pixie Three as her wing-mate maneuvered as pairs and their targets were Sovereign Bombers. Pixie Leader had no intentions of allowing his squadron use their limited warheads on these targets, thus in pairs combined firepower would be enough. This allowed them to pick off six bombers at once but allowed distance between themselves if any Pixie needed reinforcement or aid from another pair of Pixies.

Cyn locked on the Sovereign Bomber, the Targeting Computer made it vastly easier. This gave Cyn less things to worry about when Pixie Squadron enters into more dangerous situations. Cyn fired, the beams of lasers streaked forward and smashed into the bomber's shield as another stream of laser fire from Pixie Three added to the barrage. Cyn knew their craft was faster and more maneuverable, it gave both Cyn and Pixie Three extra time to press their attack.

Their target's shield couldn't hold anymore and Cyn finished her attack with a last burst before both TIE pilots pulled away from their attack run. "Target is down, Confirmed" Cyn called out to her wing-mate Pixie Three. Cyn gave the bomber crew's credit, they put out the fires but they lost control and plummeted toward's the ground.

"This is Pixie Leader, confirmed six bandit kills, form up and hit them again," Pixie Leader ordered over the comms.

Cyn only smiled as she thrust her TIE Interceptor forward before quickly pulling up and performed a tight loop, her wing-mate Pixie Three followed suite. Both throttled forward, the Sovereign Bombers no doubt called for fighter support but Cyn already painted her next target on her tracking computer. Along with Pixie Three, both Interceptor Pilots pressed their attack hard and the Bomber crew could not stop the fires and their second kill broke apart. All Pixie Pilots slowly began to form up once more, to give Pixie Leader time to choose another target.

"Break apart! Fighters approaching, all Pixies engage and destroy with extreme prejudice!" Pixie Leader ordered, all Pixie Pilots acknowledged and broke off into pairs once more to challenge their new targets and eliminate them all.

Cyn had no issues with dealing with enemy fighter-craft, after all the TIE Interceptor possessed excellent maneuverability and combined with good team work it would prove to be more than a match for the Sovereign Fighter pilots. Pixie Three now acted as Cyn's wing-mate, and Cyn as the Wing Leader. Regardless how confident their opponent must feel when they attack a TIE, with little in the way for defenses, the real danger came in the Pilot's skill to outsmart their opponent.

Though not in space, Cyn felt much at ease fighting in the planet's atmosphere, it gave each pilot a new element to deal; air resistance. Which Cyn was no stranger towards, attending to several Flight Academies before finally entering into the cockpit of a TIE fighter, she vastly enjoyed fighting in a planet's atmosphere than out in the emptiness of space. Thus Cyn felt sure of herself and of her ability to not only survive but to thrive in a Nexu fight.

"Pixie Three, remember our combat maneuvers and most importantly follow my lead." Cyn voiced, switching to a private channel with her Wing-Mate.

"Pixie Two, I confirm and I also confirm that you're buying me drinks after," Pixie Three responded.

"Pixie Three, keep me alive and I'll buy you drinks for the rest of the week," Cyn responded, a short laugh escaped both Pixie's lips.

"I'm holding you to that Pixie Two, these Comms are after all recorded, now let's show them how defenseless they we feel when engaging us Pixie Two," Pixie Three added, the evident banter between themselves assured Cyn that Pixie Three was more than ready for this fight.

Let's eliminate these Sovereign Pilots and claim back our skies and stars.
Camp Verd
The Galactic Empire
All around her stormtroopers were running to positions, carried wounded, and holding down parts of the fortification. Theodosia rushed down the halls, hoping to avoid the war that was slowly enveloping around her. Fear ran through her veins as she did her best to get away as far as possible. But there was no where to go, all the ships had been placed on lockdown due to possible Sovereignty anti-air weaponry, the camp was far from any other Imperial fortification, and the Sovereignty army was getting closer and closer to breaching. A stormtrooper stopped her and gave her his weapon, n doubt because her rank, but she'd hardly know what to do with it. It had been well over two years since she had carried one, when she had been stranded on Bakura. A bad memory to say the least. As Theodosia exited one of the buildings she felt her fear disappear for a moment, and awe took its place.

The battle was so grand. As Sovereignty soldiers were knocking out the larger defenses, stormtroopers rushed to defend the areas where Sovereignty soldiers attempted to breach. But it would be lying to say the Imperial garrison wasn't outnumbered, there must have been an entire army out side the base's perimeter. Although the laser turrets had done damage, the Sovereignty had make quick work of them. Now all that lasted of Imperial heavy equipment, were a few AT-STs and a couple hovertanks, in a severe disadvantage due to their hindered mobility. This was really a fight for the infantry, and fight they did. Stormtroopers fought to their last breath on the walls, buying time for trapped recruits. Who knew how long the garrison would last, but they wouldn't give in without a fight, and perhaps without giving their life. It was a grand battle, indeed.

Aeth Deschart

Location: Hyperspace -> Zenith Prime
Allies: [member="Zedd Harkor"], The Sovereignty
Enemies: The Galactic Empire
Objective: Space Superiority


It was a simple thing and one she had studied for so long that she knew despite it's simplicity it was overtly complicated. It was simple in that to win a war, one must inflict a higher level of casualties upon the enemy than they inflict upon you. It was complicated in that to do this required certain tactics that must be ever evolving to counter the tactics of ones enemy. In the case of the current battle, the enemy was being attacked by an ally, and the Republic had offered to help. Based on timing, they should have naval superiority.

Should didn't always mean did. Their intelligence could have been inaccurate about the current state of naval awareness at Zenith Prime. Or fleets could be on rotation with a new one set to arrive during the battle. A myriad of probabilities were possible, and so she had to enter into the situation as if she knew nothing about what they would find aside from the friendly forces. That was the smartest method of approach to the current situation.

As she stood bear her command seat on the RNV Reparate Hope, which was proudly flying the IFF of the Republic, she was made aware that there was a minute until reversion to real space at the target world. Zenith Prime. Until recently she'd never even heard of it. She didn't know as much from her research as she would like, but she did know it was local to the Empire, and the Empire was a disease upon the Galaxy. Whether they were fanatically loyal or not she couldn't say, but she was certain they would find out at some point.

"All hands to battle stations," she ordered.

The captain sounded the alarm throughout the ship and the could innediately sense the air in the room change to one of readiness. This was not their first battle and nobody on the bridge was new. They were calm and collected. Imperials were nothing new to them, even if these were far better organized than the last ones they had faced. She was confident in the abilities of her crew to handle whatever situation was thrown their way.

When the fleet reverted, she quickly surveyed the space around them. Not to distant was the fleet of the Sovereignty. There didn't seem to be much naval fire going at the moment, so checked that both the Dawn Breaker and Havoc's Hammer were in position forward and slightly above the flagship before she turned to the communications officer to begin giving orders.

"All ships shields up and weapons primed. Launch all fighters as patrol. All ships ahead half and prepare for engagement with the enemy."

Outside the ships launched their cadre of E90's, the Starfighters moving to patrol in squadrons around the fleet rather than as a forward fighter screen that could be blasted apart at a moment's notice by the long range guns of the enemy. The shields of the cruisers and Star Defender could handle that much better. The rest of the fleet progressed forward with the Billet-class to the flagships aft and the Frigate escorting it. The Corvettes remained to the sides of the flagship.

"Notify the Sovereignty Admiral of our arrival as well."

1. The fleet arrives.
2. Fighters are launched on patrol.
3. Shields are up and weapons systems are primed.
4. The fleet begins to move forward at half speed.

1st Fleet of the Republic
Flagship: RNV Reparate Hope
Hull: 100/100 | Shield: 100/100
2 Squadrons of E90 E-Wings

Cypress-class Hammerhead Cruiser: RNV Dawn Breaker
Hull: 100/100 | Shields: 100/100
1 Squadron of E90 E-Wings

Cypress-class Hammerhead Cruiser: RNV Havoc's Hammer
Hull: 100/100 | Shields: 100/100
1 Squadron of E90 E-Wings

Billet-class Cruiser: RNV Herald
Hull: 100/100 | Shields: 100/100
6 Squadrons of E90 E-Wings

Vencuyot-class Heavy Frigate: RNV Solace
Hull: 100/100 | Shields: 100/100

Repentence-class Corvette: RNV Staccato
Hull: 100/100 | Shields: 100/100

Repentence-class Corvette: RNV Rapscallion
Hull: 100/100 | Shields: 100/100
Imperial Inquisitorus
Defeat [member="Koda Fett"]
The Galactic Empire

Esmond swore silently as the Mandalorian expertly maneuvered away from his strike. HIs feet slid across hangar floor, skidding to a stop. Not a moment sooner did he realize the rocket heading his way. A High Inquisitor would have used the force to deflect, a fully fledged Inquisitor would have used the force to block the impact, but Esmond was an acolyte, and an acolyte jumped out of the way, the force aiding his leap, and somersaulted a few meters away. Esmond took a brief second to look around, and see why he wasn't being shot to hell by Sovereignty troops. It seemed his force wielding companions were keeping the elite soldiers busy, but they wouldn't last forever. Already one of the Inquisitor Acolytes in training had already fallen to their blasters, they were buying time for both Esmond and the stormtroopers, hopefully they could both reciprocate. Esmond glanced up at [member="Koda Fett"], trying to figure out how he could attack when Fett held the advantage. HIs figured it out, he had to neutralize the advantage.

Esmond closed his eyes and let his mind concentrate, although Esmond was no master of the force, he was certainly a bladesman. Esmond threw his lightsaber, rotating constantly, in boomerang fashion, using the force to aid its journey. His target was Fett, specifically the jetpack, but who knew if his lightsaber would reach its target. Esmond was doing all he could to keep the lightsaber on target, drawing every bit of the force he could to guide it towards his target. Esmond was tiring, it was only a matter of time before he collapsed from extensive use of the force.

Savoh Muska

Objective: Sabotage Medical Base
Location: Outside Fort Mason
Allies: SOV
Enemy: GE
DLT-19X Targeting Rifle

SE-14C Blaster Pistol

Thermal Detonators


As Savoh watched the medical base form afar, he took note of their defenses. Seeing storm troopers patrolling just outside its walls. His mic on his helmet picking up a faint conversation between two worried soldiers. "Hey, I bet we're gonna see quite a bit of new patients here real soon." One of them said.

"Yeah, poor guys, The Sovereignty I heard is really raising hell over at the other strong holds." The other one replied as a mild flash took the grey sky. Followed by a distant boom of thunder. It getting the two guards more on edge.

"Oh my.. I thought we were just about to get shelled."

"Same..." After that they continued about the base, heading out of sight. After getting a good idea of the defenses Savoh pondered what to do next in the light rain. He figured that it would be pretty crippling if he sabotaged the base. Destroying their medical equipment before the influx of wounded could arrive. Just as he was about to get up and move to a different spot he spotted something and quickly ducked. It was a slight shine over on another view point over looking the base. It was the reflection of a sniper's scope. Looking in with his own blaster, Savoh saw that it was a scout trooper on another vantage point. Fortunately they didn't see him, and the shine from the scope left as they looked around some more.

Just then he was about to take a shot, but remembered that that would give away his cover. Then the Ubese rested his sights on the lonely scout trooper, waiting. Then the sky lit up again and with it another boom of thunder, there, he took the shot. Using the cover of the thunder to mask his shot. Quickly the green bolt of light flashed out and hit the target knocking them back. He probably didn't kill them, given that storm trooper armor is good and spreading energy over a large area, but it was for sure that they wouldn't be getting up anytime soon. Another fortunate thing was that the green laser could blend in with the jungle foliage. It work out all too well. Then Savoh got up some, and moved in on the medical base.


Citrus Dreams
Allies: The Sovereignty
Adversaries: [member="Esmond Morcus"]
The sins of the father are the tragedy of the son. Fitting.
Many would assume that a Bounty Hunter was a self-trained killer that lacked any true finesse or grace, perhaps it was a plan and instead a series of impulsive actions that had no true procedure to follow. Although that wasn't the case when it came to the most infamous of all Bounty Hunters: Koda Fett. There was no entropy in disguise of practice, instead a refined process that had been tried and tested over many years. Once the threat is engaged you are cautious, and overly so - this grants one the ability to see what the opponent is capable of whilst luring them into a false sense of security, usually. Then once an assessment has been made you attempt to disarm them, especially if they're a Jedi, or Sith. It is then that one strives for the kill. If all else fails: improvise.

The jetpack that remained attached the back of the Mandalorian continued to emit flames, causing the hover as the brown eyes beneath the T-Shaped Visor stared towards Lannis Morcus' Clone. Though Koda hadn't known of his origins, truly. To say the Bounty Hunter hadn't known what was to come next as Esmond reared backwards with his lightsaber would be a blatant lie; Fett had fought many Jedi and Sith alike, they often had the same tricks. The Mandalorian activated a burst through mere eye-movements. Darting across to his right and out of the way of said Lightsaber - they say Beskar was Lightsaber-proof, but only at glancing blows.

His process wasn't complete but improvisation was always key. With Morcus unarmed Fett would move in. Red bolts departing from his blaster carbine as the fiery sound that emitted from the jetpack came closer and closer at a furious pace all for Esmond to see. Fett wasn't stopping either, it was a tackle of sorts he was heading for. An Inquisitor, Jedi, or Sith never disarmed themselves - or at least left themselves open to the opportunity. This was certainly something he would capitalize on.
"You have to follow your own path."
Objective: Engage enemy Fleet
Location: Zenith Prime, Space
​Allies: Galactic Empire
Enemies: Sovereign Dissidents , [member="Zedd Harkor"] . [member="Tylane of Isobe"]


[SIZE=11pt]“Sir, we are five minutes from arrival.” The Navigations Officer chimed in, causing an already agitated Krieg to nod his head at the woman. “Finally.” He spat out, his metallic tone stressed through his own aggressive demeanor. The flashing lights of Hyperspace were pulled from around the Imperial Fleet as they slid into real space, with Zenith prime in their sights. Krieg approached the viewport, his optics scanning over the scene before him. The Inquisitor had all but grown up on Zenith Prime, so for Sovereign scum to be sacking it, was more than he could take. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Sovereign Traitors.” He spat, before looking to one of the communications officers, who had called out to him. “Sir, do you wish to open communications with allied forces?” The question merely earned him more of Krieg’s frustration. “Our priority is battle, not communications. Now, someone tell me what the hell I am looking at.” He said, raising a hand towards the enemy fleet. One of the analysts spoke out to the Inquisitor. “Several drops ships are already departing towards the planet sir. We read two enemy fleets, one Sovereign and the other is showing Republic markings. By the looks of it the Republic fleet just arrived as well” The analyst explained. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Are they within range?” Krieg would ask, his arms crossing over his chest as he looked to the Republic Fleet. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“They will be in less than a minute, sir.” The Gunnery Officer called out, already priming the weapons systems to the ship. “Well, let us give them an Imperial welcome. Order our ships to take formation and prepare to fire.” He ordered, his soulless optics staring at the enemy fleets. [/SIZE]


Third Imperial Sector Patrol Fleet:

INV Iron Maiden - Flagship

INV Resilience - Imperial IV- Class Star Destroyer

INV Masterful - Imperial IV- Class Star Destroyer

INV Scourge - Imperial IV- Class Star Destroyer

INV Dragon - Auxillia- Class Long Range Star Destroyer

4x Dreadnaught Class - MK II Heavy Cruiser

10x Bulwark Class - Escort Frigates

Fleet Movement:
Fleet emerges from Hyperspace , arming weapons and raising shields. Takes up advancing formation against the Republic fleet .Escort frigates and cruisers take point while the Destroyers pull up the rear.
[member="Varik Ice"], [member="Koda Fett"], Various NPC Guardians (10)
Inquisitorius Garrison
(Additionally - [member="Cynthia Alucard"], [member="Esmond Morcus"], [member="Lannis Morcus"])
I can take a beating I'll rise again; burning through the jungle until the end...
Inyri's fingers closed around the datastick, giving Ice a firm nod to acknowledge his orders. She could sense the feelings rolling him off him, the challenge, and a brief twinge of auspicious respect passed through her. He had business to conclude here, as expected, and she couldn't begrudge him that. For a brief second, she locked eyes with him, greying brown meeting blue, and she let the corner of her mouth raise slightly before she spoke once more, "May the Force be with you, then, Sovereign. Good hunting."

With that, she looked back to the Guardians making their way out of the ship's wreckage, attention no longer on Varik. Now it was on those she was meant to lead through this foreign facility, the ten brave men and women dusting themselves off and checking their weapons, hardly missing a beat in preparing for their inner assault. How many of us will make it out?

"Gavin," Inyri addressed the Guardian who'd steadied her previously during their 'landing', tossing the datastick Varik had given her to him instead, "You'll find more use for this." The Human male caught it easily, holding it between his forefinger and thumb carefully, "Got it." He was one of the more technically-minded Guardians among them, focusing on more technological pursuits as opposed to spirtual. Nothing wrong with that, indeed, it was exceptionally handy now. Inyri's gaze focused back to the rest of her charges, the same half-hearted smirk on her face as she addressed them briefly, "Let's find a way out of here and to the upper levels. Anything gets in our way, we know what to do."

And with that, her lightsaber slid into her palm, and Inyri began to move towards the stairs. Her team would deviate from Varik, heading up the stairwell as opposed to... Wherever he was headed. Right now she couldn't spare a thought to focus on where their High Sovereign was going, for she had her own flock to shepherd through the Inquisitorious Headquarters.

Hopefully, to victory.
The Galactic Empire - Defense Battery
Allies: [member="Corric Tassadar"] , [member="Mark Hawkins"] , [member="DT-2319"] , [member="Labkahip Mordulla"]
Enemies: @Cyan Hague , [member="Slaask"] , [member="Cassus Stoma"] , [member="Vash Rico"] , [member="Sekhmet Sarang"]

​Creeping through the foliage, Isaac kept his head on a swivel, occasionally cycling through his helmet's various vision modes to ensure he didn't miss anything. So far, he'd seen nothing but local wildlife and the occasional look at his fellow Death Troopers as they led their own squads through the jungle. Reaching his team's designated rally point, the bank of a small creek, he signaled for a stop, taking a knee. Soon enough '43's voice lit up the comm channel, dispensing short and direct orders. Acknowledging his CO with a single ​click​ transmitted over the channel, he stood and gestured for the six men behind him to fan out, beginning a sweep of their sector of the jungle floor. Each of the men following Isaac had night-vision equipment affixed to their helmets, allowing easy navigation of the near-darkness of the jungle

​If there were any hostile forces in the area, it'd only be a matter of time before they were found by GORGON and it's hunters.

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