Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Andrea Kryze

Innocence and Killer Instinct
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- Name: Exatmisian.

- Designation: Sentient.

- Homeworld: Exatmisi. (

- Language: Galactic Standard.

- Average height of adults: 1.7 meters.

- Skin color: Fair.

- Hair color: Black and brown, sometimes red.

- Breathes: Type 1.

- Strengths:
- Endurance: They have very strong bones and bodies with impressive pain tolerance, healing rates, and stamina. How they can use their raw energy, whether in muscle or flexibility, is up to an individual.

- Nocturnal Vision: Due to their planet always being under rolling rain clouds, this species has developed night vision. They have vision equivalent of felines and hounds, thus they can be very successful in the dark.

- Healing: One of their sturdy physical traits include a faster healing rate, twice as fast as a human. However, the ability to heal wounds better comes at the expense of a shorter life span.

- Weaknesses:
- Shorter Life Spans: Sacrifices were made for such strong physical builds. Compared to humans, this race has a short lifespan. Usually, they live up from forty to sixty years.

- Technology: Only distant descendants of the humans who originally landed on their planet, this species only has late medieval- post industrial revolution era technologies. Even so, a large portion of their carved stone fortresses and castles have faded away. These people are nomads of little overall galactic knowledge.

- Endangered: This is a group of little under four hundred left in population count. This is a dying species on a now raging planet. Within the next five years even they could be gone.

- Distinctions: For the most part, these look like average human beings. The only distinctive features they carry are their nocturnal eyes.

- Average Lifespan: 40-60 years.

- Races: These are the only of their type. One, bloodbound race all on its own.

- Estimated Population: Four hundred alone, on their planet alone.

- Diet: They'll eat anything they can find that won't make them sick.

- Communication: They don't have any connection to the outside galaxy, even in communications. They speak Galactic Standard. They aren't quite sure there is other life out there, they'd be hostile if any ships landed on their planet.

- Culture: The descendants of a singular band of humans who touched down on their planet, these people quickly grew archaic and noble. Similar to medieval Europe, they ran governments of kings and queens, lords and ladies, dukes and duchesses. They lived in stone castles guarded by knights in shinning armor, who also went out and hunted for the citizens. They used to live in massive, stone fortresses, dug into the sides of the planet. They lived royally, having banquets and raising knights. They enjoyed the proper ways of combat and lore. It was a noble and lively life for all. Everyone lived in castles that served up to one hundred families, led by a singular "king." Religious beliefs varied. They valued honorable combat and loved family and friends. Against the elements, with the ways of war and blood they trained in, this species thrived.

However, after their entire planet was blasted with a pulsar beam from a nearby star, their planet has drastically changed, and they have too. Long gone are the days of honor and ritual. They have attempted to hold on to their archaic ways of knights, battle, and glory. However, now they are hunter gathers scraping off the devoid rock of their planet to survive the next day. No more are the kings and knights, they only wander around in tiny bands of people, mostly families. They have gathered their old armor and weapons, attempted to maintain their neatness. Now though, they are but crisp shells of who they formally were.

- Technology level: Late European Medieval. Their swords and pikes could aid well against durasteel blades, and arrows can kill, but any attacking person with modern Star Wars technology could easily outdo them. Chop that classy steel sword apart with the average lightsaber, shoot a crossbow wielding archer out with a handy blaster due to better range alone.

- General behavior: Human behaviors, human emotions, and human hearts. They can be good, they can be evil. They have various wills and are willing to try new things, new cultures. They have emotions, good and bad, and they can react in various ways. They've never broken off from the human race outside of their physical adaptations.

- History:
It is unknown when or why a small band of humans landed and made home of this world. Maybe it was the rich metals found there. It was very quickly though that the group was trapped under the thick rain clouds of their home. Despite having difficulties at first though, they and their descendants thrived and adapted to the creatures they are today...

The groups of people moved into the massive mountains linking the land together. They quickly developed their own culture and customs, surviving under a strict code.

However, these days of yonder were doomed to end. In a very recent time slot, a star nearby the planet exploded, releasing a pulsar beam that completely ripped the planet's climate apart. The drastic changes in weather, climate patterns, and even landscape tore up the species, drastically killing not only them but all other forms of life off.

Nomadic groups were formed from the few that remained alive, desperately trying to survive. Moving day to day across endless sand dunes to find even a drop of water. Collisions of groups often ended in battle, death, and even cases of cannibalism. It was a grim and unpeaceful world they now lived in.

- Notable Player-Characters: N/A

- Intent: To make a rare species of people who are archaic and currently separated from most of the galaxy - however they would still tie into the Star Wars universe as their people's stories progress.
[member="Andrea Kryze"]

Hello. I'll be reviewing this submission for you.

First..I like to say I'm impressed by the Medieval aspect in the SW galaxy. Creative.

Now to business.

1. Culture: A lot of your description reads more like history than actually explaining their culture. What are their morals? What kind of beliefs are varied? What are their laws? Customs? Do they enjoy art or shun away from it? Go into more detail.

2. History. Strict code...describe what their code entails. Again you mentioned they created their own culture and customs. Tie that in with your description from 1.Culture. Nomadic long to they stay in one area/how often they move around. Do they follow their food sources. Do they have different "homes" they spend certain amount of time at. Pointe of Reference: Many Native American tribes were believed to be nomads. They followed their game depending on the seasons or needs of their tribe. Also, most tribes, such as the Lakota Sioux, had a winter haven and and summer haven.

3. Communication. "They have no connection to the outside galaxy". How would they view outsiders if discovered? Or do they believe they are the only ones in the galaxy? I ask cause you left it up to interpretation that they have had dealings with the outside world in the past or know of it.

4. Technology. How would it compare to the other technology in the SWU? If threaten with invasion, how would it aid them in defending themselves.
[member="Andrea Kryze"]

Hello, I'll be taking over on this one!

Can I ask what the status is on this submission? If you are going to continue with it can you please make the requested edits and tag me when you've done that. Otherwise the submission will be archived.


Name: Exatmisian

Designation: Sentient

Homeworld: Exatmisi

Language: Galactic Standard

Average height of adults: 1.7 meters

Skin color: Fair

- Hair color: Black and brown, sometimes red

Breathes: Type 1

+ Endurance: They have very strong bones and bodies with impressive pain tolerance, healing rates, and stamina. How they can use their raw energy, whether in muscle or flexibility, is up to an individual.

+ Nocturnal Vision: Due to their planet always being under rolling rain clouds, this species has developed night vision. They have vision equivalent of felines and hounds, thus they can be very successful in the dark.

+ Healing: One of their sturdy physical traits include a faster healing rate, twice as fast as a human. However, the ability to heal wounds better comes at the expense of a shorter life span.

- Shorter Life Spans: Sacrifices were made for such strong physical builds. Compared to humans, this race has a short lifespan. Usually, they live up from forty to sixty years.

- Technology: Only distant descendants of the humans who originally landed on their planet, this species only has late medieval- post industrial revolution era technologies. Even so, a large portion of their carved stone fortresses and castles have faded away. These people are nomads of little overall galactic knowledge.

- Endangered: This is a group of little under four hundred left in population count. This is a dying species on a now raging planet. Within the next five years even they could be gone.

Distinctions: For the most part, these look like average human beings. The only distinctive features they carry are their nocturnal eyes.

Average Lifespan: 40-60 years

Races: These are the only of their type. One, bloodbound race all on its own.

Estimated Population: Four hundred alone, on their planet alone.

Diet: They'll eat anything they can find that won't make them sick.

Communication: They don't have any connection to the outside galaxy, even in communications. They speak Galactic Standard, though in a different dialect that most may find strange. While they have no knowledge out outside worlds, they have suspicions. Scholars from before the wars often talked of other worlds, and would try to make contact, but not knowing how. If by any chance an outsider from another planet were to visit, an exatmisian would be very wary, and are prone to attack. However, most attacks would be in vain, as their technology and combat teachings are severely outdated compared to most of the galaxy.

Culture: The exatmisians in their current state are much like humans, in the fact that they are widespread in morals and beliefs. Some believe that it's their responsibility to ensure the survival of their species, and the old ways. Others simply have no other agenda than to make that harder on others. Each town has its own rule system, but a lot of it is much the same. Some are led by a singular person, as they hope to cling to the old ways. Others have no real leader, but instead are guided by their own moral code and the laws of the particular town. There are several groups and factions that each serve a certain purpose, though that purpose may be grey for some.

• Kingsmen: This group was founded on the firm belief that the old code of kings and nobles should return to exatmisa. They often go around in small groups, brandishing their steel swords and armor like the knights of old and telling of the days when peace reigned. They take no violent action against another unless they are attacked, and fight with bravery to the end. Nobody knows where they get the resources for their higher quality armor and weapons, and some say that there is still a kingdom running its course in secret.

• Dakers: The Dakers form an opposition to the Kingsmen, and more often than not pick fights with the would-be nobles. For the most part, they are seen as rag-tag groups with leather armor and iron swords, though they are also prone to weapons of opportunity. They believe that the old ways are lost, and that their species should live their own way, using the past as an example to keep moving forward. Not being as uniform in morals however, some terrorize the town locals, while others protect them. This sometimes causes fighting amongst themselves.

• Javiim: The Javiim is a bit of a strange faction, at least to the citizens of Exatmisa, clothed in mystery to all. They are formed from the best and brightest, and train themselves and others in the ways of magic. It started when a young man, Javik, realized he had the power to cast magic spells. Unknown to him, he was using the force. Now, the Javiim follow in his footsteps, training those who have potential and making them much more than they were. They are often feared by many, and admired by few for their skills.

• Varen: The Varen are a group of killers and thieves, and only seek to exert their authority by showing that they can take what they want, whenever they want. They do most of their business on the night side of the planet, and it's very rare that one will be seen in daylight. They often go about stealing whatever they can, and always carry small daggers in case they need to make a kill. They have no remorse for their murders, but don't take part in them very often, either. Only if backed into a corner will they resort to deadly tactics.

• Eridan: Silent rogues aligned to nobody, the Eridan are out to protect the common citizen, and to make sure crime stays down as much as possible. Though they don't answer to anyone, they have no qualms in helping either the Kingsmen or the Dakers if they see a tip in the balance. Their whole code is based on the balance of factions, and so rarely involve themselves in common matters. They aren't the easiest to trust, as they speak in riddles that tend to confuse others. The Eridan are the true nomads of the planet, and travel far and wide for any means of keeping the balance in check at all times. They often carry crossbows and thin swords built for speed.

Technology level: Late European Medieval. Their swords and pikes could aid well against durasteel blades, and arrows can kill, but any attacking person with modern Star Wars technology could easily outdo them. Chop that classy steel sword apart with the average lightsaber, shoot a crossbow wielding archer out with a handy blaster due to better range alone. With this in mind, it is very unlikely that the exatmisians would be able to out-fight an invasion force, as they would quickly fall due to their inferior technology.

General behavior: Human behaviors, human emotions, and human hearts. They can be good, they can be evil. They have various wills and are willing to try new things, new cultures. They have emotions, good and bad, and they can react in various ways. They've never broken off from the human race outside of their physical adaptations.

It is unknown when or why a small band of humans landed and made home of this world. Maybe it was the rich metals found there. It was very quickly though that the group was trapped under the thick rain clouds of their home. Despite having difficulties at first though, they and their descendants thrived and adapted to the creatures they are today...

The groups of people moved into the massive mountains linking the land together. Castles and towering structures were built to show their might over the earth. Cities and towns were eventually built around these structures, and the planet was divided into several provinces. Wanting to create a manageable society, the exatmisians appointed kings over each of the provinces. In turn, courts were established in the kingdoms, and knights were created to uphold peace and order. The exatmisians quickly developed their own culture and customs from this, surviving under a strict code of honor and nobility. A golden age had arisen, full of peace and prosperity. Kingdoms interacted with one another, none looking to take the others for granted.

However, these days of splendor were doomed to end violently. In a very recent time slot, a star nearby the planet exploded, releasing a pulsar beam that completely ripped the planet's climate apart. The drastic changes in weather, climate patterns, and even landscape tore up the species, drastically killing not only them but all other forms of life off. What remained of the survivors began to fight for resources. Kings engaged one another, sending their warriors out to fight in bloody battles. In the end, the exatmisians were only getting more and more endangered from all the bloodshed. Kingdoms crumbled, and the species turned from their own ways.

Nomadic groups were formed from the few that remained alive, desperately trying to survive the war and weather ravaged world. Some would travel endless hours or longer simply to find a scrap of food or a drop of water. Collisions of groups often ended in battle, death, and even some cases of cannibalism. It was a grim world they now lived in, filled with death at every corner.

Small towns have been established in the period since these dark times, and surprisingly enough, have flourished for some time. Nature has adapted to the new state of the planet, some having the ability to grow in constant sunlight, and others being able to grow in constant night. Depending on which side of the planet an exatmisan lives, they may be more adapted to day or night. Those that live on the night side see better in that area, while those accustomed to the day may find it harder, and vice versa. Though nobody from the golden age still lives, stories have been passed down by word of mouth. Most towns are located along the border between the night and day sides of the planet, and the border itself has been aptly named "The Spine" by its inhabitants. While the average town is quite small, the people that live now are quite different from their predecessors and try to be reasonable in most matters. However, this sit always the case, as some often look for fights and skirmishes. In some places, factions have arisen. Some seek the betterment of the planet and its inhabitants, while others seek the betterment of themselves.

Notable Player-Characters: N/A

Intent: To make a rare species of people who are archaic and currently separated from most of the galaxy - however they would still tie into the Star Wars universe as their people's stories progress.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Hal Terrano"]
[member="Gherron Vael"]

Nice submission. :)

There are only a couple of details that I would like to expand on:

+ Endurance: They have very strong bones and bodies with impressive pain tolerance, healing rates, and stamina. How they can use their raw energy, whether in muscle or flexibility, is up to an individual.
Just a little more is needed here, just to get a general idea of how impressive their endurance is. How much could they endure before giving out in comparison to say, a human?

- Technology: Only distant descendants of the humans who originally landed on their planet, this species only has late medieval- post industrial revolution era technologies. Even so, a large portion of their carved stone fortresses and castles have faded away. These people are nomads of little overall galactic knowledge.
How would the Exatmisians react to technology? Would they be frightened of it? Treat it like magic? Hail it as devilry and refuse to interact with it?
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