Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Event and Companies

Should major (tier IV +) companies lose tiers like the major factions lost territory?

Why tier IV +? Tier III is the highest a company can begin at creation similar to how a major faction starts with a small number of worlds. So Tier IV would be the starting point of expansion in company terms.
Ordo said:
Should major (tier IV +) companies lose tiers like the major factions lost territory?

Why tier IV +? Tier III is the highest a company can begin at creation similar to how a major faction starts with a small number of worlds. So Tier IV would be the starting point of expansion in company terms.

Since the Event is optional, I don't think this can transfer over for the companies. Some folk are not even participating in the event and are continuing on as if the event has no impact on them.

So no, it should not affect companies -- because while the map was changed to lose territory, the factions are still there.
Do we even know if Tier III and up companies still have all their contracts with other major factions to maintain that size, let alone be affect by the event.
Darth Kentarch said:
Do we even know if Tier III and up companies still have all their contracts with other major factions to maintain that size, let alone be affect by the event.

I believe this would be over-complicated to go through all the companies. No major factions have been disbanded as of yet, regardless, from the event.

Let roleplay be roleplay, I don't see any abuse that could come from letting companies remain the same.
Cira said:
Since the Event is optional, I don't think this can transfer over for the companies. Some folk are not even participating in the event and are continuing on as if the event has no impact on them.

So no, it should not affect companies -- because while the map was changed to lose territory, the factions are still there.
If major factions lost territory why would huge mega corps be unaffected? That seems off to me.
The event may be voluntary, but the map changes aren't. It's fair to say that companies will be messed up by the event, but it's whether that should be represented which is the question.

Personally, I think just leaving the companies as-is likely is best, however dropping a tier is certainly an option.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
The difference between Major Factions and Companies is that Major factions are grown my dozens of people. Most corporations are written, worked on, and driven by single individuals or a small group of 2-3 writers tops.

It's a very big difference in work and reward.

EDIT: That being said, it would be folly for the owner of a major corporation not to roleplay the effects of the event on their corporation. Titan Industries for instance will be losing many of its manufacturing facilities.
Ordo said:
If major factions lost territory why would huge mega corps be unaffected? That seems off to me.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Well, think about it this way. Let's look at the current tier regulations. Right now, how "big" a Major faction is on the map for sponsorship or contracts is not one of the conditions.

For example:
A major sponsorship or contract with the Shadow Empire holds equal weight with that of the Republic.​

So the tier advancement in itself isn't correlated to how widely Major Factions are spread; the only condition is that the sponsorship or contract is there to begin with.

This has been amended to be easier to advance by allowing contracts with tier 5 companies and above in lieu of a Major faction contract in some instances.

That being said, roleplaying things affecting is good storyline icly. But oocly, per the tier advancement requirements, they are still good.
Ordo said:
Tier III is the highest a company can begin at
No, this was knocked down to Tier II quite some time ago.

Ordo said:
If major factions lost territory why would huge mega corps be unaffected? That seems off to me.
There are thirteen major factions. There are three hundred and nine approved companies. I am not pruning eleven pages of threads to hunt down every poor sod with a Tier III that made the mistake of being a quasi-large corporation at the wrong time and then stripping them of their probably hard work.

Chris, as usual, already said it best and made a better point. Major factions can recover from this quickly because they (or at least, they're supposed to) have a member base large enough to enable them to churn out dominions and recover quickly. Companies are typically run by one person or a comparatively small group of people. In the grand scheme of things, it is easier for a major faction to gain a planet than it is for a company to gain a single tier.
Ordo said:
I think factions then would be justified in dissolving company contracts as a result of the event.

Oh they can if they so desire at anytime; but a company can still make a contract with another faction or a tier 5 + company by way of a thread to replace it.
I agree with @Cira. Frankly I believe maintaining the companies as is is best, though it will be realistic for their writers to roleplay out the fact that they'd be hit hard by the great collapse.

I certainly plan on doing that with Firemane. After all, it's CEO [member="Tegaea Alcori"] vanished into the netherworld, Siobhan is charging after her and plenty of senior personnel got lost. I'd imagine that logically it would lose many of its distant locations, even if they in the sub on paper, simply because by the time contact was restored these might have been overrun by hostile forces, looted or abandoned. Ergo it's doubtful that it would have the manufacturing capability and funds to pump out high-tech weaponry on a big scale for quite some time.

Never mind the chaos caused on Kaeshana. Got some fun plans to...shake things up. :p

Archangel has it a bit easier because it doesn't have to pay its employees! No trade unions for droids. Racist, I know!

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