Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Evaluating the situation

Ok everyone, with recent events in mind I feel we need to have a conversation on where the faction is heading. The Sith Empire doesn't intend to give us a rest from the last invasion and are pressing an assault in an attempt to crush us.

Our member base and activity has suffered from the invasion, which I see as expected since a lot of people do not care for them. That being said I'm not sure how we'd fare against the Sith Empire.

Because of this I am possibly stepping down as faction owner in place of someone a bit more sure of the situation, yet that is not set in stone so please bare with me.

The way I see it we have a few options.

1. Go minor to avoid a skirmish and work on solidifying ourselves as a Republic. This is not ideal to me because we would possibly have a rough time going back major, depending on how things go, and potentially lose all we've worked for.

2. Right the invasion and hope for the best. I think we'd lose based on a few separate things that I feel are obvious.

3. Just dissolve the Dominion entirely. We can just call it game boys, we had a good run if that's the case.

Of course I'm open to more suggestions but I feel as if were on a sinking ship. Anyway I need to hear back from the faction before I make a decision. But if we do continue on we have to come at this with a new fire. All of us, myself included, must push hard if we want to survive the Sith Empire's push against us.
To be honest, I'd like to see us stay major. I like how the Dominion has challenged the entire board. The Sith fight us so hard because they fear us. That's awesome to me.

So I say, let's take the fight to the Sith and let 'me know we aren't done yet.
[member="Miles Varden"] The main item they have to watch out for is the airspace. The enemy won't rest until they reclaim the Korriban hex as well as Dromund Kaas, which is the whole endgame objective this invasion would help advance to them (at least IC)...

While the Sith Empire has the numerical advantage here, they have numerous offensive weaknesses that we can exploit for story: their potential inability to cover all planets in the hex in space and their incompetence in ground combat will make them take a lot of story dings.

That said, we may also need to re-evaluate the situation after the invasion ends, if we fight it. At this stage, I'm undecided.
Looking at activity levels in Serenno, I don't think the Dominion currently has the player base to stand up to TSE. It's doubtful that it would even meet the minimum requirement for the hex invasion. It's just giving the Sith free territory and more momentum going forward with the invasion.

My suggestion is to take the Dominion minor and become a sub-faction of the SJO. ICily, it would work like a government in exile. Then together we take on TSE. During that time, the Dominion can work on rebranding itself as a Republic and shed its baggage, and reemerge as its own separate Major Faction later and reclaim all its lost territory.

To anyone that brings up mergers, I will repeat that the SJO is not interested.

[member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Miles Varden"]

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