Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Evacuation From Denon


[SIZE=14.6667px]Strife has come to the Galactic Republic.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=14.6667px]Forces loyal to Supreme Commander Suravi Teigra, the latest in a long line of questionable Republic leadership, have gathered and launched an offensive on Atrisia to bolster Sith forces.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=14.6667px]Citizens of the Republic, long hoping for a return to the Galactic Republic of old, gather to discuss a way forward as the Republic falls more into despotism.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]remnants of Suravi Loyalists do remain, however, and they are ever vigilant for people looking to betray their vaunted leader. The true citizens of the Galactic Republic, those who wish to return to being a beacon of light and justice, must be careful against being found out.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=14.6667px]In the Denon System, a band of Republic forces devoted to the ideal of returning to the Galactic Republic of old led by Jedi Knight Nicolas Thorne, prepare a secret, yet hasty departure with as many resources as possible. Suravi Loyalists close in, and it becomes a race against the clock to see if tyranny or freedom will win.[/SIZE]​


[SIZE=14.6667px]Welcome to the first faction thread of the Galactic Republic. Feel free to tell your story as you join the Galactic Republic. Nicolas and several others will be evacuating from Denon, but there are plenty of other former Republic worlds that will be joining the Republic in Exile. If you wish to tell a story from that end, please do. If you have any question, or wish to have someone run opposition to you, let me know and I will either find someone, or work it myself.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=14.6667px]Above all else, have fun.[/SIZE]​

[member="anastasia snow"]
[member="ayumi pallopides"]
[member="chek zun"]
[member="faith organa"]
[member="heron teradalch"]
[member="jamie pyne"]
[member="jasper varanin"]
[member="john ash"]
[member="jordun darko."]
[member="matthew calderon"]
[member="myles skyreaper"]
[member="nicolas thorne"]
[member="perpa morgowray"]
[member="sanya val swift"]
[member="valkren calderon"]
[member="william pike"]
Alexander had never been a supporter of Suravi's government, the farthest from it to be honest. But there was something on Denon he had become focused on.

It seemed that the Republic had split into factions and finally there was one that he could come to support, one that was not a pure disgrace of the name. Of course, Alexander could not decide on this group being worthy of support quite yet, and there was the issue that this Republic could simply be a repeat of the Suravi government, but that was yet to be seen.

He watched as people were evacuated off the planet, eyes moving from individual to individual. His hands were busy fumbling with the lightsaber he possessed, moving it between his hands and holding it tight as he waited for some loyalist to disrupt all of this. It had been a long while since he had used his lightsaber, having returned to Eshan after the last Republic became the shell of its former self, adopting the aid of criminals and degenerates. Those beings should have been kept in a cage and thrust down into the deepest darkest part of whatever prison they could find, but that was then, and this is now.

The largest question on his mind was who is this [member="Nicolas Thorne"] and what is his plan. He is attempting to bring the followers he can gather into exile with him, but what then? It made Alexander pause before standing, looking forward to meeting this Jedi who would fight for a republic like it had once been. It is odd to hear of the Jedi being the ones that would start this path of return, but not wholly unexpected.
Sergeant Valkren Calderon stood amongst his own team of Special forces operators, tagged as 'Saber Team,' along with a group of a dozen-or-so ex-Republic Tier-One operators. They all talked among themselves as Valkren watched over the flight deck of their location as the evacuation was being prepared. Valkren had been a long time supporter of Survai, and had even followed her into several combat operations with much success. However, at the news of her bolstering the Sith attacks, the Sergeant flocked to the Directorate with the hopes of getting support for the remnants of the Old Republic.

He got just that. Along with resources, their ship, The Atlas, was preparing to orbit the planet in hopes to assist the evacuation in anyway the leadership of the Republic saw fit. The young commando from Alderaan averted his gaze from the flight deck, to his group of operators. Usually they'd be in full suit, their Heavy Republic assault armor; however, to remain indiscreet they had left their armor behind, this time sporting much lighter versions of Republic armor. All of the warfighters brandishing their weapons as they mouthed off to each other, the usual manner of communication between fellow soldiers that had seen their fair share of combat.

Valkren's own five-man team, not including himself, was directly behind him while their NCO was observing the flight deck.

"You sure you're good with this, boss?" Michaels, his team's demolitions expert questioned him as Valkren met his team's gaze.

"Yeah..I mean, we can take care of this if you want to bail to the ship, mate." O'Connor, one of their two burley assault specialists in the team would state, resting a Z-6 Rotary cannon across his shoulders.

O'Riley, Watson, and Young, also all agreed with their concerns..In truth, Valkren had seen Survai as a kind of friend during his time with the previous establishment of the Galactic Republic. Yet, Sergeant Calderon could not let that cloud his morals.

He'd smile, placing a hand on Michaels' shoulder pad before looking over his team.

"You boys truly have gone soft on me, haven't you?"

They all went into a sudden uproar, laughing and pushing Valkren backwards, now seeing that emotionally, he was stable. After the fun was good and had, Calderon straightened his posture before turning back to flight deck. "Standby, Sabers."

He'd access his headset, which was the only thing on his head, opposed to his usual full-helmet and visor he'd be sporting in a combat situation. "[member="Nicolas Thorne"], Saber One. Currently on standby with elements of Directorate and Republic forces. We're yours' on this one, brother. Ready to pull any security you need or some heavy lifting if you need some real men."

He spoke this way to increase morale, ofcourse. In truth, all of his men probably had some form of doubt in the back of their mind. They might have been doing the right thing by their books, but Survai's loyalist forces were already much stronger than their own. The Sergeant would have to keep his fellow 'pipehitters' morale above a thin line of loyalty. There was no chance of these men turning against him, after following Valkren so far away from their old leadership, but that didn't mean they wouldn't drop their weapons and walk away if they thought all was lost.

War and the people fighting in them had changed since he had been a simple Marine rifleman, and neither had changed for the better

(Feel free to interact with my character and his men.)
Chek was still trying to build bridges as normal. After the events on Christophsis and the abomination that was, the Gossam had completely removed himself from the CIS. They were bad news and now he was trying to make amends. Recently one of those bridges he was trying to build was with the New Republic of all things. A small luxury Trade Federation transport landed upon the world of Denon. Modified for maximum comfort of Course. The Presidente stepped from the craft with his two B-1 droid pilots taking his side as bodyguards as he looked around tapping his cane slightly. Chek himself was overly dressed up for the occasion. He wouldn't let himself look all drab no matter the circumstance. It was a Gossam thing.

The thing was Chek didn't come alone. Floating down not long after him were a few transportation crafts to assist in the evacuation of the planet. Payed fully by the Commerce Guild of Course. "It seems like the entire galaxy is a mess at the moment," Chek said as he walked away from his craft his droids still escorting him. "What now sir?" One of the droids asked. "Now we meet up eith others of this new Republic I'm sure they could use help elsewhere," Chek spoke again continuing to walk his walking stick tapping against the ground. He looked up watching the transport craft land to help load up those evacuating.

Honestly, Chek knew it was in his best interest to get off the streets first he figured something was going to start soon. He pulled out a holopad from one of his many pockets, a she opened up a communication line with the New Republic forces, "Hello this is Chek Zun, Presidente of the Commerce Guild Transport ships have landed for the evacuation I am now heading to your location," He sent out the message as he continued to walk along almost casually to wherever the Republic forces may of been.

[member="Valkren Calderon"]
[member="Alexander Sannes"]
[member="Nicolas Thorne"]

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
An old Clone War era Venator-Class Star Destroyer exited hyperspace near the Atlas. The ship bared the markings of the pre-Galactic Empire Republic. It started closing its distance with Denon quickly. The was empty all except for one man. That man was Commander Firestorm, a Clone War ARC trooper with a talent of using the force. The ship came to a halt just outside the upper atmospher of Denon.
"We should have some help, local and abroad, in evacuating anyone from Denon that wants to come." Nicolas spoke softly into the communicator as he leaned against a wall on a street near the spaceport. Elements of the Republic armed forces, ones he knew were loyal to the ideal of the Republic rather than its current form, were helping to cover parts of the evacuation. The person on the other end of the line was an attache at the command bunker on Denon. She had the most dangerous job during this operation, she had to ensure that no known Suravi loyalists caught on to the evacuation as long as possible. Then she needed to get out without dying.

The fact that Suravi had taken a large portion of her followers and forces towards Atrisia. Already, word had reached him of some bad things going on there. Part of him, the part that was very much the Jedi Defender of the Galaxy, wanted to run right out and take part. Right now, though, he had a more important job. He had been part of the group that had initiated the formation of this splinter of the republic. That it had grown to the size it had, and had gained as many friends as it currently had, was frankly astounding to Nicolas.

"We have a few ships in orbit now, they look a bit unusual. One is an old Venerator, with very odd sensor readings." His agent replied. Then his comm unit beeped that someone was reaching out to him.

"Have Desh Flight to a quick run past the Venerator and get closer readings. We don't need any surprises." He then signed off with her and switched to the incoming call.

Valkren Calderon said:
"Nicolas Thorne, Saber One. Currently on standby with elements of Directorate and Republic forces. We're yours' on this one, brother. Ready to pull any security you need or some heavy lifting if you need some real men."

'Saber One...that's the call sign of the Directorate force that was coming.' He reminded himself as he listened to the message. He switched to a full open channel.

"Saber One, this is Thorne. Glad to have you aboard. Things are currently quiet down here, our cover isn't blown yet. I'm forwarding my location and the routes the evac is taking. If you'd be willing to deploy your operators along those routes to provide overwatch, it'd be much appreciated." He sent a data burst along the channel, showing his position as mid way along the route. His commlink beeped again, but he left the channel open to Saber One as he answered the next call.

Chek Zun said:
"Hello this is Chek Zun, Presidente of the Commerce Guild Transport ships have landed for the evacuation I am now heading to your location,"
"Presidente Zun, it is a pleasure. I have people coming into the north end of the spaceport. If you'd be willing to have your transports set down on the northern pads, just inform the flight control officers you are delivering supplies to Aleph Zulu. That will get you transferred to one of my people who will direct your Captains on what to do." He muted his side of that channel as well, and waited for a response on both of them.

Out of the corner of his eye, Nicolas saw someone watching him. It was a man, though that was as far as Nicolas could discern from this far away without actively looking at him. He hadn't called him out to any of his teams yet, as he didn't know if the man was hostile or not, and his men were over extended as it was.

The next post from me, or possibly one from John Ash will begin some opposition in the form of Suravi loyalists. Have Fun!

[member="anastasia snow"]
[member="ayumi pallopides"]
[member="chek zun"]
[member="faith organa"]
[member="heron teradalch"]
[member="jamie pyne"]
[member="jasper varanin"]
[member="john ash"]
[member="jordun darko."]
[member="matthew calderon"]
[member="myles skyreaper"]
[member="nicolas thorne"]
[member="perpa morgowray"]
[member="sanya val swift"]
[member="valkren calderon"]
[member="william pike"]
[member="Commander Firestorm"]
[member="Alexander Sannes"]
The Gossam Presidente listened as he received his response from this Nicolas Thorne. "Hmmm," He mumbled as he continued to walk at a brisk pace with his droid guard. He then opened up his private channel to transport pilots, "You all have new orders. Fly out to the North end of the Spaceport, there are more people that need evacuation there. Keep your communication channels open, a Flight Control Officer will direct you further from there. Chek Zun out."

Chek then switched channels to this Republic flight control officer as he spoke out a message, "This is Chek Zun, Presidente of the Commerce Guild, I have a few craft that will be flying to North docks to bring supplies to Aleph Zulu, they will arrive shortly and will be awaiting orders." The Old Gossam could feel something was brewing something unsavory. It always happened this way. This evacuation seemed to be going so smoothly, but Chek wasn't a dumb man he knew nothing was ever this smooth. He then switched back over sending another message to [member="Nicolas Thorne"] "Mr. Thorne, the crafts are on route to the North end of the spaceport, What are your coordinates so I may meet up with your forces?"

The two B-1s guarding him gave the occasional glance around keeping their blaster rifles planted against their chest looking around for any trouble.

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
The Venator-Class Star Destroyer started to descend into the atmosphere when it's com line opened up to allow communications between it and the surface. The coms remained quiet on the side of the ship. Commander Firestorm was waiting for someone to respond from planet-side first. The ship stopped descending in low orbit but. Firestorm contemplated his next move, since he had just entered the orbit of a planet in a Star Destroyer without giving a reason. He paced around the bridge, simultaneously making sure the ship's gun platforms were powered down to show the ship didn't mean any harm to the residents of the planet.

[member="Chek Zun"] [member="Nicolas Thorne"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Alexander Sannes"]
Alexander pushed off the ground and grabbed at the staff her carried with himself, walking near the people who were being evacuated and looking at the faces he passed. No one seemed too worried, which was a good thing considering how they could be reacting to the somewhat worrying prospect that this entire thing could turn into. Everything was still orderly and contained, and as he jumped up to another roof, he looked around to ensure nothing was getting out of hand elsewhere.

His hand planted the staff down, creating a place for him to lean against and look over while information was fed into his ear by the comlink he had there and the few household members who had joined him for this mission. It seemed that after everything that was happening, his family had grown more concerned with the fact of his heading out alone to do his job, so they decide for him as far as protection goes.

Letting his mind return to the situation, he looked towards the many ships descending and then towards the few prominent people he could see from where he stood. [member="Valkren Calderon"] was likely the easiest to find in this mass of individuals on the ground, though Alexander had not a clue of what was the man's name. This was the case for all those with the absence of Thorne who he only knew of because of the Jedi's working to get these people out of here.

Something struck him as odd as he looked around though, like a bad itch that you couldn't shake. It was probably nothing though.

[member="Commander Firestorm"] [member="Chek Zun"] [member="Nicolas Thorne"]
The situation was becoming way too dicey on Denon for Jedi Knight Cambria Zadira to keep a safe house there for the individuals flowing through to their freedom along the Great River. Most of these refugees that were under the Jedi Guardian's protection were slaves from the Core Worlds previously held by the One Sith longing to go home to their homeworlds in the Outer Rim such as Ryloth; where the Rutian Twi'lek was herself from.

Cambria had been keeping a wary eye on the developments of the current schism that had torn the remaining forces of the Galactic Republic apart. It wasn't long after she was promoted to a Jedi Knight all those years ago, the corruption of the Galactic Republic then and arrogance of the Jedi Order had come to a head. The Twi'lek Jedi had chose to leave the vary Order that had been her home ever since she was three when she arrived at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to be trained in the Jedi Arts. Since then the Jedi Guardian had wandered the galaxy serving the Light and Force, helping those in need, and aiding factions and causes where she could.

Today though one door was closing and another was opening, or so that is what the Force seemed to be telling her. Where that door led to was still a mystery, but it felt right to step through and follow the new path provided.

"Stay close to me. Should we get separated for some reason, there is a transport waiting for you at the starport, Docking Bay Twenty-nine," Cambria explained in her thick Twi'lek accent to the dozen of refugees standing with her. "May the Force be with you," the Jedi Knight offered with a small encouraging smile, then her gold-speckled hazel eyes closed for a brief moment as she reached out with the Force to see if the coast was clear before opening the door of the safe house.

"It is clear. Move swiftly yet casually. We do not want to draw unwanted attention needlessly," she instructed, motioning for them to exit the building before doing so herself, pulling the hood of her bronze-colored cloak up and over her flowing lekku. The safe house wasn't too far from the starport itself for ease of comings and goings, but still could be difficult at times to navigate if certain forces were patrolling.

[member="Nicolas Thorne"] [member="Alexander Sannes"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Chek Zun"] [member="Commander Firestorm"]

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
Firestorm eventually tired of waiting for a response and spoke into the com on the military and jedi comlink frequencies, "Hello,can anyone read me, this is the Venator-Class starship Unbroken, I repeat this is Venator-Class starship Unbroken, if anyone can hear this transmission, I mean no harm to the citizens of this planet, I come to help." He stepped away from the com and turned off the mic. His knew a ship of this size couldn't have gone undetected so why didn't anyone try to contact him on the com. He sat back in a chair on the bridge and waited to see if a response would come in.

[member="Cambria Zadira"][member="Alexander Sannes"][member="Chek Zun"][member="Nicolas Thorne"][member="Valkren Calderon"]
Valkren nodded as he took his hand away from his earpiece, throwing his hand in the air and moving a finger in a circular motion. "Alright ladies and gents, time to get evil! Move your team to your assigned locations along the evacuation routes. Stay in the shadows..Denon is heavily urbanized so once poodoo hits the fan, everyone is a possible target. So keep your heads on the swivel!"

He'd begin to jog away from their position, moving his team toward [member="Nicolas Thorne"]'s position, while the dozen other operators split into two more separate groups, call signed Dagger and Viper teams. Viper team was to move their shooters along the start of the evacuation routes, while Dagger would be on the ass end, covering the escapees as they would board onto [member="Chek Zun][FONT='courier new']'s ships.[/FONT]

[FONT='courier new']Valkren wanted his own men, Saber team, to be dead in the middle of the evacuation route, where Nico was more than likely to be due to his coordinates. He felt as if the loyalists were going to attack, they'd either attack them there, or at the ships in which they would escape by. [/FONT]

[FONT='courier new']If everything went smoothly, no attacks would take place and everyone would make it out without harm. However, that was unlikely. Him and his entire platoon-sized group of twenty-or-so men weren't armored very well, attempting to remain inconspicuous to any hostiles, so they'd have to take their engagements rather cautiously. The most protection they had were lightweight helmets and caps and protection vests over their civilian clothing, making them easy targets to take down.[/FONT]

"[FONT='courier new']Watson, O'Riley..Move to that roof, long guns only. Let us know what you see. The rest, on me.[/FONT]" [FONT='courier new']If they had made it on time to the rooftop to provide overwatch on their section of the evacuation route, they could possibly run into[/FONT] [member="Alexander Sannes"] .

In orbit of Denon, the Atlas opened a communication transmission to Firestorm's ship.

"Unbroken, this is the joint-Directorate-Republic Vessel, the Atlas. We are currently supporting evacuation attempts on the planet below. If you'd like to leave your vessel in orbit, it'd make for a splendid blockade, unless you wish to assist with the ground assets..How copy?"

[member="Commander Firestorm"] | [member="Cambria Zadira"] | [member="Alexander Sannes"] | [member="Chek Zun"] | [member="Nicolas Thorne"]

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
"Atlas I read you, Unbroken's hangar is filled assault walkers, shuttles and LAAT/i gunship troop transports, if you can dock I will allow you access to these to aid in the evacuation. Also if you dock don't be alarmed by lack of anyone on board, I'm the only one. I'm enabling the docking platform now, feel free to dock when your ready I'll be waiting by the platform door when you arrive."

[member="Valkren Calderon"][member="Cambria Zadira"][member="Alexander Sannes"][member="Chek Zun"][member="Nicolas Thorne"]

John Ash

Only by Fire do we become Ash.
Suravi Loyalists
Commander Boor walked up the stage to the podium sitting in the middle of it. A large crowd of soldiers and citizens alike had gathered before it. Their faces all expecting something from the battle-hardened man. He got himself behind the stand and cleared his throat. It was time for him to lit a fire into the hearts of those still loyal to the One True Ruler of the Republic. He placed his hands on the sides of the podium and looked out across the crowd. It was time for him to speak. It was time for them to listen.

" The Republic has been a victim. A victim to the Sith. A victim to the Mandalorians. A victim to every karker claiming to be from a criminal organization. We have been a victim for so long that we have forgotten what it means to stand up for ourselves. We lost our systems, our people, our resources to this weakness that has infested the Republic. The Sith and Mandalorians were allowed to invade us. Rebellions were allowed to take place. But who was it that allowed all of this to happen until the Republic was no more?"

A murmur went through the crowd as everyone attempted to answer the question asked. They didn't know who it was, but they now needed to know who it was that had allowed all the bad to happen to them. Commander Boor was smirking on the inside as he watched their hungry eyes focus on him.

" I will tell you who it was that allowed this to happen. It was the pacifists. It was the politicians. It was the Jedi. They held our fleets and troops back while they played their games in the senate. Our enemies swept through us like a fire while our hands were tied. The weak, the unloyal allowed for us to become the victim! But no more! Our One True Ruler has taken matters into her own hands! She has cut through those who should have been our allies. The Galactic Alliance, The Silver Jedi Order, The New Jedi Order. They all sat back and watched as we were the victim of tragedy after tragedy! But they are getting their just desserts. Atrisa and Naboo have already tasted what our forces can do! We will show all those who forgot their loyalty and dared turn us into victims just what the Republic truly can do. Rise brothers and sister! Rise up and vow yourselves to our One True Ruler Suravi! Cut down all who oppose her will and set this galaxy ablaze while flying the Republic flag!"

As he finished speaking the crowd erupted into zealous cheering. Everyone was losing themselves to the radical ideals just stated. Calls to kill Jedi and politicians began to grow more and more common. Calls to purge the disloyal factions echoes behind it all. Commander Boor walked off the stage towards an intelligence officer waiting for him. As he came close, he was given reports of everything that had been going on. Splinter group after splinter group was being squashed as they spoke. A few were holding out, but soon would not make it out. Large numbers of ships were docked with even larger numbers of people flocking to them. Eyes were on all known Jedi on the planet, particularly [member="Nicolas Thorne"] and [member="Cambria Zadira"] . A report of an ancient Republic ship arriving had also been reported along with a Directorate ship. It was all moving so swiftly.

Commander Boor could almost not contain his excitement. Everything was proceeding in a way that would see him under complete control of Denon and finally he would have war. No longer would they be victims but rather the one victimizing others. He said to the officer as the both walked towards the highly fortified command center, " Send troops to lock down those ships and detain everyone attempting to leave. I do not care if they are not Republic. No ship leaves. Open fire on both ships in orbit and see them slagged. Execute every Jedi and any trooper that is not loyal to Suravi. Ignore any call for help from those who do not swear loyalty to our One True Ruler."

The officer confirmed and rushed off to see every order was carried out right away. Denon was about to flow red, the color that the Republic should have always been to start with. No more weakness. No more games. No more of being the victim.

I will be throwing out general actions every so often. Just do with it as you will. Oh and have fun while you are at it!
[member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Commander Firestorm"] [member="Alexander Sannes"] [member="Chek Zun"]

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
Firestorm set all of the Unbroken's batteries on auto-target mode and fire mode in case any unwelcome force attempting to shoot down or board the ship. If anything hostile so much as popped up on the scanner the sky would be filled with beams of turbolaser fire, proton torpedoes, and point-defense laser fire. He moved the Unbroken into orbit far beyond the planet's atmosphere, out of range of any ground-based batteries as well as activated the ship's deflector shields to maximum strength. He then switched his armor's com frequency to that of the ship's so he could speak with the Atlas if he needed to.
[member="John Ash"][member="Valkren Calderon"][member="Cambria Zadira"][member="Alexander Sannes"][member="Chek Zun"][member="Nicolas Thorne"]
Denon Rooftops

Alexander felt the spike suddenly and his hand itched, wanting to grab at the saber he kept on his person but hidden away in his sleeve. It worried him that he was feeling like that, hands tightening on that staff which remained in his hands and his mind was torn from that thought as those two soldiers that [member="Valkren Calderon"] had sent up to the roof appeared. They seemed like good men and a smile came to Alexander's face as he gave them a quick bow of his head in respect. "Soldiers, Ill get out of your way, do keep these people safe."

He would jump before they could respond with more than a sentence or two in confirmation, stepping off the edge of that roof and launching himself over to the next with the force. Each time he did this was a bit of a strain on his body, but one that he could deal with if it meant keeping a watch on those below. Alexander had never sought out training for his abilities, having chosen to develop them on his own on the streets of Eshan during his rather infamous outings to help people. Oddly enough it was those little outings that gave him the recognition to be elected to the senate back in the day, even if he was only in his teens at the time, but now he was a bit older and a bit better known not only on Eshan but in the Republic too.

Does that mean people know him by sight?

Well, he didn't know but if they did it was something Alexander did not care about. He enjoyed having the spotlight but only when it was needed or acceptable which right now certainly wasn't. Something struck him in the back of the mind, his eyes shooting off to the side to see a line of soldiers he did not recognize. Something was wrong and he stabilized himself once more with the staff, trying to get a closer look at the men as they started to push through people to get to the ship. At first it seemed calm enough but then they started speaking, words that made Alexander angry.

"Any and all getting on these ships will be arrested and put in their place. No one is leaving this planet unless you have permission from the One True Ruler."

Alexander's angered expression turned into a smile and stepping from the roof he dropped. It took him no more than two seconds to land behind the men without a sound, looking at the four and leaning once more against the staff.

"Question, does this One True Ruler of yours have a name, or is this person a spineless, poodoo sucking, deviant... wait no. That is you guys, isn't it?"

Needless to say, they were not happy over his words and the first baton was drawn.

[member="Commander Firestorm"] [member="John Ash"] [member="Cambria Zadira"]

Macharius Solaire

Macharius hastily strode down a side hallway of the parliament building. Flanked by heavily armed guards escorting him to the press conference room to address the nation. The government was in crisis mode as the Republic faction they hosted on Denon seemed to have split. An unexpected turn of events but not one they couldn't handle. After all; Denon was he fallen Republics strongest member. And Denonians were loyal to their homeworld first.​
The ministers had agreed in a rushed session to apply martial law and deploy the military to quell the uprising. Stopping the violence was first and foremost. Arresting the perpetrators. Then latter the expulsion of the Republic.​
The Prime Minister walked into the room and headed right to the podium. There a floating camera adjusted it's lenses on him in preparation to broadcast. Solaire gripped at the podiums sides. Making the right move here was easy because it was in their benefit to do what they were about to. It was just wording it right. he had no speech written. So this was from the heart. All across Denon the large holographic projectors in the skylanes, holoscreens in the homes and businesses of the people, smart phones and any device capable of receiving video and audio would play the announcement. "Emergency! Attention all citizens! This is an announcement from the office of the Prime Minister and Commander In Chief Solaire. Please stand by".

"Citizens of Denon. This is Macharius Solaire. I come before you today to tell you of a threat to our national security, currently unfolding as we speak. And to assure you we are doing our utmost to stop it. Republic Forces, which we have hosted on our world in good faith. Have begun fighting among themselves in the streets, beneath it, in the air and in our space. We do not know the details as to why. But rest assured we will. I implore you in this time of crisis to take shelter in your homes, or where directed to by police and security personnel. This is for everyone's safety.
I have also just held a meeting with the members of parliament. And we have agreed to implement martial law for the duration of this event. And to deploy the armed forces so they can assist the police to bring fighting to an end. I have no further details to tell you about what is going on at the moment. Please stay on this channel. More information will follow from my fellow ministers.
Stay strong Denon. Remember we are stronger than any. Those who threaten the safety of our world's peace, sovereignty, property, and most of all you, the people. Will know our justice and taste our steel. We're coming Republic traitors. Solaire signing off".
Macharius left the podium empty for all those watching to see before it cut out to an image of the Denonian flag. The Prime Minister wasn't going to idly stand behind everyone who would be fighting. Macharius was a soldier long before he was a politician. He would don his armor, pick up his weapon, and fight shoulder to shoulder with his forces and allies against those that stabbed Denon in the back.​

[member="Anastasia Snow"]
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]
[member="Chek Zun"]
[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Heron Teradalch"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]
[member="Jasper Varanin"]
[member="John Ash"]
[member="Jordun Darko."]
[member="Matthew Calderon"]
[member="Myles Skyreaper"]
[member="Nicolas Thorne"]
[member="Perpa Morgowray"]
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Valkren Calderon"]
[member="William Pike"]
[member="Commander Firestorm"]
[member="Alexander Sannes"]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Nicolas replied to the Preisdente with his current coordinates, but couldn’t stay on the line very long as his agent on the inside called again.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Thorne, we have trouble from two angles. Commander <Insert Name> has called for the cessation of [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]any[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] ships leaving Denon. He’s also called for your arrest, and the arrest of any Jedi or troopers who don’t swear loyalty to their One true ruler.” She spoke quickly and quietly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Get out of there…” He said, worried that she would over-extend herself behind enemy lines.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Nico, I told you there were two. The second is the Prime Minister of Denon.” She paused for a moment, then continued. “He’s called out the Denon standing army to try to quell the fighting.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“What fighting?” Nicolas asked, looking up and down the street he was standing on. His people were continuing to evacuate along the route in groups, some of his troops were visible, but they weren’t impeding anything and he couldn’t hear any blaster fire.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“I haven’t received any reports of fighting just yet…” She paused again, then cursed softly. “Scratch that, I have reports that some of Suravi’s bunch have made for the space port. Also, they’ve taken an orbital gun and have started targeting the [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Atlas[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px].”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Tell them to get out of orbit, and you get to a transport. Get out of there, we can’t risk you there anymore, things are going to be fully in the open soon.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Gotcha Nico, stay safe.” Then she signed off. Nicolas smiled at her telling him to remain safe. She was in the most dangerous post of this evacuation. He pulled up his commlink and toggled it to a government channel.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Nicolas Thorne for Macharius Solaire.” He’d neglected to get the Denonian PM involved, partly out of the hopes that they’d be able to evacuate without any incidents, and partly because he couldn’t be sure the PM wasn’t in Suravi’s pocket. The connection went live, and Nicolas started speaking. “Minister Solaire, this is Jedi Knight Nicolas Thorne. I’m requesting assistance, I am removing my people from Denon, but some of Suravi’s men are trying to stop this. I assume they will get violent. Can I count on your aid?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]He switched frequencies for a moment to update the Directorate and other forces.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Chek, Saber One, we have movement from Suravi’s bunch. They are heading for the spaceport first. I am en route to intercept them and trying to contact the Denonian Prime Minister for backup.” [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Nicolas then started moving. He stayed on the streets, moving in the direction of the evacuation for a few blocks before cutting through some narrower alleys. This let him cut ahead and get closer to the spaceport more quickly than the civilians they were evacuating. As he moved, he hoped silently that the Denonian PM wouldn’t prove to be a hindrance.[/SIZE]

[member="anastasia snow"]
[member="ayumi pallopides"]
[member="chek zun"]
[member="faith organa"]
[member="heron teradalch"]
[member="jamie pyne"]
[member="jasper varanin"]
[member="john ash"]
[member="jordun darko."]
[member="matthew calderon"]
[member="myles skyreaper"]
[member="nicolas thorne"]
[member="perpa morgowray"]
[member="sanya val swift"]
[member="valkren calderon"]
[member="william pike"]
[member="Commander Firestorm"]
[member="Alexander Sannes"]
[member="macharius solaire"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Interrogation of two Sith during the Atrisia incident had yielded some disturbing knowledge. Naboo authorities had confirmed it. Then a terrorist assault had followed - on Theed, of all places. It all added up: for the tenth or twelfth time since Jasper had started following these things, the Republic had gone off the deep end.

If there was legitimacy to be found in anything called a Republic these days, it lay with the plans and ambitions of Jedi Knight Nicolas Thorne. That much was clear enough, and so Jasper had offered his services. He'd spearheaded the modification scheme that extended the operational life of the Republic's Valkyrie dropships. Those dropships crowded the staging area, and guess who had to be on-site for repairs. Yeah.

Fortunately, the worst he'd seen from Suravi Teigra loyalists was the occasional distant blaster shot. He rather doubted they answered to her in any substantive way, but in the end it didn't really matter. She’d become their symbol either way.

And now, by all accounts, soldiers were executing Jedi in her name.

Jasper worked as quickly as humanly possible.
Alexander's smile was cut short by the announcement from [member="Macharius Solaire"], which played behind him and caused his eyes to break contact with those Suravi Loyalists to see what it was.

The change in his focus was enough to catch a baton to the face, shaking him once more and sending him back a few steps with his vision blurred. He did not enjoy the metallic feeling in his mouth or the mark that felt like skin had broken around it. The pain was there but to the side at this point as he got mad again and gripped the pole tighter before stepping forward and thrusting it out into the man's stomach, glaring at his face with another smile creeping up his face.

"You know, It is a good thing I don't like blood, or this would be worse." He said to the stunned Loyalist before pulling the staff back and then swinging it around until it cracked down on the man's skull and sent him to the ground. He would live, but there was no getting up without a headache in the next few hours. His bodies did not seem to enjoy seeing this though as another stepped in and slammed his baton into Alexander's back, the next coming at his side and knocking him nearly on his ass.

He was not happy about this development and turned his body to slam the staff into the side of the first loyalist, knocking him to the side so that Alexander could focus on the next man. He spent no time focusing on the next target and tossed his body against the man, putting a bit of force behind his body and hoping to catch the man off guard considering how small Alexander probably looked. Thankfully Alexander had enough training to add that extra bit of oomph needed to knock the man down.

"Ok shit stain, good night." He rose enough to swing his hand into the man's skull, looking to take him out and turn his focus back on the last one. It worked and put the man out but he soon found an electric current going through him and causing his muscles to spasm, the other having retrieved his baton and applying its secondary feature now.

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